Love is...

I can't forget your Love

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She was crying her heart out. She was listening to him the whole time. And every confession makes her heart break more. She was sobbing hard, but she keeps on stopping the ugly sobs coming out from .

She heard him open the door slowly, making sure not to make a sound. She can hear his bare footsteps and not a minute passed, she felt the bed moved and slowly, his hands encircled her waist tightly, his face buried on the crook of her neck, nuzzling it.

“Seo Joo Hyun. Mian mian. Jeongmal mianhe.” He breathed deep, trying hard to suppress the tears that was threatening to fall

“God knows how hard I tried to do everything just to save our baby.” His voice broke on the last part

“God knows how hard I prayed for you two to survive.”

“God knows how much I hate myself for being helpless.” She felt his tears crawling down her neck

“Mianhe Angel, jeongmal Mianhe. I’m such a fool. I don’t deserve you. But ottoke? I can’t let you go. I’m sorry. I will gladly say sorry to you every given day of our life. Just please” he reached for her hand and clasp it tightly

“Please don’t ever leave me” and then, he cried. His shoulders were shaking, his hold on her was tightening, and his sobs, were like a dagger that was slowly piercing her heart.

“I will love you forever. I will forever hate myself for not being a good husband and a father. I’m sorry buin-ah. I’m sorry” she can feel his lips kissing her head, burying his face, inhaling her scent. And just like that, they fell in a deep slumber.




He woke up with the thick black smoke covering the whole corridor. He jolted and woke her up.

“SEOHYUN-AH!!” he keeps on shaking her

“SEOHYUN! WAKE UP!! Our house is on fire!”

He went to the bathroom and got her a wet blanket. He covered her with the wet blanket, assisting her

“Come on. You can do it hyun. Hold on to me tight baby”

“I’m scared” she said in a small voice

“Don’t be. I’ll always be there beside you. Always” he kissed her on her forehead before clasping her hand with his, as they ascend the stairs, firefighters assisted them down.

“Wait” Yong said as he let go of Seohyun’s hands

“Oppa! Where are you going?!” her whole body froze when she felt him untangle his hands from her. She looked at him and saw him running upstairs again

“OPPA!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! OPPA!!!!” she was crying hysterically now as she saw the big flame eating their room “OPPAAAAAAAAA!!!!!  GET OUT OF THERE! OPPAAA!” she was trying hard to be freed from the firefighter’s strong hold but he’s stronger than her “LET GO OF ME PLEASE! MY HUSBAND IS STILL INSIDE!!!”

“I’m sorry ma’am but I can’t let you go inside.”


Silence… it was silence that answered her, silence and the sound of the burning woods.

“JUNG YONG HWA!!!!!” was her last scream when the firefighter successfully brought her out of their burning house

“MY HUSBAND IS STILL INSIDE!!!PLEASE! PLEASE SAVE HIM! PLEASE!!” she lose all her strength, she feel helpless. Even if she wanted to help, she can’t do anything but to pray for her husband’s safety


felt sore from too much shouting, but she doesn’t care.

“Please. Please come out. What would I do without you? I can’t leave without you. Please!”

 She was sobbing hard. She fell on the ground, the firefighter who was assisting her let go of her and rush inside to save her husband.

“Please save him. Save my husband! Please!”

It felt like an hour, where in truth, only a minute had passed and she heard the firefighter yelled

“We found him!” she breathed, feeling relieved

“Call the medics!! We need stretcher!” she hastily stood up, everything happened in a blur. All she can see is her husband lying at the stretcher unconscious

“Oppa? Oppaaaa!” she rushed to his side, shaking him “Oppa! Wake up! Don’t leave me! Oh? Don’t you dare leave me!!! JUNG YONG HWA!!!!”

She saw his eyes flutter, until it half opened

“My Angel” he smiled softly at her

“Jung Yong Hwa!” she felt relieved as she saw him smile

“Here” he weakly gave her a box that was wrapped in a wet towel

“What’s this?” she was looking at the box curiously, but when she returned her gaze on his, she saw his eyes closing again


“Ma’am we need to take him to the hospital quickly!”




She was losing strength. Good thing, Minhyuk, Jungshin and Jonghyun are beside her, supporting her, encouraging her, telling her that he’s strong enough to surpass this. They were still waiting outside the emergency room. Minhyuk was tapping her back while Jungshin was hugging her, his shirt drenched with her tears. Jonghyun was tapping her head, telling her comforting words that can calm her even just for a bit.

“He’s strong seohyun-ah. He’s Jung Yong Hwa!”

“Hyungsoonim~ Hyung might punch me if he sees me hugging you! Don’t cry now! Oh? He’ll be okay!”

“What’s that box?” Minhyuk tried to get her attention and stop her from crying

“I-it’s because of t-that box. H-he returned to get t-that box” she was sobbing hard, she looks like in a mess right now with her puffy eyes, messy hair, red nose and her tear-stricken face.

They assist her to sit down beside the box, she let herself breath for few seconds before cradling the box, slowly, she unwrap the wet clothes and slowly opened the box

“Pabo” she whispered quietly as she saw what’s inside the box, fresh tears cascaded down her face as she pick the items on the box one by one.

It was their first baby’s little shoes that he brought, her first ultrasound picture, and their picture at the park where she confessed to him that she’s yeoja, the time when she told him about the baby.

“That pabo husband needs to wake up fast! I’m gonna strangle him to death!” she covered her face with her hands as she burst out into fresh tears.

“Hyungsoonim” the three rushed to her side and comforted her once again




He woke up with a hazy feeling. His head was throbbing hard, slowly he opened his eyes and saw the white surrounding.

“Joohyun!” he jolted up that made him fell back again

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING JUNG YONG HWA?!” he heard her screamed hysterically

He felt her soft hands wrapped around his

“Hi” he whispered huskily as he looked at her teary eyes

“Pabo!” she hit his shoulder

“AHH!!” he acted as if he’s in pain

“What’s that for?!” he asked, as he saw her wiping her tears

“that’s your punishment for being a pabo! Why did you risk your life?! Don’t you know how worried I am when you let go of my hand and rushed back to our room?! Huh?!”

“Mian mian” he said in a low voice

“You should be! I might die because of heart attack!”

“You won’t die!”

“I might! Because of what you did I might! You pabo!!” she hit him hard but it was followed by a warm hug. She buried her face on the crook of his neck

“I thought I lost you Yong. I’m so scared” she was sobbing hard, her hug tightened

“Sorry, I just want you to-“ but before he finish talking, she caught his lips and kissed him deeply

“Thank you. You don’t know how thankful I am for treasuring it. But still, you’re the most important. Keurigu”

She untangled herself from him and looked at him in the eyes

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being self-centered. I’m sorry if I didn’t think of how you felt when we lost our first baby. I’m sorry for hurting you Yong, I’m sorry” she leaned closer and their foreheads touched

“I’m sorry” she placed one of her hands in front of his heart

“I’m sorry for making this bleed. I promise to heal this forever”

“Hyun” he placed his hand above hers, intertwining it

“Please don’t say sorry. It’s my fa-“

“no” she touched his lips to stop him from talking

“Let’s not blame ourselves ahrasseo?” she was looking at him intently, her eyes was forgiving.

He close his eyes as his shoulders shook, tears started to flow uncontrollably

“Hey don’t cry” she wiped his tears

“God has better plans for us. Besides, we gained another guardian angel! And a cute pretty little one!” she beam, he stared deep into her eyes as he was looking for her buried emotions but he saw none. She’s peaceful, not like the past few days where her eyes are blank.

“Jung Joo Hyun”

“She will be forever with us, I know.” She caressed his cheeks and smiled at him lovingly

“Lay beside me” he tapped the free space beside him. She willingly oblige, she occupied the space beside him, wrapped her arms around his waist and used his arms as her pillow.

“Oppa” she was caressing his chest, straightening the invisible crease in his shirt


“I’m really sorry for everything.”

“Jung Joo Hyun, I to-“

“No. Let me talk Oppa, you deserve this as much as I deserve a punishment” she breathed deeply as she stopped the tears from flowing

“I’m sorry, I know, no matter how many sorry I say, the pain I’ve caused you can’t be undone. I’m sorry for acting that way, I’m sorry for screaming at you, for accusing you of hurtful things, for ignoring you, for every little thing I’ve done.” An ugly sound came out of . She bit her lips hard to stop her from sobbing until she tasted blood.

“Hey” he held her chin and made her look up “Don’t bite it, see? It's bleeding already” he leaned down and peck her lips once, twice, thrice.. “Don’t bite my lips” he caressed her lips

“your lips?” she looked at him strangely

“Yep. This is mine!” he leaned over again and pecked it “And this too” he kissed her eyes “And this” her nose “and this” the top of her head “and most especially, this” he reached for her hands, intertwined it and placed it in front of her heart

“Oppa, let me speak first”

“Ahrasseo, I’m listening. I always am”

“That time when you let go of my hand” she bit her lower lip once again, but was stopped when he tapped and kiss it before holding both her hands, clasping it tightly as he silently gives her assurance that he’s alive and are still beside her.

“I-I thought I lost y-you. I was so scared, I was so scared to the point that I rushed in just to be with you. I thought that if you die, I will die with you. I’ll follow you until death. When I was waiting for you outside the emergency room, I suddenly thought.

Is this how you look like when you waited for me? Is this how you looked messed up when you were waiting for me to wake up? Is this how you felt? The feeling of uselessness, that feeling when your loved one is inside the room while you, you can just stand and wait there, with nothing to do but to pray hard that you survive? That feeling of giving up, yet, your heart doesn’t want to. But I know Oppa, I know it’s more hard for you. Deciding for the two of us, choosing between us, and going through all the hardships just to save my life. Mianhe, Jeongmal mianhe, let me make this up to you until forever.”

“hyun, stop.” He shushed her, hugging her tight “You’re the one who told me to not blame ourselves right? You went through hardships, and I did too. We both share the same pain of losing our first baby, we’re even, but since the start, we aren’t supposed to compare what we went through. What’s important is we learned with this, and as an individual person, we gained strength with this. It strengthens our bond, and our love for each other. It became a lesson to us right? We both knew how important we are to each other, and you know what’s the most important thing is? The most important thing is that we’re still together amidst all the hardships and obstacles we went through. And I’m so thankful for that.”

She looked up and stared deep into his eyes “I love you. Nothing can separate us.”

“I love you too Angel Goddess, and no nothing and no one can separate us. Forever.”

“Forever” she smiled as he bent closer and kissed her forehead

They tightened their hold in each other, he sighed contentedly


I’m not asking for more.


Because for me, I already find that one person who completes me


Because for me,


Love is




Jung Joo Hyun…      






====================================================THE END=================================================




Annyeonggggggggggggggggg! It's finally the end! *sobs*

this ICFYL is too much angst (tho I enjoyed it) hahaha!

annyeong yeorobeun! Azile imnida. Thank you so much for reading and showing huge love to my story ICFYL. thank you for the encouragement to continue writing, for the love comment, for everything! 


I may not reply back to all of you who's leaving sweet comments but believe me! each and every comment are highly appreciated. It makes my gloomy mood brighten up. It eases my insecurities as well, (Thinking that my stories aren't interesting to my readers anymore.) keurigu, sorry for making you cry! Am I that evil? I actually am happy whenever they're telling me that they cried! don't misunderstand me! I mean, I'm happy because I successfully made you feel what I want you to feel while reading this.


did you enjoyed this? can you leave comments for the last time? heeeeeee~ I would really appreciate it! and also shoutout to my GOGUMA chingus! Thank you guys! you know who you are so yeah, I can't mention all of you here hahahaha! Thank you thank you thank you *bows 90 degrees*


Let's be prepared! Let's be strong. for we might not know what the future news brings. mwahahaha!


Let's keep this ship sailing forever!


chigeumeun Yongseo!

apeurudo Yongseo!

yeongwonhi Yongseo!

Yongseo saranghae!!




please anticipate for my next story. It's a different one compared to my other fics, and hope you'll enjoy this too!


till the next UD!





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Chapter 16: Gosh i cried buckets while reading this. Nothing can beat mother's love.
Chapter 16: Daebak ^ 0 ^
I never knew that I love angst until I read this fic. Thank you for the wonderful story! I cried so much while reading. >.<
bokyo28 #4
Chapter 16: Finally I am finished! Now im not angry anymore I guess It needs those parts so that it will be worth it in the end. Thank you.
bokyo28 #5
Chapter 6: Im at chapter 5 right now and Im really angry at how the story progress, I mean how can he not say it? the truth? I dont know if its a way to prolong the story but I will continue reading through... I just wanted to comment on how Im feeling right now and I hope everything will come full circle after I finished this I hope my anger goes away.... T_T
JustAnotherUser #6
Chapter 16: I've read this story multiple times already & I still experience the rollercoaster of emotions everytime as if it were my first time reading this; I get all giddy from all the sweetness & mushiness, I cried with tears literally flowing to my cheeks from all the emotional talks or fights. This is seriously one of the very best stories I've ever read. The way you wrote every situation beautifully - whether it was happy, sad, anger, etc - made me really feel this story. I can really feel their love for each other. A very beautiful story this is. Never get tired of reading this. I feel like I have a lot of compliments to say but, as people often say, words are never enough. X) You did a really wonderful job, authornim. Really a wonderful job. :) All the best for your other stories. I'll definitely try to read them - especially when it's about the Yongseo couple. ;) Fighting!
pipopanda #7
Chapter 16: Finally they have little angel
nuninuraini #8
Chapter 14: omo there we go again.. crying .
nuninuraini #9
Chapter 6: omoo .. believe me .. i was crying when i read this part :"""(
dj2702 #10
Chapter 1: omoooo,,,,,,such a greaaaaat story......really.....

love yongseo angst