
If Only
Jiyong looks out the window as the castle gets smaller and smaller with so many new memories that need to be left behind. Cherin watches how her oppa's expression changes ever since they stepped onto the carriage. She takes the larger hand in hers and Jiyong looks over with a smile. Cherin smiles back warmly. "Did you enjoy yourself?" 
Jiyong looks out the window again with a depressed sounding. "Ne....I had fun...." 
Cherin knows that the older is a little sad that he had to leave the dreamy prince behind to go back to the reality of being someone's servant. Cherin nudges the older again. " did it go with your new lover?" She winks at the man and it sends Jiyong into a deep blush. He then whispers loudly. "Yah." 
Cherin looks across at YoungBae and Seungri who are taking a nap and shrugs her shoulders. "They can't hear ya." She then smiles coyly. "Did you two hold hands?" She looks into his eyes. "Did you two kiss?" 
Jiyong blushes again and turns his body towards the window. Cherin giggles to herself. "I'm just playing with you. I  don't wanna know the details...just wondering if we will make another trip soon?" 
Jiyong turns around again with a sad face. "But how can I see him again?" Jiyong's eyes water and he quickly wipes away a tear. Cherin had know idea that Jiyong was upset. She pulls her oppa into a hug. "What's wrong?" She pats his back gently. 
"I just wish that life was easier sometimes." He pulls back and looks into her eyes. "What I lived is something that could never come and him can never exsist...." 
"Did you two talk about it?" 
"Ne, we did say that we would try, but come on Cherin....can this really happen?"
Cherin shrugs her shoulders. "You never know unless you try oppa. You told him that you would try and I'm pretty sure that he is going to try too. Don't give up yet...I know that this will be a hard thing to do...but remember you were looked so happy earlier...cheer up. Ne?" She then giggles to herself. "You have a prince wanting to court you. You better try." 
Jiyong then smiles. Cherin always says the right thing to bring up a y situation.Jiyong then looks out the window again at the now trail of trees leading back to the country side. The road is less smooth but the royal carriage is still a great ride compared to the buggy that they use back at the Lord's. Seungri wakes up out of his slumber and stretches a bit pushing his hand into his hyung. YoungBae makes a face in his sleep and then wakes up too to hit the younger. "Yah..." says Bae with puffy eyes. "I was taking a good nap...aish...." Seungri then smiles. "Sorry hyung." Bae then pushes the younger playfully. "Aish you....always trying to be cute...." says the older adjusting himself. "Where are we now?" says Bae looking out the window. 
Cherin smiles. "We are probably not super far from home...." she then looks at Jiyong putting a bag in her lap. Jiyong then sighs. "I guess it's time to go back to reality?" The younger nods and pulls out a cloth to dab some water on it. "Ne...time to take off this makeup, but don't worry oppa. I will bathe you again to put more makeup on you." 
"EH?!" says Seungri and Bae in unison. 
Cherin clicks her tongue. "Were you two going to do it?" 
Jiyong then chuckles. "Focus Cherin ah. I can't take this makeup off on my own." The woman gets worked up at times...of course she is not serious. 
/////////////////////////////////One week later////////////////////////////////
Things are pretty much back to normal.  They all came back to the house without getting caught and Minzy is still  herself clueless as ever. YoungBae and Seungri have been in the rice fields all week, so it's been hard for all of them to get together. 
Gummy the lady of the house has been drilling her girls with etiquette classes because she is sure one of her girls is going to marry the prince. Little does she know that the prince is indeed gay. 
"Cherin pay attention!" screams their teacher showing them how to properly pour tea for guest. The old lady then holds out her cup. "Pour me some tea." Cherin smirks and then starts to pour some tea. She then accidently...well purposely gets some hot water on the lady's hand making her yelp smashing the cup into the ground. 
Minzy snickers as the old lady wails from's a mean thing to do...but the deserves it. She has been making them learn all of that proper lady stuff for hours and hours...they can't even take a piss. 
Gummy comes running into the room. She sees the teacher holding her very red hand. "Is this what you teach your daughters?" 
Cherin puts her head down trying not to grin. Gummy then glares at the teacher. "Do I pay you to complain? Teach them or not money...." 
The lady puts her hands on her hips. "Your daughter just spilled tea all over my hand!" 
"Well I guess that means that you are a lousy teacher...." Gummy raises a brow at her daughter and then leaves the room. The teacher then huffs. "Class is over....see you tomorrow." The lady storms out of the room leaving Cherin and Minzy alone.  The door opens again revealing a pissed off Gummy. 'I know you did it Cherin....why must you act like a little ...." 
Cherin puts her head down. "Put your head are not a peasant....I'm doing this to help you to marry when you get older. Your future husband needs someone who can carry themselves well...." 
"I don't wish to marry...." says Cherin....
"I know that....your father knows that, but whether you like it or will marry." Gummy then leaves the room making Cherin slam her hand on the table. "I should just run away..." 
Minzy then sighs. "Why don't you just do what mama always make things difficult...." 
"I could care less...why should women take care of a man like he is a child. It's ridiculous..." 
"This is the world Unni. I'm doing this so that I can live a good life...." 
"A life of always being your husband's shadow...where you can't claim anything for your own....I...." Cherin then stands. "Sorry sister...I just can't live that way. Nothing against you." 
Minzy then smiles up at her sister. "I have always been the daring one." 
//////////////////////////////////////////The library//////////////////
Jiyong picks up another paper that is piled on paper piled on more paper. He hates it when his lord just throws things all over the floor like this because it just creates more work for the man. The papers are thick and the ink from some of them is not even close to dry making Jiyong's hands stained black. His face has marks from the ink due to wiping his face from sweat. 
The man is back to his regular routine just like the rest of his friends. He hasn't seen Cherin the past couple of days due to late nights with his Lord. Yang has found more things to write about but the man is having trouble getting his words right. Jiyong sadly has to stay awake as long as his Lord is because Yang likes his tea. 
Jiyong finally picks up the last paper to then finally stand. He has been bent over for so long his legs feel a little heavy.  He wishes that he could sit down...but that could result to lashings if he sits on the silk chair in the room. 
Jiyong then picks up a tea up and looks at it. He smiles down at it and pretends to sip from it like he did with the queen. You would think that Jiyong would try to forget that day...but he can't...everything is reminding him of that man. Jiyong smiles to himself but then drops his smile as he sees his reflection on the dull mirror in front of him. His hair is dirty, his face is inked up, and his clothes are tattered due to years of hard work. 
The younger then looks down and puts the tea cup down. This is his life....this is his future. Yang comes back into the library sliding the door back. Jiyong then bows deeply. "Is there something you need Lord?" 
Yang then takes a seat at his desk. "Get me more tea..." says the man pulling some paper on his desk again. Jiyong bows and leaves the room to head towards the kitchen. The last pot of boiling water was taken away to do laundry and Jiyong is regretting letting those ahjumma's take it. Jiyong runs outside to the well to pull up some water as fast as he can to then run back into the kitchen. He then throws some wood on the fire to pour the water in the kettle. 
With a strike of a match Jiyong gets a steady fire burning. It takes a bit to get the water boiling so Jiyong patiently waits for the sounds of boiling water. If only he could have some tea....if only. 
The tea pot then starts to boil and Jiyong grabs the pot forgetting to grab a cloth. "Ah!" screams the man quietly to himself because he can't scream any louder in the house. He looks at his red hand and quickly puts a rag over it. Luckily he is not burned but it did sting at contact. He puts the pot on a tray with some tea and a cup and hurries to the library. 
Jiyong slides the door open thankfully seeing a busy Lord than impatient. The older looks up to see the stray and then looks back down at his work. "Put it over there....reheat it if it gets cold." Jiyong nods. "Ne." He puts the tray down and then goes to stand in a corner to wait to serve his Lord....yep...that's his life. 
Yang finally finished whatever he has been doing the past few hours so Jiyong is now currently cleaning up again. The man scrubs the floors and wipes some sweat beading down. "Aish these floors are cleaner than me...." He mutters to himself. 
"Well maybe I should bathe you again...." 
Jiyong chuckles to himself. "You know it's kinda creepy when you just stand there and not make your presence known." 
"Whatever....I  haven't been here long." Cherin then flops on a chair. "Let's go to the fields later." Jiyong makes a face. "You must have lost your mind....I'm sleepy Cherin...." The younger does see the lack of sleep on the man's eyes. "Ne....I do see that...but I haven't see you in days....let's go to the field and chat a bit....I won't keep you long...pleaaaaaaaase oppa?" she makes a cute face. "Aish....fine....see you a little later." Jiyong smiles a bit.
Cherin then claps her hands. "Yay...I have missed you...."
"Yah....don't say that stuff in the house..." says Jiyong with a mutter.
"I missed you." says Cherin going to hug the older. Jiyong then chuckles. "I smell could you hug me?" 
"Because you are my friend. See you later. Neeeeeee?" 
"Okaaaay." says Jiyong in a whine. He then sloshes some water towards the younger making her go towards the door. "Okay. I get it get it. See you later." 
Jiyong chuckles. "Later." 
//////////////////////////////The Fields//////////////////////////////
Jiyong comes over into the thick tall fields loving the feeling of the cool breeze and the moonlight path he travels every time. The man is tired but he does miss his friend a lot. Just seeing her for a bit made him happy and it keeps him sane with her popping up randomly. Jiyong gets to the middle of the field and then whispers. "Cherin...." Jiyong then walks a little closer. "CHeeeeeerin" says the younger looking around. 
"I would like it if you called my name too." says a voice from behind him. Jiyong feels like his ears are tricking him and his body shakes....he can't turn around. "Is it you...." says Jiyong in a whisper. 
Seunghyun smiles at the man turned from him. "Ne. I missed you...." says the older coming closer. He takes his hands and puts them on Jiyong's shoulders making the younger shudder from his touch. 
Jiyong then sighs. "You don't want to see me like this...." says Jiyong ashamed of his current attire. He pulls at his ratty clothes and the prince can see that the man is uncomfortable. "Please....don't feel that way." He then turns Jiyong around who still has his head down. Seunghyun then lifts the smaller chin so that Jiyong is no longer looking down. "Please let me see your face; for I have missed it so much this past week." 
Jiyong has sot and ink on his face and also dirt. The man is dirty and not the clean man that the prince has seen twice. "I'm nothing but a dirty servant..." 
"You are wonderful to me." The man looks the younger in the eyes. "Please do not feel ashamed because I like Kwon Jiyong. Not your attire." He then lifts Jiyong's chin again. "I like you" He stares into the man's eyes and Jiyong can't help but smile to this fairy tale. The princely prince who is dressed in nothing but the finest is  standing in a grassy field just to speak to Jiyong. "I'm's just that living this life things like this don't happen and society makes sure that people like me can never live like you...." 
Seunghyun then takes the smaller hand in his interlocking their digits together. "Well those people are silly."
Jiyong then chuckles. "What made you come all the way over here?" 
The older smiles at the younger. "You" 
"No really? Did you hunt...or do other royal things?" 
"Nope..only for you. Cherin wrote to me telling me how much you have missed me....I had to see you." The older then sits down in the grass making Jiyong freak out. "Prince you will ruin your nice's dirty down there..." 
Seunghyun then holds out his hand. "Sit next to me Jiyong ah." 
The younger blushes at his name being called affectionately to then sit next to the older. "I missed you...." says Jiyong quietly. The older then holds their hands tighter. "I missed you more." The older then kisses Jiyong's cheek lightly a hair that is out of place. "Look at me Jiyong ah." says the older repositioning himself. Jiyong does as told and looks the man straight in the eyes. " are making me blush" says the older making Jiyong embarrassed..."You said to look at you." 
The older then chuckles. "Ne ne and you did it well." The older then smiles at the younger. "I have something to give you." Jiyong makes a face. "Huh? A present?" 
"Ne. Will you accept it?" says the older pulling out a velvet bag. Jiyong nods and the older places the bag in the smaller hands. "Please take this to show that my affections towards you are real." 
Jiyong is almost scared to open the bag but he does. He reaches in and pulls out a necklace. It is a simple silver necklace, so it's nothing that will draw attention to the man. Seunghyun watches nervously as he watches the man inspect the necklace. "Do you like it?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne..." says the man still looking at his first encounter of silver. Seunghyun smiles. "Let me put it on you." He then reaches down and takes the necklace in his hands. He turns Jiyong a bit so that he can clasp the fine jewelry on his tan neck. Jiyong feels the light material fall on his collar bones. "Thank you...I have never received a gift this...." 
"I'm glad that you like it." He looks into the younger one's eyes. "I'm going to continue to see you, meeting either here....or the palace. I hope that one day we will wed and we can live happily together."
Jiyong is speechless....well almost. " you courting me? that possible?"
Seunghyun smirks at the younger  laying back in the grass. "Look at the stars. Yaaaaaaah." says the older looking at the star lit sky and bright moon. "Lay back with me and gaze. It's so beautiful tonight" 
Jiyong is still in a daze. "Prince....I...." Jiyong's hand is then grabbed by the prince so that he is laying next to him. Seunghyun looks over at the stiff man next to him and smiles. "Relax." he continues to hold the smaller hand. Jiyong then relaxes a bit as he continues to look at the stars. "Beautiful." 
Jiyong smiles. "Ne they are." 
"I mean you" 
Jiyong then turns his head to see the man looking right at him. The younger turns red making the prince chuckle. "I'm happy today is star lit. I can show you different constellations." says the older excited. Jiyong has never heard of this before. "Eh?" 
"Constellations help us to tell which star is which...nothing more. They are inspired by many farmers and poets and astrologers." 
Jiyong then points randomly at the sky. "What is that?" 
"Oh...that is Barnards Loop" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I will explain it to you Jiyong ah"
The two continue to look at stars and laugh at the things that don't make sense. Jiyong is getting more comfortable with the prince....which is scary and exciting at the same time. Seunghyun is completely human and not just a typical royal that you hear in stories. This man sits in the grass...and likes common people like Jiyong. 
"This is all so cool Prince." 
The older smiles up at the moonlit sky. "Call me Seunghyun" 
Jiyong looks over. "But I can't call you that...." 
"Yes you can. I'm allowing you to. Call me Seunghyun. Seunghyun is my name." The older smiles again. Jiyong has never thought of doing such a thing to a royal. Seunghyun then pouts. "I like Jiyong, but I'm not sure if he likes me back...." 
Jiyong then whines. "Are you kidding...?" 
The older then says in a baby voice. "Say my name if you like me back Jiyong ah." 
Jiyong can't help but laugh a bit. The more is is around this man...the more he wants to be around him. Jiyong  then looks away. ".....Seunghyun....." 
The older felt a warmth hearing his name called. "Say it again." says the older turning to his side with a grin. Jiyong then turns to meet the man with his silver necklace glowing against the moon. "Seunghyun ah"
Jiyong shyly smiles. 
**Hehe how are your feels? I'm sure you are all liking the charming prince eh? Please leave a comment and don't forget to UPVOTe. Thank you for reading!!



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KikiGTOP #1
It's 2020 I'm here re-reading this story.
I love your stories!!!
I hope you're well. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: I love this story so muchhhhh!!!
vododoll #3
Chapter 10: Thaaaaaank u for this amazing story really reallyyyyy love itttt another one pleaseeeeeeee ~~~
Chapter 10: PRINCESS JIEUN OMFFFFF I DIDN'T EXPECT IT AT FIRST AND READY TO KREIYING RAINBOW TEARS ;________; the Queen is definity rock!!!! She accepted Jiyong as long as her Seunghyun happy with him omomomomomomo Seunghyun must've been very happy but yea his father asdfghjkl at least he agreed their telationship afterall HEHEHEHEHEH I'm pleased with their reunion luvsluvs. I love this fiction, keep on a good work! xx
Wysmom #5
Chapter 10: I loved this story so much.
Chapter 10: oh so beautiful :):) keep writting you're very very good
Chapter 9: indeed his mom (Queen) is cool :):) I'm happy
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy... This is sooooo sweet and beautiful <3 thanks for bring jiyong/jieun to seunghyun again hahaha i'm so in love with this story :)) thank you. <3
Chapter 10: Thank you for the wonderful story :) it was so fluffy and sweet through out the whole story.
lightaway #10
Chapter 10: I have so much fun reading this :)
Thank you for the happy ending. I they'd never be married. I'm glad i was wrong. Kekeke~
I love your fic and i love your writing style. Keep writing *^O^*