Chapter 4

Fixing A Broken Life


When I woke up she was still asleep in my arms.  My stomach began growling and leaving me with a choice to make.  Should I wake her up?  Or just buzz the nurse?  By the time I made my decision she was looking up at me.  It felt like she was reading my mind.

"I'm going to the cafeteria what do you want?"

"Uhm...whatever you get. did you know I was hungry?"

"Your growling stomach infiltrated my dream and all I could hear when you went to talk to me was the growling noise."  She said laughing as she put her shoes on. 

"Sorry."  I said before buzzing the nurse so she could bring in my pain medicine.

Jae Young left and all was good but I kept thinking about how I was going to repay Yuhno for saving me from getting beaten to death. Yea he's like a brother to me but I should still repay him.  But, I also wanted Jae Young to feel like she was a part of paying him back so I had to come up with a plan.  By the time she was back in the room, I had everything planned out.

"Jae Young-ah~"


"What do you know about that Yuhno kid?"  I said playing it off as if I didn't know him.

"He was one of Changsun's friends but only because his dad owns a dance studio and he allowed Yuhno to use it whenever for free.  He used Yuhno's weakness to pull him in to his little crew."

"He likes to dance?"  I said so surprised she never noticed who he really was.

"Yea.  He's really good too.  I got to see him in action when I went to see Changsun's dad one day.  He's really good at singing too."

"Really?  Has he ever auditioned for anything?"

"I don't think so.  He doesn't have the money for that kind of thing."

"Oh.  I think I can help him out.  Would you be against getting him to come here tomorrow?"

"Nope.  Not at all."

Yuhno POV

~The Next Day~

"There's no need to thank me."  I said to Jae Young trying to get her to drop the whole situation.  "I was tired of Changsun holding the dance studio over my head anyway.  I had to break free from him."

"Exactly.  That's why Max wants you to come to the hospital he has something for you.  I swear you won't regret it."

"Fine.  I'll be there in a bit.  Which room is it again?"  I said following Max's plan.  He really didn't need to thank me.

"351"  She said bring me back from my thoughts.


Your POV

"He'll be here later." I said to Max as I walked over and sat next to his bed.  "Are you finished?"

"Yea."  He said handing me his plate.  I walked over, threw it away, and walked back to the chair.

"Min Hye will be here in a minute if that's okay?"

"Yea its fine.  It can't hurt to have more company since I can't leave until tomorrow."

"Okay.  She said she wants to talk to you. Oh that's her."  I said responding to the knock and getting up to let her in.

"Jae Young-ah~ " she sang as her arms wrapped around me.  "'re mom is in the waiting room."

"How did she know I was here?"

"She called the shop and asked where you were."

"Oh.  I guess I better go tell her I'm okay not that she cares."  I said before walking out and boarding the elevator to go meet her.

Hye Mi POV

"We have to get her out of that house."  I said to Max.

"I know." He replied.  "But how?"

"I don't know.  I told her to come stay with me but she won't.  She insists that her mother needs her."

"I don't think she will come stay in the dorm with me since she thinks it's just me.  I don't think she's ever noticed Yunho was a part of TVXQ."  He said laughing.  "But either way I can't let her go back home."

"Me either."

"I'm done! I can't do this anymore!" Jae Young yelled and she walked in with tears running down her cheeks passing a red hand print and a busted lip.

"What happened." Max said extreme worry in his tone.

"She still thinks it's my fault that my dad left.  That my dad preferring little girls over her was my fault. She said that the reason Changsun did that to me was my fault.  To her everything is my fault and I can't take it anymore!"


"She's wrong Jae Young."  I said easing my pain stricken body from the bed. 

"Max don't get up. You'll injure yourself even more."

"The pain I'm feeling is nothing compared to the pain you are feeling."  I said as I finally made it to her and wrapped my arms around her.  She buried her face in my neck and cried until there was nothing left to cry.  "Min Hye.  Is your offer still valid?" 

"Of course.  My apartment is always open to Jae Young.  As long as that's where she wants to be."  She said causing Jae Young to pick her head up and walk over to her.  "Come when you're ready.  My door is always open."

"But how am I going to leave without her knowing?" She asked nervousness evident in her voice.

"Just pack all your stuff.  Does she really pay that much attention?"  Min Hye asked.

"Not really."

"Then go home and pack now.  Come back when you're done.  Don't come back until you've moved in with Min Hye."  I told Jae Young.  I felt mean about it but I was not going to let her keep living in that house.

"Arrasso."  She said before leaving with Min Hye.

Yunho POV

When I saw Jae Young leave the room, I wondered how the plan was going to play out.  She turned around and smiled before turning the corner.  I walked into the room and sat down.

"Hey."  He said smiling.

"Hey." I said seeing him point to the door.  I looked down and saw Jae Young's feet under the bottom of the door.  I chuckled as the plan began playing out.

"This is..."

"Lee Soo Man sa-jang-nim annyeonghaseyo?"  I said playing into Max's plans again.

"Annyeonghaseyo Yunho-ssi?  Max tells me you are really good at singing and dancing."

"Neh?"  I said acting shocked by what I was hearing.

"Jae Young told me you were really good.  And I didn't know how to thank you so this was the best I could do."

"What do you say to an audition at my agency?"

"Neh? oh uhm Neh. Gamsahabnida."  I said trying not to laugh.

"How's next Sunday?"

"I'll be there."  I said sounding as though shock, nervousness, and excitement was coursing through me all at the same time.

"Great! See you then.  Thanks Max!"  He said.

"I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything.  Just ace that audition."  He said smiling.

"Do you think she's still standing out there?"  I whispered.

"I don't know go check."  Max said.  I got up and opened the door seeing she was gone.

"Thanks Yoochun."  Max said. 

"No problem.  It's been a while since we've done something this fun.  I just hope she doesn't get too upset that you lied."

"Me too." He said laughing.

"Has she really never noticed who I was?"  I asked surprised and sad at the same time.

"I guess not."

"Well then."  I said smiling.  "Want to get lunch?"  I said looking at Yoochun. 

"Sure." He said.  "Max. Call me when you leave the hospital we can go for food."

"Arrasso."  Max replied and we left.

Your POV

Once I arrived back home, I packed all of my things as fast I could so I could leave that hell-like place for good.  It was all going well until she walked in the door.

"Where are you going?" She said yelling and getting ready to smack me.

"She's coming to stay with me." Hye Mi said standing in front of me. 

"Good take her!"

"Come on Min Hye.  Let's go."  I said trying to pull her along. "Just grab those bags I'll come back for the rest after we take these out.  She could care less."

Min Hye grabbed as many bags as she could and threw them in the car.  I took what I had and went back for the last couple of bags.  I loaded them, got in the car, and we drove back to her apartment and put all my stuff in the extra room.

"Thank you so much Min Hye.  I don't know what I would do without you."

"I'm always here for you no matter what.  And so is Max so don't lose him."

"I don't plan on it." I said remembering I needed to text him and tell him I was safe at Min Hye's and I would be there for the night.  After, I grabbed some pajamas, took a shower, and called it a night.  I laid in the bed and tried to gather my thoughts eventually falling asleep.  Everything was okay...for now.

A/N:  Thanks for being patient everyone.  Hope you guys enjoy the update.  It might seem a little rushed but I wanted to get it posted since it's been so long since I've updated.

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Chapter 1: So cute I can't wait for more