Chapter 8

Fixing A Broken Life

Your POV

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes then looked down at him.  He was still asleep holding onto my hand. I used my free hand to his hair. Just as I brought my hand down, he picked his head up and looked at me. There was more regret on his face than when he learned about the scars on my arms.  I smiled hoping to make him feel better but it didn't work so we sat there in silence.

"Jae Young~" The silence was broken.  "I'm so sorry."


"No, I'm not going to let you tell me it's okay. You have 15 stitches in your arm because of me."

"But Max,"

"No Jae Young.  I shouldn't have hurt you like that."

"Would you listen?!" I was getting a little frustrated. "You were literally stuck in a nightmare.  Yunho couldn't wake you up and neither could I. You didn't know I was lying next to you. I get that you feel sorry for what happened but there was nothing you could do."

"Can't you just say you forgive me?" I wasn't getting past his self blame and it hurt.  I thought hard about what he asked me. "Just say you forgive me." How can I forgive someone who's not guilty? "Jae Young?"

"I forgive you." If that's what you need to hear, I forgive you.

"Thank you."  I just smiled.

"You know this is going to be all over the news right?"

"It already is." He said showing me the article. 

"Suicide? How could they start that rumor?"

"I don't know but I'm going to clear it up as soon as I can." I just nodded my head knowing he knew how to handle the situation.

"Where would I be without you?" I chuckled.

"I don't know." He laughed.  "Scoot over." I moved over just enough for him to climb in next to me.  I cuddled up to him and started drawing shapes on his stomach.

"What did you dream of?"

"Soo Mi was trying to hurt you.  Chang Sun was there holding you while she hit you.  When I got to where you were, I pushed her away."

"Ohh~ well look at that, you even protect me in your dreams.  Now I know I'm safe." I smiled before kissing his pouty lips.  "I love you."  I said feeling like that's what he needed to hear most.

"I love you too Jae Young." He kissed my forehead then hugged me tighter.

Just then the doctor walked in and released me to go home.  Max signed me out then we walked out to where Yunho was waiting with the company car. Their manager was in the driver seat and looked back at me sending a wave of nervousness through me.

"It's nice to finally meet you though I wish it wasn't under these circumstances."

"Nice to meet you too." I bowed then cuddled up next to Max.

"Are you going back to your place or the dorm?" Yuhno turned around to face us. 

"I should probably go back to my place and let Min Hye know I'm okay. How's that going actually?"

"We have a date tomorrow night."

"Wah~ daebak!" I laughed. "Oh that was fast." I said realizing I was already at my apartment. 

Then I realized I live up the street from the hospital.  I laughed at myself for having the dumb moment then got out of the car.  Max got out with me and walked me to my door before kissing me goodbye.

"Don't worry about the rumors going around.  I'll talk with my manager and we'll figure it out."

"Arrasso. I'll talk to you later." I kissed him again before unlocking my door and going in.

"OMO! You're okay." I was stopped dead in my tracks by Min Hye who had her arms around me in a matter of seconds.

"Yea.  I'm fine.  Just a couple cuts.  They gave me 15 stitches."

"What happened?" She pulled away still holding on to my shoulders.

"Long story." I said releasing me from her grip to go to the kitchen.  "He was literally stuck in the nightmare.  Soo Mi which is his ex-girlfriend was hitting me so he pushed her out of the way but he didn't know that in real life I was laying next to him so he ended up pushing me off the bed and I knocked a glass of the nightstand and it broke and cut my arm."

"Wow.  He must have felt terrible."

"He did.  It made feel bad because it wasn't his fault. But he wanted me to forgive him so I did."

"You guys are just perfect." She smiled as she plopped down on the couch.  "I hope me and Yunho can be like that."

"I think you will be." I smiled and sat down next to her.  She turned the TV on and we watched the Running Man we recorded then It's Okay, It's Love.

"Wah~ Kyungsoo-oppa meotshida! I remember when I first met him." I said smiling at the memory.  "I definitely did not think he was the actor type.  I guess he proved me wrong." I laughed as I popped pieces of popcorn in my mouth.

"Maybe he was acting." She laughed. 

"I guess so." I said laughing.  "He's so dorky though. It's just too cute!"

"It is." She said stuffing her face with popcorn.

After the episode finished, we decided we would go shopping for some clothes and things we didn't really need but wanted.  I thought the mall trip would be relaxing but it was far from relaxing.  I just wish Max would have been there.

"Funny meeting you here." I heard the voice behind me. What?! Why?! What did I do to deserve this? Please Min Hye come out of the bathroom already!

I turned around seeing him with that evil yet cunning smirk of his.

"What do you want?" I said crossing my arms.

"Wow, so tough. Your boyfriend must be around.  Or did he leave you for his career?"

"Don't worry about my relationship with Max." I said turning to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Let me go Chang Sun!"

"Not until I get my revenge!"

"What revenge!"

"You ruined my life."

"I ruined your life?" I pulled my sleeves up and showed him the scars on my arms. "I ruined your life? What about how you ruined my life?  How you made me feel ugly because I wouldn't have with you?  You blew my self-esteem out of the water to the point where I shut myself off from everyone except for one person and I ruined your life? Please." I turned to walk away again but I was stopped when he grabbed my hand as he dropped to his knees.

"I'm so sorry.  I didn't realize that I'd hurt you that much." Bull! "I was just angry that the girl I loved didn't love me enough to.."

"To have ? That's not love Chang Sun that's lust.  I didn't lust after you and you got mad."

"It felt like the feelings I had for you weren't being returned."

"Because you didn't love me Chang Sun.  You only wanted me because you wanted my body and when I wouldn't give it to you that made you change.  For a while I thought you loved me but after that night I knew it was lie." He was dumbstruck. "Then you turned my life into a living hell because I refused to put up with your . I've stayed quiet about it for so long it was beginning to eat away at me but now that I've confronted my problem face to face I think I can move on.  You should try it."

"Jae Young wait!"

"Hajima.  I don't want to see you."

"But please, I was wrong I love you."

"No. You lust for me even after everything that you've caused you lust after me."

"I don't."

"Explain that to the emotionless eyes you used to look at me when you just said you loved me." I broke free from his grip leaving him on his knees. 

I walked over to where Min Hye had been waiting patiently for me to finish.  It felt like a huge weight had finally been lifted and I could move on from that part of my past.  I couldn't wait to tell Max.

"I'm glad you finally stood up to him." Min Hye said linking her arm mine.

"Me too." I said smiling as we walked to the next store. Me too.

A/N: Sorry guys, no Max POV this time but I hope you enjoyed it. has started so this story along with the others after these next few updates will be on a temporary hiatus until I have the time and ideas to write and post.

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Chapter 1: So cute I can't wait for more