Lost birds

Another feeling (Jimin fanfic season 2)

Like a little bird on a cold autumn morning she crouched on the bench in the middle of nowhere. She was the only bird there though. She was just sitting, doing nothing. A lonely bird, a lost bird. Her eyes searched for answers in the sky, could she find a way out, a way out from all chains. Suddenly it became darker, something darkened the sun in front of her. It was another bird. The bird reached out one of his wings towards her. Why? She didn't have any hope left, she was lost in the cold. Then she finally managed to stand upp from her crouching and grabbed the other bird's wing. It was warm and finally she got some sence back. He smiled towards her, gave her the hope back. Together they walked away, hand in hand. She was ready to fly again.

"You can do this.", J-hope said and smiled towards her as they stood right outside the stage. "I'm going to try my best.", Nara said while looking at her rivals. Two people caught her attention first, her biggest rivals, Jung Kook and Dani. It had gone four weeks since Jung Kook and Nara talked to each other the last time. Nara was angry but of course she missed her best friend. Everytime she saw him she tried to hide all the heavy tears that pushed so hard from inside. Soyun was worried and tried to help but nothing worked. Nara hated him, everything he had done, everything Dani had done. She couldn't cry forever, she had to forget everything, forget about their memories, all the secrets they shared, all the moments they had laughed at silly things. She was going to forget it all.

Soyun and Jimin came up to them for a little talk before they were going up on stage. The room they stood in was pretty small, all the walls were red and the floor was dark wooden. "I heard Dani and Jung Kook is officially a couple since two weeks back.", Jimin leaned over to Nara and whispered. Nara shook her head in shock and suddenly lost all hope again. She was the lonely bird again. The lost little soul of her's flew out of the body and wanted to disappear forever but she got back to reality when J-hope grabbed her shoulders and shook her body. "Stop it Nara! Just stop behave like your world ends!", J-hope exclaimed and kept shaking her. "It's not a behavior. It's reality.", Nara said with a cold face and walked up on the stage. It was their turn. She was going to get depressed as soon as she could come home, there was no point of crying there. No one would understand.

Nara's feelings glowed in the dance, sadness. Even though she was supposed to act more y she couldn't stop herself from falling a tear in the end. J-hope met her eyes and saw the tears that fell down from her pale cheeks. They walked down from the stage but met Jung Kook and Dani on the way out. Nara tried to look away but could spot Jung Kook's quick glance. Didn't he even feel bad for what he had done?

The judges called up the dancers on the stage again. The audience screamed and shouted as the competitors entered the stage. The suspense grew and the judges took their places in front of the dancers. "We will only have a prize for the couple who placed first. Of course all of you were really talented but we thought it was really hard to choose second and third place. Please accept it.", one of the judges said. She wore a red maxi dress and had her hair in a neat bun. After she said that she became all silent. Everyone waited for the result. Nara, the lonely bird, just wanted to go home. The judges took a breath but finally they revealed who the winner was.

J-hope laid his arm around Nara's shoulders. "It's okay, atleast you did your best, I understand you have a hard time right now but atleast listen to my words. You were awesome. I have never seen that side of you in the dance.", J-hope whispered to Nara as she was shivering. She wanted to fall down thrue the floor and just disappear. "It would have been okay...if they weren't the winners. It could have been anyone, just not them.", Nara mumbled and wiped away the tears that was starting to flow. She didn't want to be weak, she wasn't weak. No, that was just a lie, of course she was weak.


Jung Kook walked over towards her. Now what was he going to say. Nara met his eyes, yes he was surely on his way to her. "Hello Nara...I just wanted to say that you were really good today...I actually thought you would be the winner.", he said while staring right into her soul. "Wait a little. What have I missed?", Nara questioned and determined crossed her arms. Jung kook tried to get what she had just said. ”I thought I wasn't good enough for you...why are you suddenly talking to me again? You haven't even said a word to me for almost a month.”, Nara just shook her head, she couldn't understand why he did what he did. He wasn't stupid so why was he acting like he was? ”But...”, Jung Kook said but Nara interrupted him, ”I don't want to listen to your meaningless speech, you don't even have a reason for turning me your back. We are officially not friends anymore, I don't want to see you anymore.”, Nara started to sob and her eyes got heavier. ”I hate you!”, she screamed and punched Jung Kook on his chest. She turned around and ran, ran away from everything, everything that made her feel bad. She didn't care about all the glances people gave her as she left the stage after screaming to Jung Kook. He was a betrayor, she couldn't trust him anymore. She was the lonely, lost bird again.

Nara sat on the bench again. She was almost getting used to sit alone on a bench in the middle of nowhere. It started to rain and the water poured down on her cold, blank face when she looked up in the sky. Her makeup started to flow and created black lines on her cheeks. She didn't care, no one would care. Because she was only a lonely, lost bird. Her bestfriend turned her down and left her for a girl that was nothing more but fake. Nara started to shiver, the winds were silent but it was cold in the air. Her breath got heavier. She sighed. A little squirrel ran across the road and passed Nara on the way to the closest tree. It climbed up to the top, it didn't give up until it reached where it felt safe. It felt like she was dreaming but suddenly the sound of footsteps made her look up. Quickly she looked away when she saw the face of the person. He walked closer towards her and reached out his hand. She looked at the hand, she didn't want to touch it. He grabbed her arm and pulled her up in standing position and forced her into a hug. She didn't answer the hug, her arms hung along her side and her face was still blank. ”I'm sorry. So sorry.”, Jung Kook whispered and leaned his head on her shoulder. She shook her head. ”No. What you have done is just not acceptable. I won't accept your apologize.”, Nara mumbled while sobbing. Her emotions were bubbling, she didn't know what she was feeling at the moment, sadness? Anger? Probably a mix of them both. The only thing she liked about the hug was the warmth he gave her, it was cold outside but Jung Kook was warm. She closed her eyes while she stood inside Jung Kook's arms. ”I totally understand why. I don't know why I haven't spoken to you for such a long time. I thought you didn't like me anymore, I thought you wanted to take a break from me since you were always so angry around me.”, Jung Kook said, answering her. Nara shook her head, ”Maybe you should think a little about what really happened. Before Dani arrived I was happy, when she was your dance partner I was sad, when she broke her leg and I was your dance partner instead I was happy, when Dani came back and you chose her instead of me I was sad again. I still don't understand how you could reject me just like that.”, Nara pulled herself out of the hug. ”This may sound wierd and shocking but actually I think I fell in love with my bestfriend. He made me feel happy when I was with him. He made me realise that he was always there for me, I felt safe with him. Those butterflies in my stomach everytime I saw him.”, She shook her head once again in disappointment and left him, she walked away from him in silence. She never looked back, just left the place.

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Chapter 14: such a cutie pie :)
kookiemonta #2
Chapter 14: aww so sweet.....thanks authornim for this beautiful love story.love it soooo much
asianmee101 #3
Author-nim! You've inspired me to get fit and start to learn how to dance! I love how you showed progress in Nara and I feel like I can do it too! Oh I DIED reading this by the way. You're an AMAZING writer! Keep writing! I'll always be your fan! ^_^
aishani146 #4
Chapter 14: Soo... Cute... I wonder what happened to dani?? XD
alexikmic #5
Chapter 14: That was too cutee...woaa <3
Chapter 14: I'm crying.... beautiful+cute fanfics.. keep on at the other fics.. ^^
Teentopxo #7
Chapter 14: OMFG I don't want it to end T.T
Bangtanology #8
Chapter 14: OMG THIS WAS SUCH A CUTE SEQUEL AUTHOR-NIM ;w; <333 Great job! ^^
_KpopSeoul #10
Chapter 14: Omg! My feels!! *^* i cried in this chapter T_T
Just so beautiful!! Unni! There should be a sequel ~