
If Only
It's been a tough week for Jiyong. He has cleaned the library many times and it seems like Yang is doing it on purpose. Of course the man is not, but  his Lord has been writing like crazy since the prince has come and enjoyed his writings. Because of that random visit  Lord Yang feels that he must update his findings and start more writings. 
The man has been up for hours and of course and  Jiyong has to stay up with the man despite how tired he is. Jiyong doesn't mind watching the man write because he knows that when he cleans he can read all of it, so far everything is great. Jiyong feels that he could be a scholar based on how many writings he has read his whole life. 
Sometimes Cherin would sneak novels that she has rented in Jiyong's shack. Of course Mr. Kwon would get mad that his son is reading books of only the nobles but Jiyong doesn't care. He feels that reading should not be a right it should be something that everyone should have access to. If Jiyong ruled this country he wouldn't  even have classes. He would make this kingdom truly united. 
The poor would dress in hanboks and the rich would converse with them despite how much money they have. If only equal opportunity existed this world would be rid of many wars and battles of class among the rich. 
"Jiyong give me some more tea and this time make it hotter." says a cranky Yang.
Jiyong bows as he leaves the room. He doesn't mind staying up but he hates when his Lord gets snappy towards the end of the night. Jiyong has to pass Cherin's room before going to the kitchen. He sees that her light is still on as well...maybe she forgot to blow out her candle. Jiyong slides the door open to see Cherin in her undergarments. The younger turns and smiles. "Oh Jiyong ah. I didn't know you wanted to see me like this." Jiyong laughs and comes into the room. They have pretty much have seen each other . When they were little they would play in the mud so that they didn't ruin their clothes. When they found out that they indeed had different parts it really didn't bother them much like Adam and eve in the bible. 
Jiyong comes in and goes over to take out a night gown. "Now Cherin ah you need to wear proper night clothes. What if Lady Gummy sees you like this." 
Cherin chuckles. "Oh whatever...I just wish to be free sometimes and walk around in my underwear. Show my legs." She lifts her gown making Jiyong laugh. "Maybe you should shave those legs before revealing that peppered ivory." Cherin chuckles as she lets the older help her into her night gown. "Well I need to go. Your father demands more tea." 
Cherin grins. "I figured he would be fussy. I already have some water boiling." Jiyong smiles at his dongsaeng. She is always wanting to help the man. Jiyong kisses her cheek making the girl blush. "Thank you" Jiyong bows and then goes to the door. "Go to sleep you" 
Cherin smiles and this is where sometimes Jiyong could make you fall in love with him. His caring side is so sweet. "Night Jiyong oppa" 
Jiyong closes the door and goes to the kitchen to where the boiling pot is going. He takes the super hot water and pours it into a tea pot. He gathers some expensive tea leaves and puts a cup on the side. Jiyong then hurries back to the other side of the house. 
Yang of course is in the same attitude as Jiyong comes into the room again. "Finally you are back you brat. What took you so long?" Jiyong is use to the snappy man and doesn't respond but puts the tea out for the man to drink. The older grabs a cup and calms his nerves a bit with another sip. "Start cleaning I'm almost done." The man continues to write as Jiyong puts away the papers that are scattered along the floor. 
Jiyong hates when he has to clean in front of the man because he can't read anything. He has to act dumb and put the papers away. The older then stands and Jiyong bows deeply. "Are you going to retire now sir." 
Yang adjust his garments. "Ne. Clean up this mess and also scrub the floors" 
Jiyong bows. "Ne sir." He wasn't expecting to clean the floors again today. It takes hours cleaning the floors and daylight is approaching in a couple hours. Jiyong is not going to get much sleep today. 
Jiyong slowly walks back to his shack and walks right over to his bed. Dami kinda is awoken by the noise of her brother coming home. "You home at this hour?" 
"Neee" Jiyong groans adjusting the straw on his bed. 
"Well goodnight brother." 
Jiyong breathes in and out and then he is finally sleep. His feet are so numb it feels like they are vibrating. It's days like these to where he wishes to have a day off....but those days do not exist. 
Jiyong groans as he is being rocked out of his sleep. Of course it's Cherin and her soft voice. Everyone else is out in the field and Jiyong is sleeping in a bit. "Jiyong..." 
"Neeeeeeeee" Jiyong whines with his eyes still closed. It's too hot to move it's too hot to wake up...he just wants to sleep. Cherin gets on the bed with the older and snuggles close to him. "Opppa....wake up." She runs a hand through his hair. Jiyong scrunches his face a bit and slowly opens his eyes. "You know I could be killed with you snuggled up next to me like this. Cherin giggles "You look so concerned right now how your body is not moving." 
"What you need?" says Jiyong with sleepy eyes. Cherin grins. "Guess what...I got a letter from the prince." 
Jiyong then sits up. "What? He sent a letter? When was it delivered?" 
"This morning. I happened to see the carriage when I needed to go pee." 
Jiyong laughs. "Must you tell me that you had to piss...." 
Cherin laughs. "What ever oppa. Anyways...I received the letter and decided to run and give it to you." 
"Oh it was that recent." 
Cherin nods. "Nee....now open it." 
Jiyong laughs. "Okay okay give it here." She hands the royal letter over to Jiyong. The paper is lined in what looks like pure gold. "Wow....this is official...." 
"Ne. Now stop pondering and open it." 
"Aish patience." Jiyong slowly opens the letter to reveal beautiful penmanship. The letters are written so well and so neat Jiyong has no problem reading it. 
To who this may concern, 
It was nice seeing you again last week. I apologize for not sending a letter sooner. Please come to me today when the sun is at it's brightest. I will send a carriage for you so please dress your best. 
Prince Seunghyun
Jiyong almost blushes at the note. The prince is not so cleaver in delivering because what if the Lord saw this. It is coded in a way so that if Gummy had the letter she would think of her daughter so in  a way it's okay, but also still dangerous. Jiyong can't order the prince so this is just how it is going to be he guesses. He still doesn't know what his intentions are....
Jiyong puts the letter down. "I still feel as if this is going to be a trick. Don't you think?" says Jiyong handing the letter back to the younger. Cherin studies the letter. "I don't think it's a trick. Come on and live a little. You were invited to the royal palace....well really we....I'm your lady in waiting remember." She grins. 
They both are starting to get the thrill of what is to come later today. "So what's the plan Cherin?" 
Cherin loves planning things like this. She has done it for years sneaking out and going to the markets looking like a commoner. She loves the freedoms of no restrictions. "Hmmm well of course we need to get Bae and Ri in this. The royal carriage will be here at noon that's what he means when the sun is at it's highest....so we need to start preparing now....have you bathed?" 
Jiyong laughs. "When do I ever get a chance to bath Cherin ah?" 
Cherin chuckles. "I'm sorry....Well we shall bathe you today." 
"You....oh I think I can do it myself." 
"You need to smell nice. I have all the best oils. You must let me bathe you properly...it's not like I haven't seen your bits before." 
Jiyong laughs. "Aish you are not normal." 
"Whatever. You are like a brother to me so I'm not doing anything funny. Just let me help you ne? I have been trained to be a proper lady all my life." says Cherin with a regal tone. "Now now let's get you sneaked into my room. I will have my bath drawn and you will come in ne?"
Jiyong laughs. "You are getting too into this..."
Cherin grins. "Because it is fun. Jiyong ah do you realize how cool this could be if you really get the prince to fall in love with you...and maybe make you his forever..." Cherin looks up dreamily but gets a light punch from the older. "Come on now. We both know that this is very temporary. The prince just finds me amusing at the moment...."
Cherin rolls her eyes. "What ever...well I'm going into the house. I'm going to borrow some of your clothes and let Seungri know what's up. He will bring you to the house in a bit ne?"
"What about your father. I'm sure Lord Yang has more work for me to do today?"
"Oh don't worry about that. He has been sleeping all day. I think the old man has finally realized that he is not young anymore. Mother has demanded that he should rest today so today is really the best day for us all to sneak out."
"And if he does decide to wake up and order me around what will we do if I'm all powdered up and in a hanbok..."
Cherin laughs. "Oh you worry too much oppa."  Says Cherin stripping her garments in front of Jiyong. "Cherin we are not little kids anymore....you need to let me know if you are changing so I can at least turn around." Cherin scoffs. "What ever...nothing you haven't seen before. My s look bigger Ne?"
Jiyong smirks. "I think that they are the same...unless you wish for me to measure." Cherin smiles. "Really oppa?" She comes running over freaking Jiyong out. "OMO! I WAS KIDDING! GET AWAY!" says the man covering his eyes. Cherin laughs hysterically. "I wonder how you will be on your wedding night. You can't even handle my small s." says Cherin throwing a shirt over her head. "I'm dressed now." Jiyong uncovers his eyes. "You are too much"
"Oh I think I'm nothing compared to the Prince."
"Maybe you two should get married then...." mutters the older. 
"I don't think that I'm his type."
Jiyong laughs ."Oh yea...."
//////////////////////////////The fields/////////////////////
"Pssst Seungri...." says Cherin in a large straw hat. She really sticks out with her lighter skin peaking out of Jiyong's larger garments. "Seungri...." Finally the older looks over and immediately knows who it is. "Hey Cherin"
"Don't say my name oppa...."
"What you need." says Seungri with a grin. He is currently gathering wheat. "We got a letter today from the prince...we leave at noon"
"Noon..." Seungri looks up at the sun..." So little time..." Cherin grins. "Don't worry I have everything planned. The prince said in the letter that he is sending a carriage by the fields we lay."
"Ohhh he is cleaver..."
"Ne he is a interesting one. Anyways we all can go. Just make sure to be ready."
"How will be get away for so long. The last time we escaped everyone knew it was to save Jiyong's father...."
Cherin then puts  a hand to her head. "Darn....yea how will we do that?"
Bae comes over. "Why are you in Jiyong's clothes once again Cherin ah?"
"The prince has sent a letter. We need to leave by noon."
"Ne....Seungri will fill you in..." Cherin leaves the two in the field. Bae looks at the younger. "So....what is this all about?"
"Well we need to figure out how we will be gone for so long....we could say that we are exploring with the lady?"
"Neeeee true...but we will be leaving at noon...so early..."
"I know...."
Bae pats his shoulder..."Don't worry...I will figure something out..."
"I know you will hyung...well I got some work to do...see you in a bit?"
Bae smiles with half moon eyes. "Ne..."
//////////////////////////////Cherin's room////////////////////////////
"Oh come on just strip..."
Jiyong is once again in a awkward situation with Cherin; she insist that she bathes the man properly. Jiyong has rarely had a proper bath but he doesn't want to start now. "Noooo." says Jiyong looking at the clean water.
Cherin then comes over. "Either you strip or I will do it for you...." Jiyong then gives up. "I don't want that happening....fine fine..." The man takes off his shirt with a blush. Cherin grins. "Aigo my strong oppa has been working hard." 
"Will you please stop gawking at me....turn around...."
Cherin laughs. "Fine fine..."
"...." mutters the older as he gets into the small tub. Because he is taller his knees peak out a bit in the water. "Now what."
"Oh you are now. Great." Cherin then grabs an arm and starts to scrub the man. "You are not normal." 
"When I have I ever been." Grins the younger as she continues to scrub. Instantly dirt and grime starts to come off revealing ivory skin. "So pretty Jiyong oppa." says Cherin as she cleans the man. Jiyong starts to relax as the woman starts to clean him. It's nothing ual at all because they are so close. Of course for Jiyong's bits he cleans those himself.
Cherin uses a lavender scented soap for Jiyong and she likes how it smells on him. She sniffs his shoulder. "No nice oppa. You should bathe more often"
"Sorry I don't have a tub...I use the lake." Chuckles the older. "Okay you can get out." says Cherin holding out a towel for the older. Jiyong gets out and wraps himself in it. It's warm because it's been sitting in the hot sun.
Jiyong quickly dries off while Cherin pulls out another pretty hanbok for him to wear. This time it's purple with beautiful silk details. The head dressings are pure gold with embellished beading. "Here are your under garments." says Cherin handing it to the man. Jiyong slips in the garments and then sits down in front of the younger to help him prepare his hair and skin.
Cherin looks in the mirror at the older and grins. "You are so pretty. Going to meet the prince like a fairy tale." Jiyong smiles as the younger starts to put the head dressings in his hair. They are heavy but they look wonderful pulling the whole look together. "Okay now it's your favorite part...." Jiyong groans. "Why do you women wear so much powder...." Jiyong likes the look of the power on his skin but it's so messy to him. Cherin finishes the look by putting some stain on his lips. "Aigo I could kiss you"
Jiyong puckers his lips. "Why don't you. You have already seen me ." Cherin laughs whacking the man. "What ever. We need to sneak you out the back now....let me change real quick." Jiyong of course turns around. "Thanks for the notice this time."
Cherin laughs. "Well your precious eyes couldn't handle me earlier so I'm being nice and telling you." She slips on the simple hanbok." Time for the finishing touches." She helps Jiyong into the delicate hanbok and places some bracelets on his arms. "You look wonderful." She turns Jiyong around in front of the mirror and Jiyong once again is amazed at how much of a transformation he has just went through.
"Let's go ne?" says Cherin taking her oppa's hand.
"Ne" They go through the back door and take their usual route so that they sneak around the house with out getting noticed. So much they have to do to make sure that they don't get in trouble. Minzy of course is totally oblivious to what is happening. Gummy and Yang are in their quarters for the day because Yang is just too tired for staying up late the past four days.
Such a escape is risky but easy at the same time as no one even notices the two sneaking and running past everything in sight.
//////////////////////////////////The fields//////////////////////////////
Jiyong, Seungri, Bae, and Cherin are standing next to the fields. They have been patiently waiting and it's past noon. Jiyong impatiently scoffs. "See....I told you this was a joke...."
Cherin shakes her head. "I don't think that this is a joke...give them some time ne?"
Jiyong crosses his arms. "I will give prince charming a couple more..." He stops his sentence when he starts to hear the sounds of horses and they are coming fast. Just in case the four hide behind trees to make sure it's the right person. "It's them" says Seungri excitedly looking at the royal crest on the of the horses.
There are four horses this time and they are moving at a quicker pace. Cherin then steps out and watches as the horses come near. Bae comes out to stand next to the younger. "You might get dirty Cherin."
"I don't care. How often do you get to see beautiful horses and a royal crest come to you. Just look everyone. It's magnificent." They all finally step out including Jiyong in his purple hanbok. It's true the sight of the strong horses lead by the footmen is amazing.
The carriage finally comes near and slows to a stop the horses are out of breath and the carriage creaks in adjustment of the stopping carriage. The footman jumps down. "Hello I'm here in regards to the Prince please take a seat in the carriage and I shall you to the castle."
Bae thought that he was going to ride in the back. "I ride inside of the carriage?"
"Ne you are all the Countess helpers correct?" says the footman eyeing the four. Cherin then bows. "Ne. We all work for the countess. Thank you for coming."
The footman bows. "I'm sorry to be late. Please step inside." The other footmen in the back step down and open the doors for the four to step in. Jiyong of course is the first to step in the carriage followed by the others. Jiyong the first in feels like he is in a dream land. The carriage is beautiful with it's silk lining and wonderful glass works.
The carriage door is closed and they all feel the carriage backing up and moving forwards again. The speed is amazing at how fast they  are moving. Jiyong looks at his friends. "Is this real..."
The three nod and grin. "Yea...it is...."
Cherin leans on her oppa's shoulder. "You did well so far Jiyong oppa. Just grab that confidence again."
Jiyong nods and holds on to his garment. "I feel like I'm dreaming..."
//////////////////////////The castle//////////////////////////////
Seunghyun waits with his staff behind him. He hasn't been waiting long  because a look out told him that the carriage is approaching. Seunghyun of course is in wonderful attire awaits the countess and the carriage. The prince loves how adventurous the four people are.
When he found out that Jiyong indeed was a commoner and that his other friends did so much to save Mr. Kwon he found Jiyong intriguing. He risked so much and didn't care how rude he was to the prince. Seunghyun had to search for him and he was so happy to see him again. To be truthful he really doesn't care much for Cherin's dad's writings. He just wanted to see Jiyong again.
The prince was going to play with the man for tricking him but Jiyong is not a man he wants to trick.
The carriage comes into the royal court with loud slow clicking. Of course Bae and Seungri are looking out the window like little kids. Jiyong is trying not to freak out because he simply doesn't know what to say. Cherin of course is cool and collected patting her oppa's shoulder. The carriage stops and Jiyong freaks. "Omo omo omo omo...I'm going to die he's going to kill me...omo....."
The other three laugh. "You are not Jiyong right now....remember...we got this far." says Bae. "You can do this..."
The carriage door opens having Bae and Seungri out first to stand on the sides of the carriage. Cherin then comes out next and bows her head to the prince. Seunghyun then comes over to the three and grins. "I see you all made it safely. Sorry if we were a little late." Cherin bows again. "You were just in time your highness."
Seunghyun chuckles and then peaks in the carriage. "Hello there again. Countess" says the older with a purr. Jiyong looks up at the man and shyly bows his head. "Thank you for having me."
Seunghyun then holds out his hand. "It's nice talking to you here, but I would enjoy you more if I could see you in the light." Jiyong almost forgot that he was still in the carriage. He scoots over and looks at the prince's hand. "Please. Let me help you out. That hanbok is too delicate to be roughly handled." He brings his hand towards the smaller one and takes it in hand. Jiyong blushes a bit....yea he is blushing....this prince is working him already. Jiyong takes the hand and allows the prince to him out.
Jiyong steps down off the carriage to the ground. The height difference of the two is only inches from each other. Seunghyun is still taller than the man. "I'm happy to see you in the light. Isn't it better?" says the prince still holding on to the smaller hand. Jiyong shyly tries to let go but the prince continues to keep a firm grip. "Come" He takes the smaller hand and puts it on his forearm for Jiyong to rest. "Please follow me." Jiyong and the Prince walk ahead and then seconds later everyone else follows behind the couple.
Jiyong looks back and sees how there is a parade behind them. "You will get use to  it" says the prince with a chuckle. "So how was the trip. Did you enjoy the scenery?"
JIyong nods. "Ne...."
The prince smiles and then stops making everyone else stop. "Please feel comfortable around me. I'm of no harm Countess." He smiles gently looking into the coffee eyes. "That look is what enraptured me...just keep being you be yourself." Jiyong's eyes widen with a blush making the prince chuckle again.  The prince then continues to walk with Jiyong by his side. Jiyong looks to the side and looks at the beautiful gardens that they are approaching.
"We are having tea down there with the  Queen" 
Jiyong stops "The the the the" 
Seunghyun laughs. "Neee the Queen. We will have tea later. First I will give you a tour of the palace....well as much I can show you today. It's rather big." The prince jokes making Jiyong smile. The prince turns around to his staff. "Please leave us alone. Cherin, YoungBae, and Seungri...please enjoy your time here." 
The three nod and Cherin grabs Seungri's arms and they take off in a random direction. Seunghyun chuckles. "Make sure that they do not get lost or end up in father's quarters." "Ne sir" The guards then follow the three.
Everyone goes away as ordered now leaving the two together. Jiyong then starts to get nervous. "So...how have you been?" 
"Fine" says Jiyong still taking in all the surroundings. "It's beautiful huh? I really enjoy this side of the palace. That is way I had the carriage come at that entrance." 
"You have more than one entrance?" says Jiyong to himself.
"Nee ne we have four" 
Jiyong is then puzzled. "There are four?" 
"Ne Jiyong Shi" He said his name. Jiyong almost melted to someone calling him by his name. It's even more exciting hearing it from a royal. "Say it again...." Seunghyun laughs. "Ne?"
"My name...please...it's not common for a royal or a noble to say my name with a formality...." 
The prince grins. "Jiyong Shi." 
Jiyong smiles. "Thank you" He bows his head. The prince chuckles. "And that is all you wish of me?" 
Jiyong smiles. "I wish nothing of you your highness. I'm happy to be here." 
The prince smiles as he then leads Jiyong more into the palace. He starts to show Jiyong all of the places that he loves the most. There is so much history one room could take days to explain. The prince showing Jiyong even the hiding places he would go to when he was a kid. Seunghyun finds that Jiyong is getting more and more comfortable around him as he ask more questions and how his curiosity makes him ask even more. 
The last stop is a place Jiyong is going to love. "Okay, now here is the....library..." Jiyong's eyes widen to the massive room. It's four stories high and there are books upon books every where. Jiyong walks out in the center of the room and takes the whole room in because this could be his first and only time he could ever see such a sight. 
"Do you like it?" says the prince approaching the man staring all around the room. "Ne..." says Jiyong trying to read titles from where he is standing.  Seunghyun laughs. "You know you can read them..." 
Jiyong then looks at the man. "Really....I can touch a royal book?" 
"Ne. Please read as much as you like. Tea isn't for another hour." 
Jiyong is so happy he doesn't know where to start. "I don't know what to say...thank you" He bows his head. "I don't know how I could repay you of such an honor." The prince comes closer to the man. "Oh there are ways that you can repay me" says the man eyes the younger with a grin. Jiyong starts to feel nervous. "What is that your highness..." The prince takes the smaller hand in his. "There is one thing you could do that would make me very happy." 
Jiyong knew it....this man is a player...."I will be going now..." Jiyong then starts to walk out of the library. "Jiyong?" says the prince chasing after him. "Jiyong" Jiyong moves faster but the prince who is a little faster walks in front of the man. "Heh....you sure can walk fast." Jiyong makes a face. "I will be going now...." 
The prince watches as the man walks away again. "Countess!" Jiyong stops in his tracks. He almost forgot where he was....he just stormed away from a royal. Jiyong then bows down to the ground. "I'm sorry....I'm sorry please forgive me." Says Jiyong over and over. Seunghyun finally makes it over to the man. "Rise." says the prince to the now scared looking man. He comes closer and takes Jiyong's hand. "Why did you run away. " 
Jiyong looks down. "Because I'm not who you want me to be....I can't do what you want...I'm sorry...." 
The prince then chuckles making Jiyong look up with a frown. "Jiyong Shi." He runs a hand on the ivory skin to then patting the hand to hold it again. "I will never play with you like a toy. Is that what you thought?" 
Jiyong continues to look down again but the prince lifts the smaller chin looking into the coffee eyes. "I promise you that you will always be happy with me. I will never disrespect you. What I wanted you to do for me....was to read books. I prepared the room for you today and even brought a hand crafted chair....please don't go away...." 
Jiyong then looks at the man back in his eyes. He really is of no harm. "I'm sorry." 
"Don't be....my wording sometimes is not the best....I guess that's why people tend to misjudge me..." The prince looks down and bows his head. "I apologize." The prince just apologized....to a commoner. Jiyong smiles a bit. "It's okay....but really....why me....why all this?" 
"Because you talk to me like a human. You are not trying to impress me with how much gold you have and how many pictures you have drawn, to languages....you are different. I guess that's what I"m saying." 
Jiyong is slowly finding out that Seunghyun is just as human as he is and probably just as nervous. "Well I'm honored to be here and sorry again for running off. I didn't give you chance and I apologize...." 
"Well I guess that we are even Ne? Since you had me chase you pretty much back to the gardens. Shall we proceed to tea?" says the prince taking the smaller hand in his again. Daesung then comes into the room with a bow. "The Queen is now on her way to the garden." He bows again and then looks at Jiyong. "I apologize Jiyong Shi for the first meeting we had." Jiyong then looks at the prince in shock. "Ne he knows too. Daesung a childhood buddy to now my right hand man." Daesung then smiles brightly which is different for Jiyong. Such a hard looking man can shine brighter than the sun. "Ne. Please enjoy the rest of your time here and I hope to see you again soon. Prince you need to move now" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "We are going don't worry Daesung ah" Jiyong laughs a bit making the prince curious. "Now what has you in a fit of laughter?" Jiyong smiles and the prince loves his smile. "I can tell you two are close" 
"Good eye. Well like I said we are going to meet mother. Please just feel comfortable around her." 
Jiyong then starts to get nervous. "I will try...it's only the Queen right?" says Jiyong sarcastically making the prince love seeing more of a personality. 
"You will be just fine." 
///////////////////////////In the Royal parlor room///////////////////////
Cherin is eating many treats that the prince has set up for the three. They had a royal tour by Daesung and they all found how nice he was too. Seungri and Bae are really  liking the treatment of people waiting on them. 
"That prince is not so bad." says Cherin resting on a chair. 
"Ne. Says Seungri resting as well. I love it here...I wish that we didn't have to go back..." 
"Ne...." says Cherin dreading having to go back home. Hopefully their cover is still in effect. 

*****Thank you all for the wonderful response to this story. I'm happy that you all like it so far. Please tell me what you like about this story so far in the comments. Thank you for reading! If you are new I have many stories so while you wait please have a look. Don't forget to Upvote this^^ 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다! Later^^

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KikiGTOP #1
It's 2020 I'm here re-reading this story.
I love your stories!!!
I hope you're well. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: I love this story so muchhhhh!!!
vododoll #3
Chapter 10: Thaaaaaank u for this amazing story really reallyyyyy love itttt another one pleaseeeeeeee ~~~
Chapter 10: PRINCESS JIEUN OMFFFFF I DIDN'T EXPECT IT AT FIRST AND READY TO KREIYING RAINBOW TEARS ;________; the Queen is definity rock!!!! She accepted Jiyong as long as her Seunghyun happy with him omomomomomomo Seunghyun must've been very happy but yea his father asdfghjkl at least he agreed their telationship afterall HEHEHEHEHEH I'm pleased with their reunion luvsluvs. I love this fiction, keep on a good work! xx
Wysmom #5
Chapter 10: I loved this story so much.
Chapter 10: oh so beautiful :):) keep writting you're very very good
Chapter 9: indeed his mom (Queen) is cool :):) I'm happy
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy... This is sooooo sweet and beautiful <3 thanks for bring jiyong/jieun to seunghyun again hahaha i'm so in love with this story :)) thank you. <3
Chapter 10: Thank you for the wonderful story :) it was so fluffy and sweet through out the whole story.
lightaway #10
Chapter 10: I have so much fun reading this :)
Thank you for the happy ending. I they'd never be married. I'm glad i was wrong. Kekeke~
I love your fic and i love your writing style. Keep writing *^O^*