Chapter 7

Fixing A Broken Life

Your POV

"Hi Max."  I heard the girl say her tone sounding slightly sensual.  He only had the door open a little and his body was in the space blocking me from seeing her.

"How did you find me?" 

"I saw your car drive here so I figured I'd come see you."

"You stalked me?"

"No.  I just saw your car parked in the parking lot so I followed...okay I stalked you but I really wanted to see you."

"You need to leave."

"I'm not leaving until we talk about what happened."

"There's nothing to talk about."  I could tell he was getting upset so I got up and walked over to him.

"Jagi~ is there a problem?"  I said pushing myself next to him and wrapping an arm around his waist.  He looked down at me and I watched the anger leave his eyes.

"Jagi?" She said her expression full of confusion and anger.  "You're dating someone else?" He just looked at her.  "I guess the rumor was true.  How could you love someone else other than me Max?" She was angry.  "How?" She yelled.

"After what you did to me, it's a miracle I can still love period." What did she do?  Why am I still in the dark on this?  "After you cheated on me with the whole baseball team you think I would still love you.  After the last one you cheated on me with beat you, you blamed it on me.  You turned the whole school against me for something I didn't even do.  No one, not even the friends I had, wanted to be involved with a woman beater."  Wow. What a !  How could she do that to someone? " You expect me to still love you after that? Well sorry about your expectations but I love Jae Young now.  And I don't see myself loving anyone else but her."

"I can't believe you Max." She said then directed her attention towards me.  "Be prepared.  I'm going to make your life a living hell for taking the only man I ever loved."


"You didn't love him." I heard her say.  "If you did, you wouldn't have hurt him like that." Soo Mi scoffed at her and walked away.  I pulled us both back into the house and shut the door behind us.

"Jagiya~ why did you get involved?"  I whined expressing my concern. "You have no idea what she can do." I pulled her down next to me on the couch.

"It doesn't matter to me.  As long as you are by my side, I can handle anything she throws at me."  I smiled at her confidence then kissed her. "Did you forget how my high school years went?" She chuckled.

"You're right.  You can handle this and I'll be by your side the whole time." I smiled then she leaned in to kiss me. She deepened the kiss as she leaned against me pushing me back on the couch.  Her hands went under my shirt as she continued the kiss. "Are you sure you want to do this?"  She looked at me confusion in her eyes masked by lust.  She sat up and palmed her face.

"I...I'm...aish~~" she got up from the couch and walked to her room shutting the door behind her.  I waited a few minutes then quietly opened the door.

"Jae Young-ah~" I walked in and sat next to her.  I wrapped my arm around her.  "It's okay."  She looked up at me tears in her eyes.    "Why are you crying? Don't cry."

"Because for a second I let Changsun get to me."

"What are talking about?" She pulled out her phone and showed me the text message.

"He sent it this morning."

"Don't worry about him.  I'm not going to leave you just because we don't have .  I love you and I'll wait until you're ready."

"I know~" she was still crying.  "That's why I feel so stupid for letting him get to me."

"Jae Young, you're not stupid.  You just got caught up in the moment.  He texted you and my ex-girlfriend showed up.  I get it but I'm never going back to her and he's never going to hurt you again."  I wiped the tears from her eyes and stood up pulling her into a hug.  "I will never let him or her hurt you." She looked up at me and kissed me then went back to hugging me.  After a few minutes, I heard her stomach growl.  "Let's go to dinner."  She nodded and we left. 

When we arrived at the restaurant, fans started crowding around outside and to my surprise, she was fine.  I placed an arm around her waist as the waiter lead us to our table.

"What can I get for you guys tonight?" The waiter was ready with his notepad.

"We would like the samgyupsal and marinated beef."  I said scanning the menu quickly checking for anything else.  "Oh and Cola please." 

"Arrasso.  I'll bring it out quickly." He bowed and walked away.

I turned the grill on and waited on him to bring the meats back which he did quickly.  I started cooking them after hearing her stomach growl on the other side of the table. While the food was cooking we decided to play a game.

"Never have I ever...kissed a girl." She said with an evil smirk.  She was aiming to win so she didn't have to eat the pepper garlic wrap.  I put my thumb down leaving nine fingers in the air.  It was my turn.  We went back and forth eventually getting to the point where it was my turn and we both had one pinky left.

"Never have I ever...loved someone so much I'd be lost without them." We both put our fingers down and smiled at each other. 

"We tied..." she said looking a little worried about the wrap.

"We'll worry about that after we eat."  She nodded her head and started picking up the pieces of meat and making her own lettuce wraps.

We ate everything feeding each other here and there and making sure we left enough peppers and garlic for the punishment wraps.

"Are you ready?" I finished wrapping hers and she finished wrapping mine.  We fed each other and it was horrible. The spiciness from the peppers and garlic were enough to make us cry.  "I love you more than this wrap is spicy." I said coughing after only making the hotness worse.

"I love you more than the pain my mouth is feeling right now." She laughed as she finished the last of her wrap.  "Oppa~ let's not do that again.  That was horrible."

"I agree."  I said getting up and moving next to her. 

I wrapped my arms around her and she rested against my shoulder.  We watched the cars go by and the drunken men try to help their drunken girlfriends up the street.  A few people noticed us and stopped to take pictures. It was nice being able to hold her in public without anyone trying to stop us or getting angry.  Plus, with the pending comeback, I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could knowing our time together was going to get scarce.

"Oppa~" she broke my chain of thought.  "Let's go home. Pigonhae~"

"Arasso."  I stood up then helped her out of the booth. 

I paid for the food and we left.  I drove her home making sure she was inside before kissing her and leaving.  I drove back to the dorm seeing Yunho on the couch asleep.

"Hyung! Ireona! Get in your bed."  He groggily nodded his head and went to his room.

I grabbed some clean clothes, took a shower, then climbed in my bed not caring that my hair was still damp.  I closed my eyes pushing all the negative thoughts about Soo Mi out of mind but failing to avoid my nightmare.

Your POV

I woke up the next morning feeling like something was wrong.  Like something bad was going to happen.  Like either I or Max was going to get hurt.  I climbed out of the bed and threw the clothes on he had me wash after practice since their washer was broken. I used them as my disguise. I tucked my hair under my hoodie and put sunglasses on tucking my keys in the pocket of my hoodie and leaving.  I walked to the dorm being let in by a worried Yunho.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. He's been tossing and turning all night.  I'm pretty sure he's having a nightmare but it's like he's trapped.  I can't wake him up." I walked into his room seeing him clenching the blanket his forehead covered in sweat hair sticking all over the place.

I walked over to him sitting on the edge of the bed brushing his hair back seeing how furrowed together his eyebrows were.  This was an intense nightmare and I wasn't sure how to help him. 

"Max." I decided I would try waking him up.  "Max ireona." It wasn't working.

"Don't...touch...her." He mumbled then trailed off.   Waking him up wasn't working so I just laid down next to him.  "Go away!" He yelled and pushed me off the bed shocking us both.

He woke up and looked at me fear in his eyes as he watched the tears running down my cheeks from the cut on my arm I got from the glass cup that broke when I knocked it over.  He sat up faster than I could blink my eyes and dropped to the floor grabbing the towel he must have used last night because it was still damp.  He picked out the pieces of glass, blood gushing everywhere and wrapped my arm in the towel pulling me close to him.

"Jae Young I'm so sorry." Tears were dripping on my cheeks that weren't mine.  I looked up and sure enough they were his.  "I would never intentionally hurt you like this Jae Young.  I'm so sorry."

"Gwenchanah Max~" I said starting to feel faint.  "I need to go to the hospital."

"Oh right. Come on."  He picked me up bridal style and carried me out and down to the car.  He sat me in the front seat and drove as fast as he could to the hospital.


She had already passed out before we arrived so I picked her up again and carried her in getting help immediately.  They cleaned and stitched up the cuts.

"She'll wake up in a little bit." The nurse said once Jae Young was neatly bandaged up and nicely tucked in. I nodded my head and waited and waited not wanting to fall asleep since that was what caused this to begin with. Eventually my head dropped low and my eyes drifted close as I held her hand and fell asleep.

Please no more nightmares.  I can't hurt her again.

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Chapter 1: So cute I can't wait for more