
I can't forget your Love

After One Month…

He just finished his early meeting. He walked straight to his office and heard his phone ringing.


Oh Krys wae?

Oppa! I need to ask you a favor and after this I promise! Promise promise promise I won’t bug you again!

Spit it out kyrs, what do you want?

Please come with me in US. Just for 3 days oppa! Please please pleaseeee!


Jebal Oppa! 3 days! I just need 3 days and then I won’t bug you ever again! I promise!

Only 3 days ahrasseo? That’s final! 3 days and you won’t bug me anymore

YAH! You really want to get rid of me Oppa don’t you??

Aniyo. I just want you to stop bugging me EVERYDAY

*sigh* ahrasseo Oppa. THANK YOU!!!!

Your welcome sweety

Oh Oppa


How is she? He became serious. Right. How is she?

Haven’t seen her since the day we broke apart he deadpanned

But you still love her I can feel it

Mwola Krys. I just. I don’t want to talk about it, I’m not yet ready.

Ahrasseo Oppa. I know I sound like a damage tape. But I’m Sorry Oppa. I’m sorry

Krys. Here we go again.

Bye Oppa! See you at the airport!

Ahra Ahra. Bye

He turned off his phone. How is she? It’s been a month since I last saw her, I can’t contact her coz until now she doesn’t have a new phone. I tried to give a new phone to her, but found it on my table the next day, with a sticky note that has writing on it “Thanks. But No Thanks. –S”

God he missed her. Miss her like crazy. Everyday she’s occupying his mind. Everyday he’s dream is all about her, and just like that he survived the whole month.

But he wants to see her. He badly wants to see her.

He parked his car few blocks away from Hyoyeon’s house, waiting for miracle that she’ll come out.

It’s been 3 hours and yet there’s still no sign of her. He was startled when he heard someone tapped his window. He looked at it and saw Hyoyeon looking at him with that smug expression that made him bewildered.

“Annyeong Yonghwa-ssi!” she greeted cheerfully

“A-annyeong Hyoyeon-ssi. By any chance is Seohyun in there?” he saw her eyes sparkle

“truthfully, I don’t know where she is. The last time I heard she’s out of the country, her father told her to study Business Management Abroad. Thinking that it’s the right thing to do and move on, she accepted it. But she didn’t told us on what country she is right now” Hyoyeon said, eyes focused on every expression he’s showing. Anger, Sadness, Longing, and hurt.

“Ahrasseo. Kamsahamnida.” He bowed a little bit and sped off. Making the car’s tire screeched loudly, showing what he’s feeling inside.

Damn her for hiding. Damn her for not even asking for his permission. She’s still married to him right?? Why the hell is she acting as if she’s single!? He raked his hair because of frustration and anger, yet the aching feeling inside him won’t subside. How will he find her? When nobody knows where she is.



He just arrived at his pad on New York while Krystal went straight to the hospital where her bestfriend is staying.

Feeling jetlagged, he took a shower and slumped himself on the bed, burying himself on the comforter and dozing off to sleep.

He woke up that afternoon, feeling energized. His phone rang, he didn’t look who’s calling, he damn well know who it is

“What will I do?” he deadpanned

“I told you to just accompany me Oppa right? Oh. And on the third day, be my Oppa okay? We need to attend an event on behalf of Luna(Krystal’s Bestfriend). She actually asked if it was ok, coz she’s obliged to attend there, she badly needed to interview a famous hotelier, she’s been pursuing that hotelier for quite sometime now for just a simple interview. She spent almost a month on pursuing that, I forgot his name, something like Hyun? Oh! Kim Hyun Joong! He’s a Korean too! Obviously~ haha! We need to-“

“wait up! Ok ok I don’t need to hear those things! You’re obviously fangirling Krystal Jung!”

He heard her giggle “Am I that obvious Oppa? “


“haha! Ahrasseo! Enjoy your two days vacation Oppa!” she hung up.

It’s been a year since he last came here, so he decided to hang out and reunite with his friends.

He called up Choi Jong Hoon and Simon D. his two bestfriends here in New York. They gladly accepted his invitation and told him to meet them at a bar called Beastly.

He arrived at 9pm, upon entering the club, he noticed girls throwing him flirty looks which he just smiled and continue looking for his two friends.

“Yah Jung!” a guy shouted, he saw them at the vip lounge, sitting comfortably with 6 girls surrounding them. And half of them threw him interested looks already, ushering him to come closer.

“Yo man! Long time no see!” Simon D welcomed him with a brotherly hug and next is Jonghoon

They introduced him to the 6 girls accompanying them tonight. Taeyeon, Sunny, Jessica, Yoona, Yuri and Sooyoung. He bowed and smiled at them courteously. He found out that they’re a long time friend of Jonghoon.

“How’s life?” Yonghwa asked, while sipping his Heneiken.

“Still busy, but- YAH!!!” Simon’s drink spilled as he stared at his hand, looking at him, flabbergasted.

“Does that ring means what I’m thinking??”

“Oh this?” he showed them his wedding ring, even to the ladies surrounding them

“Yup. It is what you think it is” he shrugged and sipped his wine again

“MWOYA!! How come you didn’t invited us?!” Jonghoon shouted

“what’s with shouting?!” Yonghwa chuckled

“who’s the lucky girl??” Simon asked, all attention on him

“I’m luckier” he said, touching their wedding ring

“Ooooh! They’re here!!” one of the girl shouted, the rest of the girls squealed and decided to welcome their friends at the dance floor

“Damn Catherine’s here!!” Jonghoon fanboyed after the three of them was left at the lounge.

“yah! She’s the maknae! You’ll be doomed if you ever played on her” Simon said

“Who says I’m not serious on her? I mean, dude! She’s one hot woman!” Jonghoon said dreamily

Yonghwa just listened to them bickering

“well she’s a playgirl so shall we reverse my sentence? He’ll just break your heart!” Simon D laughed upon seeing Jonghoon’s mood fell

Soon after, 7 girls arrived, chatting happily while they didn’t noticed that almost all the hot-blooded mans attention are focused on them.

“Aish! That girl! She’s so famous already! It’s less than a month but she gained the most popular girl title in here” Jessica said

“Oh! Where’s Cath?” Simon asked

“Well. In less than a minute after entering the club, one on those handsome men pulled her instantly on the dance floor, leaving us staring at them as they disappeared on the crowd.” Yoona said, pouting.

“I miss talking to Cath! Aigoo, we need to go to an all-women’s club then if we want to be with her, ALONE.” Taeyeon said, looking at the crowded dance floor

“Playgirl on the go! I’m coming too!” Tiffany mixed in with the crowd as well, then followed by the rest of the girls.

“Should we join the party then?” Jonghoon said excitedly and ushered Simon and Yonghwa to the now heated dance floor

 As they joined the dancefloor, as Tinie Tempah’s Trampoline echoed on the club. Making the atmosphere hotter, few girls tried to get Yonghwa’s attention but shoved them away as he follows Simon and Jonghoon who’s dancing their way thru where the girls are.

Few minutes and he moved to the bar, ordering himself vodka. He was looking at the dancefloor, where pairs are dancing heatedly.

“Catherine!” he heard Jonghoon shouted. He looked at him and saw him looking at the pair who’s dancing heatedly on the dancefloor.

The guy was facing him, and he noticed that he’s a Korean too. The guy’s hand went to the girl’s tiny waist, running his hands on her while they’re grinding to the loud music. He leaned closer and kissed her lips, angling left and right, enjoying the kiss.

His gaze shifted to the girl’s back, he didn’t know why but his gaze transfixed on her. That body, the way she moves, her curvaceous body, her toned honey thighs. A sense of familiarity hit him. He froze on his spot

The guy sensed his gaze on the girl he’s kissing wildly, the guy turned her around, showing Yonghwa that they’re kissing, probably saying that she’s his.

Her hair is Blonde, tanned complexion, and more defined curves. She’s wearing a black backless sequined short dress. Exposing her honey thighs that he loves to see privately, that killer heels she’s wearing made it ier.

 They continue kissing, the guy’s hand travel all around her body, she grinded, swaying to the tune of the music.

Yonghwa’s anger rose, the alcohol he drank fueled it more. Feeling hot headed, the glass shattered in his hand, his blood dripped on his shirt but he can’t feel any pain, all he could feel was Fury.

Then he saw the guy’s hand squeezed her firm and saw her reacted. He left the bar and stride across the dancefloor.

Jonghoon and the gang saw Yonghwa’s behavior, they gasped as they saw the glass shattered in his hands, some of the girls was about to rush on his side when they saw him stride across the dancefloor, stopping in front of the couple who’s heatedly dancing and was now kissing wildly, grinding on each other’s body wantonly.

Yonghwa spun the girl around, breaking the kiss.

Still in daze, the girl looked at him for few seconds before her brain processed, her eyes widen and heard her gasp audibly.

“It’s good to see you AGAIN.MY WIFE”





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Chapter 16: Gosh i cried buckets while reading this. Nothing can beat mother's love.
Chapter 16: Daebak ^ 0 ^
I never knew that I love angst until I read this fic. Thank you for the wonderful story! I cried so much while reading. >.<
bokyo28 #4
Chapter 16: Finally I am finished! Now im not angry anymore I guess It needs those parts so that it will be worth it in the end. Thank you.
bokyo28 #5
Chapter 6: Im at chapter 5 right now and Im really angry at how the story progress, I mean how can he not say it? the truth? I dont know if its a way to prolong the story but I will continue reading through... I just wanted to comment on how Im feeling right now and I hope everything will come full circle after I finished this I hope my anger goes away.... T_T
JustAnotherUser #6
Chapter 16: I've read this story multiple times already & I still experience the rollercoaster of emotions everytime as if it were my first time reading this; I get all giddy from all the sweetness & mushiness, I cried with tears literally flowing to my cheeks from all the emotional talks or fights. This is seriously one of the very best stories I've ever read. The way you wrote every situation beautifully - whether it was happy, sad, anger, etc - made me really feel this story. I can really feel their love for each other. A very beautiful story this is. Never get tired of reading this. I feel like I have a lot of compliments to say but, as people often say, words are never enough. X) You did a really wonderful job, authornim. Really a wonderful job. :) All the best for your other stories. I'll definitely try to read them - especially when it's about the Yongseo couple. ;) Fighting!
pipopanda #7
Chapter 16: Finally they have little angel
nuninuraini #8
Chapter 14: omo there we go again.. crying .
nuninuraini #9
Chapter 6: omoo .. believe me .. i was crying when i read this part :"""(
dj2702 #10
Chapter 1: omoooo,,,,,,such a greaaaaat story......really.....

love yongseo angst