
If Only

The carriage ride was rough getting to the summer castle. Seunghyun felt that Jiyong would be more comfortable at the summer castle opposed to the main one. Jiyong is still sick and he is burning up in his embrace with the prince. 

The younger has fallen asleep due to the exhausting day that he has had and the lack of rest. Seunghyun has held Jiyong a couple of times before but he is just now realizing how fragile Jiyong's body is. His tiny frame is not skin and bones but it's close to it showing his  lack of nutrition and maybe even one meal a day in his stomach. Jiyong's eyes have dark circles and his hands are rough. The prince almost wants to cry to the rough life that Jiyong has to live everyday constantly taking orders even through a fever. 

Minutes later the carriage stops making the older peak out of the window. The foot men come to open the doors of the carriage revealing the cold air. Seunghyun then snaps in a whisper. "Did I say that you could open the doors." 

Daesung and the foot men are wide eyed at the Prince's response, but Dae can quickly see that he is worried for Jiyong. "Sorry Prince we will wait for your command." They close the door and Seunghyun quickly takes off his royal coat and puts it around the younger. The movement makes Jiyong fall out of his deep sleep with a murmur. "I will get more tea..." says the younger in his half sleep. Seunghyun gently smiles and continues to button up the younger so that he is still warm. 

Jiyong feels warmth and smiles as he opens his eyes. He almost forgets where he is at. "Noona...stop wasting the wood...." 

Seunghyun then coos. "I'm not Noona." 

The deep voice makes Jiyong jolt awake with wide eyes. Seunghyun takes hold of the smaller man so that he doesn't fall out of the carriage. "Jiyong it's fine." 

The younger looks around and then quickly remembers. "I need to go back....I need to go back...I can't be here...." says Jiyong in almost a cry and there is fear in his eyes. 

Seunghyun knows that this situation is frightening Jiyong. "Don't worry. Your family will be fine. We are getting them tomorrow." 

"Tomorrow...." says Jiyong a little calmer..."But we are all slaves...we can't leave our master..." 

"Says who..." 

"Says My Lord..." Jiyong then looks down and a tear falls down his face. "I must go back. I like that you tried to save me...but I'm not worth it your highness..." 

Seunghyun then takes Jiyong's hands in his. "But you are worth every moment. Jiyong...I would do anything for your happiness. Please just trust me. Your family will be safe and I will  do everything in my power to do so." The words are strong and clear like a leader. If Jiyong didn't know the man that is in front of him he would think that the Prince is the King. 

Jiyong holds the older's hands tighter. "Promise..." 

Seunghyun smiles to the delight that Jiyong is going to trust him making their new relationship even stronger. "Thank you baby" Jiyong blushes to the words making the older run a warm hand on the tan cheek. "Why do you get embarrassed? These are words between lovers." The older smiles and puts another velvet cloth around Jiyong's head. "I need you to stay warm." 

Jiyong looks at himself. "I have never been this warm" He looks into his lover's eyes. "Thank you." 

Seunghyun smiles as he opens the doors. "Daesung carry him to my suite." 

Daesung then gets a little wide eyes. "Your suite...Prince...?" 

"Ne my suite." He then picks up Jiyong's small body and hands him to Daesung. Jiyong blushes with the contact to the other making Seunghyun laugh. "Make sure to tell the maids to give him a bath and warm clothes. Also prepare four more rooms." 

Daesung nods and carries Jiyong into the Palace. Jiyong quickly notices that it's not the main palace and feels a little more at ease. Jiyong has never been in a place so big and so warm. The Palace is very modern compared to his Lord's land. There are windows and there are fires lit in every room. Daesung then goes down a small hallway to a very lit room. The room is massive with it's large bed and sitting area to the side. 

Daesung then takes the younger to the massive bed. Jiyong then shouts. "Don't!" The maids in the room and Daesung listen to the younger's command. "Don't?" says Daesung looking at the younger's eyes. 

"I'm too dirty...." says Jiyong in a low voice making Daesung chuckle. "Don't worry. A little dirt will not hurt these sheets. Plus you will be bathed and redressed as well" Daesung then puts Jiyong on the bed making the younger almost freak. "Don't get off the bed. Prince's orders. You will bathe first Jiyong Shi" 

"They know...." 

"Ne...we all know in this house and no one is to tell unless they don't fear their life." says Daesung with a chuckle. "I shall leave you now." The man walks out of the room leaving Jiyong and the two maids. The first maid comes over. "Hi I'm Hyuna and this is Bom Unnie we will be your maids. We will be assisting you with everything for now on so please feel free to tell us of your needs." 

Jiyong listens to the younger girl and it's almost crazy being in this situation. Jiyong use to be the person to say that he would do anything at their command. The younger smiles. "I can bathe myself...just tell me where the tub is...." 

Bom smiles. "We will help you. You are also sick so please take it easy. I'm also your medical doctor as well. Let us help you undress. The water is warm and we used the best oils to help you relax." 

"You two will undress me...?" says Jiyong a little shy. Hyuna then smiles. "Don't worry we bathe plenty of men." Bom then glares at the younger girl. "Yah...." she murmurs. "Please do not get the wrong impression." 

"Oh never" says Jiyong with a smile. "She is cute." 

Hyuna then blushes to Jiyong's complement. "I will make sure the bath water is ready." Jiyong is already talks of the palace of how good looking he is and to finally see him everyone is impressed and the girls find the Prince lucky to have him. All of the servants like Jiyong even though they don't know him because he made the impossible happen. 

Bom then smiles. "Shall we start with your coat." She comes over with a mother like tone and Jiyong suddenly feels comfortable in front of her. He doesn't feel that she is hitting on him either. She continues to assist Jiyong in taking off his clothes to then him being completely . Bom smiles and then takes a silk robe and drapes it over the man. "Can you walk?" 

Jiyong nods. "Ne..." He says with a stuffy nose. The woman then places her hand on his head. "We will need to use the lavender today." She guides Jiyong to the tub which is in a separate room with high ceilings and almost everything is covered in gold. There is a interesting bowl in the same room. The tub is huge and rose colored as it sits in the middle of the room. Jiyong looks at the water and looks back up at the two ladies. Hyuna smiles "Take your time" 

Jiyong blushes and plays with his robe. He is not use to being in front of anyone else besides Cherin. "Sorry..." 

Hyuna then turns around. "I understand Jiyong Shi" 

Bom smiles and does the same allowing Jiyong to have some privacy. Jiyong then with the ladies turned gets into the tub slowly it's warm and it's large unlike Cherin's this tub actually fits him. 

Hyuna then turns around with a cloth in hand. "We shall proceed to clean you properly." Jiyong laughs. "Please speak comfortably. I'm not a royal. I'm just Jiyong" 

Bom then smiles. "Jiyong are now Seunghyun's interest. You are not just a average person." The woman proceeds to take the days of dirt of Jiyong while Jiyong sits and lets those words resonate. 

/////////////////////three hours later//////////////////

Jiyong is bathed redressed in fine clothing and is now in bed. He is still sick but not as feverish. Thanks to the bath he feels so much better, but still in all this's hard for him to feel comfortable without his family. Jiyong rollls in the bed again to facing around direction in the massive bed. Feet start to come over. "You okay baby?" 

Jiyong then opens his eyes to the lowly lit room to see Seunghyun staring at him in concern. Jiyong then smiles. "Ne..." 

"You don't look the room too warm? Shall I get the maids to give you summer sheets." 

Jiyong shakes is head and then sits up in the bed. "This is a life that anyone would dream of...but I don't feel right..." 

"I'm getting your family tomorrow baby...just try to sleep..." 

"It's not just that...I...." Jiyong then stops talking. Seunghyun then comes to sit on the edge of the bed. He looks at his lover. "Please talk to me my love." 

"Why risk everything for me...I'm nothing..." 

"You are not nothing Jiyong ah. You are my love" says Seunghyun with eyes of fear of loosing Jiyong. Jiyong then starts to cry. "I don't know if I'm ready for all of this...I wasn't born into this...what if your mother wants to kill me....what if your father decides to kill me and my family..." 

"No one is getting killed....they will love you once they get to know you." 

"Prince I'm a man and not just any man...I'm a servant...with no royal blood....I'm sorry...I can't do this...." 

Jiyong then starts to get off the bed but the Prince gets over to the smaller man faster pulling younger into a embrace. They are cuddled on the bed and Seunghyun has his head buried into the back of the younger's neck. "Don't leave me please I beg of you." says the man in a desperate tone. Jiyong was struggling to leave before...but now he can't...that voice hurts him and he didn't realize how much the other has been going through listening to his words of goodbye. 

"I know that I pulled you into the carriage and I kept seeing you and I shouldn't have....that I started loving a man but I didn't even though I shouldn't have...I just can't stop loving you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to make me feel human amongst the chaos of nobles constantly trying to kiss my ...don't leave me...please...please..." says the older in now a sob as he cries in the back of Jiyong's neck. 

Jiyong then brings his hands over the larger ones lacing his fingers. He then coos. "I'm sorry...I didn't know that you have been holding all of that in..." Jiyong then realizes it's not just him in a pit of worry. Seunghyun holds the younger closer. "I'm sorry for making you feel this way." says Jiyong in a soft voice. "I love you too."

Seunghyun then smiles in the back of Jiyong's neck. "So are we in this?" 

"Well this bed is awfully nice..." says Jiyong with a smile.

Seunghyun then chuckles. "You still sound sick." 

"Because I am Prince." 

"Call me by my name" 

Jiyong then hesitates but he is then turned around and the dark eyes smile gently at him. The larger hands then go to the younger's lower back pressing them both together making Jiyong feel a new sensation. "Mmm" says Jiyong with his eyes closing. "Look at me baby" says the older getting closer to the plump lips. He has been wanting to kiss Jiyong for hours; he doesn't care if he gets sick too. 

The older then takes Jiyong by surprise by pulling him into a passionate kiss. The kiss shows Seunghyun's emotions and that he really does love him. It's not just any ordinary kiss as the older continues to on the lips taking Jiyong's breath away. The older then proceeds to kiss Jiyong's chin leading down to his neck. Jiyong is now breathing at a rate of running a marathon. "Oh God..." says Jiyong in response as his body is enjoying the everything new. 

The older then grins as he places more kisses on the neck making sure not to leave a mark. He then kisses back up to Jiyong's chin to then steal a couple of kisses. He looks into the coffee eyes and steals another kiss and then another. "Hmm" The older then steals another kiss. "Seunghyunnn" Jiyong finally moans. "What was that?" He kisses again this time longer. "Seunghyun..." says Jiyong with half lidded eyes. The younger has been ravished by the Prince indeed. "I'm going to stop now" 

"Stop...why..." says Jiyong with a pout.

"Because we will make love when the time is right." The  older pulls Jiyong into an embrace. "Good night Jiyong ah" 

"Goodnight Seunghyun." 

**Hello all!! Thank you for reading and thank you for waiting!! Please COMMENT AND UPVOTE! Later!!!!

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KikiGTOP #1
It's 2020 I'm here re-reading this story.
I love your stories!!!
I hope you're well. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: I love this story so muchhhhh!!!
vododoll #3
Chapter 10: Thaaaaaank u for this amazing story really reallyyyyy love itttt another one pleaseeeeeeee ~~~
Chapter 10: PRINCESS JIEUN OMFFFFF I DIDN'T EXPECT IT AT FIRST AND READY TO KREIYING RAINBOW TEARS ;________; the Queen is definity rock!!!! She accepted Jiyong as long as her Seunghyun happy with him omomomomomomo Seunghyun must've been very happy but yea his father asdfghjkl at least he agreed their telationship afterall HEHEHEHEHEH I'm pleased with their reunion luvsluvs. I love this fiction, keep on a good work! xx
Wysmom #5
Chapter 10: I loved this story so much.
Chapter 10: oh so beautiful :):) keep writting you're very very good
Chapter 9: indeed his mom (Queen) is cool :):) I'm happy
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy... This is sooooo sweet and beautiful <3 thanks for bring jiyong/jieun to seunghyun again hahaha i'm so in love with this story :)) thank you. <3
Chapter 10: Thank you for the wonderful story :) it was so fluffy and sweet through out the whole story.
lightaway #10
Chapter 10: I have so much fun reading this :)
Thank you for the happy ending. I they'd never be married. I'm glad i was wrong. Kekeke~
I love your fic and i love your writing style. Keep writing *^O^*