Chapter 2

Fixing A Broken Life

Your POV

My day went by the normal way.  I worked in the morning, dealt with Changsun’s behavior, and went to school.  But when I got to lunch my whole day took a weird turn.  As I was peacefully eating lunch, he walked over to me.

“Yes Changmin?  Do you need something?”


“And that is?”

“You’re smile.”

When he said that I shot him a glare.

“I thought that would work.  Guess not.  Guess I need to find something else.”

“You won’t make me smile.”

“Don’t doubt my abilities.”

“I am doubting them.”

“You’ll see.” He said getting up from the table to go to the trashcan. 

Just when I thought I had gotten rid of him for a minute, he came up behind me and tickled me.  I laughed and when he stopped my smile was gone instantly.

“See.  Don’t doubt my abilities. So where do you want to go?”

“Surprise me.”  I said sarcasm apparent in my tone.

“No really?”

“I don’t know Changmin.  I don’t even know why you want me to go out with you.”

“I know you don’t.  But you will find out soon I promise.”

I couldn’t help but feel like he was trying to use me just like Changsun did.  I hesitated to give my full consent to this date but after a few minutes of deliberation I agreed and he was going to pick me up at 7 that night. 

After lunch, all I could think about was the date I had gotten myself into.  What was I going to wear?  What would my hair look like?  Make-up or no make-up?  Were my only thoughts when I really should have been focusing on the calculus being written on the board.

“Miss Lim.  Are you gazing off again.”

“Neh seongsenim.  Mianhaeyo.”  I muttered as I began taking my notes.

“Don’t do it again or you will be sent to the principal’s office.”

I nodded my head and took notes until the bell rang.  After school I rushed home and continued my long thought process over how this date would go.  I called Min Hye to come over and help me pick out what I was going to wear.

“Shouldn’t we find out what kind of things you should wear?”

“Yea.”  I said pulling my phone out to text Changmin realizing I didn’t get his number. “I don’t…” I was stopped by a random number texting me.

Me:  Who is this?

Them:  Changmin silly

Me:  How did you get my number

Changmin:  I would tell you but it will upset you so just know I have it.

Me:  Fine.  What should I wear?

Changmin:  Casual

I walked back over to Min Hye who was standing in my closet.  In the end, I picked the perfect outfit or at least one I thought was perfect.  As I waited on him to pick me up, I began getting butterflies in my stomach but why?  Did I like him? Or Was I just nervous? Whatever the reason was, the butterflies only got worse when he picked me up and I saw how handsome and cute he really was.  My heart raced as he walked up to my door.  I locked it trying to keep the keys in my shaking hand.

“Are you okay?”  He asked me as he finally reached my steps.

“N-neh.  I’m fine.”  I replied swallowing the nervousness ready to explode.

“Are you sure?”

“Neh.  So where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Ugh why?”  I said showing my discontent.

“Just get in the car.”  He said smiling.

I climbed in the passenger seat and he shut the door.  I buckled my seat belt and looked out the window waiting on him to get in.  After we pulled away I began gazing out of the window as the location started looking more familiar.  Just as I was beginning to remember the place something else happened.  He grabbed my hand and locked his fingers with mine.   I didn’t know how to react so I just left it.  Plus, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy it.  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the quietness of the car.  When the car finally stopped I opened my eyes.

“No.  Keep them closed. I don’t want you to see the surprise.  I made it myself.”

“Uhm…okay.” I said closing my eyes and waiting on him to help me out of the car. 

He lead me all the way picking me up half way through because I kept stumbling.  When he set me down and I opened my eyes, it was as if I died and went to well not heaven, or hell, so I guess I didn’t die.  But the surprise was still beautiful.  There were multitudes of food laid out on a blanket.

“It’s great Changmin.”


“Yes.  No one has ever done this much work for me.”

“I’m glad you like it.”  He said smiling and walking me to the blanket.  I sat down and waited on him to sit down. 

We started eating and that was the most comfortable I’ve been around anyone since Changsun betrayed my heart.  But something was bugging me deep down.  This is where it happened.  This is where Changsun hurt me.  But, I ignored it and didn’t let that stop the best date I’ve had thus far.  It started getting hot so I took off my jacket leaving me in my tank top.  We continued eating but then he stopped.

“Is everything okay?”  I said looking at his puzzled look.

“W-what happened to your arm?”

“What?” And then I remembered the scars that lined my arm.  “Cats.”

“Cats my .”  He said.  “What happened?”

I wasn’t ready to tell him what happened.  I wasn’t ready to answer his following questions.  I stood up and walked away.

“Jae Young!”  He yelled after me.  I heard him get up and start running after me so I ran as fast I could not knowing where I would end up.  By the time he caught up to me, I had made it to a walkway by the Han River.  Flowers were above my head as I ran through.  Half way through, he grabbed my arm yanking my whole body to face him.  I tried to fight him with all my strength, but it was useless.  I only wore myself out and into tears.  I stood there crying as his hands still had a hold on my wrists.

Changmin POV

I pulled her into a tight embrace and her hair gently.

“Shh~ Stop crying.”  I said to her.  “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I could feel my shirt getting wet as she sobbed loudly.  Her fists balled in my shirt.  We stood there for a while before she finally picked her head up and looked at me. 

“I’m sorry.”  I said to her guilt apparent in my tone.

“It’s not your fault.”  She said to me sitting on the ground Indian style.  I did the same in front of her.

“But really…what happened?  Why do you have those scars?  Why did you cut yourself?”

“I felt ugly and I was in so much pain.  It was the only way to release it.”

“But you are not ugly.” I said grabbing her arm and running my hand over the scars gently.  “Even these are not ugly.  They are just a memory.”  I said to her holding her hands in mine this time.  “Who made you feel so bad about yourself that you did this?”


“W-What?!”  I couldn’t believe what she said.  But then again I could.

“Yes. He was my boyfriend for 2 years until last year.”

“What happened?”

“Last year, in the place where we had our picnic today, he…he…he tried to have with me.  But I didn’t want to.  I was able to get away but before I did, he told me I was nothing to him and would be nothing to everyone else.    I loved him so much that I began to believe that.   He even went to school telling everyone I was a and they believed him.  After that I started cutting my arms, but then I met Min Hye who worked with me at the café and she was so nice to me.  She really cared and helped me stop.”

“So that’s why he tormented you yesterday morning.”


“I can’t believe I was friends with him.”

“You didn’t know.”

“But still.  You may not be something to him but you me your….” I don’t know why I couldn’t say my heart. 

“I’m what?”


Your POV

“Huh?”  Did he just tell me I was his everything?

“You are my everything.”

“How would you know that?”

“I’ve liked you for nearly a year Jae Young.”

“And you never said anything?”

“Would you have trusted my heart?”

“Probably not.”

“Exactly.  I had to find a way to get you to go out with me without you denying so I made the bet.”

“Well played.”

“Thanks…but don’t ever think you aren’t something beautiful.  You will always be everything beautiful to me.  I lo…like you Jae Young.  Be my girlfriend.”


“Yes.”  He said moving his face closer to mine.  He kissed me and I kissed back.  But I could have sworn he was going to tell me he loved me.


A/N: Sorry has been making it hard to write and update but thank you all for being so patient.  I love you guys!!!

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Chapter 1: So cute I can't wait for more