
If Only
Jiyong wakes from his slumber with a tug at his clothing. "Yah...yah...YAH!!" says a voice in a loud whisper. The younger forgot what time it was and the day light is now coming over his eyes. "Aish will you wake up!" a soft kick hits the man sending him to sit up in anger. "Yah you little" Jiyong stops his sentence when he sees Bae and Seungri in straw hats. 
Seunghyun who fell sleep next to the man is still waking up. "What is it?" 
Jiyong then freaks out. "Omo...omo..." He then looks at he prince and blushes. Seungri then bow to the prince. "I'm sorry Prince Seunghyun...but we need you to change into these..." 
The prince looks at the tattered clothes. "What is going on." 
Seungri then looks over at his hyung and then back at Jiyong. Jiyong the looks at the prince. " need to change. I forgot that our Lord wanted us to trim the fields today....please put these on so that you will not be found out..." 
The prince smiles. "Have you forgotten who I am...I own these lands...Yang only rents them from my family...I will do as I please." The prince definitely came out and it's the early hours of the day. Jiyong then makes a worried face. "Well...I will have to explain myself...did they already eat?" 
Bae nods.."Ne...but Seungri covered for you.." 
Jiyong looks at the younger. "You must have endured a lot...I"m sorry...." 
Seungri then smiles. "Anything for hyung. I'm happy that you are happy...but you must come quick. Yang is waiting on you..." 
Seunghyun then sees how bad things are. He takes his lover's hand. "I'm sorry Jiyong ah...I didn't know that it was this serious." Jiyong smiles "Don't worry...just go home safely...last night was fun." 
The prince smiles and then stands in the thick of the grass with the others. Jiyong always forgets how tall the man is with his very prominent stance. The prince then grins looking at the younger ones. "Bae and Seungri. I would turn around if I' were you." 
Jiyong looks at the prince puzzled. "What is it?" Seunghyun then comes up the younger and hugs him gently placing a kiss on his cheek. "I will see you later tonight." 
Seunghyun kisses Jiyong's cheek again. "I will see you all later." The older walks over to the side of the road and whistles once...seconds later a carriage comes from the woods. Jiyong looks in awe at how much power the prince has at how he can call a carriage at his will...if only their relationship was this easy. 
Jiyong doesn't waste anytime as Seungri grabs his wrist. "I know you wish to see him off...but we need to go now..." The three of them run all the way back to the Lord's chambers and Jiyong runs into the room with a deep bow. "I'm sorry to inconvenience you this morning my Lord. I should be punished..." 
" should..." says Yang writing in one of his books. "But right now I need more paper...go get some from the shed..." 
Jiyong bows. "Ne..." The younger who is still bare foot runs all the way to the paper shed and grabs a mound of papers to be quickly brought back. "Here is your paper My Lord." Jiyong lays the paper on the desk. "Give me some more tea....and clean the shutters..." Jiyong bows. "Ne." He runs out of the room and goes into the kitchen to boil a pot of water. He is out of breath but he can't really care because as a servant your life is not important. 
The younger runs over to Gummy's quarters. "Yes my lady." 
"Give me some paper" The woman is at it again going to waste paper on some random drawings. "Ne." Jiyong then runs to the shed again to pull out not as much paper to then run back to her drawing room. "Here My Lady." 
Jiyong then bows and runs back to the kitchen where the water is already boiling. He puts the tea together and runs back into the library. "Here is your tea my Lord. I shall start cleaning the shutters." 
Jiyong then goes outside as the cold air starts to blow in. The younger sniffles a bit but ignores his running nose as he pours water from the well. He the grabs a rag to go to the shutters. "Aigo..." says the man as he starts to clean. The mix of the water and the cold air is starting to feel icy the more and more he rubs against the dark wood. 
It takes Jiyong a couple of hours but the shutters are clean...but his health is not as good as the man sneezes his way back to the library only to find a huge mess among him. This life sometimes is easy because everyday is the same...but it is not so easy when there is a life so much better than this...
The man then starts to pick up the mess of papers upon papers every where. "Achooooo" sneezes the younger as he wipes his nose with his sleeve...which is no use because his sleeve only burns his now raw nose. 
/////////////////////Cherin and Minzy's quaters////////////////////////
"Just do as mother says and see that man." 
"I don't have interest in men." 
" like....women??" says Minzy in shock but a pillow comes flying at her seconds later. "Aish...I don't like women...I just don't wish to marry...don't you ever listen to me when I talk..." 
"You talk to much...I can only absorb so much..." says the younger laying back on a pile of pillows. "Just see the man...mother will stop bothering you..." 
Cherin then laughs. "And you think that will be the end. Just will be soon your turn to wed." 
"And I will kindly accept the invitation...a nice life and a home. Why not." 
"And have no rights in the home and you can't even piss with out telling your husband." 
"Aish you need to stop hanging out with those peasants unnie. You are starting to talk like them..." 
"Whatever..." Cherin turns her book. "I'm going out..." 
Minzy then laughs. "I don't care as you seem to always do so..." 
Cherin rolls her eyes and sneaks out the back door. She then runs over to the fields where Bae and Seungri will be at. The workers are use to Cherin sneaking around to see her friends so the Ajummas point to where the men are near. 
Of course it's not to far into the fields where she see's Seungri chopping at some odd plant. "Hey....where's Bae?" 
Seungri wipes his head. "I don't know...he went some where with other hyungs with wood...they plan on warming the house today..." 
Cherin smiles. "Did you eat?" 
The younger smiles. " mom brought me some food." 
"Good good. Where is Jiyong. I didn't see him in the Library." 
"Oh..." says Seungri with concern. "He must be running a errand." 
/////////////////////The Library////////////////
Nope Jiyong wasn't any where else but the Library. He had to clean the floors for the fifth time today and it makes Jiyong want to kill his Lord Yang for stepping in just when he is about to finish. Of course he had to start over every time the man stepped in. The man looks out a window and sees that it's almost nightfall. He doesn't even know who his prince will see him again...and even why he would want to see him. 
"Jiyong..." says Lord Yang coming into the room. Jiyong stands to his feet and looks down. "Ne my Lord." 
"I thought I told you to clean with the blue rags....not these red ones...wasn't this used outside..." 
Jiyong then sighs...he forgot to switch rags. "I will do it again." 
"Good." Yang leaves the room. Making Jiyong grumble to himself. "Well this will be number 5." 
//////////////////////The fields///////////////////
Jiyong comes over into the field and lays into the grass. He can barely walk but he just had to get away after he was done with everything. It is freezing cold outside and the younger barely has enough clothes to cover his body. The younger is use to being with out every thing so he just learns to deal in life. He lays out in the grass and looks up at the same sky him and the prince shared. 
"If only I could just lay in the grass all day..." sigh the younger. Feet  of people come close to the man and Jiyong knows them well. "What took you guys so long to come over here..." 
Cherin sits next to the man. "You sound terrible...are you sick?" 
Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe..." 
The younger then puts her hand to his head. " are burning up..." 
Bae and Seungri feel his forehead as well. "Yah Jiyong why are you laying out here with your head so hot." 
Jiyong shrugs his shoulders again. "What's the use of going to my bed. It's just as cold there as it is here." 
Cherin then looks at the older. "Oppa....was today hard?" Cherin knows it was because her father always has a sick way of punishment. Because Jiyong wasn't there when he awoke this morning the younger had to work three times more than usual. "I know father can be a bastard...but don't let your body get weak..." says the younger taking off her coat but Jiyong stops her. "Don' will get sick..." 
Bae then sighs. "You must be pissed..." 
"I'm fine...I'm a servant...that's all I'm going to ever be..." 
"No you won't have the prince you and him could." "Do happily together...ha..." says Jiyong continuing to look at the stars. Today really got under the younger ones skin. This life is nothing he can easily get away from...the prince is nothing but a fairy tale to his mind. 
"Just let my lay here...okay...." Jiyong doesn't even know why he is depressed...maybe it's the cold and the sickness melted together. Cherin, Seungri and Bae lays down next to the man and look at the stars. Bae then pulls out a piece of bread out of his pocket. "Eat this you rascal." Jiyong can't help but smile. "Thanks man." 
"So it the prince coming tonight too?" says Seungri moving closer to his hyung to stay warm. "I don't think so" says Jiyong looking at the black sky. "I'm sure something important came up." 
"Ne..." says Jiyong wiping his nose. 
Jiyong feels like crap but he still rose before the sun to have his Lord's tea prepared and plenty of papers. He can barely think but that doesn't matter. He doesn't want another hard day for sleeping in. 
"Well looks like someone is on time..." says Lord Yang coming in from breakfast. "Pour me my tea." 
Jiyong nods and does as told. He then goes back to standing in a corner until summoned again. "I will be having a guest. Prepare another set for him." The younger nods and pulls a chair up to the desk and also going to the kitchen to grab another cup for tea. "Is there anything else you wish my Lord?" 
"No." says the older simply and rude. 
Jiyong stands and continues to stand for the next 30 minutes. His temperature hasn't gone down and the man could faint at any minute. "Jiyong...Jiyong....Jiyong!" says Yang for the third time. "What is with you..I called you twice today and you were late yesterday. I thought that we had things clear after the work you did yesterday. Shall we have a repeat!" 
Jiyong then bows to the floor. "No my Lord...I will listen well." 
"Just go and get me more paper....and make it look pathetic." 
Jiyong bows and slowly goes out of the room with a cough. He can't take this any more...he just wants to lay down...and eat something warm. He gets more paper and goes back into the room. 
He almost drops the papers. 
"Will you stop hobbling around like a idiot and help this guest with his coat..." 
Jiyong bows and closes his mouth. It's the prince once again in his sight and the man can't keep his eyes off him. Seunghyun of course has his gaze on the man and can clearly see his condition is not well. 
Yang then smiles at the prince. "You have returned...what would you like to do Prince?" 
Seunghyun smiles and then points at Jiyong. "Why do your men not have winter coats..." Seunghyun is a Prince so he can be rude if he wishes. Yang grits his teeth with a smile. "They are peasants...they don't need coats." 
"Oh so are they animals with no soul?" says Seunghyun a little upset. "That man over there has a fever. Are you going to just work him all day...." 
Yang then winces. "I will if I wish...he is my property...and if I can remember the royal court can't tell me how to deal with my servants." 
"Ne. We can't...but if they are in danger...we have the right to step in." Seunghyun stands to walk over to  Jiyong. "Come with me." 
"Yah!" screams Yang but it makes the Prince lash out. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME IN SUCH AN INFORMAL TONE. I SHALL HAVE YOU PUNISHED!" 
"NO! Forgive me!" says Yang with a bow which is something Jiyong has never seen. It's not even seconds later Jiyong taken by the prince's wrist. "Here is some money for your peasant...I'm sure this is enough for his worth." He tosses the bag making the coins spill every where. 
Jiyong is then dragged by the prince out of the house and down the long driveway that meets the land's gates.. "Prince....prince..." says Jiyong trying to resist. "Will you just stop!" The prince stops moving and looks back at the younger. "Ne...are you hurt...I"m sorry..." says the man coming back to his senses. "I just had to get you out of there some how..." 
Jiyong smiles. "Thank you...but I can't go..." 
Seunghyun makes a face. "You don't wish to come with me?" 
"I do...but my family...what will happen to them..." 
"I will send a royal guard to watch your friends and family. Or shall they come with us..." 
Jiyong chuckles. "You know you can't do that..." He then smiles up at the man. "We are from two different worlds. We can never be. Just remember our time and move was fun..." 
Jiyong then turns only to be turned back by the prince. "Why do you keep rejecting me. Jiyong...I love you. I wish to never be separated from you. Let me take care of you..." He looks into the coffee eyes.
"I can't..." Jiyong says again but the prince shakes his head. "No...Jiyong please..." 
Jiyong then slowly releases his hand from the other. "I love you...but I can't be with you...we are not the same..." The younger then turns around as the cold air hit his face. Tears automatically come down his tan skin as he slowly walks away. Seunghyun is seeing this action again from the younger. He can't have this again. Daesung then comes over  to the prince. "What was that Hyung...oh you want me to go bring him back?" He looks at the prince who chuckles to himself. "Am I that bad?" 
"No hyung...just let me get him for you..." 
"No...let him do as he wishes..." 
"You both are crazy..." says the younger to himself. "You will thank me later" says Daesung starting to run towards Jiyong. He takes him by the hand and then pulls him over his shoulder. "By the prince's orders I shall retrive you back to him and you will go to the palace." Jiyong then kicks and screams as he is thrown into a carriage seconds later. Seunghyun is speechless to the act as Daesung looks at the stunned prince. "Your carriage awaits Prince Hyung" 
Seunghyun smiles as he walks the younger. "I forgive you." He gets in the carriage and Jiyong is just too weak to move again. He is frozen and the warm carriage doesn't make him move an inch. "I shouldn't be here...." 
The carriage starts to move and Jiyong's eyes widen..."Noona....Appa..." Seunghyun then moves over to the man and pulls him in an embrace. "I'm having my men come and retrive them soon along with YoungBae and Seungri and their family. They will all come live with us." 
"Huh says Jiyong surprised...How did you..." 
Seunghyun kisses Jiyong's cheek again. "I'm not taking you to the main palace but he summer Palace not too far from here.." Seunghyun then pulls a blanket over the two of them. "Now rest my love. You are not well. Have the royal doctor awaiting us." 
" father knows about me..." 
"No not yet...but I had to do something my love...last night I came to the fields...I heard what you said...about how you wished to live a better life...I couldn't just sneak around any I rushed back and told my mother...she happily allowed me to come and get you and your family." 
"Just like that?" says Jiyong with a stuffy nose.
Seunghyun kisses the top of Jiyong's head. "Ne. mother still think that you are a girl..." 
"Huh..." Jiyong freaks out.
"Don't worry they will understand. We just need to get you use to being around them...then we will break the news to  my father..." 
Jiyong then gets nervous..."The King....Omo...send me back...stop the carriage..." The older chuckles. "You are not even moving...." 
"Is this really worth the risk...I could get my head cut off for this..." says Jiyong in a laugh followed by a cough. "Stop talking. Just relax baby." 

"Ba ba baby?" says Jiyong with a blush looking into the dark eyes. "Ne. Baby. Now rest...we need to break this fever." The two of them cuddle and the prince keeps the younger close in an embrace. Jiyong slightly shivers due to his now fever but fells restful for once in his life.

He is covered in dirt and doesn't have on shoes...but he is still loved.


**Hello happy holidays!! Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment and upvote! Later!! 

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KikiGTOP #1
It's 2020 I'm here re-reading this story.
I love your stories!!!
I hope you're well. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: I love this story so muchhhhh!!!
vododoll #3
Chapter 10: Thaaaaaank u for this amazing story really reallyyyyy love itttt another one pleaseeeeeeee ~~~
Chapter 10: PRINCESS JIEUN OMFFFFF I DIDN'T EXPECT IT AT FIRST AND READY TO KREIYING RAINBOW TEARS ;________; the Queen is definity rock!!!! She accepted Jiyong as long as her Seunghyun happy with him omomomomomomo Seunghyun must've been very happy but yea his father asdfghjkl at least he agreed their telationship afterall HEHEHEHEHEH I'm pleased with their reunion luvsluvs. I love this fiction, keep on a good work! xx
Wysmom #5
Chapter 10: I loved this story so much.
Chapter 10: oh so beautiful :):) keep writting you're very very good
Chapter 9: indeed his mom (Queen) is cool :):) I'm happy
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy... This is sooooo sweet and beautiful <3 thanks for bring jiyong/jieun to seunghyun again hahaha i'm so in love with this story :)) thank you. <3
Chapter 10: Thank you for the wonderful story :) it was so fluffy and sweet through out the whole story.
lightaway #10
Chapter 10: I have so much fun reading this :)
Thank you for the happy ending. I they'd never be married. I'm glad i was wrong. Kekeke~
I love your fic and i love your writing style. Keep writing *^O^*