Chapter 8

LET'S PLAY!!! And maybe FALL IN LOVE too..


When I already opened my eyes, I just realized that it was already Sunday in the morning. I did a few arm stretches until I finally get out of my bed. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I tried to remember what happened last night..

And then I remember Lee Hi accompanying me out of the karaoke.. And Seungri was also there.

He was talking to Lee Hi as if he knew her personally. Of course he knows who is she! He called Lee Hi by her name!! Ohh my godd!!!

Something is terribly missing in this puzzle that I need to solve.

I went down the stairs to grab some food since I'm totally hungry. I went straight to the kitchen and there was Seungri. He was cooking homemade breakfast for me. Such a cute dongsaeng!!

As Seungri turned around, he asked me to wait for him at the dining table. He was acting too cold towards me. Which is something awkward for me.

I didn't said anything at all and decided to just wait for him there.

In a few minutes, Seungri showed up bring up all the foods he cooked for me. As I can smell the food, I can totally say that Seungri is such a good cook.

After I grab a few bites, Seungri talked. He asked me what happened yesterday.

And our conversation goes like this...

Seungri: Hyung. I want to ask you something.. Uhhmm.. It's actually what happened yesterday. Who's that girl? I mean, the g-girl with you in the karaoke..

GD: Ahh! She's Lee Hi!! Wae?? Why are you asking me about her?? Are you suspecting me that she's my girlfriend?? Kekeke.

Seungri: Aniyo. But how come you know her?

GD: You're asking too many questions already. But to clear out your mind, I'll just tell you briefly who is she and what's her part in my life. Lee Hi is my online friend. She's "BaddestFemale91", that her username. Isn't her un got too much swag? Well, we talked about everything. We are open about anything at all. We are at ease and we believe that our secrets our safe when we talked about it. Plus I really do like her personality from the way I looked at it when I'm talking her. And yesterday, we finally meet. She seems a little bit different and I actually don't know why.. However, I still find her great. She got an amazing voice. If you could only hear her sing. Got anymore questions kiddo??

Seungri: Do you like her that much? Wait.. Let me rephrase that. DO YOU LOVE HER? I mean love her that you want her to be your wife... Just answer that.

GD: I do like her. But I'm not inlove with her yet. I still need to get to know her. Hey! What's with you? You're some sort of investigator asking me these silly questions though.

After this, Seungri didn't talked back. And yet, he stand up from his seat and went out of my house.

What's with him?? Why so serious early this morning?? 

I just really can't understand.


Seungri's POV

How will I tell hyung that me and Lee Hi had a beautiful past. That we had a beautiful relationship ruined by myself. Aigooo. This is very frustrating.

As I attended my class, I just keep quiet. No words, no laugh. Just a pure silence in my seat in my class.

I know I can feel that the whole Bigbang members noticed my strange attitude. But I ignored it.

The bell rang and we just went straight ahead to the canteen to grab some lunch.

Bite here. Drink that. Still quite at all. I don't know how to approach my hyung anymore until he finally broke the silence.

GD: Yaah!!! Seungri! What's wrong with you? You've been acting so weird! Tell us what is your freakin' problem. We want to help you as much as we can.

Then Seungri honestly said this not to us, but to me, "Hyung. LEE HI. IS. MY. GIRL! Now, do you understand why am I acting like this?"

GD was too shocked that no words came out of his mouth. His too speechless that we both liked the same girl.

"Seungri ---" Before GD could say anything, I in.

I told him honestly what's on my mind and how do I feel right now. 

"Hyung! I love her! I love her that I want her to be my wife! I was supposed to confess her that day. But then due to some circumstances, we didn't meet all. And then I saw you with her! My Lee Hi has another man besides me! Do you know how it hurts? It hurts as if my heart was slowly breaking into pieces. Now that she got you, she can totally move on, But, how about me? I WAS STRANDED HERE, STILL LOVING HER WITH ALL MY HEART."

I burst out all my emotions to my hyung. Everyone in the canteen was looking at me like I'm a piece of with tears coming out of my eyes. No wonder what happened will be the talk of of the town, "Bigbang's Seungri and GD, fighting over a girl", that's probably the main headline of the day.

But you know what, I'm totally wrong. Wrong in such a way that I blame my hyung that I won't be having Lee Hi as my girl anymore. It's not his fault that Lee Hi chose him over me. Before I can finally say sorry to him, hyung stand up and gave me a warm hug while tapping my back. And then, hyung wiped my tears with his scented handkerchief. 

GD is really my brother. Well, not by blood but binded by a solid friendship.

"You can have her. You can have my "BaddestFemale91". I mean Lee Hi. I'll talk to her later. Now that I already gave her to you, will you promise me that you'll never break her heart again dongsaeng?" -- These are the kindest words I ever heard. Words that I know GD really mean this. I will owe him from the rest of my life for what he did to me.



I really do love my dongsaeng. So what can I do but to let go of her...

I thought that she's the one for me.. But then she's not.

Love is full of mysteries. You'll never know what can happen next.

After all the drama, I go up to the rooftop. I want to skip classes. I wanted to take a longer break. I just want to free my mind from all this stress. From everything that happened. And to erase what happened between me and Lee Hi.

Here it goes again. I opened the door and there she is. CL is in the rooftop again.

She wore headphones and that's probably why she didn't hear me enter.

She was singing. Ohh wait. I think I heard that song already. Yeah, she was singing "The Baddest Female"!!! 

Ohh, and she's dancing too!!!

Damn it! I don't know that this girl got a secret talent that she hide from everyone. Sounds like me, hiding also my talent because parents will surely scold me if they knew that I really want to pursue this career.

After the show was over, CL took of her headphones and turned around to go back to the classroom.

Of course, as she turned around, she was too suprised to see me.

I gave her a round of applause because she deserves it. This girl got a strong charisma when she sings and dance at the same time.

But CL is angry with me. She threathened me and said, "Don't you dare tell anyonw what you saw. Or else I'll rip off your head. And by the way, I'm quitting this stupid game we had whether you like it or not. Don't come near me again or I'll the teacher that you're such an annoying brat. You got that?"

Well, she slammed the door the door too hard that it hurted my ears. 

What's with her? Why is she mad??

I overslept in the rooftop and the class was even finished already.

Of course, I went back to the room to get my things.

As I approached my desk, there was a note left by Seungri.

"Hyung, I'm really grateful for what you did. Me and Lee Hi will be meeting in a while. She said that she still loves me. She said sorry for what she did to you. I hope you won't get mad at her. She told me that she wasn't the "BaddestFemale91" you've been talking about. She just pretended. I hope you can manage to talk to her. I bet "BaddestFemale91" is so damn mad right now because you didn't meet up with her. Hope you can fix everything."

OH MY GAAAAD!!!!! Lee Hi is not the girl I'm dying to see! My intuition is telling me the truth! That's why I feel something is different with her.

I need to go back at home and I need to talk to her about this.


Is there really still a chance for these two people to meet each other?


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sweethoneys #1
Chapter 14: CUTE!!! update please..
Chapter 14: Please!!!! Authornim.... im begging you update soon!!!! TT...TT
Such a cute story....
infiknight94 #3
Chapter 14: kyaaaaaa its cute and sweet :) update soon please :D
sophiee #4
Chapter 14: so sweet... hug & kiss...
can't wait for next chapter...
cielroo #5
Chapter 14: kyaaaaa!!!!!>< omg but can't chae stay and not leave t.t
infiknight94 #6
Chapter 13: soooo thats the reason why she's absent... aaahhh i'm so curious.. update soon please authorniimm
Chapter 11: ohhhhh myyy goooddd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gd already know baddestfemale91 is CL !! omo omo omo omo !!!! cl baby what r u going to do now ???
Chapter 11: ohhhhh myyy goooddd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gd already know baddestfemale91 is CL !! omo omo omo omo !!!! cl baby what r u going to do now ???
Chapter 11: ohhhhh myyy goooddd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gd already know baddestfemale91 is CL !! omo omo omo omo !!!! cl baby what r u going to do now ???
Chapter 11: ohhhhh myyy goooddd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gd already know baddestfemale91 is CL !! omo omo omo omo !!!! cl baby what r u going to do now ???