Chapter 5

Fixing A Broken Life

A/N:  I had to fix some inconsistencies in this story so I really advise going back to read Chapter 4 before reading Chapter 5.  1-3 have some minor changes as well so if you'd like to re-read them go ahead. Now to the story.

Your POV

"Isn't your body still sore?"

"A little but I have to keep practicing for the comeback."

"Comeback?! Why didn't you tell me about the comeback?"

"I just did.  You are the first person besides me and the company to know."

"Oh.  Okay.  Have you heard anything about Yunho's audition results?"  I asked Max walking over and sitting next to him against the mirror. 

"Neh."  He said wrapping an arm around me.

"And?"  I said receiving a sad look from him.  "And?"  I asked again.  Still the same sad look.  "Aww man." 

"I'm kidding.  He's in.  Lee Soo Man sajangnim wants to make us a group."

"That's great but don't scare me like that!"  I said smacking his arm.  "And don't touch me.  You're sweaty and gross."  I got up from the floor and ran as he began chasing me trying to wrap his arms around me.

"Gotcha."  He said as his arms enclosed me leaving me no chance to escape.  I squirmed as much as I could and almost broke free when he turned me to face him but he enclosed me again faster than I could step back.

"Well now we're both sweaty so it doesn't matter."  I said chuckling then kissing his lips.  The kiss became deeper as his hand s down and around my waist.  He pulled away and smiled. 

"You know this whole audition thing was pointless right?"

"Wae? But I heard the whole the meeting with him."

"We planned that because I wanted you to be a part of the repayment.  Plus I knew you would come back to eavesdrop."  He said and I frowned. "You never noticed he was already a part of TVXQ?"

"What? No.  I only focused on you."


"Yea.  And he kept such a low profile at school."

"Wow.  You're so unobservant."

"Am not."

"Are to."  He said kissing me again.  "But I love it."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"He works hard to keep a low profile so he can live a less stressful idol life.  And apparently he did a good job."

"Ohh~ makes sense.  I wondered why he looked so familiar.  Maybe from all that was going on I couldn't register who he was." I said chuckling followed by a stomach growl.

"Are you hungry?"




"Molla.  Cafe?"


We left and went to eat at the cafe up the street.  We walked in, greeted Min Hye, then found a seat.  Luckily the cafe was empty around this time and he was able to remove his disquise.

"I really wish we could go public with our relationship.  This fake beard is itchy."

"Nado.  But we can't.  Not yet."


"I know. I know." I said sadness in my tone.

"One day.  If I had to choose it would be today but I'm happy with what we have and I don't want to lose it.  I want it to last longer than three weeks." She said chuckling.

"Nado."  I said grabbing her hand. 

"Customers are coming in."  Min Hye said as she walked over.  "Follow me."

We got up from the table and followed her to a secret passage way. She led us up some steps that took us all the way to the top of the cafe.  We were able to look out on everyone through a tinted window.

"They can't see you guys because of the tint so don't worry about putting that ugly beard back on."

"Thanks Min Hye."  Jae Young said.  "How come I never knew about this?"

"I just found out about it this morning."  Min Hye said before leaving to go grab the cakes and drinks we ordered.  She brought it back quickly and we enjoyed our date.  That was until a fan broke into the room we were in.  Jae Young was terrified so I had to come up with something quick.

"Annyeonghaseyo?"  I said bowing. 

I tried to think of something as fast as I could but it was already too late.  She had already snapped the picture and kakao-ed it to the public.  She stormed off and we were left there.  I turned to Jae Young who was so scared she was shaking.  I walked over and hugged her to calm the shaking.

"Eottoke?"  She said finally calming down.

"We are going to stay strong no matter what happens ara?"

"Ara."  She said smiling.

"It's going to get tough but we can do this.  As long as we have each other we can do this." She kissed my lips and hugged me again. "Let's finish eating and I'll take you home."

"Arrasso."  She said feeding me a piece of cake. 

Your POV

We finished eating then left the cafe.  Gasps and stares of awe came from every direction but I didn't let it get to me.  I knew he would be by my side no matter what happened and I was happy.  We continued walking and it wasn't long before I was home.  He walked me up to the apartment and I unlocked the door.

"Come on."  I said motioning for him to come in. 

"Wow.  This is nicer than our dorm."  He said his eyes wide.

"You wouldn't believe the rent on this place."  I said sitting on the couch pulling him with me.  "But it took me a week to talk Min Hye into letting me pay half the rent."

"Yeoboseyo?"  He said answering his phone. "Ahh~ hyung I'm with Jae Young.  Mwo?! Arrasso arrasso.  Oh kay."

"What's wrong?"  I asked seeing his expression after hanging up with Yunho. 

"I have to go meet with my manager about what happened at the coffee shop."  He said getting up from the couch.  "But don't worry.  Everything will be okay."  He hugged me then kissed.  "Yaksokhae."

"I trust you."  I said smiling.  "Call me later."

"Arrasso."  He said kissing me one more time before leaving.

About an hour later, Min Hye walked in and looked at me.

"I am so sorry."

"About what?"

"About what happened at the cafe."

"It's not your fault.  The fan should have known her boundaries but she didn't."

"But now what are you and Max going to do?"

"We are going to be okay.  We aren't going to let this get to us."

"I hope you guys stay together.  You've never had a guy that cares for you as much as he does."

"That's my plan."  I said smiling as I walked over to Min Hye and hugged her.  "But you need to shower. You smell like coffee and sweat."

"After people heard Max came to that cafe, it was like everyone wanted to come there.  Business picked up faster than we could handle."  She said smiling. 

"You could have called me.  I would have come in."

"No. That would ruin your date."

"It wasn't a date.  We were just getting something to eat until dinner."

"Either way.  I didn't want to ruin your guys' time together."

"I get it.  Go shower now.  I'll make dinner."

"Arrasso."  She said walking towards her room.

I walked into the kitchen and began making dinner.

Would we be okay?  Would we be able to stay together?

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Chapter 1: So cute I can't wait for more