
If Only
With the help of everyone Jiyong and the gang were able to leave the property with out notice. Jiyong who is now in traditional clothing of a noble and he is starting to feel more and more nervous. Cherin who is sitting next to the older takes his hand in hers. "Calm down. It will all be fine.." 
Jiyong looks over at the younger and sighs. "It's just that...I don't think that I could get away with this...I'm not a regal...and I'm definitely not a woman." 
Cherin grins and looks the man over. "Well you pass as one. You look stunning Jiyong oppa. Just believe in yourself more. You are now the countess. Make your mother proud." 
Jiyong grins. "Ne...I will" 
Jiyong is not your normal commoner. His family was once among the rich and lived a comfortable life. This of course all happened before he was born. Jiyong's father was a commoner and he worked on a wealthy family's property. He was enchanted by the countess that graced herself along her lands. 
Since Mr. Kwon worked the gardens he was able to look at the countess from a far. For years he would only stare and would never say a word, but of course one day words were said when the man accidently flung dirt in the wrong direction. The woman was of course mad...but the kind face of Mr. Kwon made her swoon. 
The two soon found themselves in a secret love and soon found themselves with child. During these times it's forbidden to every talk to the poor and the same the other way around. When the countess was now too pregnant to hide her baby bump she had to tell her father. Not only she had a secret love...but it was a commoner...and now she is with child and not even married. Because of this she was disowned by her father and forced to leave with her lover. 
Months later they found the Suks and there Dami was born and then years later so was Jiyong. The countess after giving birth to Jiyong had some complications and didn't live much longer after Jiyong's birth. She was able to at least feed him and cloth him with the best of her ability of her last days. Jiyong still remembers her well and will never forget her kind face. Everyday his father tells him of how much he looks like his mother and that makes Jiyong's day that she is always with him. 
"How much longer?" says Cherin leaning out of the carriage. She is not your normal girl. He loves the freedom of pants and likes to get dirty...she is enjoying the moment but has to change into proper garments later. Seungri grins "We are almost there. Is Jiyong ready?" 
"I think so." says Cherin. The younger leans back into the carriage making Jiyong slightly freak. "Stop doing that before you fall out..." 
"Live a little oppa." 
"I'm trying..." says Jiyong fidgeting with his dress. The royal courts are getting near and Jiyong needs to man up...well woman up...heck step it up at this moment because there is no going back. He now has to save his father from possibly a life changing sentence that he doesn't deserve. 
"We are are here." shouts Seungri. "Jiyong needs to be ready." 
Cherin then grabs Jiyong by the shoulders and looks him in the eyes. "Now listen to me. Right now you are not Jiyong. You are the countess. You are regal and you are filthy rich. Don't let these people get to you. You need to keep your head high" 
Jiyong looks the woman in the eyes and nods. "I will do it." 
"Good." Cherin grins. "Countess." 
Jiyong lets his mother's title resonate in his bones. As he looks at the surroundings as he starts to feel more and more confident. Totally the opposite of what he thought he would feel at this point. He looks at all of the royals walking from markets greeting each other in their expensive garments and rich and vibrant colors. This is the life that everyone should have. 
They finally make it to the center of town and Jiyong immediately notices the cages that are sitting off to the side. It sickens him how people just pass by and ignore the common men as they are sitting directly in the sun with no one to even care. 
The carriage stops and Jiyong's heart starts to race with excitement. All those books that he has read in the past of royals conversing with one another is now coming to life as he looks out of the carriage. 
Seungri hops down from the carriage in his proper garments and opens the door. He bows slightly. "We have arrived countess." Jiyong has never had someone bow to him in his life and it catches him a little off guard. Seungri rises with a grin. "What is it my lady?" 
Jiyong shakes his head and carefully gets out of the carriage. The sun is bright but the weather is nice. He quints a bit but then sees a shade over him. He looks to his side and sees that Cherin who also changed into the proper lady in waiting attire. She of course has an umbrella in had to shade the countess's precious skin. 
The four are really putting on an act with the two footmen and the lady in waiting. Jiyong is not just wearing a regular garment. It was hand crafted and made the finest silks. Jiyong is wearing a trendy color and it makes dukes and lords do a double takes. Jiyong is not use to the attention and looks down. "Nah ah ah. Keep that head up Jiyong oppa." says Cherin in a whisper. Jiyong is happy that she came along because she is of much of help already. 
Jiyong looks over at his friends and realizes that they really all in it for him. He takes a deep breath and puts his chin up higher. "Come along Cherin. Seungri and YoungBae stay here until my return" says Jiyong in a regal tone. Cherin grins and follows. "Ne countess." The word countess goes around a couple of the people passing by. There are not many countess's in the kingdom...most are visitors and have the most expensive attire....
Jiyong continues to part his way through the crowd. He gets many looks as the nobles and commoners look at the ivory goddess walk with ease across the royal township. All of those etiquette lessons are now coming in handy that he spied on for years. Walking in dress is ease and holding his posture is like second nature. Jiyong finally makes it close to the cages and spots his father's figure. Cherin then whispers. "There he is." Jiyong nods and proceeds to the nearest guard. 
The man in Armour looks the woman over and slightly bows with a smirk on his face. "What can I do for you my lady?" 
"It's countess and I would like to buy that commoner." Jiyong got the royal bit down packed because he is rude and assertive.
"I'm sorry countess...but we have orders from the king to keep these men. They are not for sale." 
Jiyong then  frowns. "That is unfair. How are we as citizens suppose to maintain our lives with out the proper amount of slaves. I want that your price." Jiyong then pulls out the bag of coins from his hanbok. The guards eyes widen to the amount of coins that Jiyong is flashing. 
Finally another guard comes over. He is in a different Armour and it looks more higher in the ranks with the gold platings. The man with his strong eyes looks the woman over. "Is there a problem?" 
Jiyong looks the man in the eyes with confidence but really he is terrified. Cherin is a little scared herself. "Is there a problem" says the man again. Jiyong then looks the man in the or nothing..."I wish to buy that commoner...I will give you money..." 
"You can not buy what is the kings" 
"The landscape should belong to the people who see it all the time. Therefore the people should belong to the people as well." 
The guard listens to the words of the wise Jiyong and frowns. "So are you saying that you have a right to own what you wish despite the king's orders? Are you going against the king?" 
Jiyong shakes his head. "No. I do not question the king. I just simply survey that the king wishes for us to be one. Being one means together....gathering more right correct? Why can't I just buy this commoner." 
"Aish...this countess" says the guard but he gets whacked by the higher guard. "This is still a your tongue even though she is close to committing a crime against the king." 
"No need Daesung" says a deeper voice behind the three. Cherin turns around and freaks. She bows deeply. "Your highness." Jiyong turns to see who this prince is and sees everyone bowing before his feet. Jiyong who is still in the act doesn't bow and this makes the prince raise a brow. "And you are?" 
"I came here to buy that peasant. I don't mean to cause trouble..." 
"Is your father a scholar?" 
"Ne?" says the younger in confusion 
"The words that you just spoke...they are words of scholars..." 
Jiyong almost wants to roll his eyes. This prince is getting in the way. "I just want to buy him." 
"HOW DARE YOU NOT ANSWER HIS QUESTION!" yells Daesung, but he is then silenced by the prince's hand. "No need to yell" says the prince with a smile. "What is it that you wish to have?" 
"Prince!" yells Daesung "The Kings direct orders were to send them all out" 
"I will take responsibility. Give her what she wishes." 
"DON'T QUESTION ME. DO AS I ASK!" says the prince in a growl almost making the kingdom rumble. Cherin watches as the prince takes command and some how looks like he has a heart. The prince looks at the woman and comes closer. Seunghyun has never seen a woman so fair and beautiful in his life. "What is your name my lady?" 
Jiyong looks the prince in the eyes. "Countess Ji Eun" 
Seunghyun then takes the countesses hand and bows to kiss the top of the hand. "It's a pleasure to be in your wonderful graces countess. Are you visiting?" 
Jiyong is now currently recovering from the man that has tons of wonder he is a prince. "Countess?" says the older again with a smile. "I'm visiting....staying with a cousin..." 
"That is devine. Well I will give you your slave..." 
"Just like that?" says Jiyong speechless making the other smile. "Just like that. Enjoy your evening." The prince walks away with his fourteen guards and servants leaving Jiyong and the original guards he was dealing with. Jiyong raises and eyebrow. "You heard the prince....give me my slave" 
Daesung murmurs to the other guards. "DO it...." 
The cage is opened and Mr. Kwon is released. He of course knows that this countess is his son dressed in women's garments. They will talk about that later. Jiyong could just hug the man but he doesn't want his emotion to be a give away. 
"Come peasant...." 
Jiyong starts to walk and Cherin follows with Mr. Kwon following behind still processing that he is free and that his son saved him. They all arrive back at the carriage and Mr.Kwon sits on the back. Jiyong is carefully placed back in the carriage and seconds later the carriage is turned around as they make their way out of the  town center. 
Jiyong watches how the royal courts then change back to the forest of the way home. The taste of being a noble was fun...but it's never going to be a reality. Jiyong starts to undo his dress freaking Cherin out. "Yaaaaah!" 
Jiyong chuckles. " have seen me plenty of times." says the younger sitting in the under coat. 
"I....I do not..." 
"I was kidding....but now I see that this is something true....dongsaeng...bag girl" 
Cherin chuckles. "It was only once...okay twice.... you have a nice ...." 
Jiyong chuckles and ruffles her hair. "Thank you..." 
"No problem....well there is a problem are we going to explain him coming back to appa?" 
"We will just have him say the prince said he could come back...and it's not a lie" says Jiyong simply. 
"Yaaaaaah love the confidence." 
"Well this get up actually helped...that prince surprisingly saved the day...." 
"Yea...he is known to be a jerk...but he was really you....he didn't even freak out when you didn't bow..." 
"Omo! I didn't!" says Jiyong shocked.
Cherin laughs. "Yea you didn't bend at all. I think that he was intrigued by that..." 
"OH really....?" says Jiyong with worry.
"Don't will probably never see him you are a man...." 
Jiyong then remembers..."Oh ne. He would never notice me...this was an eventful day. I impersonated a noble, argued with guards, didn't bow to the prince, had my first kiss." 
"That doesn't' was your hand pabo..." 
"Whatever...anyways it was a crazy day. can come back now." 
Mr. Kwon climbs in the back. "Jiyong..." 
Jiyong tears up. "Apppa! Ack" says the younger holding his throbbing head. Mr. Kwon is pissed. "Why did you do such a stupid thing! Do you know how much danger you could have put yourself in. Aish you little brat!!" says the older in tears now. "You were all stupid...but I love you all...thank you my brave son..." 
Jiyong smiles. "I would do anything for you appa." 
Mr. Kwon looks into his son's eyes. "Just never do this impersonate a royal again" 
"Ne appa." 
"Promise me" says the man with pleading eyes.
Jiyong nods. "Ne...I promise"
//////////////////////////////The Palace//////////////////////////////////
Seunghyun smirks. "I think that you look great appa. Blame it on the guards" 
The king takes his empty cup and throws it across the room almost hitting his son. "Aish you and your little antics. Let me was for a woman...." 
"Ne...and she was beautiful father." 
The king rolls his eyes. Seunghyun tends to get distracted.."Yah have a marriage coming focus you little brat!" 
"I told you...I"m not marring her..." 
The king bawls his fist. "Why you little." The Queen comes into the room. "Now that's enough my King. Seunghyun realizes that he made a mistake. Isn't that right my love?" 
Seunghyun pouts. "Ne momma." 
"Aish you baby him too much..." mutters the king. Seunghyun grins. "Well I'm going to the gardens with mother" says the prince taking his mother's hand leaving the pissed king in the background. Seunghyun is a prince and he is indeed a prince who was born with not a silver but a diamond incrusted spoon in his mouth. He has never suffered or begged.
He has simply had people wait on him hand and foot. Women swoon over him and he has played many. Some women call him a womanizer but Seunghyun finds it all fun and games. Life to him is simply simple. He is not a dummy he knows books so well he can quote them and works of scholars is a hobby. Plays with women because they are simply boring what most lack is intelligence...that's what made the prince enraptured by the countess...intelligence and beauty. 
 The two proceed down into the gardens where Seunghyun ordered the servants to walk 20ft away so they can talk privately. "So who is this woman you met today my son." 
"Oh she was the one who caused father to have 23 instead of 24 slaves." 
The Queen chuckles. "You must have really been taken back to get involved in such things..." 
"Well...I didn't see her first...I heard her...her voice spoke of things that only scholars would know and her confidence speaks....but mother....when I saw her...she was just perfection..." 
"Who is this woman?" 
"All I remember is that her name is Countess Ji Eun...she is a visitor though..." 
"Did you ask where she is staying. She could have tea with the nobles." 
"I didn't....because I was too nervous...." 
"Well you must find her. I want to see this woman who has my vocal son speechless" 


****Thank you for reading! What do you think of the story so far! Do you like it!? What is your favorite part or what makes this story keeping you wanting more. Please leave your feedback. I value it^^ Please if you like this story please upvote to support. Thank you again! Until next time! Love!!



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KikiGTOP #1
It's 2020 I'm here re-reading this story.
I love your stories!!!
I hope you're well. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: I love this story so muchhhhh!!!
vododoll #3
Chapter 10: Thaaaaaank u for this amazing story really reallyyyyy love itttt another one pleaseeeeeeee ~~~
Chapter 10: PRINCESS JIEUN OMFFFFF I DIDN'T EXPECT IT AT FIRST AND READY TO KREIYING RAINBOW TEARS ;________; the Queen is definity rock!!!! She accepted Jiyong as long as her Seunghyun happy with him omomomomomomo Seunghyun must've been very happy but yea his father asdfghjkl at least he agreed their telationship afterall HEHEHEHEHEH I'm pleased with their reunion luvsluvs. I love this fiction, keep on a good work! xx
Wysmom #5
Chapter 10: I loved this story so much.
Chapter 10: oh so beautiful :):) keep writting you're very very good
Chapter 9: indeed his mom (Queen) is cool :):) I'm happy
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy... This is sooooo sweet and beautiful <3 thanks for bring jiyong/jieun to seunghyun again hahaha i'm so in love with this story :)) thank you. <3
Chapter 10: Thank you for the wonderful story :) it was so fluffy and sweet through out the whole story.
lightaway #10
Chapter 10: I have so much fun reading this :)
Thank you for the happy ending. I they'd never be married. I'm glad i was wrong. Kekeke~
I love your fic and i love your writing style. Keep writing *^O^*