
If Only
Jiyong has been back to working for his Lord for about a week now. The whole fairy tale of being a noble is now out of his head as he continues to work in the library. Cherin, YoungBae and Seungri had so much fun impersonating someone that they are not, but reality set in that they are still from a different class. 
Cherin is doing her weekly lessons of art, drawing, and language. While the workers continue to work in the fields and tend to the house. Mr. Kwon didn't go unnoticed when he came back. Cherin knew that her father would get suspicious so she forged a letter making it look like it was from the Royal family that Mr. Kwon was to be released. The great thing about Cherin being a daughter of a scholar is that she has access to everything to forge all kinds of documents. Cherin finds it a hobby forging docs behind her father's back. 
If only society found it okay for women to do things that man can do. It gets so boring for Cherin always training to be a proper wife. It is as if it's from birth she knows what to do and what not to do. Cherin has backed out of four marriages so far and the last one she threatened her family that she was going to scar her skin with coal if they didn't let her go. Now at the age of 21 she is considered a old maid but that is fine for the younger. She is independent...in her own way. 
The life of a noble they can a least have goals and something to look forward to in the future. Though some have things planned...money is never really a issue. The only worry might be wondering what silks to use for their hanboks for holidays and so on. 
The other side of the fence is Jiyong and his family. Worry is always amongst them. Did they please their lord. Will they have enough energy to fake smile all day and do all the task that they all hate to do? Jiyong at least sneaks and reads books all day but he still has to do a lot of cleaning that kills his back. "Jiyong?" says Cherin with a whisper near his window. Jiyong sits up from his bed and looks out the window with crazy hair. 
Cherin cover's with a laugh as Jiyong rolls out of bed. "Why must you bother me at this our Cherin ah...." 
Cherin smiles. "The prince is looking for his countess" Cherin pulls out a paper and hands it to Jiyong. The younger ones eyes widen. "I did that kind of impression for him to hunt me down?" Cherin grins. "Ne...it's as if you are like some kind of Cinderella." Jiyong looks at the paper and then hands it back. "Too bad I'm not a girl and not a noble..." 
Cherin grins. "You could be again..." 
Jiyong laughs. "Come on Cherin...look at me...I'm obviously a man and I don't have a title. I'm just a poor peasant....He wouldn't even recognize me...." 
Cherin sighs and pushes the man slightly. "Have some fun will ya...never know what could happen...what if he secretly loves men???" Cherin raises and brow and pushes the older into a wall looking deeply into his eyes. "What if you two end up in a situation and he looks into your eyes and he gets memorized by your charms..." 
Jiyong laughs and moves the younger away. "You lady have been reading too many romance novels. Me. I'm a peasant. Peasants don't get happy endings. I'm happy to be alive." 
Cherin sighs again. "Well the main reason I came over was to let you know of this...I was just dreaming like a crazy fool that I am..." 
"Crazy indeed" says Jiyong putting a hat on to protect his skin. He takes Cherin's umbrella and holds it over her. "Now let's get back to your room so that this white skin doesn't get tan." Cherin chuckles. "I could care less...tan skin equals no men to bother me..." The younger chuckles to herself. "Sometimes I wish that I didn't have to be married to live a nice life...I have to stay under my father's roof because women can't buy property...." 
Jiyong nods. "It's true women don't have rights to anything. Maybe things will change one day..." 
Cherin stops in her tracks and takes the umbrella away from the older. "Oppa...you know what I haven't done in a while?" Jiyong grins. "And what is that trouble maker?" 
"You know...running...in tons of grass..." 
Jiyong laughs. "I have work to do...and you lady have classes to attend this morning." 
Cherin sighs. "Aish....I know...but afterwards...when the sun is setting...let's go...ne???" 
Jiyong nods. "If I'm finished with my work...okay..." 
"Come on!!" Screams Cherin as she runs towards the fields with three trailing her. Of course Bae and Seungri wanted to join. The only reason they all can go is because of Cherin...she needs escorts where ever she goes. Cherin runs through the green and loves the feeling of the thick grass and flowers. Jiyong loves coming into this field because it is always of neutral ground for the four.  Since they were all little this place has many memories for them. They have been best friends a long time and they hope to be forever. 
Seungri flops down randomly in the grass. "Aaaaaah this is nice" says the younger as he continues to rest. The bed of grass acts like a cushion for the younger. Bae and Jiyong continue to take their time as they walk through the grass. "Can you imagine if we had to cut this down." Cherin shakes her head. "I hope that that never happen. " Cherin flops backwards with and grin and the other two as well. 
They all are randomly placed but close together. They could all nap there for ages but they can't be gone for more than a couple of hours. "If only we could do what we wanted to...own my own land...tend my own cattle...." says Bae looking up at the oddly shaped clouds. Cherin plays with the grass in between her fingers. "Maybe Jiyong should get with that prince and we can live in the castle together..." Jiyong chuckles. "Yea right....as soon as he sees my adams apple he will be thrilled to kill me...." says Jiyong with a slight chuckle. 
Seungri then turns in the grass. He can barley see Jiyong's profile. "Really...you looked just like a woman...and beautiful..." Jiyong blushes and hits the grass a bit. "Yah yah..." 
Bae nods in agreement. "You were so powerful...for a second I forgot who I worked for originally...and Cherin you played a good lady in waiting" Cherin chuckles. "Well I grew up with them...I pretty much know their every move." 
Seungri then sits up a bit. "You hear that?" Jiyong then hears it too..."Nee...since when did they take the carriages out this late?" Cherin sits up too. The road is not too far from the field so the sound of horses always echoes. "Sounds like there are many....I'm taking a look..." says Bae crawling through the grass. Jiyong freaks out. "Bae...Bae!?" says Jiyong with a loud whisper. The horse stops and Bae freezes in his tracks. They all become as silent as the field. Cherin crawls over to Jiyong and sits next to him. "Who would it be....?" 
Well....it's none other than the prince. Seunghyun really wishes to find this countess that spoke to him in such a way no one dares to. The prince finds this intriguing and he must find her. Today he is coming back from a hunting trip that his father insisted that he do. Seunghyun is not really into killing things with arrows but if it gets his father off his back then so be it. 
The prince had a little too much water so he needs to take a little time to um....release...? Cherin's eyes widen as the prince starts to undo his pants. Jiyong cover's the woman's eyes as the prince starts to pee. Of course no one is looking as the prince is doing his deed. "Aaaaaah" says the older as he releases into the grass. 
This is definitely a sight because it is unspeakable seeing a prince peeing in the countryside. Seungri lets out a chuckle because of course Seungri can never keep quiet. The prince hears the laugh and stops to adjust himself. He furrows his brows. "WHO IS THERE!? WHO DARES TO LAUGH AT ME?" Jiyong just wants to slap Seungri. The younger of course goes over to Jiyong which is not a smart thing because the grass is moving with him. "I see where you are...reveal yourself now..." says the prince with a growl. Jiyong is now trembling because the prince could kill them. Cherin who is a woman and noble might be able to get away with things. "I saw the grass.NOW SHOW YOURSELF..." . 
Cherin sighs and then decides to stand. Seunghyun is caught a little off guard and based off the woman's colors he can tell that she is a noble. "So it's you...you dare laugh at....wait..." The prince looks at the woman harder. Cherin now wants to die...did he recognize her? The man comes closer so close it freaks out the other three. "Are you....your...." 
"Ne Prince" says Cherin with a slight tremble. 
Seunghyun then grins. "Your father is a scholar right?" 
Relief. "Ne ne...he is..." 
"I love his findings! Do you live near here?" 
Cherin then nods. "Ne..." 
"Great well show me to your land. I must meet him" 
Cherin can't say no. "Of course...follow me..." The prince smiles. "Fantastic....but...why are you in a field by yourself...it is dangerous to do such things as a lady...." Cherin could just roll her eyes; as a lady she wants to punch the man. "Oh I just wanted to get some air." 
The prince and Cherin finally make it on to the road. "I understand. Please show us the way...you can ride with us.." 
"Eh?...I mean..No problem Prince" 
They all load in the carriage and  horses echo away as the clicking drifts further and further away. Making the other three feel relief. Bae comes over and knocks the younger in the head. "Yaaaah you stupid!! Why did you laugh" 
Seungri winces. "I"M sorry hyungs...I just....it was a noble peeing in a field...." 
Jiyong sighs. "Well the man is heading to the house now....great...." 
//////////////////////////back at home//////////////////////////
Gummy comes out of her house with her four ladies in waiting. She sees a carriage approaching and recognizes the seal. "Omo..." she says to herself. Her husband comes out of his room due to the noise. "Who is coming....omo...." says the man coming to his wife's side. "Now why is a royal carriage approaching our house...."
The couple watches as the carriage approaches. They gasp as they see their daughter riding with the prince. Gummy is delighted as the carriage stops. Yang smiles as his daughter is carefully helped off the carriage by royal footmen. Seunghyun steps out next and everyone bows. "You must be Yang Suk?" says the prince in delight. Yang bows his head again. "Ne. I'm he. What brings you to this part of the lands?" 
"Well I was doing some hunting and after taking a rest I came upon your Cherin in the fields. I noticed her from when I met your family last. I have to say I'm a fan of your writings." 
Yang bows again. "Please...come in and let us have a chat. JIYONG!" Calls Yang. "JIYONG!" Jiyong who has just made it back from the fields looks sweaty and a mess. He tried to clean himself up a bit but it's no use. "Aish where have you been me calling you twice?" Jiyong bows. "I'm sorry my Lord." Seunghyun shakes his head at the peasant who keeps his head down. Yang smiles. "Please follow me and Jiyong will prepare us some tea." 
Seunghyun smiles. "Delighted." The two men proceed to the room and close the doors. Gummy squeals and runs to her daughter. "Cherin ah. How did you get him to come here and riding in the royal carriage??...I trained you well my girl...now let's get you changed...." Cherin frowns. "Change...why?" 
"Because he might have interest in you. He is a the age, he might want to marry and you are getting old. This is a good chance to try to court you...." Cherin rolls her eyes. "I don't want to be married." Gummy makes a face. "I know your frustration about marriage but to live a good life you must marry. Now come on the silk Hangboks are in my chambers." 
Cherin drags as she follows her mother. Jiyong meanwhile is freaking out as he makes the teas. He knows that he looks NOTHING like he did a week ago but what if the prince remembers. He doesn't know the man. He can't even guess his memory and it's not like he can test the man. Jiyong wipes a bead of sweat forming on his head. "Aish..." he mutters again while pouring the now boiling water into a kettle. 
Jiyong puts the teas on a tray and pushes his hair in his face to make him not noticed. Jiyong goes to the front of the doors and breathes in and breathes out. He is just about to open the door when Gummy pulls his arm. She then whispers. "Give it to Cherin..." It is common for daughters to serve tea to guest especially to men who could be worthy of being a bride." Cherin walks up and takes the tray. She knocks at the door. "You may enter." The door slides open and Jiyong makes sure to hide his face. Of course the prince doesn't look at the peasant. "Well looks like you changed." 
"Ne..." says Cherin with a whisper. Yang smiles as his daughter comes in with the tea and Gummy silently cheers her daughter on already getting the prince's attention. Minzy who is just getting out of a lesson has no idea what is going on. "Mom...what is going on?" Gummy smiles. "Your sister might be the bride of the prince." 
"What?!" says the younger a little louder than normal. "I'm at marriage age....I should be in there..." Of course she is jealous. Gummy runs a hand through the younger ones hair. "He found her first....and I will not have you two fighting over men. I will find you a great husband. Ne?" 
"But he is a prince...will you find me a prince....oh wait there is only one..." mutters the brat. Gummy smiles. "Baby girl you need to be patient. You know you can't marry before your older sister. How will that make our family look and you know it will make marriage harder on you..." 
"Aish..." says Minzy as she storms off. She doesn't even want to see the prince as crazy as it sounds. Jiyong stands outside the door just in case his Lord needs him. Of course he can hear every word that is spoken. Cherin comes out of the room with the tea tray. "Aish I don't want to be married to that jerk..." says the younger walking past Jiyong. In public they can't act like they know each other. 
Jiyong chuckles to himself as Cherin continues to show her frustration. The door opens again and Jiyong puts his head down. The tall Prince comes out first and Jiyong bows down to the ground. Yang comes out next. "He is staying for dinner. Clean up this room" Jiyong nods as he hears the foot steps walking away. 
Jiyong then slums into the room and starts to clean. The room is not too bad but there is just a little mess from what the prince decided to look at. Jiyong backs up but then runs into a person. "Aish Seungri why are you....Your highness!" says Jiyong dropping everything and going into  a deep bow. He thought that it was someone else. "I'm not the Seungri that you speak of....I just wanted to finish the tea that Cherin has prepared..." It's really tea that JIyong prepared but he would never correct the man. 
Jiyong bends down and picks up the cup. "Here is the tea your highness." Jiyong accidently looks into the older ones eyes and they are dark as day. Jiyong quickly averts his gaze as the cup is taken away. "You think that I didn't notice you?" says the prince with a calm voice. Jiyong turns around still looking downwards. "What do you mean your highness....?" 
Seunghyun walks closer into the room putting the cup down. "Ohhh I'm sure you remember....countess...." 
Jiyong trembles as there is silence in the room. The prince has a no expression on his face and that makes Jiyong even more scared. Jiyong then bows deeply to the ground. "I'm sorry" Jiyong whimpers. Seunghyun then takes a seat in a nearby chair. "You really did a good job fooling me...this Countess Jieun...a woman that I had to find...well I did some digging...and interesting story you have...your mother died leaving you to go back to poverty....RISE" says the prince with a firm voice. Jiyong slowly rises to what could be his death. "I could kill you you know...I could do it myself...." 
Jiyong then pleads. "I only wanted to save my father. I just" "Silence" says the older. "See the difference between you and me is that I'm smarter...I remember faces well. Cherin was your lady in waiting and your two footmen I saw running to hide from me..." The older chuckles and it confuses the hell out of the younger. "What a site....but you...the grade finale. You talk to me like no has ever talked to me before...." 
Jiyong bows to the ground again...."I should be put to death...." 
Seunghyun smirks. "Ne...you should be put to death...or you could go out with me...." 
Jiyong looks up. "Excuse me...?..." says Jiyong confused. The prince then bends down to Jiyong's level. "You...sir....have been on my mind the past week and I can only think of you....even when I found out that you were a man...I still think of you. Having the guts to come to me to save your father takes courage. I admire that....I don't want to kill you....I want to get to know you...will you let me?" 
Jiyong is now confused again. The prince is gay? "But your highness....I'm a man..." 
"And I like men...so what you say?" says the prince with that damn smile again. Jiyong is so enraptured by the man's charms he can't think straight. "Sure" Sure is his answer and Jiyong wishes that he could take it back. "I mean no yes no....I...." Seunghyun laughs a bit. "How about I make the decision for you. I'm a prince right? You shall hang out with me and that is a order." 
Jiyong then stutters. "But....I can't...I..." 
The prince smirks. "You seemed to get out of those fields earlier and you snuck out once before...what's the problem?" 
Damn this prince notices too many things. "Ne..." 
"Then I will see you tomorrow." 
"What....what shall I wear...." Jiyong is now feeling crazy..why the hell did he ask that. "Hmmmm wear a hanbok for now...we can't get you in trouble so stick to looking like Jieun" 
Jiyong nods with a blush..is he hitting on him now? "Ne...." He's nuts. This prince is nuts...aigo...what's next...
Cherin is now doing a happy dancing knowing the prince is gay. "Yes yes yes single life yes!!" she yells in the field. They all snuck out because this day is just too eventful. Seungri then grins. "See see I knew I was helpful." 
Jiyong then sighs. "You guys...do you realize I will be impersonating a noble again dressed as a woman...." 
Bae nods. "I don't know his intentions. He could easily turn you into a joke...." 
Jiyong nods. "That's what I'm afraid of..."
"Aish oppas will you two stop thinking so negative. Jiyong oppa you said that he spoke with kind words right?" 
"Ne, but he also tricked me into thinking he didn't remember me....he fooled us all like we fooled him. What if this is pay back....?" 
Cherin takes the larger hand into hers and forces Jiyong to fall back with her. "There is only one way to find out..." she sits up again and looks at Seungri and Bae..."So...are we all in this....?" Bae and Seungri nod but Jiyong is still laying in the grass. Bae then whines. "Come on...you know you liked being all pretty..." 
Jiyong sighs. "Fine...Cherin...I need another hanbok...." Seungri pats his hyung's back and Bae grins at the other three. "Okay so for now until this is all over....we need to learn to keep things secret. We don't know what the prince is planning on doing but he obviously didn't say anything to his noblemen. 
Seungri then starts to plan in the dirt. Jiyong then shakes his head again. He always wants to back out of things. "What if he....turns me into a play thing...." 
Cherin chuckles. "Then kick him in the nuts...." 
"I don't like men..." 
The other three then groan. "Oh come on you are so gay oppa...you don't even try to hit on me..." Jiyong chuckles. "Since when have you all known...." They all groan again with a couple of laughs. "Since birth hyung..." 
"Well that's a relief." The four laugh and fall back into the grass to look at the stars. Only in the countryside you can see stars so bright you can touch them with your imagination. The four have no idea what the future holds...but at leasts it's something exciting. "I think I" 
"You are doing it" says Cherin.
Jiyong chuckles "Ne ne..." 
**Okay end of chapter 3! How do you like the story?? Interesting twist eh? Well leave me your feedback and thank you for reading!! Love!! And please don't forget to UPVOTE THIS STORY^______^


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KikiGTOP #1
It's 2020 I'm here re-reading this story.
I love your stories!!!
I hope you're well. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: I love this story so muchhhhh!!!
vododoll #3
Chapter 10: Thaaaaaank u for this amazing story really reallyyyyy love itttt another one pleaseeeeeeee ~~~
Chapter 10: PRINCESS JIEUN OMFFFFF I DIDN'T EXPECT IT AT FIRST AND READY TO KREIYING RAINBOW TEARS ;________; the Queen is definity rock!!!! She accepted Jiyong as long as her Seunghyun happy with him omomomomomomo Seunghyun must've been very happy but yea his father asdfghjkl at least he agreed their telationship afterall HEHEHEHEHEH I'm pleased with their reunion luvsluvs. I love this fiction, keep on a good work! xx
Wysmom #5
Chapter 10: I loved this story so much.
Chapter 10: oh so beautiful :):) keep writting you're very very good
Chapter 9: indeed his mom (Queen) is cool :):) I'm happy
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy... This is sooooo sweet and beautiful <3 thanks for bring jiyong/jieun to seunghyun again hahaha i'm so in love with this story :)) thank you. <3
Chapter 10: Thank you for the wonderful story :) it was so fluffy and sweet through out the whole story.
lightaway #10
Chapter 10: I have so much fun reading this :)
Thank you for the happy ending. I they'd never be married. I'm glad i was wrong. Kekeke~
I love your fic and i love your writing style. Keep writing *^O^*