One day trial

I can't forget your Love

She keep on staring at him, tracing the contours of his face. She unknowingly smiled, while she reminisce those eventful things that happened to them up until now.


He’s peacefully sleeping beside her, both his arms was hugging her tight, preventing her from going anywhere.


“Jung Yong Hwa, what will I do without you?” she whispered, brushing his fringe away from his face


“I love you” she scooted closer and nuzzled his neck, inhaling the scent she loves the most.




He woke up without her beside him. he bolted right up, looking around the whole house, calling her desperately. It somehow scares him, waking up without seeing her face first. He felt fear engulfed his heart, the way it beats frantically as if something bad happened or will happen. He shook his head to dismiss those Crazy thoughts away, he came back to their room and looked for his phone which is in the Bedside table, but a paper caught his attention. He froze as he saw his name written on it.






            Give me one day Oppa, don’t look for me, nor contact me. One day Oppa, just one day, let’s not be together.  I love you.





His forehead creased, he surely can’t understand everything that’s happening to her. The way she behaved weirdly, the way she looks at him these days, it’s as if she’s been trying to say something to him through eye contact.


He crumpled the paper and threw it somewhere in the room. He got up and picked his car key, mobile phone and wallet and sprinted out of their house. Readying to search for her and put an end with this stressful mind game their playing.



5 hours have passed, he searched for her in every possible place he knew she’ll go, but she’s nowhere to be found.


“JUNG JOO HYUN!!!” he shouted on top of his lungs, he’s at the Namsan River right now, pouring all his desperation by shouting her name. His phone suddenly beeped, indicating a new message


Hyung I saw her already




“Unnie! Unnie! Play with me too!” one little girl approached her, pulling the end of her dress, trying to get her attention.


“Annyeong little miss, what’s your name?”

“I’m Lily” the little girl smile widely at her, spreading warmth in her heart

“Annyeong Lily, I’m Jung Joo Hyun!” she smiled back

“Play with me Unnie” the little girl pouted cutely, making her smile amidst the heavy feeling she’s feeling right now.


She’s been playing with the kids at the orphanage for hours now, she rest once in awhile, then continue playing with the kids, but decided to stop when she felt her stomach aching again.


“Wae?? You don’t want to play with us anymore??” Lily wailed right when she told them that she needs to rest now

“Lily-ah, Seohyun unnie is tired now, she played with you the whole day already, make her rest now” Mother Agatha said, one of the nun who’s in-charge of taking care of the children in the Orphanage.

“Ahrasseo, but promise me you’ll come again tomorrow so that we can play again the whole day ahrasseo??” the little girl looked at her with hopeful eyes giving her no choice but to nod her head.

“Yey!!” Lily jumped up and down, before kissing her goodnight and rushed back to her room to sleep.



It was 8 in the evening already, but she can’t still go home yet, not when she’s undecided yet. She was sitting at the swing, sighing, staring at the starry sky, hugging herself from the coldness of the night. Then all of a sudden, she felt warm. 2 strong arms wrapped around her shivering body

“Found you” the unmistaken voice said

“How did you-“

“I won’t let you stay away from me even just for a day. I won’t and I can’t let that happen.” Yonghwa said, his heart beating steady now that she’s back in his arms again


“Don’t do that again” his voice changed, suddenly it became cold and angry


“Jung Joo Hyun. Once and for all le-“

“Let’s go home first Oppa. I’ll tell you everything you want to know”


 They spent the drive silently, him sorting out questions and her still deciding if she should say it or not.







“Why are you doing all of these? What’s wrong Hyun-ah? Tell me” she’s sitting at the edge of the bed when he entered, right when he step foot on their bedroom he asked her all of a sudden, standing in front of her, his arms crossed in his chest while looking at her with piercing gaze



“Answer me” he waited for her answer but a minute have passed and yet she’s still staring at the floor, her forehead creased, still contemplating if she’ll continue her plan.

 “Jung Joo Hyun” he threatened

“Oppa” she whispered weakly

“Tell me”

“I-I’m sorry. I can’t” her voice wavered

He raked his hair frustratedly, he started pacing back and forth in front of her before stopping again, facing her.

“I surrender” he sighed and kneeled weakly in front of her “This is too painful Joohyun, too painful” his voice croaked “I’m your husband, but before that I’m you bestfriend, I’m your confidant, I’m your friend, you used to tell me everything, everything that you’re thinking, you’re feeling, but why? Why are you not sharing all of it to me now? Are you getting tired of me already?” he looked at her, and what she saw in his eyes is too painful to look at. It was full of pain and agony

“Yong, It’s not like that” she wiped the tears in his cheeks

“Then what?! All I’ve been asking is for you to open up. I’m your husband! I deserve to know everything that’s been happening! But what? You’re keeping me in the dark! Making me look like a fool! You make me feel worthless! With what you’re doing, you’re just proving me that I’m failing you as your husband.”

“Don’t say that!” she said, getting annoyed already

“BUT THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE MAKING ME FEEL!!!!” he grab her arms and started shaking her “You among all the people should know how much I’m hurting with this kind of treatment your doing to me! Where’s the Seohyun I know?! I thought we promise to each other in front of the altar that we’ll be together through good and bad times. Tell me honestly” he leveled her gaze “Are you getting tired of me now? You don’t want me anymore?” his voice weakened, tears welling up on the side of his eyes

“No baby. No. Don’t think like that. There’ll be no time I’ll get tired of you” she said sincerely, wiping the tears falling down on both side of his face

“Then what? If you’re not feeling that way, why are y-“

“I’m going through a dangerous pregnancy” she said in one go, her eyes tightly shut. Few seconds and yet she can’t hear him saying anything. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw him gaping at her, his face pale, and not long after, he fell on his knees, his gaze transfixed on the floor

“Andwae. St-stop joking Jung Joo Hyun! It’s not even funny!” he said, looking at her with anger

“How I wish this was all a joke right from the start” she looked at him sadly

“Jung Joo Hyun!”

“I know Oppa. It’s hard for me too” tears began to cascade down both sides of their faces, the pained expression of him mirroring his

“Joohyun-ah” he weakly whispered

“Ottoke Oppa?” she sobbed, hugging him hard, crying louder “Ottoke”

“Joohyun, Oh god Angel” he hugged her tighter, “S-sorry for getting angry at you Angel, I-I d-don’t k-know what y-your going t-through” he sobbed continuously, the heaviness he’s feeling in his chest is getting worst “Oh God you don’t deserve t-this. W-why you” his shoulders shaking “Ottoke? Ottoke Joohyun-ah” his voice croaked, his tears flowing continuously

“I d-don’t want to g-give up our baby O-oppa” she was sobbing hard too, both hearts are getting crushed

“W-we’ll visit your doctor tomorrow. A-ahrasseo? Y-you’ll be f-fine. O-our baby will be f-fine”

She nodded weakly, hugging him closer, tighter, fearing that he’ll disappear.





She woke up with a light heart, telling it to him yesterday lift up the burden she’s feeling. Feeling his strong arms hugging her, securing her, the way his breathing calms her troubled mind

I love you

She heard him mumble in his sleep, she smiled and faced him, tracing his face, staring at him.

Baby, this is your daddy, you need to listen to him always ahrasseo? Don’t get him mad. And whenever he bring you to fastfood chains you need to disagree, throw tantrums if you want, just don’t eat those junk foods ahrajji? Don’t let him drink coffee always.

A tear slid down her face, she wiped it up immediately, she sobbed, biting her lower lip to prevent sounds to come out of

I love you both, remember that. Take care of your Daddy for me, whatever happen, I’ll let you live. I love you Our Angel.

She rub her stomach compassionately, smiling warmly, thinking that her child can see her smiling. Just then, she felt the terrible pain again, right on her stomach

No! no! no!

She rushed to the en suite, hoping that she didn’t woke him up.

She tried to calm down, inhaling and exhaling, rubbing her stomach, thinking that it can lessen the pain.

We’ll get through this baby, please be safe.

But then another jolt of pain was felt. She grabbed the towel on the towel rack and bit it, muffling her screams, she’s already sweaty and the pain is making her tired. She sat at the floor, holding tightly at the door knob, clutching it that her knuckles paled already.

“mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!” tears falling down her face, her arms hanging limply on her side


Andwae! Andwae! Jebbal! Please hold on baby please, mommy is here.




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Chapter 16: Gosh i cried buckets while reading this. Nothing can beat mother's love.
Chapter 16: Daebak ^ 0 ^
I never knew that I love angst until I read this fic. Thank you for the wonderful story! I cried so much while reading. >.<
bokyo28 #4
Chapter 16: Finally I am finished! Now im not angry anymore I guess It needs those parts so that it will be worth it in the end. Thank you.
bokyo28 #5
Chapter 6: Im at chapter 5 right now and Im really angry at how the story progress, I mean how can he not say it? the truth? I dont know if its a way to prolong the story but I will continue reading through... I just wanted to comment on how Im feeling right now and I hope everything will come full circle after I finished this I hope my anger goes away.... T_T
JustAnotherUser #6
Chapter 16: I've read this story multiple times already & I still experience the rollercoaster of emotions everytime as if it were my first time reading this; I get all giddy from all the sweetness & mushiness, I cried with tears literally flowing to my cheeks from all the emotional talks or fights. This is seriously one of the very best stories I've ever read. The way you wrote every situation beautifully - whether it was happy, sad, anger, etc - made me really feel this story. I can really feel their love for each other. A very beautiful story this is. Never get tired of reading this. I feel like I have a lot of compliments to say but, as people often say, words are never enough. X) You did a really wonderful job, authornim. Really a wonderful job. :) All the best for your other stories. I'll definitely try to read them - especially when it's about the Yongseo couple. ;) Fighting!
pipopanda #7
Chapter 16: Finally they have little angel
nuninuraini #8
Chapter 14: omo there we go again.. crying .
nuninuraini #9
Chapter 6: omoo .. believe me .. i was crying when i read this part :"""(
dj2702 #10
Chapter 1: omoooo,,,,,,such a greaaaaat story......really.....

love yongseo angst