Chapter 1

Fixing A Broken Life

Your POV

“Here’s you order sir.”  I said setting the coffee and pastries on the table.

“This isn’t what I ordered.”  He said with a sly smirk.

“I’m sorry sir, but I believe it is.  This is what was on the receipt that was given to me.”  I said attempting to have good customer service.

“No it wasn’t.” He said in an angry tone but laughing afterwards. 

 I knew he was trying to cause a scene and I was getting pissed.  I hated working at the café before school because he always came in trying to cause a scene for me.  He knew he could get to me deeper than anyone else could.

“I’m sorry sir.  I will take your order again.  What would you like?”  I said doing an awesome job at keeping my cool.

“No this is fine.”  He said with an irritated tone.

“Arrasso sir.” I said leaving him sitting there smiling.

My phone alarm went off playing Sistar’s Ma Boy signaling that it was time I clocked out and headed to school.

“See you later Min Hye.”  I yelled as I grabbed my backpack and left the café.

As I was walking to school, someone yelled after me. “Yahh!!”  I tried to ignore them but they ended up right behind me.

“Why did you let him do that to you?”  He said in a gentle tone.  

I didn’t turn around to see because I knew who it was.  It was Changmin, as in TVXQ’s Changmin.  He was in all of my classes and all the girls surrounded him every day, yet he never paid attention.  So why talk to me of all girls.  I wasn’t exactly sure how to react because I was quite shocked he even talked to someone like me.   Someone who sat in the back corner away from people because I was scared of them.  Someone who ate lunch alone to avoid the bullying that I already faced as soon I walked past the gates.  ‘Why was he talking to me?’ Was the only thought racing through my mind.

“Hey!”  He said again so I turned around. “Why did you let him do that to you?  You and he both knew that was his order.”

“It’s none of your business.”

“I’m sorry.  It’s just…there was no reason for him to act like that.”

“He has his reasons.”

“Then what’s yours?  Why let him treat you like that?”

“That’s my business.”  I said getting slightly irritated.

He gave up when I said that but continued to walk silently, alongside me all the way to school.  It was awkward.  He didn’t talk, I didn’t talk, we didn’t even look at each other. 

“What the hell is going on?” I thought to myself.

As we reached the gates, I cut my eye towards him jumping a little.

“Why are you staring at me?”  I said getting a little defensive.

“H-Huh? I-I’m s-sorry.”  He said blinking like crazy.

“It’s fine just please stop.  It’s awkward.”

“Arrasso.”  He said giving a tiny grin.  I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

Changmin POV

“Why is she like that?”  I mumbled to myself as I walked into the building. 

She would never believe that I wanted her so how would I tell her.  She thinks everyone is out to get her but why?  And why did she let people treat her badly?  I know this is my first year at this school, but it’s almost over and I still don’t understand her.  I felt bad to see her hurting, but I couldn’t do anything to help her.

“Yahh! Changmin!”  Yuhno yelled breaking my thoughts.

I just glared at him as he got into his locker and started pulling out books.

“Mian. Are you excited for school to end?”  He said smiling.

I nodded my head bothered by his question that he asks everyday at school and at the dorm.

“You ask this everyday hyung.”  I said closing my locker.

“I know I know.  I’m just excited.”

“I can tell.”  I said smiling and heading to my class.

 “Get to class on time today Max, or you will clean the dorm by yourself.”

“Arrasso hyung.”  I yelled drawing all the attention to the door. 

I walked to my seat behind Jae Young.  I could tell she was still bothered by this morning so I moved back a seat.

Your POV

I was still thinking about the café and walk to school.  I didn’t mean to be mean to him, I was just confused and upset.  I needed to apologize but when could I?   During lunch, he was with all his friends including Changsun, the guy from the café.  I missed half the lesson thinking about everything so I waited on the bell to ring signaling class change to talk to my teacher.  I went through the rest of my morning classes and waited on the lunch bell.  As soon as it rang, I went to the cafeteria and grabbed my lunch.  I sat in my corner and watched everyone else pile in.  I watched as his whole group piled in but I didn’t see Changsun, not that I cared, it was just weird.  I watched them walk into the line, exit the line and walk towards “their” table.  As soon as Changmin sat down, he caught my eye contact and smiled.  I looked down at my food and kept eating.  I was peaceful until a tray was sat down on my table startling me.

“Hi.”  He said smiling and sitting down.

“Hi.”  I said under my breath.

I could hear the kids at the “the table” talking.

“Why is he over there?”  I heard one girl say.  “And with her at that?”  I heard another person say. 

I could ask the same thing but I kept quiet.

“I just wanted to apologize for this morning.”

“For what?  I should be the one apologizing.  I was mean and it wasn’t my intention.”

“No, it’s my fault.  I shouldn’t have just butted into your life like that.”

“Why did you?”

“I didn’t like the way Changsun was treating you.  I hate when guys act like douches.”

“Oh.  Well where is he now?”  

“I told him not to sit with us today.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“I did.  He’s a douche to everyone including us.”

“Well everyone sitting at your table are douches most of the time even the girls.”

“I’m not.” He said getting defensive.

“You’re also not sitting at your table.”

“Oh. Yeah. Sorry.”

“Gwenchanah.”  I said chuckling.

“Woah.  You smile?”  He said with a gasp.

“Not usually.”  I said quickly wiping the smile from my face.

“Why did you stop?”

“I have nothing to smile for.”

“But your smile is beautiful.”

“Thank you but…”

“I bet I can make you smile again tomorrow.” He blurted out cutting me off.

“Doubt it.”

“Okay fine.  If I make you smile tomorrow, even the slightest bit, you have to go out with me.”

I just looked at him as he got up from my table and emptied his tray.  I emptied mine and left as fast as possible.

“Why does he want to go out with me?”  I said to myself as I walked back to class and sat in my seat.  

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Chapter 1: So cute I can't wait for more