
If Only

"Shall we try again Jiyong?" says the queen lifting a tea cup. Jiyong does as told and lifts up the tea and slowly sips. "Good good. With finess and refinement. Well done Jiyong. You will make a great princess." 

Yep...princess it will be because Seunghyun's dad the King is only in his early 50s he is not going to give up the throne quite yet. Which is also a good thing. Jiyong can really learn to love his marriage. The thing that will is that no one in the court can know of his true idenity and Jiyong is prepared for that. 

Seunghyun comes into the tea room. "Can I steal my princess for a moment." The Queen nods. "Ne Jiyong has been a delight today as he has mastered tea like a true princess."  Jiyong smiles. "Thank you. He bows slightly" 

The Queen smiles. "Remember Jiyong you are now royalty. You only bow to me and the King. Never bow to anyone else and always speak to them imformally. That is the way." 

Jiyong nods. It will be a hard for him to just talk to people imformal because he is so use to being on the other side of things. Seunghyun comes over and takes Jiyong's hand. "I have something to show you in the garden." Jiyong smiles. "Oh what is it?" says the younger curiously. Seunghyun takes the younger into the gardens where it is very lush and secluded. They go around many trees and different flowers until they make it to the middle of the garden. 

There are tables full of food and cakes and anything that you could desire. Jiyong looks at everything. "What's the party for?" 

Seunghyun laughs a bit. "You really don't know?" 

Everyone comes out and yells Happy Birthday to Jiyong. Of course Jiyong looks clueless at the surprise making Seungri laugh a bit. "I told you Hyung wouldn't remember." Jiyong's dad tears up a bit. "Jiyong happy birthday son." 

Jiyong looks around and at all the people that he loves. "How did you find out?" says the younger looking at Seunghyun. The prince laughs. "Well I asked your dad and when I realized it was today we kind of threw this little party together....." 

Jiyong goes over to the cakes that Chaerin is looking over with drool. Jiyong laughs. "Come on...I know you want this cake." 

Seunghyun smiles. "But not before Jiyong. You have the first bite." 

Jiyong looks at a cake and takes some icing from the top of it...only to get scolded lightly by the Queen. "Jiyong shi...remember our teachings." Jiyong laughs a bit to himself and takes a plate and carefully  cuts a piece. It is nicely done and even Chaerin is impressed. "Well done I can eat." says the younger going to get a plate seconds later. She can feel the Queen's eyes on her but she doesn't feel threatened...Her mom Gummy is more of a presence. "Oooooooh strawberry too." 

Jiyong then huffs. "Yah your diet. You complain about your thighs all the time." says Jiyong quietly to the younger consuming all the sweets. Chaerin laughs. "Well not today muhaha. Happy Birthday Oppa." 

"How old are you Hyung?" says Seungri. 

Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. "Dunno." 

Jiyong's dad laughs. "You are 26" 

"Oh I didn't know that you were that close in age with me." says Seunghyun with a smile. "I'm a year older than you." 

"So you are really my Hyung huh?" says Jiyong with a smile but Seunghyun laughs lightly. "But you are my fiance so I'm not your hyung." says the older lightly guiding Jiyong to a near by table. There is one table where everyone is sitting and two special seats for the prince and Jiyong. 

Youngbae looks around at his surroundings. "I would have never thought of being in a place like this...ever..." 

Seunghyun smiles. "Well get use to it. You all will live in the palace with Jiyong." 

"We will?" says Seungri with a smile. 

"Of course" says Seunghyun to everyone. "You should live life and be merry with us." 

Jiyong smiles and continues to eat. He looks at a table full of presents. "Those gifts for me too?" 

"Oh yes yes." says the Queen excited. "They were wrapped in fine papers today and most gifts were picked out my everyone. So there is something from us all." 

Jiyong doesn't know why but he starts to tear up. "Thank you...aish...why am I crying." Seunghyun wipes a tear. "This is why I love you" 

The family opens gifts and most of them are clothing or something that Jiyong can use for daily things. Things such as combs and more than one pair of pants will be something for him to get use to. The last gift is of course from Seunghyun. Jiyong smiles as he opens the box to reveal a key. "What is this for?" 

"It's a key to our home." 


"This palace is yours and mine my love." 

Jiyong shakes his head. "This is too much...I can't." says the younger looking up at the prince. Seunghyun laughs a bit and steals a kiss making the two blush. "You are my bride my prince. This is all yours now my love." Jiyong is taking this all really taking it in as he holds the key. This key is his future. Why not accept it. "Thank you" 

The Queen then clears her voice for everyone to look at her. "Well there is one thing that must be done before we claim anything. Jiyong must meet the king and he must get his approval of him being a man." 

"But mother must we..." 

"You know better than I that we must not lie to our King for we will commit treason and have our bodies exiled." It sounds terrible but that's how things work. If you lie to the king you might as well consider yourself dead. 

Jiyong looks fearful but Seunghyun comforts his love. "He will love you...we just need to approach him the right way. Don't worry..." 


Jiyong is in bed reading a book from the library. He has never read novels before only poems and writings of political greats. He knows the laws of the land very well and can quote pretty much everything you can think of. He is very accomplished for how he was brung up as a slave. 

"So do you like that book?" says Seunghyun getting into bed. Jiyong is still a bit nervous being in bed with the man. Jiyong shyly nods. "Ne. It's very nice. Thank you for the books." 

"If you want more I can get them." 

Jiyong puts the book down. "Are you tired Seunghyun?" 

"Ne...long day tomorrow." 

Jiyong decided that he wanted to see the King sooner than later. He wants to either get accepted or rejected quickly so that he can return to his old life and just move on. Jiyong hates to think this way but look at how he lived in the past...there was no hope...

Seunghyun comes closer to the younger and cuddles the younger. "You happy?" 

Jiyong nods "Ne." 

"Truely?" says Seunghyun kissing Jiyong's neck gently. Jiyong hums in response and just lays there but then suddenly turns over. "What will you do if the King rejects me?" 

"I will go and be a slave with you." says the prince with a grin. 

"No...really...what will you do?" 

"I will be forced to marry...that is the deal between mother and I...." 


"Don't take offense. But we both know that we are risking a lot...including my mother. We must gain father's approval. That's why my mother personally trained you to be a more refined. She wants you to be as close to perfect as possible." 

"But I'm not perfect. I'm just Jiyong who was once a slave." 

"Ne...but you are now Jiyong who is becoming royalty soon. Forget the past." 

Jiyong gets a little offended. "But my past makes me who I am today. How could you say that so easy..." The younger turns over and Seunghyun hates himself for a moment. "I'm sorry. I didn't think." 

Jiyong turns over. "See...we are so different don't you see..." 

"We lived different life styles...but we still learned to love each other. We both know what was instored...if you didn't want to take this risk you would have left me and I know you know how to. I'm not saying to pretend...or forget your past. I'm just asking you to forget the negative that brought you down in the past...keep only the good. Like your family and what good you could give them the rest of their lives." 

"I know...I'm grateful. It just that I can't let everyone have a good life....that people on Yang's land are still living the life I did....I know that's a reality that I can't fix right now..." 

"But in the castle you can have that power to speak your mind. We could change things. Remember. I will be King one day. Nothing will stay the same forever. " says the older wrapping an arm back around Jiyong. Jiyong turns over and stares the man in the dimly lit room. "You promise you will change things and give my people more rights." 

"Of course my love." says Seunghyun kissing Jiyong's forehead to then kissing his nose gently. "You make me want to do a lot of good. Now go to sleep"

//////////////////////early morning

"WHERE IS HE!!!!?! CHOI SEUNGHYUN!" screams a booming voice that is coming near. Seunghyun jumps out of bed as he hears the voice. "Father!" screams the man looking at Jiyong. "Come here quick!" screams Seunghyun again as he pulls the man in to the bathing quarters to dress him. The King is coming for them...he at least wants Jiyong dress even in this situation. Jiyong is scared out of his mind because the voice of the King is very powerful as it echos through the castle.

You can hear the Queen down stairs trying to calm the King down. "Please Dear calm down. Why are you here so early?"

The King looks the woman in the eyes. "Don't tell me it's true?"

"What do you mean."

"Don't lie to me. I'm going to ask you this once."

The Queen then sighs. "You don't need to ask because your eyes say it all."

"SO it's son...and that....slave?"

"Who told you" says The Queen following the man throughout the palace. "Who told you?" she says again. The King turns around and looks at the Queen "Well his owner told me that he was missing not one but many slaves that my son sent to get. And one is his lover. JIYONG!!!!!" The King looks at the guards. "Bring me that man this instant. Use force if nessessary"

Seunghyun comes down stairs with Jiyong holding his hand. "No need father because he will not be treated as such in my presence."

"Have I not treated you well...what made you think that this will work...what makes you think that I will accept this..."

The Queen interjects. "Jiyong is the son of a Countess."

"WHO IS NOW A SLAVE." says the King still clearly pissed the man is tall like Seunghyun and has dark eyes that can cut through you like his son. "GUards! TAKE HIM AT ONCE AND BRING HIM AND THE REST OF THOSE PEOPLE BACK TO WHERE THEY BELONG"

Seunghyun then screams as the men draw closer to Jiyong. "DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM! DON'T YOU TOUCH. HIM!" Says the Seunghyun in a cry. The guards looks sad as well as they come closer to Jiyong. "Please Jiyong shi...." says one of the guards because they don't want to use force. Jiyong looks at Seunghyun with a smile. "I will always love you" He then starts to losen his grips on Seunghyun's hand making the older grab his wrist but the guards hold him back making Seunghyun exhert all of his energy just to get to Jiyong. "JIYONG! Noooo!!!!" screams the man again in a begging cry. He falls to his feet as Jiyong has his hands tied and a royal robe is slipped off of his shoulders.

The rest of Jiyong's family comes down the stairs including Chaerin they are just as scared and don't know what is to come of them. The King looks at them all and then looks at Jiyong. "People like you don't belong here...forget about us....Take them..." 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" screams Seunghyun again and Jiyong can't even look at the man as tears rush down his eyes all the way out of the palace. Seunghyun pushes his way to the door with six men still holding the man back. It's heart breaking as you can see blood from his feet with the struggle. "I WILL FIND YOU. I WILL SAVE YOU. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART. YOU ARE MY LOVE. YOU ARE MY...." The Prince can't even talk because he is sobbing to the point of not even thinking straight. 

The slaves are loaded in a cart and they are taken off into the darkness. Jiyong is scared out of his mind of what is to come. Seungri is crying too and Jiyong can't help but hold the younger in his arms. "It will be alright...I will protect you." 

Seungri then cries. "I will be wipped we all will be..." 

///////////////The palace

Seunghyun runs up to his father and guards surround the king. "I will never forgive you." 

"You can't live this way son..." says the King still angry. "We have tradition...." 


"How will you produce an heir...." 

"We could have someone carry it for us..." 

"You will marry in 3 months and that is that." 

Seunghyun then grips his hand. "I will not marry. I will never marry" 

"You will marry...that is  a order." 

"Am I not your I not deserve happiness." 

"You will be a King. What is best for the kingdom will be your happiness." 

"What makes a great King is a happy household...are those not your words..." 

"Times have changed." The King looks at his Queen and his son. "Time to go home..." They do as told. 

/////////////////////Three months later//////////////////

It's three months later and Seunghyun is putting on his royal robes. It's the day of his wedding and as usual for a royal wedding he has never met the princess and they are to marry and produce an heir within two years. 

Seunghyun has had it hard the past three months how he can't even go out of the palace because it is forbidden. THoughts of Jiyong cross his mind and today especially he wishes that he was here. Daesung comes into the room. "You almost ready?" 

Seunghyun nods and sits down. The actual cereonmony is not until a hour later so Seunghyun can rest a bit. "I can't believe that this will happen soon." Daesung nods. "Ne..." 

"I will not be able to love her...and I feel that will not be fair...." says Seunghyun. "I don't even like can I even lay with her on our wedding night...." 

Daesung sighs. "It's the duty of the King. You must make the sacrifice. Please her and be a good Prince and King when the time comes. Maybe one day you could get Jiyong back." 

"I don't think that he could ever forgive me...or even come near this place because of my father. He was so harsh...he didn't even look at me the last time we saw each other. If I only I could just be with him now. I would plow fields for him...." 

"But you know that could never happen. You can't give up this...this is your calling your highness." 

The Queen comes into the room. "You ready?" 

Seunghyun nods. "Ne....where is father." 

"He is already seated and ready for the ceremony." The Queen who is dressed in an elegant hanbok leads her sad son out of his quarters. The walk is slow as the two approach the royal grand hall. The doors are huge as the room is lit by the day light and a crowd of people of the court cheer as they finally see the guest of honor. The Queen walks down the asile first and people look at her in awe with her pale white skin and red hanbok. She goes and takes her seat next to the King placing her hand in his. 

The King nods and music starts to play and the Prince walks down in royal robes to then take his place. Seunghyun doesn't look happy at all and the court can see his expression. The King then growls. "Look happy will ya..." 

Seunghyun ignores his father as he listens for the music to change. People then look down the asile and look as the bride starts to go down the asile. No one can see her face as it is tradition in their kingdom the bride is to remain hidden from the Kingdom and only the husband shall see her face first. 

Seunghyun sighs and only looks at the floor he doesn't really to look at the bride. He just...doesn't want to be here. The bride then stops in front of the Prince and every one in the crowd talks of how elegant the bride walks. Seunghyun does as told and takes the brides veil and slips the cover over. Tears rush down the man's eyes.

"Ji...." he says quietly. 

Jiyong smiles from below and says in a soft voice. "It is Jieun." Seunghyun then takes the hand of the bride and nods a lot. "Ne it is..." the man cries some more and Jiyong can't help but cry as well. Seunghyun looks up at his dad. "How..." 

The King laughs ."I live for my Kingdom and my family." Mr. Kwon comes out and shakes hands with the King. "Yah prince!" screams familiar voices in the crowd and Seunghyun sees everyone well dressed and happy. 

Seunghyun then bows deeply to his father. "Thank you. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful bride. I love you Jieun" The crowd is shocked to the sudden love talks and they all cheer. The preist then clears his throat. "We shall now proceed with the ceremony between the prince and Countess" 

The ceremony takes place and Jiyong is beautiful in the royal dressings. His hanbok is of the finest silks and his skin is fair. Seunghyun can't help from looking at him. "HUm prince...." 

" ne...." The crowd laughs and Jiyong laughs too. "Pay attention." Seunghyun then looks at Jiyong "I am paying attention to what's important." 

The preist clears his throat. "Well this is by the far the most interesting. Do you Prince Choi Seunghyun.." "Yes yes yes and yes" 

"Please let me finish..." 

Seunghyun nods. "Oh sorry..." 

"Do you take Jieun to be your forever?" 


"And do you take the Prince to be yours forever and to be by his side." 


"By the Power of The King I shall pronounce you Prince and Princess." The crowd cheer and the two are lead to two thrones next to the King and Queen. Jiyong sits in the seat and his ladies in waiting present the crown. They slowyly place the crown on his head and the crowd cheers even more. "Wow..." says Jiyong holding his husband's hand a little tighter. 

Seunghyun then grins at Jiyong. "It only gets better" Jiyong looks at the cheering crowd and talks of the goodlooking royal family. Jiyong can't help but be in awe with how this all happened. It was not even 3 weeks being back at Yangs the royal guards came to get Jiyong again. They all thougth that they were going to be banished but really they were taken to the same palace they were kicked out of only to meet the King himself. Jiyong and the King spoke for hours and finally the King gave in and realized that Jiyong is indeed worthy of being next to his son. Jiyong is not only accomplished he can be trusted as a great partner for his son. 

The King doesn't do this often either. He even apologized to Jiyong. For the next 2 months Jiyong was in serious training to prepare for the wedding. He learned more manner than the royal Queen herself. 

Seunghyun and Jiyong leave the grand hall and go into a room behind. People are still cheering and Jiyong can't help but be the happiest he has ever been. Seunghyun's first reaction now that  they are alone is to bring Jiyong in a passionate kiss. He can't helpt it. He loves the man so much and miss him so much. They both feel the same as they release the kiss and look in each other's eyes. 

Jiyong smiles with a blush. "So happy to see me." 

"How did...." says Seunghyun with a smile. Jiyong then tells him of what the King did for him and his family and even his friends Chaerin, Bae, and Ri. Seunghyun smiles. "My father has a heart after all." 

"I didn't think that I would ever see you again..." says Jiyong with a tear.

"I didn't know what was to come as well....but let's not talk of this...this is a time to be merry." Seunghyun kisses Jiyong again. "I love you" 

"I love you too my prince." 

"I love your more my Prince/Princess" says the older in a laugh. "So when will be work on getting an heir." 

Jiyong blushes. "Seunghyun..." 

"Well...we are married...we shall do married activties." says the older with a smile. "I shall make you my Princess for real tonight." 

Jiyong blushes. "Well for the heir...I feel that we should adopt." 

"I love it..." says the older with a smile. "Give a deserving child a happy life" 

"Ne. I believe that would be best." says Jiyong with a smile. The younger then comes closer to the prince. "I wore special clothing underneath...would you like to see later?" 

Seunghyun is surprised to the sudden words. "You trying to seduce me?" 

Jiyong laughs a bit. "Is it working?" 

"Who taught you?" 


"The ?" 

"She reads..." says Jiyong with a laugh. 

"The wrong books" The older smiles. "Just be natural with me. We don't have to be like those romantic novels those women love to read." 

"I read a couple...they were...nice..." 

"Oh my...not so innocent are we." 

"I skipped those parts....I was too shy to read it..." 


"Okay fine...I did...." says Jiyong innnocently. Seunghyun lifts the smaller  chin and steals a kiss to receive a gin in response. 

Seunghyun laughs. "It's fine my love. Tonight will be amazing and right now." They older grins as they approach the eating hall. "We shall dine with our loved ones." 

Jiyong nods "Ne my love" 

The crowd cheers and Jiyong and Seunghyun enjoy their wedding. It was full of joy and memories that came a lot. hehehehe ;)

Hello All! Long time no see! I hope that you liked this story. I wanted this story to stay innocent and not so ty. I really wanted to focus on the innocent love of the two.  Please comment. It's summer. I can write more yay! Please look at my new story called Reality. Click here. 




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KikiGTOP #1
It's 2020 I'm here re-reading this story.
I love your stories!!!
I hope you're well. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: I love this story so muchhhhh!!!
vododoll #3
Chapter 10: Thaaaaaank u for this amazing story really reallyyyyy love itttt another one pleaseeeeeeee ~~~
Chapter 10: PRINCESS JIEUN OMFFFFF I DIDN'T EXPECT IT AT FIRST AND READY TO KREIYING RAINBOW TEARS ;________; the Queen is definity rock!!!! She accepted Jiyong as long as her Seunghyun happy with him omomomomomomo Seunghyun must've been very happy but yea his father asdfghjkl at least he agreed their telationship afterall HEHEHEHEHEH I'm pleased with their reunion luvsluvs. I love this fiction, keep on a good work! xx
Wysmom #5
Chapter 10: I loved this story so much.
Chapter 10: oh so beautiful :):) keep writting you're very very good
Chapter 9: indeed his mom (Queen) is cool :):) I'm happy
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy... This is sooooo sweet and beautiful <3 thanks for bring jiyong/jieun to seunghyun again hahaha i'm so in love with this story :)) thank you. <3
Chapter 10: Thank you for the wonderful story :) it was so fluffy and sweet through out the whole story.
lightaway #10
Chapter 10: I have so much fun reading this :)
Thank you for the happy ending. I they'd never be married. I'm glad i was wrong. Kekeke~
I love your fic and i love your writing style. Keep writing *^O^*