I never told you

I can't forget your Love

A/N: please do play the songs I attached ahrasseo? It'll be more effective! Jeongmal! kkkk <3




It was 2 o’clock in the morning when they heard someone knocking on the door.

“Yeobo-ya. Someone’s knocking” Mrs. Jung woke her sleeping husband beside her

“Ughh. Who the hell would knock at this hour??” he grunted

“Aish palli! It might be an emergency!”

They hurriedly go to the main door. Mr. Jung peeked through the peephole and saw his son, looking like hell.

“Oh God.” He hurriedly opened the door, seeing his son looking like that, he exchange worried glances with his wife who was now pacifying the soulless Yonghwa

“Son, let’s go inside”

They ushered him to the living room, still not speaking.

“Yonghwa-yah tell us what happened”

[For BGM PLEASE play this song ^^.]

But still he didn’t answer, head still bowed, clasping his hands tight.

“Son” Mr. Jung approached him and hugged him tight, tapping his back for comfort. Same as Mrs. Jung, she caressed his hair lovingly, as if he’ll break like fragile porcelain.

 “Let it fall” It was like a password his father said, and the box of emotion came flooding out.

His shoulders sagged and started shaking. They can hear his soft sobs getting louder, his tears cascading down his face.

“Shhh. Yonghwa-yah we’re here for you.” His mother comforted

“Omma. Ottoke Omma? Ottoke??” he cried louder, it was the first time, first time weeping in front of his parents.

“Yonghwa-yah tell us what happened” his father said

“M-my w-wife” tears fell uncontrollably, his chest tightened

“I love her Omma, Appa. I love her. I love her that I can do everything for her” he hugged his father back, needing the strength, feeling the warmness of their comfort.

“I love her but I keep on hurting her, I keep on making her cry, I’m afraid I’ll break her more if we continue this. Continue what’s happening between us. I d-don’t want to be selfish. S-so I-I” his words stopped, he covered his mouth to prevent the weird sound coming out from him.

“Take your time Yong” her mother crooned, caressing his hair lovingly

Yong…. That endearment

And just like that, her image come flashing back in his mind, bringing back the stinging pain in his heart, bringing back the emptiness he’s feeling inside.

“I-I l-let go of my w-wife” he cried louder, feeling his heart breaking into pieces, a hole was punched thru his chest, a piece of his heart was stolen away from him, was stolen by his wife. No, ex wife is more appropriate now.

“I’m tired Omma Appa. I’m tired.Ottoke? I don’t know what to do anymore” His shoulders hardly shaking

“I don’t want to leave her side, not even for a second because I know I’ll die if I won’t see her even just for a day. I love her. I’m crazy for her. B-but I destroyed her, I r-ruined her life” his hug tightened, needing his parent strength to live on

“Yonghwa-yah, look at me honey” his mother cupped his face, making him looked at her

“Follow what your heart dictates you to do, sometimes it’s better to follow the heart than following your mind, you might suffer but it’s more better than regretting things you wish you did when you had the time and opportunity. People let go of their love one because they want that person to be happy, what you did proved her that you love her, you love her that you choose to sacrifice your own happiness just to see her living happily. We’re proud of you for having the guts to do that, some will be selfish to ignore seeing their love one suffer, but you? You did what you think is right.” A tear fell from the side of his face followed by soft sobs.

“I-I want to be with her Omma. B-but I-I don’t want her to suffer. And I-I’m tired. I’m tired with this rollercoaster of emotion. I-I don’t know if I-I can hold on any longer.” he sobbed painfully

“Yonghwa-yah, maybe your love happened in a wrong time. If you two are meant-to-be together, no matter how hard the obstacles you’re facing, the love you feel will make you survive. If you are meant to be together, no matter how hard you try to avoid each other, faith and destiny will still make your roads crossed. Maybe you need time. You’ll be together Yonghwa-yah. You just need time and space to figure things out. To let things fall in the right places itself. Time Yonghwa-yah, all you need is time.”

“But I can’t bear not to see her everyday Omma”

“You need to be strong then.” His father said, looking at him with that proud face of him

“We feel thankful that we are the ones you choose to share your burden with, to let us see you like this. And I feel proud with your decision Yonghwa-yah. I don’t know if this will ease your pain or deepen it more, but I know deep down inside my heart, I know you’ll be together again, not because I’m your father and I want her to be with you but because I saw it, I saw it in your eyes, the love is there, but you just lack of showing it to each other, it’s like your still in your comfort zone, holding it inside you and won’t let the other one see your raw emotion. You might be scared to admit it but everyone who saw you two thinks the same. I don’t know why I’m saying this.” His father scratched his head “Maybe I was saying non-sense but I just want to tell you that she loves you too. Believe it or not she loves you too” he smiled warmly to his son, praying to God to give his son the strength to surpass this problem with his wife.




“Oppa! Jinjja! Its an emergency! I’ll just tell it to Hwangbo-unnie when I arrived there!” She was pacing back and forth in her pad, talking furiously to her Hyunjoong Oppa who won’t let her go.

“Promise I’ll be here in time for you and Hwangbo unnie’s wedding! Forgodsake! It’s my marriage we’re talking here!” she threw her arms in the air


“God! Be thankful that I’m not yet in a killer mood or else my cousin will be an early widow!”



“WHATEVER! Just promise us you’ll be at our wedding ahrasseo?”

“I said I promise! One day is enough! You locked me here for a day! How dare you oppa!”

“Because I thought you’ll do something stupid again!”

“Ugh! Please leave me in peace! I need to go to Busan as soon as possible! My Husband needs me!”

“Ahrasseo! Aish! Mian Seohyun-ah” Hyunjoong gave her a big warm hug before releasing her, he looked at her straight in the eye “Fixed your life now honey. You deserve the happiness in the world you know? Don’t be a pabo anymore and get your hubby back, I don’t know why you ask me to do those pretensions that night, and because of that people thought that you’re my fiancée! Haha! You pabo! But still, thank you for helping me and your hwangbo unnie in wedding preparation. Ok! I’ll leave you in peace. Go after your heart you rascal” he ruffled her hair making her groan in annoyance. He gave her one last hug and walked out of her pad

She hurriedly put clothes on her luggage, getting her passport and important documents, checking her reflection in the mirror and walked out of her pad, praying to God that she’s not yet late for everything.



Long flights gives her jetlag, but luckily she slept all the way through Busan, reserving lots of energies she knew she needed later, to clear things out to her husband and to have him back no matter what happens.

It was already twilight when she arrived at the Jung’s House, her heart was beating erratically, her legs wobbly and beads of sweat forming in her forehead albeit its cold.

She stood for a good few seconds in front of the door, mustering all her strength she knocked, to be welcomed by Yonghwa’s parent.

“Ommoni, Aboji” she bowed, but her eyes looked passed them

“Seohyun-ah” they welcomed her warmly, giving her encouraging hug and meaningful stares.

“I know why you’re here” her mother in law smiled

“W-where is h-he Ommoni?”

“He said he’ll go somewhere”

“I know where she is Ommoni, I’ll follow him”

“Go Seohyun-ah, we’ll take care of your luggage” her father in law tapped her shoulder lightly, seeing sparks in his eyes

“Thank you” she bowed and ran as fast as she can to reach the place where they used to play, the place where they first met.



She saw him there, seating at the rusty swing they used to play with when they were still kids. The continuous creak of it was the only sound heard around the field.

[for BGM PLEASE PLAY THIS ^^.(click)

She was slowly walking towards him, her gaze transfixed on him. Seating in the rusty swing, head bent down low, shoulders sagged. She saw him playing with his wedding ring, looking at it as if it was the most amazing thing on Earth. His attention was fixated on the ring that made him oblivious to the big droplets of water pouring from the sky.

It feels like the sky is mourning for them.

And slowly, she sat at the vacant seat beside him.

“Yong” she whispered. She saw him froze, she was waiting for him to look at her but he still won’t move.

 “Why did you came?” somehow his words pricked her heart

“I want to mend your heart, our heart.” She whispered painfully. She stood up and sat in-front of him. But still, he won’t look up.

“Look at me, p-please?” her voice wobbled, but she doesn’t want to cry, not now. Mustering all her strength, she took a deep breath and cupped his face, making him look at her straight in the eyes

“I-I’m sorry Yong” a single tear fell from her eyes but she wipe it quickly

“There’s a lot of reason why I’m saying I’m sorry. I have sinned. I have sinned a lot to you. I made this relationship painful for you. I hurt you.” She sobbed painfully, biting her lips to stop the sound. He was about to wiped her tears but she just shook her head

“I’m a bad girl. All I did was to judge y-you. I d-didn’t b-believe a-all the thing y-you said. And because of m-me w-we f-fall apart” her tears began cascading down her cheeks, and she too saw him crying silently, when their eyes met again, her reflection reflected on him, that broken look that clenches her heart tightly.

“Y-Yong” she was weeping, Yonghwa touched her hands that was still cupping his face, caressing her hands, kissing her palm

“I know everything now. S-she’s your cousin and I-I’m so stupid not t-to believe y-you. I judge you, I said every words t-that can h-hurt you. That can b-break you.” She heard him sob

“And p-please please Yong, don’t blame yourself, don’t blame yourself on what happened to me. I h-have decided it myself. I destroyed m-myself, and you don’t have a-any fault on it.”

“W-why H-hyun? Why d-did you d-do that?” he cupped her face, wiping her tears that won’t stop falling  

  “T-that night when we f-first made love, you left me Oppa.” Her shoulders shook, she breathed deeply, and closed her eyes “It broke my heart, I decided to give you my everything and that’s what I received back, the emptiness inside me after the blissful moment we shared t-together”

“Miane Seohyun-ah, Miane” his forehead touched hers, she can feel his heavy breathing

“The pain was so much Oppa, so much that I-I can’t bear it anymore. I want to end it all there. B-but I was scared not to see you a-again.” She moved away and looked at him deep in his eyes “When I flew to America, I decided to change myself. Be rebellious.  I started partying, flirting w-with other guys. I tried to do IT with them, but it keeps flashing back, the time when we made love and the aftermath that it won’t make me continue it. In the end I always left them when things get heated up. I-I want them to f-feel the way I felt w-when you left me.” Her vision blurred, but she maintained her eye contact to him “I-I want them to feel a-abandoned” she broke their eye contact, looking anymore but him.

“Seohyun-ah” he hugged her tight, burying his face in the crook of her neck

“Miane Seohyun-ah Miane.” His sobs makes it more painful for her “Believe me, that was the worst thing I did in my life. If I get to bring back the time, I would rather be with you than leave you there, to feel your pain that day, I’d rather hurt Hyun. I’d rather be the one suffering than the woman I love the most” his hugged tightened more, they were both shaking, both crying.

“I-I’m sorry too Oppa. I’m sorry for everything” she hugged him back, as tight as she can.

“I s-should’ve said this earlier.” She entangled herself from his hug and cupped his face again “I love you Jung Yong Hwa. I love you”

“Hyun” the way he looks at her made her heart leap. It made her nervous

Is it too late? Deep-down inside she wants the ground to swallow her, right at that time.

“Is it too late?” she said in a small voice. Fresh tears formed at the side of her eyes.

“No Baby, no. Oh God, it’s not.” He cupped her face and made their forehead touched

“But Hyun” Hearing the word “but” made her feel dreaded.

“Oppa is tired” his voice broke at the end, he was sobbing again

“This is just too much to handle, all this things that happened to us. All these revelations, It just w-won’t sink in to me”

She’s loosing him. The love of her life, her husband, she’s loosing him.

“Is this the e-end for u-us?” she wants to cover her ears for her not to hear it, but her mind says that it’s better not to

“No. I won’t let us end Hyun, I would never wish for us to end” He leaned closer, staring at her

“All we need is a little space hyun, a little distance. It’s not the end hyun, we would never end coz I won’t let that happen, even if you asked for it I won’t give it. We just need time for ourselves, for us to reflect in everything that happened to us. I need time and I know you need it too. Will you wait for m-me?” he looked at her, his eyes full of hope.

His heart stopped beating when she just stared at him and didn’t answer. But he felt relieved when she nodded

“Yong” she softly said


“Close your eyes”


“Just close it” she covered his eyes and felt her stand up

“No hyun. Don’t” he felt scared all of a sudden

“I won’t leave you for good Oppa. I understand you. We need space. But this doesn’t mean we’re over. I just d-don’t want you to s-see me l-leaving you a-again” she stopped for a moment and covered to stop the ugly sound coming out of . She wiped her tears that won’t stop coming out.

She leaned closer and whispered to him “I’ll wait for you Yong. I’ll wait for you. I love you”

And just like that, she removed her hands and ran away from him, not looking back, because she might go back and regret that she agreed on what he said.

This time, I’ll wait for you Yong. I promise I’ll wait for you.


He opened the door and saw his parents looking at him worriedly

“What happened Yonghwa-yah?” His mother asked, concern written all over her face

“It’s all good Omma, thank you for your advice” he smiled. The first sincere smile he did for he don’t know how long already

“Where is she?”

“She’s in the guestroom. She looked exhausted, she drove straight here after she arrived from US.” He just nodded and headed to the stairs

“I’ll take a rest now too Omma, Appa. Goodnight” he bowed and left his parents who’s still looking at him with that concerned face.

 But instead of going straight to his room, he found himself standing at the door where Seohyun is. He slowly opened the door, avoiding any sound.  The room was partly dark. The only light was from the lampshade beside the bed. He tiptoed across the bed and sat beside her sleeping form. He looked at her intently, tucking in the strand of hair blocking her angelic face.

[For BGM Please Play This ^^,]

His vision started to get blurred again.

“I’m so lucky to have you, do you know that hyun?” he continue caressing her hair, tracing the contours of her perfect face

“You made me happy. You made me the happiest man on Earth. You don’t know how that confession lifted the heavy thing inside me. Thank you for everything you did My Angel” He leaned closer and kissed her forehead lightly

“Thank you for understanding me, thank you for coming into my life.”

“The first time I met you, I was struck by my strong attraction towards you. But I choose to block my feeling by letting myself believe that you’re just after my family’s money. I did that to stop my feeling towards you. It’s all to sudden you know? You just popped out, out of nowhere and then you effortlessly caught all my attention. Is this what they call love at first sight? Maybe yes. I’m just glad that you fell on me, from hundreds of male species that has the chance to meet you, I’m thankful to God she gave me you Seohyun-ah. Jung.Seo.Hyun” he chuckled

“But seems like God wants us to strengthen our relationship, he tested our Love towards each other, I know I was about to give up, but my strong love for you wont allow me to do it. And I’m glad I didn’t.”

“I’m sorry for everything too Hyun. Don’t just blame yourself. We’ve both sinned. It’s not just only you. And mine was worst. I would spend the rest of my life making up for it I promise you that nae buin.”

“Jung Seo Hyun” he traced her lips with his forefinger

“I love you baby. I love you. I love you.” He trailed kisses from her forehead to her lips, taking time pressing his lips to hers.

“I love you” he kissed her one more time, burying his face on the crook of her neck inhaling her scent. He stood up, gazing at her for few good minutes and walked out of the room silently.

She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling, a genuine smile escaped her lips. She touched her lips and joyful tears started to fall down.

“I’ll wait for you nae nampyeon. I love you too”


Author's Note:


Jinjja Daebak!! Thank you so much for the good responses I'm receiving not just for ICFYL but also to WFL and BD. Your comments inspires me the most! And also, thank you for those Upvotes and Subbies! <3<3<3


All I can say is THANK YOU! kekeke. *bows*


And also, sorry for updating late.Writer's Block has been visiting me often these days.lol.


Yorobeun! See you on my next update! <3<3<3







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Chapter 16: Gosh i cried buckets while reading this. Nothing can beat mother's love.
Chapter 16: Daebak ^ 0 ^
I never knew that I love angst until I read this fic. Thank you for the wonderful story! I cried so much while reading. >.<
bokyo28 #4
Chapter 16: Finally I am finished! Now im not angry anymore I guess It needs those parts so that it will be worth it in the end. Thank you.
bokyo28 #5
Chapter 6: Im at chapter 5 right now and Im really angry at how the story progress, I mean how can he not say it? the truth? I dont know if its a way to prolong the story but I will continue reading through... I just wanted to comment on how Im feeling right now and I hope everything will come full circle after I finished this I hope my anger goes away.... T_T
JustAnotherUser #6
Chapter 16: I've read this story multiple times already & I still experience the rollercoaster of emotions everytime as if it were my first time reading this; I get all giddy from all the sweetness & mushiness, I cried with tears literally flowing to my cheeks from all the emotional talks or fights. This is seriously one of the very best stories I've ever read. The way you wrote every situation beautifully - whether it was happy, sad, anger, etc - made me really feel this story. I can really feel their love for each other. A very beautiful story this is. Never get tired of reading this. I feel like I have a lot of compliments to say but, as people often say, words are never enough. X) You did a really wonderful job, authornim. Really a wonderful job. :) All the best for your other stories. I'll definitely try to read them - especially when it's about the Yongseo couple. ;) Fighting!
pipopanda #7
Chapter 16: Finally they have little angel
nuninuraini #8
Chapter 14: omo there we go again.. crying .
nuninuraini #9
Chapter 6: omoo .. believe me .. i was crying when i read this part :"""(
dj2702 #10
Chapter 1: omoooo,,,,,,such a greaaaaat story......really.....

love yongseo angst