Chapter 6

How To Catch Sehun in 10 Days


Day Six


Seohyun woke up gratefully in her warm cosy bed. Yesterday's horrific events flashed into her mind and she jumped up, reaching for her phone that she had put back on charge. With a deep breath to compose herself, knowing that she was safe and sound, she decided to text Sehun and tell him thank you for looking after her so well. She checked her messages and found nothing. Wufan hadn't bothered to text her. What a friend he was. Didn't want to make sure she got home after yesterday. If she had disappeared he wouldn't have known or cared. She lay back in bed and sighed. Maybe I'm just being stupid. Over thinking.

She decided that she needed to hang around with her girls since she had been neglecting them. She was undoubtably close to Kyungsoo, Minseok, Wufan and Yixing but she had to think about her other friends. They would end up not speaking to her. She found it frustrating that the boys and girls didn't mix very well. They were too awkward together. She was about to text them when she received a text message.

Seohyun! Since I'm back in Korea let's celebrate today! Told everyone to head to the park~ Let's go~ Meet at 11, okay? Bring money too we might go to Seoul~~~ Kyungsoo ♥xoxo

Seohyun sweatdropped and began getting ready, her forming plans disappearing into thin air.




She reached the park- Rose Park- and continued inside until she heard familiar voices laughing and chatting together. She approached cautiously with a present in her hand for Kyungsoo. Wufan, Yixing, Minseok, Kyungsoo and surprisingly Tao were all sitting together. Tao was the only guy that seemed a little awkward but otherwise everyone was all smiles.

"Kyungsoo Oppa!" Seohyun dashed over to them, handing Kyungsoo an expensive watch. Money was never a problem for any of them so it was an average present that Kyungsoo took graciously without feeling burdened.

"Thank you Seororo." Kyungsoo stood up and hugged her tightly. Tao sighed and looked away as Seohyun sat down. They were all on a huge, embroidered blanket- probably Wufan's. There were also casual bottles of juice and kimchi with BBQ chicken and other savoury foods. It momentarily reminded her of Sehun but it was far more natural and comfortable- not awkward and stupid and annoying and... The list goes on.

"Hello Seohyun." Wufan greeted with a hand sign. Seohyun blanked him and greeted everyone else brightly. Tao, though, ignored her.

"Here," Minseok handed everyone plastic cups and plates happily. Seohyun passed a pair of chopsticks to Tao but he completely rejected them. She sighed and turned to Yixing.

"...Yixing, why is Tao here?" She whispered into his ear softly.

"I invited him because he was crying behind the bikeshed yesterday." He quickly answered brightly. "Said he missed his family in China and I understood and felt sorry for him so--"

"Bikeshed?!" She gasped into his ears.

"Yeah, why?" Yixing sweatdropped.

"I-I told Kyungsoo about Sehun by the bikesheds yesterday!" Seohyun panicked, staring at the ground. Yixing pouted and nodded.

"Oh." Yixing shrugged before turning back to everyone else. Seohyun cracked her neck timidly and moved next to Wufan.

"Wufan!" She quietly cried his name into his ear, whining at him. "Tao cried because of me..." She admitted feeling extremely guilty. Wufan, though, completely ignored her as she had ignored him earlier. Feeling stupid, Seohyun plucked up courage to talk to Tao.

"T-Tao, can I speak to you?" Seohyun bravely asked, looking nervously into Tao's eyes. Tao scoffed but stood up. Seohyun wished he would understand. But how could he possibly? She tried to get him to listen to what she had to say but he wasn't likely to care for her words. She just wanted him to disappear till the bet was over where she could try again with Tao and apologise anewed. The two slowly walked away towards the pond in the middle of the park- not too far from everyone else.

"What do you want?" He asked in Chinese, not looking at her. His back was completely turned from her. She gulped and forced the lump in to go straight back down. This wasn't her- a scared person.

"I-I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry." She apologised, bowing even though hadn't turned to see her. She let out a deep sigh. "I wish I could tell you why I did it but I can't so please, forgive me." She continued pitifully. She heard Tao scoff one more. He spun around abruptly and walked over to her daringly.

"You said so yourself." He spat out angrily, glaring at her. He was towering over her like a thug. Yesterday’s memories swept in and she felt herself begin to sweat. "You're just a bimbo." He shrugged with a raised eyebrow. "Just another typical, moronic, selfish, stupid, Sehun-obsessed idiot." He growled at her.

As they weren't far from the others, Yixing heard the commotion between them and hurried over. But before he could, Seohyun yelled back defensively.

"What would you know about me!?" She stamped her foot, annoyed that he could say such hurtful things to her so easily- without knowing anything at all. As soon as she retaliated against him, she realised how ironic she had been. Hadn’t she done the same to him because of the bet- known nothing about him and just called him a loner- a nobody? In the heat of the moment though, she couldn't just stop and feel sorry. Though she knew she was wrong, the other side of her was far too mad to give it up. "You just made stupid assumptions! And what do you know about Sehun, huh?" She snapped at him.

"We all know he's a prat and that you're completely stupid, wasting your damn time." Yixing butted in from behind unexpectedly. Never had she ever heard Yixing say anything so brutal and scarring. He was usually quiet and sweet. This felt like a bus hit her. Tao looked over at Yixing with a smirk and nodded at Seohyun with dry, cold eyes.

"Stay out of it!" Seohyun screamed at him. She was completely distraught that Yixing was being cruel to her. It wasn't her fault she was forced into the bet. She didn’t accept that it was her fault. She refused to.

"Why should he? He's your friend. If you can't listen to him, go to Sehun like the dog you are!" Tao yelled at her loudly. At this point Wufan dashed over, knowing they were arguing. He was a little too late though. The damage was done.

"Maybe I will!" Seohyun shrieked angrily, completely destroyed by their heartless words. She looked at Yixing with pain. "I thought you would have understood you !" She scoffed and turned just as Wufan came into their area at that precise moment.

"Seo--" He tried to console her but was over-barred by Yixing's heated words.

"Maybe if you didn't keep so many damned secrets this wouldn't have happened you stupid girl!" Yixing carelessly flung out into the open. "Just tell us everything because then you won't have to do anything for this damned b---" Yixing continued aggressively.

"Speak for yourself, Zhang Yixing." Wufan roared at the top of his voice, his true inner-self coming out barbarically.

"Wufan, don't even--" Yixing retaliated quickly but...

"SHUT UP." Wufan bellowed back.

Yixing stepped back and Tao closed his mouth. Seohyun just turned to Wufan and banged her fist against his chest. Nothing was light-hearted at that moment.

“How can you tell them to SHUT UP?!” She screamed at Wufan. “It’s all because you don’t want to keep your stupid mouth shut that I’m in this mess!” Seohyun hit him harder. Minseok and Kyungsoo ran over as fast as they could after hearing the argument burning up- even if they didn’t understand what was happening.

“Do you want to hide the truth away your whole life?” Wufan whispered into her ear. She stared at him, feeling her cheeks redden under the pressure. "You know you can't." He breathed silently so only she heard those words.

“IT’S NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!” She roared powerfully with frustration. She screamed out with anger, staring up at the sky helplessly.

"Oh for God’s sake shut up! So damn over-dramatic!" Yixing exclaimed, his words quiet yet stabbing. "Blaming everyone else but yourself. You have no common sense, do you?" Yixing continued venomously, unhappy with her. "I didn't say anything before but do you remember the damned party? Do you remember any of it?" He continued. Seohyun stared at him, dumbfounded. She felt more than insecure. She couldn't remember a thing. "BECAUSE OF THAT YOU WERE ATTACKED BY OTHER BOYS!" Yixing exploded with rage-filled eyes. No one had ever seen him so mad.

"I... I didn't---" she began, her eyes widened in panic. It didn't sound like her but it briefly rang a bell in the back of her mind. A blur of bodies going near her and a cry that sounded like her own went through her mind. Then it went, like a flash.

“What?” Wufan and Tao stared at Yixing who looked beyond insane. His eyes were at their widest and his fists were clenched tightly shut. His whole body language was screaming rage.

“Yeah, she was attacked! How?" He paused, tracking his thoughts angrily. "It’s funny, you know because Jongin was about to advance onto you. I heard him and Sehun talking. Sehun may have knocked Jongin out, but you, you were filth that night. You fit the picture of being another e in Seoul, another to be used. You were dancing on the floor. Jungmo and Jay advanced onto you, rubbing against you like you were a flaming stripper. I helped stop them with Sehun. I told him to take you away. He listened to me. I didn’t say anything else to him. I just left. I left you there. I was ashamed of you Seohyun. Why?” He paused again after the long rant. "BECAUSE YOU ENDED UP WITH YOUR HEAD IN A TOILET, DIDN'T YOU? YOU'RE FILTHY! I'M ASHAMED OF YOU!" Yixing harshly described, his face becoming sicker with each word as though he was forcing them out against his will.

“You left me…?” Seohyun stared at Yixing as though she had been betrayed by him. Her rage was stubborn and grew more. “And you trusted him to look after me?” Seohyun had to defend herself no matter what. Even if she couldn’t remember anything properly, she couldn’t allow Yixing to break her apart. She had to be strong.

“Who’d want to look after a slag?” Yixing tilted his head. Wufan stared at his best friend, ultimately speechless. Yixing had told him nothing. He had this pent up inside of him for only two days. It took something small to set him off. But his words were penetrating Seohyun harder than anything else. He could tell by looking into her eyes that she was on the verge of breaking apart.

As soon as Kyungsoo saw what was happening- Wufan standing immobile with a pained face whilst Seohyun stood dead, staring at Yixing with horror- he raced over to her and held her hand. Tao stepped backwards and watched the rest of the events unfold.

“We’re going.” Kyungsoo breathed gently into her ear, pulling her away immediately. Before Wufan could touch any of them, Minseok stood in the way and pushed him back aggressively- finally acting his age. Yixing stood, watching her leave, with tears in his eyes.

"Yixing, why?" Wufan asked Yixing slowly, watching Kyungsoo and Seohyun run ahead.

"Oh shut up, Mr Righteous." Yixing sarcastically called back before walking away. From a safe distance, he wiped a tear from his cheek.




Kyungsoo took Seohyun back to their school as it was open that Saturday- exams were coming up so weekends were available to them. Seohyun hadn't studied much and felt bad for it but she was ahead in her class naturally. They moved to the Library quietly. Seohyun was no longer crying. She was just deadly silent. Kyungsoo found it cute, though. When she was unhappy she just exerted aeygo unintentionally. She was a natural beauty so he thought any expression suited her. As they sat down after picking out books, he placed his hand on hers and looked into her eyes.

"Seohyun, don't get hurt by them." He instructed her slowly, letting out each word slowly so she would listen without a fight. He didn't want to pressure her, but console her. She was just sat there staring blankly at nothing. “I’m sure whatever you are doing…” He frowned at her. “I’m sure you are doing it for a good reason Seohyun. Whatever Yixing or Tao said… Forget it.” He soothed her with words. "Everyone was just angry and teased even before you came."

“Thanks.” Seohyun whispered without any effort. She was out of energy.

“Shall I sing for you?” Kyungsoo offered. He was part of the high school boy band called 2K RY- with him, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Yesung; two guys in the year above. Seohyun nodded slowly and Kyungsoo began singing a song they created called ‘My Lady’. He was about to hit the chorus when his phone went off. He answered it and the call ended quickly.

“Oppa?” She wearily said, looking at him pleadingly.

“I’m sorry I have to leave. Since I’m back, our family are having a massive get-together. Minseok is already home.” He pouted and left his book on the table. “See you tomorrow, okay?” He winked at her softly before heading towards the door. He was about to say something else when Jongin entered the room, pushing Kyungsoo out his way as though he was nothing but air. Seohyun felt her heart sink further as all the ‘Royals’ entered one by one, filling the emptiness. Kyungsoo gave a final weak smile and then disappeared out the room.

Sehun walked in last with Yoona holding his arm regretfully. He really didn’t like Yoona but put up with her since his friends and her friends were intimate. She used to be nice until she became obsessive over him like every other boring girl. He had never had a girlfriend and really wasn’t much of a party-goer or a player but because he hung around with players and alcohol-obsessed guys, he automatically was given the title of a player. He found girls who desperately fought for his attention pathetic and annoying. Hence he was always harsh and emotionless- destroying girl’s hearts and ripping their love letters instantly, right before their eyes. Yet, and painfully so, it only made the girls work harder. He sighed.

As his eyes briefly scanned the room he noticed Seohyun sitting alone on a table, biting a pencil with her lips, absorbed into an encyclopaedia-sized book. She was perfectly poised on her chair in the most attractive way possible. But then again, Sehun thought of how she acted. She was just another pointless, attention-seeking girl. Even knowing this, he continued staring at her. After all, he had to win her over in order to win the bet.

He felt Yoona leave his arm and usher over her friends together. He felt relief overcome him as he sat down next to Luhan who nudged him and pointed at Seohyun. Sehun looked at Luhan and smirked.

“Yeah I know.” He smiled at his friend.

“Gonna do anything today?” Luhan chuckled quietly, inquiring about the bet. Chanyeol knew what they were on about and eagerly waited for Sehun’s reply. He just shook his head and took out a book.

“Ahhh why?” Chanyeol moped, pulling out his exercise books from his bag. Baekhyun and Jongin suddenly paid attention to them.

“She’s studying.” Sehun answered with a shrug. “I want to pass my exams, too. I can study now and woo her later you know.” He compromised easily. His friends all groaned at his well-planned out mind. Sehun was too hard to catch out. He was always prepared and always had witty comebacks that no one could beat.

“Kill joy.” Jongin sweatdropped with a dark voice. With a bored groan, he opened his own book and became absorbed by it. All five ‘Princes’ began studying. Luhan was smiling as he held his calculus text book in one hand and was writing answers down with the other. Jongin was reading a book for literature. Baekhyun was composing music on paper, humming to himself quietly. Chanyeol was using a notebook to find information on volcanoes as his work books were useless. Sehun was going through chemical equations. The five were actually ignoring their surroundings momentarily until a scream of rage interrupted them rudely. Everyone looked for the source of noise to see Yoona pulling on Seohyun’s hair hard. Sehun watched in horror as they dragged her down to the floor.

“You just don’t get it!” Yoona ed loudly. She dragged Seohyun off her chair whilst her friends giggled and snorted at the victim.

“Never mess with us.” Taeyeon stood over Seohyun’s head with an evil smirk. She bent down and held Seohyun’s face. Seohyun continued to look down at the floor crying silently without showing her sad expression. If anything she seemed like an emotionless, arrogant that had something in her eyes.

“Those boys,” Jessica cut in, eyeing them with a smirk. She waved at her ‘boy’ Luhan who wasn’t smiling back. He was shocked alongside Sehun but Jessica didn’t notice. “...are only ours. They only get the best and guess what?” Jessica continued, still glaring into Seohyun’s blank eyes, “We’re the best.” She finished with a death stare.

Seohyun felt she deserved their abuse from how Yixing described her. From how Wufan looked at her. From how Tao perceived her. From how Sehun had yelled at her yesterday. She felt worse than ever. It hit her hard- the bet was her own fault. She wouldn’t have had to deal with this if she didn’t keep the secret hidden. She wouldn’t have had a problem if she wasn’t easily swayed by Wufan. If she wasn’t so stubborn, she wouldn’t have gone to the party and lost the memory of the whole night- which lost her Yixing’s respect. If she wasn’t such an idiot, she wouldn’t have been attacked yesterday. She wouldn’t have needed to be cruel to Tao. Lots of things could have been avoided if she had been simply honest.

Out of the blue, Yoona bent down in her fit of rage and whacked Seohyun’s face with the back of her hand. But Seohyun didn’t care. She just felt pathetic and terrible. Her cheek stung with the pain and the ‘Princesses’ could see the damage Yoona had done. They were just confused at how the loud, bubbly-yet-annoying Seohyun wasn’t reacting. Her face had already swollen.

“Aren’t you gonna do anything?” Luhan urgently whispered into Sehun’s ears. The two of them were the only ones not laughing. Luhan wasn’t stupid. From what he had seen yesterday- the way Sehun gave in to Seohyun’s insane orders- it seemed Sehun had some kind of feelings for her. He didn’t ask Sehun about it personally, but he had a hunch. He had known Sehun far too long to just shrug yesterday off easily to the bet.

Sehun didn’t even know how to react. He just watched like a statue as the ‘Princesses’ continued to attack her with words. He was confused at how she wasn’t retaliating. She usually fought with the stupid girls but it seemed she was drained. Perhaps yesterday had shaken her up? He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t even hear Luhan whisper to him. He was spellbound to silence.

Seohyun just ended up pushing them out of her way weakly and she grabbed her things. The ‘Princesses’ didn’t make it easy for her. Tiffany’s hand just slipped and all her papers and Kyungsoo’s book fell to the floor. Chanyeol whooped for his girlfriend and high-fived Baekhyun. Seohyun just continued trying to contain all her work into her bag. Her papers were scattered everywhere and the 'Princesses' trod on them, disallowing her to pick them up until the five felt embarrassed enough for her. Seohyun finally got everything and the ‘Princesses’ were done.

“Looks like you’re not gonna bother my Oppa Sehun anymore.” Yoona winked at Seohyun. Seohyun didn’t even look at Sehun as she left the library. According to her, the way Sehun protected her yesterday was worthless. She felt it would have been better to just have been kidnapped and taken. It would have stopped her from suffering the argument between her, Yixing, Wufan and Tao. Tears rolled down her face as she continued outwards, feeling her body feel weak and crumpled.

Sehun watched in agony as she walked out, practically blinded by her own tears. The other three guys went over to the girls to high-five their arrogant acts. Luhan, instead, clicked his fingers in Sehun's face.

“Why are you still sitting here?!" Luhan exclaimed, cracking his knuckles.

"What?" Sehun dreamily answered as though the reality he had seen was nonexistant.

"Get off your backside and go to her!" Luhan commanded. He stood up and walked to the girls, leaving Sehun sitting, comtemplating whether he wanted to leave or not. Whilst he was back in his own world, Yoona had wondered over to him.

"Sehun-ah~" she cooed out to him. Sehun snapped back at her.

"Shut up." He stood up and kicked his chair in.

"Oppa!? Why are you being rude to me!?" She asked in a baby-like voice that made him want to vomit.

"Don't call me Oppa! I'm not your boyfriend! I'm not even yours, you ugly creep!" Sehun headed towards the door, leaving her crying out for him.

"WE'RE TOGETHER, OPPA!" Yoona yelled out at the top of her voice, drawing in the attention of the other boys.

"Yoona, maybe you should face up that he isn't yours." Luhan coldly pointed out. Jessica hit his arm and hugged him. Luhan broke free of her grasp and walked out to another room.




“Seohyun!” Sehun called across the hallway near the entrance of the high school. Seohyun was hurdling forward at a high speed, clasping her bag against her chest, forcing in her tears. She heard him and assumed he was going to shout further abuse at her. She was done with people for that day.

Sehun watched her continue to walk ahead at a fast pace. He sighed and sprinted after her as fast as he could until he landed in front of her and held her shoulders to prevent her from going any further.

“What? WHAT DO YOU WANT?” Seohyun burst into tears, screaming at him with a heartbroken voice, unable to comprehend his actions.  He stared at her with confusion and a feeling of sorrow and dread.

“Why are you like this?” He asked her. Seohyun got her shoulders away from his grip. She was about to drop her bag to the floor to wipe her tears but Sehun held it for her. He knew she was thicker-skinned than this. Even though he was only thinking of his bet in the forefront of his mind, he also was shocked at her weak attitude. With the few days he had become a companion to her, he had recognised her relentless, uncaring attitude. She was normally an undeniably and impeccably strong girl.

“Why do you care?” Seohyun wept back. She knew that he was dating her out of school, but it hurt her because he never acknowledged her properly in school. He ignored her then, when she was being attacked by the 'Princesses'. He walked past her in the halls. He openly flirted with Yoona and those other s. He left her feeling startled, unable to understand whether she actually liked him or wanted his attention or just felt this possessive over him because of the bet. It honestly annoyed her when he spoke flirtaciously to other girls. She hated feeling jealous but he never showed any attention to her during school.

“Those girls have never made you cry before you know. I’ve never, ever seen you allow them to bad mouth you like that. That’s not the Seohyun I’m dating.” He tried to use the opportunity to woo her, as horrible at the situation was. He was aware that girls were vulnerable when upset and he wanted to use this to his advantage; reel her in.

“Dating? Oh sure.” She scoffed at him, her tears gone from her eyes. Instead he saw flames burning. “So you’re telling me if you’re dating a girl, you’ll allow her to be abused by some horrible girls and you’ll do nothing? You’ll just watch? Not care? You'll flirt with them in school? You'll basically ignore her existance and talk to her when it best pleases you!?” She shook her head at him and pulled her bag off him before turning around. Questioning out loud made her realise how stupid the whole ordeal was. She felt like revealing the truth. He was never going to treat her like a girlfriend- they were never going to kiss by the 10th day.

Sehun, on the other hand, refused to let his friends win. He took a long, deep breath before running to her as she had once again shot off at a fast pace. He then jumped in front of her and attacked her with a big, bear-like, soft hug that tightened the two together.

“I’m so, so sorry. I’ll never let that happen again.” He lied, knowing full well that afterwards, he would be able to let her go easily and not care- return to being the real, uncaring him with 100000 won from each of his friends. He kept her in his embrace until he felt her cry again like the day before. He used this time to continue flirting and pulling her in. “I’ll never let you cry again.” He continued, smirking behind her back with success running through his veins.

“Really?” Seohyun asked him weakly. If he really liked her, then she would gladly like him. If he was being genuine, she would gladly stay in his arms. If he could just prove it, she would be happy. She could win the bet silently and stay with him happily. At that moment in time, she was truly glad Wufan made the bet.

“I promise.” He swore to her with his face stuck as a horrible, nasty, despising smirk. Seohyun held him close and rested her head against his shoulder. Sehun had to force his laughter inside. He wanted to tell his friends how easy it was going to be to win.




Seohyun arrived at home by 2pm to find Wufan, Yixing and Tao standing there awkwardly, staring down at the floor apologetically like cute, adorable puppies. Tao was grasping onto a bouquet of roses, Yixing held stunning lilies and Wufan held her favourites; sunflowers. She felt her heart warm up.

“Wufan… Yixing… Zitao…” Seohyun said softly, looking at each of them. They all smiled at her as she walked closer to them. Tao went first, handing her the flowers- white roses.

“I’m really sorry, Seohyun. Wufan told me everything… Just not the stupid secret.” Tao shrugged, speaking in his mother-tongue. Seohyun swallowed the lump of joy in . She was happy that she didn’t have to pretend to him anymore. She sighed in relief and smiled at Tao. She was about to reply but Yixing handed her his flowers- a bunch of lilies.

“When I yelled at you at the park…” Yixing began timidly, staring at her seriously. Seohyun just looked back at him with a painful expression. His words had cut her and she wanted to hear what he had to say. “I was only mad because I see you like a sister to me, Seohyun. Seeing you like that, it really hurt me.” He continued, sadly. “I shouldn’t have been so harsh.” He said softly. Before Seohyun could speak, he explained further. “You got drunk. Sehun and I saved you from Jungmo and Jay. You were just so drunk, on the dance floor… getting violated…” He continued as though the words pained him. Seohyun was speechless. “I stopped them and Sehun took you away.” He finished. Seohyun stared at the floor in embarrassment as tears dropped down.

“Seohyun, don’t cry anymore.” Wufan brushed away her tears. “It already happened and they both stopped you from going any further. It’s history; it’s gone.” He told her slowly. She nodded and turned to Yixing and gave him a massive cuddle.

“I’m so sorry.” She apologised to Yixing and he ruffled her hair with a long drawn-out sigh. He remained silent with a smile on his face, thankful for her apology.

Wufan then waited for her to leave Yixing- then he handed her three sunflowers. She took them gratefully and hugged Wufan, too.

“So,” she stopped being soppy and returned to being herself. She looked at Tao then back at her two best friends. “Tao’s part of you guys now?” She winked at them. Yixing just chuckled and Wufan shrugged. Tao went a little red.

“I guess?” Tao answered hopefully, looking at Wufan who just laughed at him.

“Well if you can keep this bet between us.” Wufan and Yixing both answered simultaneously. Tao nodded and pouted before grinning at both of them cutely.

“I can, I will. I promise. Seohyun you should have just told me…” Tao said, his voice trailing into silence. Seohyun shook her head at him and shook her head.

“Nah it was better this way.” She eye smiled at him brightly. He blushed and shrugged. “Anyway, Wufan, the bet’s still on?” She wanted to clarify. Wufan nodded and Yixing rolled his eyes.

“’Course it is. I’m not letting you get out of it you know.” Wufan winked at her. Yixing sighed.

“I’m going home.” He said quietly, walking away.

“I’ll go with you, I need to study.” Tao admitted.

“That’s fine by me.” Yixing let Tao walk alongside him. They both waved at Wufan and Seohyun and left their sight quickly. Seohyun just sighed and hugged Wufan again.

“Oppa let’s never argue again.” Seohyun joked around, hitting his chest playfully as she usually did. Wufan nodded and went inside her home. When they entered, Seohyun was surprised by the sight that met her. Her mother was sitting at the kitchen table, clutching a picture that had a couple with three children in it- two sons and the youngest child was a daughter. The image was perfect- the gardens in the background were vibrant and seemed to shoot out like it was real. Wufan attempted to go closer to see it but Seohyun pulled him back.

“Don’t you dare look at that.” She warned him. Her mother sighed and regretfully put the image into her pocket. She looked at her daughter and Wufan with sorrow-filled eyes.

“Is that—” Wufan attempted to ask and the woman nodded. She looked at Seohyun wearily and Wufan just looked deflated. Seohyun just turned around and left the room quickly, heading to her own bedroom.

“Well, you might as well stay. I’ll cook you some food.” Seohyun’s mom told Wufan kindly. He accepted the offer and sat down on the chair next to her.




Dear the Diary

Why am writing Chinese? Who know? I feel like I a ballaballoon. I just burst into pieces and now I been buck stack togefer with somethee strong subersuper-glue. Okay write Chinese hard, going Korean … now… YAAY Korean again. Anyway, that’s the best way to describe my mo’faka feelings right now. Soooo, back to the real life. Today but ruled. I think I like Sehun and its okay because he seems to like me, too. So when this bet is over, I’m sure we’ll still be together, dating like how we are. He doesn’t need to know it’s all a bet… hehehe. Well, no matter what happens it’s all okay. This is just a bet. I can break it off whenever I like after Day 10. Anyway, tomorrow’s Monday it’s not Monday you idiot Sunday and Sehun invited me to go watch a cute movie with him. I’m not gonna act fake. I’m gonna be me and he’s gonna be him and it’ll be nice. We’ll have a nice day. Also Tao’s okay with me now. He’s cool. He knows about everything. He’s so damn cute… and Wufan, I really do love him for these opportunities. Though he really annoyed me today when my mai mother took out THAT picture. The one I never want to ever see. How dare he want to see. He knows about it and he wants to interrogate me.God damn no one knows how much this secret destroys me… I hate it. I bet lots of people would love it but I’m not lots of people I’m Seohyun and I want to remain like this forever. 

Bye now





Dear Diary,

This bet is beyond pathetic now. I've practically already won. I did ask my friends to change the bet to only 7 days because I could have been done by tomorrow, but no, they want to continue this damned nonsense. I'll prefer it when she's not my problem. Girls are always hassles. I already know where my fate is going. I'll go with the girl my mother chooses- I have no other choice in the matter and I think I prefer it that way. Yeah, I'm saying this to you all, Lu Han, Kim Jong In, Byun Baek Hyun and you too, Park Chan Yeol.

Oh Sehun.

Sehun sighed and placed his diary under his pillow. He looked up at the chandelier above his head and wondered to himself- was he really telling the truth? He turned to a side and reached out his hand to turn the lamp off. He continued lingering into his thoughts. 

Seohyun. I don't even know her and yet she's left me confused. I am doing this for the bet. I am. I want to prove them wrong. I really do. I'm sure of it. But I'm not. I'm not sure, am I? That's the thing. I don't know anymore. This bet is more than a pathetic nuisance- it's driving me crazy.

Hope you all enjoy. I shall post this one... and tomorrow, all the rest will be re-published WITH the new one... as a late Christmas present. It will be worth the wait~~~♥♥♥ Thank you for waiting and hello new Subbers~~ Hope you're enjoying! Late Merry Christmas & I hope you all had an awesome time. MasterTrollSama OUT♥

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seoexo_01 #1
Chapter 15: Didn't expect that ending actually (secretly hoping that the story ends with seohun). But still, great job author! *thumbs up*
Chapter 9: be honestly.... it's make me confuse >_<
so far, I like your story...
a different taste between friend zone, how to manage it, and many of emotion.
good work!
xxgina_nguyenxx #3
Chapter 15: Oh my GWADD. I love your story... SO MUCH sigh. Only if it was SeoKris :P now I will be reading your other stories.
Acebabymilky #4
Chapter 15: NOO WHY, SHE CAN'T MARRY HIM:'''(((( ugh i dont like the ending,but i'm going to read the troll version,i hope its seohun
Chapter 14: I agree with your ending. She's a princess, she can't act irresponsibly. Although she doesn't love Yixing, she knew what she had to do.

Well, I'm off to the sequel now! XD
venseo9 #6
Chapter 14: Wahhh this good story author-nim ^^
Chapter 14: "I LOVE YOU SEOHYUN!" (Sehun)




I am now very very excited as to how seolay lives after marriage XD I mean, it's now clear that both of them aren't really into the idea of marrying one another. THAT'S AWESOME! And I'm a freaking liaaaaar! lol

Anyway, the hardest part is when everyone is broken already. And since they're all broken, they aren't able to remember the hardships they've been through. They aren't able to remember that if they're all together, they can actually work it out.

They are all left to their own wounds. :(