The Kim's Pt. II

Perfectly Loud

Hannah frowned as she looked down at the white half piece of paper in her hand then back up at the building in question. This was where they had relocated JaeHee and MinHye?

Waddling up the steps, gently resting her hand on the underside of her pregnant belly, she softly knocked on the door. About a minute or so later, the door opened slightly from the chain lock on the inside of the door disallowing much space and a cute little five year old poked her head semi-through the door, pigtails bouncing up and down.

Hannah smiled at the little girl and bent down as much as her would allow her.

"Hey there sweetie, is your sister home? My name is Kim Hannah, I'm Myungsoo's wife." MinHye immediately brightened at the young looking lady and let her into the apartment.

"My Unnie ran to the market, but thankfully Appa came by and he is helping me with my math homework!" Hannah's eyes widdened. So Chunji was here? This was perfect. And no sooner had she thought that the man in question had appeared.

"Oppa! This lady here says she is looking for Unnie. She's Myungsoo Oppa's wife!" Chunji looked at the pregnant woman and had to turn his face away. She was very beautiful. Myungsoo sure was a lucky guy.

"My name is Lee ChanHee but everyone calls me Chunji. JaeHee isn't home right now but I can talk in her place. What can I do for you?" Hannah laughed at the name.

"I was actually here to check up on JaeHee and to talk to her. But it looks like I missed her, but while you're here, I'd like to talk to you for a bit." Chunji nodded and bent down to MinHye's eye level and put his hands on her tiny shoulders.

"Oppa and Unnie are going to talk okay? Why don't you go back and work on your math homework and when we're finished talking I'll come and help you with the ones you didn't know."

"Okay Oppa! You're the best Oppa ever!" MinHye kissed Chunji on the cheek and scurried back to her room. Chunji shook his head at her cuteness and the escorted lady Kim to the couch.

"So how do you know JaeHee?"

"Well what do you know about her?" Chunji remained silent, because in all honesty, he didn't really know if he knew her, the real her, at all.

"I...well...not much to be honest. JaeHee...she won't let me in. She won't open up to me so I don't know how to help her, she's not exactly liked me until recently." Hannah nodded carefully listening to the details. She chuckled internally. This was just like a rundown fairytail. Broken boy meets broken girl, but broken girl won't let anyone in, and broken boy can only do so much because he's so broken himself.

"I'm going to start from the very begining and I'm only going to say this once so listen well. JaeHee has gone through so much in her life. She lost both of her parents in a fire, which was later determined as arson. It was intentional. Someone had been after her family, or so they initially thought. After the incident, JaeHee and MinHye were sent to live with her grandparents. Recently, and thank god MinHye was okay, her grandparents were murdered by the same man who killed her parents. His name is Sylar and he's one of the most wanted criminals in the world. JaeHee had to be relocated to here in hopes that she stays hidden. The reason why she won't let you in, the reason why she stays hidden, it's because she doesn't want the people she cares for to be hurt because of her ever again. In her mind, if you start a relationship with her, it will only give that horrible man one more person to kill."

Chunji was shocked into silence, having no idea what to say or how to respond to such an awful story. JaeHee really went through all that? And still is going through it? He thought his life was rough, but he had no idea how much worse it could be, until now that is.

"So this man is still after her?" Hannah nodded.

"Yes. The reason I know about this is because my husband works for Sylar as a double agent." 

"Why does Sylar want JaeHee?" Hannah shrugged. She didn't know all the details, just a few things she'd learned from MyungSoo.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that JaeHee needs more people now then ever. Just keep pushing your way into her life and eventually she'll let you in." Chunji looked out the window in thought. This woman was definitely wise for her years. MyungSoo sure was a lucky man.




MyungSoo sighed as he sat in the night club with his gang as he listened to a singer seranade them. More than anything he wanted to be with his lovely wife and their unborn baby girl. He wanted to stand behind her and hug her tight and rub her baby bump every night before bed so he'd get to talk and have conversations with his daughter. 

"L, why the long face?" MyungSoo looked up towards and cracked a slight smile. Of all his gang members, JaeSoo was the most tolerable. It was such a shame that he rolled on this side of the playing field, because he'd be a really good police officer.

"I just miss my precious people." JaeSoo nodded and handed MyungSoo a full bottle of beer. He missed his family, too.

"Drink up! You'll feel better."  MyungSoo took the beer and took a few swigs. He was never a fan of alcohol, it lead to nothing but trouble, but it would look suspicious if he didn't drink like the others. His goal was to blend in as much as possible and even if that meant drinking until he couldn't walk straight then so be it. Anything to protect the saftey of his future family and JaeHee. 

Speaking of JaeHee, MyungSoo wondered if Hannah had found her and talked to her yet.  Hannah would be just what JaeHee needs in her life, a strong female rolemodel. Not to mention that the more people Hannah had around her the better. MyungSoo wouldn't know what to do if anything were to happen to Hannah and his unborn daughter. He'd rather die then to have to live without either of them.

The night wore on and MyungSoo only felt worse and worse the more he drank. Suddenly he just really didn't feel like drinking anymore. He stumbled out of the norebang and found a quiet bench to sober up on in the park.

Was it really worth it? To be away from everything he loved just to ensure its protection in the future? He was practically missing his wife's first pregnancy and wouldn't even be able to hold his child for more than 24 hours. 

He just wanted to hold Hannah in his arms. He missed her so much and each day it got harder and harder to stay away from her. Feeling slightly more stable he stood up from the bench and put his hands into his pockets. He walked along the Han River and looked out over the water as he did so. He suddenly felt envious of the water. It was calm and free, with the ability to flow wherever it wanted. Be wherever it wanted. 

All MyungSoo felt like was a prisoner, a slave trapped in the world of crime, yet he knew that it was for the greater good of everybody. Yet why did it have to be MyungSoo? What was so special about him that he was chosen for this mission? Why was it he who had to be taken away from his family? Especially during a very special and wonderful time? He couldn't even give his wife a proper wedding and honeymoon.

 Myungsoo coould only hope this would all be worth it in the end.



JaeHee returned from the store and glared when she saw Chunji in her apartment with her younger sister MinHye. Why was he here? Didn't she make it very clear to him that she didn't want him in her life? That she was just fine without him and that he should just leave her alone? Also, how did he even get in? It must have been MinHye's doing. JaeHee would have to have a long talk with MinHye about letting certain people into their meager home.

"Oh hey Hee! You're back." JaeHee felt her heart jump at the nickname. She still couldn't believe that of all people her ChanHee was Chunji

"Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?"  Chunji shook his head. He wouldn't let her push him away anymore.

"Don't push me away Hee. I want to be with you."  JaeHee walked into the kitchen. She didn't need this right now. She didn't want it. She couldn't handle loosing anymore precious people to that monster. As long as Chunji stayed away from her he'd be safe and that was enoughnto make her happy. 

"I don't want to be with you." what a liar. JaeHee thought as she had her back facing him leaning against the sink. Chunji gently grabbed her shoulders and spun her around and practically pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"I am not going to let you push me away anymore. I want to be with you no matter what. I know about Sylar and I don't care about my safety. I want to protect you and MinHye. How can I help you if you won't let me?" JaeHee was taken aback. Wasn't he scared of the danger?

"But I can't see another one of my precious people get hurt. Not after loosing my grandparents. He won't stop ChanHee. He won't stop until he get what he" Chunji leaned his forehead onto JaeHee's and cooed softly, brushing her hair back from the side of her face with his fingers.

"From now on JaeHee, as long as I'm around no one, and I mean no one, is going to hurt you or our little princess. I will fight until my last breath if it means you'll be safe. Plus you still haven't met the guys. Teen Top's a pretty formidable force to be reckoned with you know."  JaeHee stared into Chunji's eyes, trying to find any doubts, lies, and vulnerability. To her surprise all she saw was pure love, protection, and devotion.

"Promise me that you won't leave me. Promise me right now. I lost so much, I can't loose you too." Chunji wiped away a stray tear from JaeHee's face. He smiled softly and whispered into her ear how he'd never leave her and always take care of her family and protect them.

"JaeHee, will you please do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" JaeHee blushed lightly and nodded, not trusting her voice for fear of breaking down into tears. Chunji smiled so wide and slowly brought Hee's lips to his own in a slow and passionate kiss that was long overdue. 

Chunji would do everything he could to protect JaeHee. But he nor she had any idea that by protecting her, he was actually endangering her.


Well it's been awhile hasn't it? I have this story marked as complete because I have lost my interest in it but I know that  I will finish this story, just very slowly. I hope you aren't to mad it's marked complete even though it isn't and I hope you continue to read the story!

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PERFECTLY LOUD: The next chapter has been updated! Please take a look!


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Chapter 12: Oh I hope you update this!!
Chapter 12: Your story is sook amazing authornim. Finally Chunji and Hee can be together ^^ But I'm still confused aby sylar....he is so mysterious
Exo_Scarlett #3
Chapter 12: what a nice story author-nim.. jjang~~
Acerv_ #4
Chapter 12: Oh. My. Freaking. God.
I love you soo much right now... Ok that was kinda weird...

Thank you so so much for not giving up on this story!!
I really admire you since the first story I read was one of yours Hello Baby I think yeah it was good by the way!!
Good luck and no matter how the story turns out I will not be disappointed!! :D
Acerv_ #5
Chapter 11: Please update soon authornim please! This is one of the best stories I've read and ugh I just can't wait to find out what happens next please update soon!
Chapter 9: oh my god please update
Chapter 9: I love the storyline. Looking forward for more Chunji and Jaehee moments!
Chapter 9: I love the storyline. Looking forward for more Chunji and Jaehee moments!