Chapter 4

How To Catch Sehun in 10 Days


Day Four


Seohyun's eyes were tightly shut. She could feel the pounding of her blood circulating far too heavily through her veins. Her head was hurting more than ever and she could feel something spicy and frothy coming up . With a retch she gagged loudly over someone's shoulder, not even realising her head was upside down. She spat out the sick onto the dark floor and her eyes shot wide open in horror at the stench and the shudder of her carrier. 

"Eurgh," Wufan's voice gagged in disgust, dropping her body onto the floor away from her vomit. He looked down at her thin, sickly face and felt like he was about to puke himself. "Please, control yourself..." He winced, looking away from her to Minseok who was too drunk to understand.

"W-what..." Seohyun coughed up with disgust at herself. It was still pretty dark and she noticed they were two houses away from Wufan's house. "What time is it?" She asked, confused and startled. "What happened at the party?!" She continued spitting out questions, each one making Wufan more and more impatient and annoyed.

"Shut up, let's just get you cleaned up before your mother finds out." Wufan sighed, staring at her with a greener face. He decided not to pick her up anymore and decided to push Minseok towards his house.

"Hey I wanna drink coffee..." Minseok moaned with a slight lisp. He looked at Wufan and hugged him suddenly. "I love you Yifannie" He suddenly burst out, clutching onto Wufan's clothes tightly. Wufan was spellbound by the sudden out burst of Minseok's undeniably cute aeygo. "But I-I only love you if you gimme coffee" He continued blabbering on relentlessly, his eyes half focused on Wufan. Wufan just rolled his eyes and dragged Minseok to his house with the pale-faced Seohyun following too.

Inside, after Wufan reluctantly made Minseok coffee, they sat down in Wufan's room. Seohyun lay on his bed and he lay next to her whilst Minseok was leaning against the bed on the floor. He sipped his coffee and sighed.

"Seohyun, do you remember anything then?" Wufan questioned like a detective. It was out of the blue after a random conversation about how good coffee tasted. 

"I..." she thought for a moment and shook her head. Her memory was literally a blur that she couldn't fix. It was like someone pulled out the HD from her brain. She stared back at Wufan. "Oppa, I don't know!" She panicked suddenly, putting her hands over her face in shame. 

"Hah. Thought so. Do you remember the last place you were?" Wufan asked again, his lips in anticipation with a dirty smirk.


"You were in the toilet. It was really nasty," he clarified as Seohyun stared at him in mortal embarrassment. "Your hair was falling down, just missing the toilet water. Looked like someone peed in it, too." He continued, giving Seohyun the most grotesque image he could imagine. Seohyun's face turned to ash.

"OH MY GOD OPPA, WHAT DO I DO!? I- DON'T... OH MY GOD, IMAGINE IF I.... OPPA?! WHEN DID I DRINK SO MUCH!? OPPA!!!" She suddenly began whacking Wufan's body wherever she could. With a groan of pain, Wufan tackled her until she was tight on his chest, her face covered.

"I bet you... gave some boy... a nice little job..." Wufan joked. A muffled shriek erupted from Seohyun's head. Suddenly Wufan felt a sharp pain in his chest and let go of Seohyun. She had bitten him hard on his chest.

"OPPA DON'T SAY THAT!" Seohyun suddenly began crying in horror. She hit Wufan even harder, crying out with shame and disgust in herself. 

"Ah shut up Seohyun I doubt anyone found you that attractive..." Minseok suddenly piped in, appearing from the side of the bed. Seohyun and Wufan stared at him. "In fact, look at you. You drunk is probably worse than you sober and that's unimaginable as it is." He shook his head at every word. "So just stop being so full of yourself. You're not that beautiful." He shrugged before knocking out onto the floor.

In the shocked silence, the pair heard his snores. They looked at each other awkwardly before Wufan turned his lamp off and the two fell asleep.




Hyoyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung were waiting outside the school gates for Seohyun to arrive. She was usually a whole hour early in order to fit in extra work and ask teachers for help. It was usually annoying for them but they were used to it. Hence, her being late was pretty unusual and odd. They noticed Yixing walking in by himself, also pretty late. He was also undeniably prompt for school.

"Yixing-ah!" Sunny called him over. He came to them awkwardly. He never really spoke to them unless Seohyun was with them.

"Yeah?" He flashed them a bright, sunshine smile. His dimples looked far more adorable than usual. Normally, he never smiled. All three of the girl's hearts hammered faster in their chests.

"H-have you seen Seohyun?" Hyoyeon intervened when Sunny was left speechless.

"No. Soojung," he smiled at Sooyoung. No one dared to correct him. "Wasn't zhe with you at the party?" He winked falsely, knowing she wasn't. After saving Seohyun, he wasn't pleased with Sooyoung. 

"Um, n-no..." Sooyoung slowly admitted, smiling extremely awkwardly. Hyoyeon and Sunny raised their eyebrows at her.

"Oh. Well, then. I don't know." Yixing smiled before walking off, a dirty glare stuck on his face. He really wasn't pleased with them at all.

"She went too? And you didn't stay with her?" Sunny snapped at Sooyoung.

"Are you crazy?" Hyoyeon snarled.

"No, I---" She began tearfully at their confrontation. "I was with Siwon and... well, I stayed with Oppa.." She bowed her head down.

"Oh you're really something. Leaving your friend like that!" Hyoyeon scoffed, shaking her head at Sooyoung angrily.

"No she didn't leave me. I left her." Seohyun suddenly corrected from behind them. Everyone spun to face her. She looked extremely ill and sick.

"What the hell happened to you?! Are you brainless?" Sunny burst out with frustration. "You didn't even tell us you went! We would have looked after you, you stupid girl." Sunny growled with worry.

"I'm sorry." Seohyun bit her lip and pouted.

"Why are you so sick? Did you get drunk?! Do you remember what happened?" Hyoyeon hammered her with questions.

"Yes, I got drunk..." She began timidly, answering them with a racing heart.

"See, if you asked us to come, we would have looked after you! Who invited you anyway? No doubt it was Wufan. He's always messing you around, Seohyun! You should be more---" Sunny continued but was silenced.

"Don't speak so lowly of Wufan!" Seohyun yelled at them before spinning around and hitting Sehun slap-bang in the head.

Everyone stared at Seohyun with horror. Sunny even stepped back as the rest of the Royals spun to face Sehun's attacker. The Royals sent daggers into Seohyun's eyes with pure rage at her impudent actions. Seohyun stepped back, rubbing her head. She was more than pissed off. She mildly remembered having an argument with Yoona but couldn't remember much about it.

"It's the drunk bimbo." Yoona smirked evilly. Her friends snickered behind her. Sehun just simply stared at Seohyun emotionlessly as his friends were also smirking at her, winking obliviously. Seohyun felt extremely small. With a quick action she stuck out her tongue and raced off, her own friends trailing after her in a panic.

"Did you hear what she said?" Luhan whispered to Sehun as the Royals continued on their way. Sehun turned to him, confused. "She said, 'don't speak so lowly of Wufan'. You know what that means? You're losing." Luhan smirked before walking ahead. He made a gesture with his hand as if he was holding money. Sehun cursed under his breath and continued, stropping ahead with slitted eyes.




In the one lesson Seohyun had with Sehun, Wufan and Yixing, it was extremely tense and awkward. The teacher put the four together without noticing anything odd between them. Sehun just continued to give Wufan evils and Yixing spoke openly in Chinese with the other two. Seohyun kept dozing off onto Wufan's shoulder. Sehun was feeling mad at the idea of losing against his friends. He knew he had to do something. He looked at Seohyun and brushed off the memory of last night. He hoped and prayed she didn't know. She did, to his relief, not seem odd to Sehun in particular.

"Why do you keep glaring at me?" Wufan suddenly struck Sehun with his slick remark. Sehun's eyes widened for a millisecond before returning to their normal, emotionless state.

"Shut up." He answered back without flinching. Wufan grinned at him brightly and Yixing his lips in anticipation.

"Take a joke, dude." Wufan smirked, waking Seohyun up from his shoulder. Wufan smirked at Sehun as he put Seohyun's hand on the desk and then grabbed it lovingly and whispered into Seohyun's ear. "Wake up darling." He batted his eyelids falsely before continuing to stare at Sehun's uneasy face. Sehun heard what he said and felt frustration pent up inside of him. He wanted to win the damn bet, not lose to Wufan or his friends.

"Yes Oppa..." Seohyun's withered voice replied distractedly. She sat as straight as she could yet she looked like a broken doll. She stared at each of them without really acknowledging the situation properly. She was far too tired to care about anything. 

The class itself was supposed to be researching in the school library about infrared spectroscopy. They were still in the empty classroom looking at the old text books. Well- only Yixing was. Sehun and Wufan were too absorbed in trying to find ways to get the other angry whereas Seohyun was openly uncaring of her surroundings. It was the last lesson of the day and everyone was undisputedly tired.

"Here, I found something. I'll write it down." Yixing said in Chinese. He didn't even do it on purpose but it arose the heated anger from Sehun. He exploded.

"Yah, this is Korea! K-O-R-E-A. Speak Korean! If you can't, go back to your own country" He fumed at Yixing unintentionally. Yixing simply grinned cutely and apologised immediately whilst feeling flustered and menaced on the inside. He pointed at the text book and then his pen. Without another word, he carried on with his work, holding in the urge to beat Sehun to death. Sehun, on the other hand, was on his feet. He was agitated. He hated Chemistry and working with the other three infuriated him further. He would have rather stuck pins into his eyes.

"Shut up you stupid fool." Seohyun cursed at him using Chinese. "I really hate idiots." This time it was Japanese. "You need to learn some respect, Sehun-ssi. That was completely uncalled for and rude." She argued at him. She stood up and swayed on the spot. Wufan simply smirked next to Yixing and tapped his friend's back with support.

"I can understand Japanese and I'm not an idiot." Sehun retaliated in Japanese with an unusual smirk stuck on his face. He was beyond satisfied in startling the three of them. "And yeah, okay, fine. I was rude. I can't help it. It slipped out." He continued in the same language so only Seohyun could understand.

"Oh so you can speak Japanese then?" Seohyun shrugged off his comments. Yixing wasn't one to take anything to heart and Wufan couldn't careless about Sehun's tantrum. Knowing he could speak Japanese caught her attention.

"Oh just shut up." Sehun rolled his eyes, lifting up his books. He walked out the classroom muttering some curses under his breath. Seohyun was completely taken aback whereas Wufan smirked at Seohyun with victory.

"Looks like I'm winning." He teased Seohyun. She was far too sleepy but her mind was active. She could not allow her secret to be revealed. It was the worst scenerio she could think of. She shook her head at Wufan before falling asleep on the desktop.

"They're both nutters." Yixing chuckled at Wufan who nodded in agreement.




Dear Diary-san-kun-sama-senpai-chan.

Ahhh I have such a bad headache from getting drunk! I didn't put an entry in yesterday but Sehun invited me to a party and I went and got drunk. God knows what I did. Nothing seemed odd or unusual in school. But anyway, Sehun just text me. He put, "I'm sorry for being rude. Can I make it up to you? I have two tickets for the game tomorrow after school if you're interested". It's like God wants me to win against Wufan the evil devil!  Of course I text him back saying yes. Gyah. Anyway, at school, the es (Yoona Taeyeon Tiffany Jessica and Yuri) were mocking me all day but I couldn't care less. I was too tired to retaliate but they kept calling me a . I feel scared. Did something happen at the party? I'm terrified because I can't even answer that. I don't know what to do. I'm just going to believe they're being y. Stupid girls! Don't they have anything better to do? Mocking me, psshhtt. I hate them. Tarts! >.< Anyway, I'M GOING ON MY SECOND SEHUN DATE. All I have to do is get him to be my boyfriend, right? But it's too hard. It's Friday tomorrow and I have till next Wednesday. 6 DAYS LEFT. This day was pretty much wasted T____T Anyway, that's all, isn't it? OH YEAH I THREW UP OVER WUFAN, EW EW EW AHAHAHA. It's sick and funny. Hehe I'm so funny. Yixing as well, I feel sorry and ashamed of Sehun for him. He's just an evil Korean. Making all Koreans look bad. Stupid Sehun.

That's all from me, diary. I need my beauty sleep. IT'S ONLY 8PM and I am exhausted.

Nighttttttttt xoxoxoxoxoxoxoox




Sehun picked up his diary and held the pen in his hand. He thought of the kiss and felt his heart beat fast in anger. How could he have been so stupid? So lustful. He felt sickened in himself and pondered whether he would write it down knowing his friends would see it. Then he remembered that he punched Jongin in the face. He needed to set things straight. Although he clearly remembered not being drunk, he convinced himself that he had been. He also decided that he only kissed her because he was drunk. 

Dear Diary,

I feel pent up with frustration. This bet is getting too much. I might just give it up. I'm taking her on a date tomorrow at the game. If it works well, I'll continue. Why did I agree to this stupidity? I hate the girl. She's such... a player. I don't understand her at all. And Jongie, when you read this, I'm sorry I punched you yesterday. I was drunk, what can I say? I love you bro... ^.^

Oh Sehun.

He put his diary into a special box under his bed and stared up at the ceiling. It was plated with gold paint and the diamond chandelier glistened under the starry night. The mystical moon shimmered down it's glowing light and the wind drifted through gently. His bookshelf was alight under the white shine and his fluffy cream carpet seemed like a lake beneath him. The canopies of the bed stood boldly. On his side, his majestic cabinet and diamond studded lamp shone dimly as not to conflict with the moon's clean light.

He tried to pry his mind off the kiss and tried to deny the thoughts rustling his perfect mind.

You would do it again, wouldn't you?

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seoexo_01 #1
Chapter 15: Didn't expect that ending actually (secretly hoping that the story ends with seohun). But still, great job author! *thumbs up*
Chapter 9: be honestly.... it's make me confuse >_<
so far, I like your story...
a different taste between friend zone, how to manage it, and many of emotion.
good work!
xxgina_nguyenxx #3
Chapter 15: Oh my GWADD. I love your story... SO MUCH sigh. Only if it was SeoKris :P now I will be reading your other stories.
Acebabymilky #4
Chapter 15: NOO WHY, SHE CAN'T MARRY HIM:'''(((( ugh i dont like the ending,but i'm going to read the troll version,i hope its seohun
Chapter 14: I agree with your ending. She's a princess, she can't act irresponsibly. Although she doesn't love Yixing, she knew what she had to do.

Well, I'm off to the sequel now! XD
venseo9 #6
Chapter 14: Wahhh this good story author-nim ^^
Chapter 14: "I LOVE YOU SEOHYUN!" (Sehun)




I am now very very excited as to how seolay lives after marriage XD I mean, it's now clear that both of them aren't really into the idea of marrying one another. THAT'S AWESOME! And I'm a freaking liaaaaar! lol

Anyway, the hardest part is when everyone is broken already. And since they're all broken, they aren't able to remember the hardships they've been through. They aren't able to remember that if they're all together, they can actually work it out.

They are all left to their own wounds. :(