An Unwelcomed Visitor

Perfectly Loud

Chunji had a scowl on his face as he sat in one of the bean bag chairs at their hide out. That new girl, JaeHee or whatever her name was just completely pissed him off. Her snarky tone, witty comments, he hated them all.

"Hyung, you okay? You seem a little tense." Changjo asked and prodded Chunji's side with his finger. Chunji growled and straightened up a bit.

"I'm fine Changjo." L. Joe laughed.

"I think Chun Chun's a little hurt." Chunji glared and smacked L. Joe on the arm.

"I am not hurt over that stupid girl. More annoyed than anything." C.A.P just shook his head and went back to sleeping. He liked sleeping, it was easy to do and required the least amount of energy.

Chunji remained silent after that, his mind running in all sorts of directions about that new girl. There was something about her that wasn't right. He would find out what that was, too.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and smilied when he saw the little kakao notification. 'It must be Hee. I hope she's doing okay.' He quickly clicked the notification and couldn't help but feel his heart skip a few beats.

"Hello ChanHee-ah! I hope your taking good care of yourself! And hope school was okay! Have a good day today <3 I love you.

"Hello baby! :D I am doing okay! I was a little annoyed in school today but nothing to major. My day is already good because I'm talking to you. I love you too <3"

"Someone's smitten." Niel said and tried to peer over Chunji's shoulder at his phone. Chunji quickly wiped that love sick grin off his face and put his phone away.

"Oooo Hyung whose that!" Ricky called cutely, doing some aegyo to try and coax the answer out of Chunji. Chunji closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. '. I can't tell them I have an online relationship, they'll never let me live it down.'

It wasn't that Chunji was embarrassed by it, oh  no, it was just because if the guys found out they'd never shut up about it and call him annoying nicknames like, 'lover boy' and whatnot.

"It's no one important." L. Joe snorted.

"If it's no one important then I'm not a player." Changjo nodded and high fived L. Joe. C.A.P finally spoke up.

"He'll let us know when he wants. Just relax. Let's all sleep how about that." Niel sighed.

"Yah! Hyung is that all you do?" C.A.P never replied because he fell back asleep making everyone laugh.

That's their leader for ya!


It was evening by the time Chunji left their hangout, hands in his pocket, he wandered around the streets of Seoul, nowhere in particular to go. He didn't want to go home just yet because he just couldn't deal with his father right now.

That bastard was probably drunk off his , anyway.

Passing a deserted park, he flipped the hood of his grey hoodie over his head and sat down on one of the swings. He slowly rocked himself back and forth and started to hum a short tune. The light breeze blew past him, each second he dropped deeper and deeper into thought. Thought about life, the future, and what he would do.

Would he always be living with his drunk father? Would he ever get enough money to go to college? And could he ever make it as an Idol? He also thought about his future family. He wanted a really big family, and he'd be sure to treat his kids with unconditional love and provide a good environment for them.

When Chunji suddenly felt a tap on his knee, he looked up to see a little girl no more than 5 years old holding out a juice box to him, her tiny hands were covered by the sleeves of her slightly too big pink jacket, and her little white boots made her look so adorable. Not to mention her little pig tails.

"Is this for me?" Chunji asked with a smile. The little girl nodded and Chunji took the juuice box from her hand, sticking the straw into the hole, and taking a sip. He laughed and made an exagerrated gesutre.

"Mmmm mmm this sure is good! Now what's a little girl like you doing out at this time of night? Won't your Umma and Appa be worried about you?" The little girl hopped onto the swing and shook her head.

"No I don't have an Umma and Appa." Chunji frowned and patted the girl on the head. She smiled.

"But its okay because I have the best Unnie in the world! She always takes care of me." Chunji nodded and checked the time on his watch. It really was getting late.

"Don't you think your Unnie will be worried about you if she doesn't know where you are? Come on, I'll take you home, okay? Just show me where you live." The little girl nodded.

"Okay sir." Chunji laughed.

"Call me Oppa, okay?" The little girl nodded.

"Call me MinHye!" Chunji picked the girl up and put her on his shoulders, causing her to giggle and clap her hands together saying she could see everything from up here. It brought a smile to Chunji's face. He really liked little kids and wanted some of his own someday.

"Okay princess MinHye, where too?" MinHye pointed to the direction of her home and Chunji started to move forward, walking East on Main St in Seoul. The whole way home MinHye talked all about her Unnie and how much she took care of her.

It made Chunji smile, she must be the nicest person in the world. To be taking such good care of her little sister. There definitely needed to be more people like MinHye's older sister in the world.

"Oppa turn left here!" Chunji reared left and came across an old looking apartment complex. It wasn't the best, that was for sure, but it was a hell of a lot better than his fathers. His place would make this place look like the Ritz Caralton.

"It's 272 Oppa!" Chunji set MinHye down and MinHye immediately grabbed his hand and started to run up the steps with him in tow. MinHye reached a tiny fist up to the door and knocked on it while Chunji stood behind her, both his hands resting on her shoulder.

It wasn't long before the sound of a deadbolt unlocking could be heard and the door swung open to reveal...JAEHEE????

"MinHye! There you are! I thought you were hurt. I was so worried." MinHye felt herself become squished in a tight hug and patted her Unnie's back.

"It's okay Unnie! Oppa brought me home! I wanted to go to the park, and you were sleeping so I didn't want to wake you up and I wanted to be a big girl." JaeHee just sighed.

"I'm just glad your safe, and Oppa?" JaeHee questioned, finally looking up only to be met with Chunji's eyes. Wait

"CHUNJI?!?" Chunji rolled his eyes.

"Who else?" JaeHee scoweled and ushered MinHye inside. Before MinHye went inside however she hugged Chunji's leg and thanked him for taking her home. She even gave him a little kiss on the cheek when he bent down to hug her.

"Goodnight Oppa!" Chunji patted her head.

"Goodnight princess! And don't go out alone again, okay?" MinHye nodded and finally went into the apartment and to her room to change.

"I guess I owe you a thanks for finding her. I don't know what I'd have done if she didn't come home." Chunji nodded.

"It wasn't a problem. She's cute. Unlike you." JaeHee hit Chunji on the arm.

"Yah! I just said thanks and that's all you have to say? Tch. I take my thanks back." Chunji smirked and grabbed JaeHee's wrist, suddenly pulling her closer to him.

"How about you give me a thank you kiss instead?" JaeHee immediately thought of ChanHee and declined. Even though she had never met ChanHee in person, she would always be faithful to him. Even if her hear was beating a mile a minute at Chunji's touch. And of course Chunji wouldn't actually kiss JaeHee, he had Hee after all and he would always be faithful to her.

"In your dreams." Chunji laughed and pulled away.

"Your blushing. Cute." Before JaeHee could growl and retort, a loud crack of thunder and lightning rocked the sky. Big raindrops started to pour down, pelting anything and everything in sight. You could even hear their echo off the metal roof of the balcony.

"! It's raining." JaeHee debated about sending him home or letting him stay for the night in her mind. She did hate the guy after all, but on the other hand he did find her little sister for her and it was raining pretty hard.

"You can stay the night. But only as my thank you for returning my sister safely. Nothing more." Chunji smirked and walked right on in, removing his shoes and putting on the spare house slippers.

"Don't mind if I do." Chunji examined the tiny apartment quickly and came to just one conclusion. A girl definitely lived here. The apartment was sparkling clean, there were candles lit, and the house smelled of a delightful and welcoming vanilla. The walls were pained a warm yellow color, and it was overall very homey.

"Unfortunately, my old couch broke and I had to throw it out so I don't have a couch at the morning. You'll have to sleep on the floor." Chunji scoffed.

"Me? Sleep on the floor? Yeah right. I'll sleep on the bed thank you very much."

"Now wait just a minute here. This is my apartment and I'm letting you spend the night when I could just as easily have made you walk home in this awful storm." Chunji smirked and got extremely close to JaeHee's face, bending down so they were eye level.

"But you'd never do that." JaeHee raised an eyebrow.

"Oh and why is that?"

"Because that's not the real you." Chunji felt satisfied at JaeHee's surprised expression, mouth opened in disbelief.

"So I'll be taking the bed. Cool, thanks." Chunji wasted no time in finding the bedroom, ploping himself down on JaeHee's double bed, which actually used to be her parents old bed. He smiled in content and let out an appreciative moan as his stomach sunk into the soft mattress.

JaeHee, finally coming out of her shock, marched right into her room and couldn't believe what she was seeing. There was Chunji, a boy she disliked greatly, in her bed. Passed out cold.

Where was she supposed to sleep? Surely she couldn't sleep in the same bed as him right?

"Yah you pabo! Wake up!" JaeHee started shaking Chunji but he just groaned and swatted the hand away, already lost in the land of dreams. JaeHee tried again to wake Chunji, but again she just had her hand swatted away.

This bastard. How dare he.

Fine, if he wanted to do this, two could play at this game. With a new goal in mind, JaeHee quickly went into the bathroom to change into her pajama's which were a pair of yellow silk short shorts and a silk yellow mid riff tank top. Very revealing and y. But she could brave it just this once.

With a sigh, she quickly hopped into bed and got under the covers, noticing Chunji somehow managed to get under them as well. It must have been when JaeHee went to change.

JaeHee turned away from Chunji, making sure her back was facing him and she was as far away from him as possible. After all, she had Chan Hee and she didn't want to do anything that would hurt or upset him. Chunji, a wild sleeper, suddenly rolled over and draped his arm around JaeHee's side, pulling her close to him. She let out a gasp when she could feel his well toned muscles and abs pressed against her and even widdened her eyes when she felt Chunji entwine his legs with hers like a koala.

What the actual .

This was definitely not happening. JaeHee was definitely not being embraced so intimiately by Chunji and she certainly wasn't enjoying the wramth.

Nope, definitely not.

'You have Chan Hee, Jae Hee. Remember you have Chan Hee. Chan Hee is your boyfriend.'

JaeHee tried to wiggle free of the position but to no avail. His grip was just to strong. With a sigh JaeHee gave up and closed her eyes. The sound of the rain, coupled with the quiet sounds of Chunji breathing filled her ears and she soon felt the pull of her eye lids.

Unable to fight against them anylonger, JaeHee let her subconcious slip away from her.

This definitely wasn't happening.

Definitely not.

I think I want to cut it off here for now. This is sort of a filler chapter, but you'll see why it was nescessary next chapter! They are FAR from getting together, trust me, so don't go thinking they like each other now.

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'Great chapter Author-nim! I loved it! I wonder what's going to happen next :)'


'It was an okay chapter, a bit boring, but okay! Update!'


'It really still . Try again. Bye.'

Till next time!!



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PERFECTLY LOUD: The next chapter has been updated! Please take a look!


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Chapter 12: Oh I hope you update this!!
Chapter 12: Your story is sook amazing authornim. Finally Chunji and Hee can be together ^^ But I'm still confused aby sylar....he is so mysterious
Exo_Scarlett #3
Chapter 12: what a nice story author-nim.. jjang~~
Acerv_ #4
Chapter 12: Oh. My. Freaking. God.
I love you soo much right now... Ok that was kinda weird...

Thank you so so much for not giving up on this story!!
I really admire you since the first story I read was one of yours Hello Baby I think yeah it was good by the way!!
Good luck and no matter how the story turns out I will not be disappointed!! :D
Acerv_ #5
Chapter 11: Please update soon authornim please! This is one of the best stories I've read and ugh I just can't wait to find out what happens next please update soon!
Chapter 9: oh my god please update
Chapter 9: I love the storyline. Looking forward for more Chunji and Jaehee moments!
Chapter 9: I love the storyline. Looking forward for more Chunji and Jaehee moments!