Step 1

Us? Dating? (I Wish)

-Angelica POV-


1) If you’re constantly staring at him.

So today starts another boring day at school. I got ready and wore


 I’m pretty nervous since this is the week I’m going to try out Shantel’s list to really see if I like Hansol or not.

When I arrive at school, I first see Kris. I run up to him and give him a hug.

“Hey Angie,” he says.

“Hi Kris,” I smile at him.

We talk a bit more and he walks me to my locker.


-Hansol POV-


1) If you think negatively about her being with other guys.

I’m walking to my locker and I see Angelica. I was going to say hi but she’s with Kris. Why are they always together?! He’s not new here anymore. He knows where everything is, unless he’s blind or something.


Okay good. He’s gone now.

It’s Hansol ti-

Never mind.

Shantel’s there.

Just walk away Hansol. Just walk away.


-Angelica POV-


I look behind me and I see Hansol walking. He looks like he’s in a hurry. I guess I shouldn’t bother him then. My eyes follow him through the halls until they’ve been cut off by Shantel.

“You’re staring,” she points out.

“I can’t look at a friend? I look at you!”

“Hansol’s different.”

“Because he’s a guy?”

“No, because you like him.”

“You know what,” I was going to try and defend myself but it’s useless trying to make her think otherwise,” Whatever Shantel.”

We are walking around the campus waiting for the homeroom bell to ring. I think I heard Shantel say something to me but I wasn’t paying attention. I drift off looking at Hansol.



“Did you even hear what I said?”


“Then what did I say?”


“You were looking at Hansol, huh?”


Before she could respond, the bell rang for all of us to get to homeroom. I say bye to Shantel and head off to class. I see Hansol bent down to get his backpack from the ground. Oh, I so wasn’t going to pass this up. I run over to him really fast and jump onto his back before he can stand up.

“Aghhh! Who is-” He turns around and sees me.

“Oh, Angie. What are you doing?!”

“Take me to my class slave!” I point towards Mr. Shin’s.

“You want me to piggyback ride you to class?”

“Yes pweaaaase Hansol,” I pout and bat my eyelashes at him.


“Yay! You’re the best!”

“Mr. Shin’s right?”

I nod my head and he takes me to class. A lot of students were looking at us and whispering things to one another. Probably talking about us being a cute couple again or something like it always is. I rest my head on his back for a little bit. Maybe I do like him…Nawwwh. I can’t jump to conclusions until I finish all of the steps.


-Hansol POV-


“Junho! I heard Angelica call as we approach her class.

She got off of my back and walk over to him to give him a hug. Did she forget that I was still even here?!

“Uhhh Angie,” I tap her shoulder,” I’m gonna get to class.

“Oh Hansol! Thanks for bringing me to class!” She turns around and gives me a hug.

I hug her back and smile. Getting and giving hugs to Angie are best. Her short figure feels perfect. I let go of the hug and say,” I’ll see you later!” As I head off to class.


-Angelica POV-


In Math Class

“So class, today we will be learning about solving and graphing linear inequalities…”

“Ugh I swear, this lesson is going on forever,” I whisper to Kimmi.

“I know. Mrs. Ahn talks all the time. I bet if she could, she would talk and talk until she loses her voice,” Kimmi rolls her eyes.

I look in the corner and see Hansol and Seungkwan not so quietly laughing together.

“What’s with them?” I ask.

“I don’t even know. Why so interested?” Kimmi suspects.

“Because they’re distracting. I can’t concentrate on the lesson.”

“Pfft. As if you were trying to even pay atttention. You’ve been doodling hearts all over your notebook and looking at Hansol.”

“Kimmi, I told you, it’s because he’s being annoying with Seungkwan.”

“Well you’re the only one who seems to be bothered by them.”

I look around, everyone is paying attention, sleeping or just blankly staring around the classroom.

“Kay fine. Maybe I am the only one bothered by them. But you know how I easily distracted I get when I try to concentrate. I need a relaxing environment to work.”

“Says the one who blasts Taeyang’s album on maximum volume every time when doing their homework.”

“Whatever Kimmi.”

“Wipe your mouth. You’re drooling.”

“Oh , I am?!” I touch my face to try and wipe it off but there’s nothing.

“Kidding! Calm down. Just stop staring at Hansol! You make it seem like you like him or something.”

Awkward… Do I really keep staring at him that much?


-Hansol POV-


“So how was it today?” Mingyu Hyung asks.

“How was what today?”

“Your feelings with Angelica. Did you get jealous or angry when she was with other guys?”

“Pfft, no. Pfft. Hah. You’re funny Hyung.”

“Hansol, be serious here.”

“Fine…Yes…” I look up to see his reaction and he’s smirking,” But Kris and her looked like a couple during lunch today. Being too close to each other, him carrying her around, him having his arm around her shoulder. Blah blah blah. They’re not even dating.”

“You and Angelica do that too. And you guys aren’t dating either.”

“But that’s different Hyung.”

“Yeah, because you like her, isn’t it?”

I didn’t answer his question. He’s probably correct, but it just doesn’t feel right to like her. She’s a friend. Seokmin Hyung’s sister. That’s like liking family. But then again, I knew Angie before I met him. And it doesn’t feel wrong either.

“Hmmm. Silence. I’ll just say that Step 1 was completed,” Mingyu Hyung concludes and walks away before I can even say anything.


Author's Note


I'm back! High school is so much work. I tried updating last night, but my homework got in the way. And we actually ended up working on it in class! Like wtf?! Well I hope you guys enjoyed this update even though it's bland... Happy reading guys! :) Leave comments and subscribe!

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Chapter 13: Whow~....
What is it?!?!?!??!?!?!
vipsoneblackjackbaby #2
Chapter 13: WOOO!!!! GOOD UPDATE AUTHOR-NIM! and welcome back :)
Chapter 11: It's okay author-nim..... sometimes you just have to know that 'after slicing a bunch of onions comes yummy food next' (I made that up like 2 minutes ago because I thought having my own motto in life makes me sound cool....but I ended up thinking about food) at times you just have to be strong and if you get pinned down get back up again......but you won't get pinned down forever because there will be a time you will know the 'point' of your life (see what I did there 'point'-'pin'... Okay no?)....... I always cry everyday other problems....... let's be honest– I always thought of committing suicide back then– but now I just think that one day I will be so successful that all of this crap will get paid off

(I tried to sound as professional as possible)(am I waisting your time??... If yes I'm so sorry, if no-sorry for waisting your time)(are you a filipino? 'cause I'm a filipino)
vipsoneblackjackbaby #4
Chapter 11: oh god, what happened? where du u live? imma personally fly a plane, catch a bus, hail a taxi, drive a car, sail a boat or walk myself if completely necessary to your location and give you a HUG! just remember, i don't personally know you but NOBODY IS PERFECT! NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF, EVEN THE CAT CAN CATCH A MOUSE IF IT TRIES! *figure of speech*
Chapter 11: Sorry or the spelling mistakes I at typing on phones !
Chapter 11: It's okay !!! You do t have to appologise for anything , who is born perfect and who said we have to be?? Your fine as you are!! I do t know much about you but I can tell your probably going through a ruff time and we all have but I promise that what ever happenes is for the best. Just know if u ever feel like talking to me ( even thought barely know me ) I'm glad to listen, lend a shoulder to cry on ( ritually) and to help you through :) I've been through a time like this and the thing I was missing was someone like me now, like someone to just listen . So if you ever need to chat I'm online all da time :)
sujun17 #7
Lol, my name is Shantel XD
Chapter 10: There are so many things to worry about Angelica!
Chapter 10: Done author-nim ^_^