
If Only

Jiyong wakes from his slumber and it's probably the most sleep that he has ever had in his life as the sun creeps in the room. The younger has never slept on such amazing fabrics and didn't know that beds could feel this amazing. 

"I see that you are awake now my love" says a voice on the other side of the bed. Jiyong shyly turns over and stares at the man in the bed. He has never shared a bed with anyone in his life...let alone a prince. 

"I'm slept well...thank you...." says Jiyong with a smile. 

"You hungry?" 

Jiyong nods. "Ne. I will probably go to the kitchen in a bit." 

The older laughs. "You never should go to the kitchen when there are maids my love." 

Jiyong almost forgets about the fully staffed house who are waiting to wait on him. "Oh yeah...but I can do it..." 

"You can...but you don't. Get use to it baby. You will never have to do such things again." Says the older with a smile. "Gummy?" A woman appears from the corner and Jiyong blushes because he didn't know she was even there. She bows. "Yes Prince Seunghyun." 

"Please prepare us breakfast and prepare Jiyong's royal attire." 

"Royal attire...Prince?" says Jiyong looking at his lover. 

"Mother is coming by. Word has gotten out that you  are staying here. She is delighted that our relationship has progressed." 

"But she doesn't know...that I'm..." 

"We will tell her...soon I promise...if you could just do this for me again..." 

Jiyong then  sits up in the bed. "I can't lie to her again....I just can't knowing that I'm wanting to be with you." 

"Well can just tell her in time." 

"Easily said for someone of royal blood. I could get killed for such family..." Jiyong then stands from the bed in his night gown. "My family...appa...oh God..." says Jiyong putting a hand over his face. 

Seunghyun smiles. "I told you I would get them right?" 

"I can't just leave them there...they are in so much trouble..I can't do this..." The man then sprints out the room. 

"Jiyong!" says the man now chasing after Jiyong who doesn't know which room is which in the rather large palace. Jiyong is already out of breath and distressed how can a place be so big.. He doesn't know where he is going because all the rooms look the same and yesterday he was too sick to remember. "Jiyong!" 

The younger continues to ignore the voice once he sees the stairs. He runs down them quickly to the main hall but stops when he hears laughter. Laughs of joy that he knows too well. He slowly walks over to a room..."Appa..." Jiyong looks into the room and everyone is there. His father, Dami, Seungri, Cherin, and Youngbae. 

"Hyung...what's wrong...why are you so sweaty?" says Seungri with a smile. He is in better clothes and you can tell that he has had a bath since his skin is free of dirt and grime. 

Jiyong looks everyone over and can't help but cry. Seunghyun finally makes it over to where Jiyong is and says out of breath. " can run fast...I told you I would get everyone right?" 

Mr. Kwon smiles and bows. "It was our Prince's kindness that gained all of our freedom. We arrived last night. You were sleep when we got here so we all washed and were fed well." Seungri smiles. "I got my own room hyung. It's really nice and the pillow had feathers in it!" 

Jiyong smiles and then looks at Cherin. "How did you get here?" 

"I couldn't bare not to see you again. Plus all my family is here...not in that snobby household...I just couldn't anymore." says Cherin with a smile. "Plus Youngbae Oppa and Seungri and I can help you with  your transformation later today for the queen." 

Jiyong looks at them all. "You are all in this?" 

"Ne...anything to help you out." says Seungri. "Plus the perks are nice. We could all end up living nice lives if we stick together." 

Jiyong smiles. "I love you all" He looks back at the Prince. "I really do...but I can't lie anymore..." 

Cherin goes up to her Oppa. "Just need you to do it one more time...or a couple please please." 

A servant bows. "We heard word that the Queen is on her way." 

Seunghyun the speaks. "Jiyong ah...please...this is the only way to our happiness." 

The younger then slowly nods. "Ne ne..." Gummy then smiles putting a hand on Jiyong's shoulder making him turn back. "Come come. We must dress you properly as a future princess." 

Jiyong then mutters. "What am I doing." 

Dami then smiles. "But you are happy right." 

Jiyong smiles again looking at his love ."Ne." 


Cherin insisted on helping with Jiyong's dressing. It's not that she doesn't know what she is doing. She is a noble so the routine is very familiar. The ladies enjoy her company as well and find it fun how Jiyong is comfortable around her. 

"Aish will you sit still." Says Cherin slipping Jiyong's outer layer of Hanbok. 

"You wear all of this everyday?" says Jiyong feeling all the layers. 

"Not everyday but for special occasions yes." says Cherin tying a couple of things. Gummy then comes in with a box of royal make up. Jiyong then sits as makeup is applied to his face. Lips are painted red and cheeks are pink as flowers. Jiyong really is stunning dressed as a woman. Seunghyun comes in to see the progress and can't help but stare at the man. 

Jiyong plays with his fingers. "I look crazy huh..." 

"You look stunning my love. For I have never see such beauty" says the older coming closer to place his hand in the smaller one's. "You will be fantastic baby." 

"Where will we be meeting the Queen?"

"In the tea room." says Seunghyun with a smile. "Hopefully you won't choke on the tea again when the talks of marriage arise again." 

The ladies in the room giggle and Jiyong blushes to the words. "Seunghyun..." Jiyong whines. The ladies then freeze to Jiyong calling the Prince by his first name. The couple blushes madly making Cherin laugh a bit. "Oppas are close now" 

Gummy smiles. "We are almost finished. The Queen will love your attire today." The attire today is of the royal crest. Jiyong is a little nervous because these clothes are not just for anyone to wear. Seunghyun comes over and takes Jiyong's hand. "You are royalty now. Keep your head up." 

Jiyong does as told as he is lead through the house to the tea room. The man sits while he waits the arrival of the the Queen. It's not to longer before she arrives and she must have told the driver to hit the horses to go faster. The woman comes into the palace and Servants take her belongings. She goes over to the tea room where Seunghyun greets her first. Jiyong rises as they hug and looks Jiyong over. "You look stunning Countess." 

"Thank you your highness." Jiyong bows slightly with hands placed on his belly to show respect. 

The Queen nods as Jiyong rises. "Let's have tea now. I want to see how my wonderful couple is doing. And I must say I was delighted you decided to stay with my Seunghyun in his summer palace." 

"This is your palace Prince?" 

Seunghyun smiles. "Ne. One of many." The older smiles as Jiyong tries to take in the amount of wealth this family truly has. 

"Countess How are you getting use to the palace. Is it to your liking?" 

"Oh it's wonderful. I have been treated with welcoming arms." says Jiyong with a smile. He is really trying to be the perfect princess but his hanbok is a little itchy today. The younger smiles a bit when he feels a hand scratching his back a bit...and the Queen doesn't even notice. Jiyong eyes the older and Seunghyun does nothing but smile. "How is father?" 

"He's the same...still stubborn and won't let me redecorate the west wing." 

"I'm sure he will with time." says Seunghyun knowing his father's habits. 

"Do you draw Jiyong?" 

Jiyong fidgets with his fingers. "Ne...I can also write poems.' Theses are things he learned from Cherin's lessons. 

"Oh how accomplished you are." She then looks at her son. "Have you two decided a wedding date?" 

Jiyong almost drops his tea earning a laugh from the Queen. "I'm sorry..." says Jiyong in an embarrassed tone. 

The Queen nods. "Royalty tends to speed weddings. We like to give our titles quickly. Princess." 

Jiyong almost stutters. "Princess..." 

"Ne...what else would you be called Countess?" says the Queen sipping more tea. 

Jiyong nods and then suddenly stands. "Please excuse me" The woman nods. "Please." 

Jiyong then walks out of the room. Seunghyun then follows behind. "Countess...countess." Jiyong stops in his tracks and turns around. Fear is running through his bones. Seunghyun then takes the smaller hand and pulls them in a room closing the door. "Is this too much?" 

Jiyong shakes his head. "I'm sorry...just the thoughts...of her finding out...." 

"Finding out what?" says the Queen coming into the room with a look on her face. "I felt that there was something that you were hiding. Please tell me now for I will not be in the right mood if told later. Are you expecting a child?" 

Jiyong makes a look at his lover. Seunghyun then speaks first. "The not a countess..." The Queen is then confused. "If you are not a countess...then who are you...?" says the woman with a laugh. "You are a noble...I can forgive the title...who are you the father of?" 

Seunghyun then looks at his mother. "Forgive us." 

"Seunghyun you are scaring me..." says the older with a look. 

"This person is not a noble...this person...was a servant..." 

"Seunghyun..." says the woman looking the two over. "Countess...please tell me this is a are too accomplished to be a servant." 

"He's telling the truth...and there's one more thing." Jiyong figured it's all or nothing. He removes his wig revealing his shorter hair. "My name is Jiyong..." 


"Ne... "he puts his head down. 

Seunghyun then confesses. "He's a man...." 

The woman almost loses her balance as her son catches her. "A man?" 

The older nods. "Ne mother...are you okay?" 

The woman then passes out cold in her son's arms. Jiyong freaks out passing back and forth. "I knew this would be bad!" he screams. Seunghyun then yells down t he hall and people come to take the Queen to the nearest guest room. She is placed in the bed and Seunghyun watches over her. The older looks scared and sorry at the same time. Not much is said to Jiyong because his main focus is his mother at the moment. 

Jiyong goes down the hall to his family. "So what she say Jiyong?" says Bae with worry. Jiyong then sits on a chair. "This might be the end of me..." 

////////////////////2 hours later///////////////////

Eyes slowly open. "Mother!" 

The woman then smiles at her son as she sits up in bed. "Oh son I had the worst dream. I was having tea with the countess...and can you believe that she said she was a he!" The woman laughs a bit but slowly stops are she is gaining no reaction from her son. She takes in her surroundings and here comes reality. "Seunghyun!" The woman beats her fist on her son's chest. "How could you play with me like this. I have not raised a son as such!!!" she is angry and Jiyong can hear it through the walls. "When were you planning to tell me! God forbid your father finds out about this...that man could be killed for your stupid mind!" 

"Mother I love him!" says Seunghyun "My mind body and soul needs him in my life. I have never met anyone who has been a equal to me. He speaks life in my soul and makes me want to do better. I can't....I can't live with out him...please mother...forgive us...forgive him...." 

"How will you expand our kingdom. We need someone to take your spot one day. We need sons. Jiyong can't give us sons..." 

"We will figure that out later..." 

"Later? You talk as if he will be sharing a throne with you....Seunghyun come to your senses. Take that man back to where he came from." 

"I can't do that mother..." says the dark eyes. 

"We will disown you..." 

"Then I renounce my thrown." 

The woman looks into her son's eyes ."You would do that for him?" 

Seunghyun answers straightly. "Yes. I will do what ever it takes." 

"Leave mind needs rest" 

The older bows and leaves the room. Only to see Jiyong standing next to the door. "Jiyong?" 

The younger looks at the man worried. "I need to flee from this place...I'm not safe here..." 

"Jiyong..." says the older hating that Jiyong heard that whole conversation. 

"It was fun...but we need to go to our proper places in life." 

"Don't give me that speech again.  You are not going any where..." 

"To then do what? Wait for my death?" says Jiyong in a loud whisper. The older doesn't know what comes over him but he pushes Jiyong into the wall capturing him in a heated kiss. The two can't let go of each other as their lips allow their kiss to become deeper. Jiyong clenches his lover's royal robes and they release the kiss with eyes of love. 

Seunghyun Jiyong's hair over looking the worried face. "Don't leave me...I love you." 

"You love me?" says Jiyong breathlessly. 

"I love you dearly. Be mine and stay by my side." Seunghyun almost feels selfish asking such a thing but he needs Jiyong. He can't lose him. Never. 

///////////////////hours later////////////////

Jiyong is sleeping alone as Seunghyun is down stairs talking with Jiyong's family assuring their safety. Jiyong has been sleep for hours because simply today was exhausting and his health is not 100 percent yet. 

The man sits up as he sees a figure in the room. "Who's there?" 

The person comes closer and Jiyong jumps out of bed to the floor with his head bowed. "Rise" says the Queen with a firm voice. Jiyong who is half sleep watches as the woman looks Jiyong over in his nightly attire. she looks him from head to toe and those eye are a very intense stare. The younger fidgets with his clothes as the woman gets closer. 

"So you love him huh?" says the woman looking in his eyes. Jiyong nods. "Ne..." 

"Is it because of his money? His title? His body?" says the woman questioning him. 

The younger takes a deep breath not looking the woman in the eyes. "It's neither of those things your highness." 

"You are telling me that you truly love him for who he is?" 

"Ne your highness. If you wish for us to not be together...I will leave at once...and never...never...see him again." says Jiyong with his head low and a tear escaping his eye. 

"You would do that?" says the woman raising an eyebrow at the man. 

Jiyong nods with a sniffle. "Ne...because family is dear to me. I have sinned and lied to you too. I do not wish for Seunghyun to have a bad relationship with his mother." 

"What about you?" 

"I will give up my love and learn to live with out him." 

"Just like that?" 

The younger nods and wipes more tears away. The door to the room bust open and Seunghyun comes running to Jiyong's side. He heard from another servant that his mother woke up. To not see her in bed he knew what was going on. The older runs to Jiyong's side looking the younger over. "Are you okay?" The older looks Jiyong over with worry and the Queen watches the interaction of the two. Jiyong catches the Queen's eyes and looks down again as his lover keeps rambling about his health. 

"You do love each other huh?" says the Queen with a slow smile to her face. 

Seunghyun is confused. "Do you accept us?" 

The woman looks at her son. "I can only accept for it is for your happiness that I live. Jiyong is a good man and I can tell he truly loves you."

"You tested him?" The older smiles. 

The woman nods and comes over to Jiyong. "Give your mother in law a hug" 

Seunghyun smiles brightly and pushes Jiyong towards her arms as she holds the younger man in an embrace. "Sorry if I was was just a shock...I can here to see if your love was valid" She releases the hug and laughs a bit. "No more lies you two." She looks between the two and places a kiss on Jiyong's cheek. "You are indeed beautiful." Jiyong blushes and nods a bit. "Thank you your highness." 

The woman smiles. "Oh it's mother in law now." Jiyong smiles a bit. "You can look me in the eyes Jiyong. We are equals in class. We now need to get your father on board for this marriage." 

Seunghyun then smiles at Jiyong. "My mom is cool" 


*Thanks for reading!! I hope that you like this story still! Please comment and subcribe! Love you all!

 Elise Choi


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KikiGTOP #1
It's 2020 I'm here re-reading this story.
I love your stories!!!
I hope you're well. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: I love this story so muchhhhh!!!
vododoll #3
Chapter 10: Thaaaaaank u for this amazing story really reallyyyyy love itttt another one pleaseeeeeeee ~~~
Chapter 10: PRINCESS JIEUN OMFFFFF I DIDN'T EXPECT IT AT FIRST AND READY TO KREIYING RAINBOW TEARS ;________; the Queen is definity rock!!!! She accepted Jiyong as long as her Seunghyun happy with him omomomomomomo Seunghyun must've been very happy but yea his father asdfghjkl at least he agreed their telationship afterall HEHEHEHEHEH I'm pleased with their reunion luvsluvs. I love this fiction, keep on a good work! xx
Wysmom #5
Chapter 10: I loved this story so much.
Chapter 10: oh so beautiful :):) keep writting you're very very good
Chapter 9: indeed his mom (Queen) is cool :):) I'm happy
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy... This is sooooo sweet and beautiful <3 thanks for bring jiyong/jieun to seunghyun again hahaha i'm so in love with this story :)) thank you. <3
Chapter 10: Thank you for the wonderful story :) it was so fluffy and sweet through out the whole story.
lightaway #10
Chapter 10: I have so much fun reading this :)
Thank you for the happy ending. I they'd never be married. I'm glad i was wrong. Kekeke~
I love your fic and i love your writing style. Keep writing *^O^*