Chapter 3

Fixing A Broken Life

**Heads up guys.  I am not going to call Changmin Changmin anymore.  I’m switching to Max so I don’t confuse anyone.**

Your POV

“Can we go home now?”

“Of course but we should probably go back and get our things.”

“You’re right.”  I said as helped me up from the ground.

We made our way back to the picnic and gathered up all of our things, then walked to his car.  He started driving and I closed my eyes.  When I opened them again, we had already arrived to my house.  I looked in the driveway and saw that my mom was home.  My heart dropped but I knew I had no choice but to go in there.

“Thank you.”  I said as he opened my door and I climbed out. 

I walked to the door slowly unlocking and waving goodbye before he motioned me to walk in then left.

“What the….…are you doing?  Hmm?? With…that…boy?” My mom yelled, her words slurring from all the alcohol she had consumed. 

“He took me to dinner mom.”

“Did you screw him too?”

“No mom I did not.”

“Good.  Wouldn’t want…Changsun to….happen….again now would we?”  She said walking over and crossing her hand over my face.  I gripped my jaw as the tears started flowing. “But it would be your fault.  Even your dad leaving…it’s your fault.”  I knew she felt that way because my dad, well let’s just say, he preferred girls more than women, and when my mom found out it instantly became my fault.  She caught him one day and blames me saying I’m a so she thinks I screw every guy.  She drinks every night and abuses me but I have to live with it. 

I walked away from her and headed up the steps to my room where I showered and climbed in bed.  I cried myself to sleep like I do nearly every night.  When I woke up, I looked at my phone seeing messages from Min Hye and Max.

From: Min Hye

To: Me

Where are you? You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago.

! I was supposed to work today.  I jumped out of bed and threw on my clothes.  I threw my hair up in a bun grabbed my bag and rushed to the café.  When I arrived, Min Hye walked over and hugged me.

“Why are you hugging me?”  I asked giving her an extremely confused look.

“I thought something happened to you.  You’re never late.”

“I’m sorry. I over slept.  I had a rough night last night.”

“Did that guy hurt you?”

“No he did anything but hurt me.”

“I’m glad.”

“Me too.”  I said smiling and starting my shift.

“But how did you get that bruise?”

“How do you think?”

“I told you to come and stay with me.”

“She needs me.” I said.  She just gave me the look she always does and walked away.

About an hour into my shift, he came walking in with the biggest smile I have ever seen. I didn’t want him to see my bruise so I went into the back and made Min Hye take the order.  After placing the order, he walked over and sat down.  When I walked back out, my heart shattered.  I walked over to him on the verge of tears.

“You…you lied to me.”  I said keeping the tears from falling.

“I promise Jae Young it’s not what you think.”  He said getting up from the table.

“Save it Max!  I believed you and you lied to me!”  I yelled turning to walk away. I yanked my arm and walked away.

“Jae Young! Wait! I swear!”

“Max…just let her cool off.”  I heard the girl say to him.  “She’s been hurt far more severe than this that’s why she’s so upset. Just let her come to you.”

“But she won’t.  Not after all she’s been through.”  He was right.  I never wanted to talk to him again. 

A couple weeks passed and graduation had arrived.  He didn’t talk to me, not even when we sat next to each other at graduation.  It wasn’t until after graduation that the shattered bits of my heart that had slowly begun putting themselves back together fell apart again.

As I was walking out to begin walking home, Changsun pulled me to the side.

“Can I have a graduation gift?” He said trying to kiss me.

“Let me go!”


“Let her go!” I heard Max say as he pulled me from Changsun’s grip.  I stumbled back into the fence.   “Do you guys even know what he did to her?” He started yelling causing all his drones to stop laughing.

“What is he talking about?” One of them asked.

“Nothing.”  Changsun replied giving Max a threatening glare.  He looked back at them giving them a nod and they went after Max pushing him to the ground.

“MAX!” I screamed.  I wanted to help but with all of the stomping, kicking, and punches being thrown here and there, I was just as helpless as he was.  I couldn’t leave him there and I couldn’t stop them.  All I could do was scream.  “STOP!”

“He…” Max started but couldn’t finish because a foot rammed into his stomach. “ her.”  He managed to release in a strain causing everyone to stop.

They looked at me and I nodded.  They looked at him and the shocked look in his face proved it to them.  They all scoffed at Changsun and ran away leaving the three of us there. Not because they were disgusted in Changsun but because they knew that because they knew the secret Changsun would use the attack against them as a way to scare them into not sharing the secret.   I looked to see if anyone was around so I could get help and there was a kid leaned against the fence.  He looked worried. But not just worried, he looked very familiar.

“I looked up to you Changsun.”  He started in a quiet tone. “Get out of here before I call the police.”

“Whatever Yunho.  You won’t call anybody.”  Changsun hissed.

“I won’t?” Yunho said after he dialed 119 and showed it to Changsun.  Changsun growled and walked away.  Now that everyone knew his dark secret, he lost all his power.  Soon after Yunho walked over to me and Max and began helping Max up. 

“I called the police while he was yelling.  They are waiting at the front of the school.”  The guy said as he helped carry Max  to the ambulance that was waiting at the front.

“Gomawo!” I said as I got in back of the ambulance.

“Can you come with us?” One of the paramedics asked Yuhno.  He nodded and climbed in the passenger seat.

I sat quietly and held Max’s hand as they stuck him with needles and began cleaning him up. Then he let go.

“Max! Max!”  The paramedic said patting his chest.

Luckily, we had just reached the hospital or I would have had to get out of the ambulance on the side of the road. They rushed him in through the trauma bay and though the waiting was nerve racking, I did my best to wait patiently.  After about an hour, the doctor came out and informed me that he was stable and I was able to see him.  I walked to his room and slowly opened the door tears on the verge of falling.  I walked over to his sleeping body and sat in the chair next to his bed.

“I’m sorry Max.”  I said grabbing his hand as tears streamed down my face.  After a while, my stomach started to growl so I decided to go to the cafeteria.  When I came back he was awake and looking depressed.  “What’s wrong?”

“Oh.  I thought you weren’t here.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You haven’t talked to me since the day at the café.”

“I know.  I was upset and I still am. I trusted you Max then you showed up to my job with another girl.”

“I showed up to your job with a friend from my agency.”


“I wanted you to meet her.  She went through the same thing as you and I thought it would be good for you guys to become friends.”

“Oh…I’m sorry I didn’t believe you…or let you explain.”

“I knew what you thought and I knew how you felt but there was nothing I could do…”

“I heard what she said when I walked away.  I know.”

“I just wanted someone else besides me to be there for you.  I know what happen so all I can do is love and protect you.  But she went through what you went through so she would be able to help you more.  I wanted someone to help me, help you…if that’s okay.”

“It’s fine.  But why didn’t you tell me before you brought her? A simple ‘hey I have someone I want you to meet’ would have been sufficient.”

“I know.  I know.  And I’m sorry I caused you more pain.”


“Forgiven.” She said smiling.  “I’m just glad you are okay.”

“Me too.”  I said motioning for her to come next to me.

“I don’t want to hurt you anymore than you already are.”  She said while nodding her head.

“I’ll be fine as long as you’re next to me.” I said trying to reassure her.

“That was corny.” She said chuckling as she laid next to me her head resting on my chest.

“It got you over here didn’t it?”

“It did.” She said chuckling and closing her eyes.

“You’re going to sleep already.”

“I haven’t slept in days Max.”

“Why not?”

“Too much stress.  Graduation was coming up.  We were having problems. And my mom…”

“Is an abusive alcoholic…I know…Min Hye told me.”


“Why do you sound so nervous Jae Young.  That’s not going to make me not love you.”

“I was scared what would happen when you found out.”

“The only thing that is happening is that I want to protect you even more.”

“Max…I love you.”

“I love you too Jae Young.  It took me a year to finally get you and I don’t plan on losing you.”  With that I kissed the top of her head and we fell asleep.

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Chapter 1: So cute I can't wait for more