Step 2

Us? Dating? (I Wish)


-Hansol POV- 
2) If you want to talk to her but chicken out.
It's the beggining of lunch, so everyone is all over the campus heading out to their usual spots and meeting up with their friends. While on my way to the basketball courts, I saw Angelica by herself. Maybe she's waiting for someone. I should just walk away then. No, it's now or never Hansol. It's your chance to talk to her alone. Here goes nothing...
"Angelicaaaa!!" I call out her name. 
-3rd Person POV- 
Angelica was walking over to Hansol. She squirmed through the crowded hall to meet up with him. She was nearing him when a student was sprinting through the hall and pushed Angelica to the ground. She fell... She fell on top of Hansol. Everything happend so suddenly theat the student didn't even turn back to apologize. Everyone else nearby heard the huge thud that was created as the two fell to the ground. Gasps from the bystanders' mouths were released as they witnessed the situation in front of them. 
Angelica's hands were on Hansol's chest and his arms were tightly wrapped around her waist. She slowly lifted her head off of his body and looked up at Hansol. His face was a bit stiff by what happend but slowly softened. The two were looking at each other and stayed in that position for a while. Since Angelica's hair was covering their faces, it looked as if they were kissing. 
"Wahhh!! Hansol! Angelica! What are you two doing?!?!" Seungkwan shrieks as he covers his eyes. 
"Getting a bit too intimate guys?" Shantel asks teasingly. 
The pair on the ground look up to their friends with red faces.
"Maybe we should give them some privacy Shantel," Seungkwan jokes. 
"Yeah, maybe we should Seungkwan," Shantel nods as they begin to walk away. 
"Wait don't leave!" Angelica says. 
She gets off Hansol and then helps him up.   
"Uh...I...uhhh...I'm uhm sorry Hansol," Angelica says shyly trying to avoid eye contact.
" It's uhm fine. wasn't your fault," he nervously rubs the back of his neck. 
"I'll uh see you guys later..." Angelica grabs Shantel's arm and quickly walks away. 
-Angelica POV- 
2) If you get nervous talking to him.
"Bwahahah!! Omo Angie!! Well I guess I can check off number 2 on the list then huh?" Shantel says
"What? How?" 
"You should've have seen yourself! I've never seen you so nervous like that in your life!!"
"Well you probably would be like that too if you fell on top of the guy you like!" 
"Woaaah confession time. It's about time you admitted you like him."
"Huh? No! That's not what I mean!"
"Uh huh. Yeah okay. Whatever you say. I'm still checking off number 2." 
That scene keeps replaying in my head. It happend all to fast. A second later, I was on top of Hansol. Ottoke! That's so embarassing. He must think I weigh alot. Maybe I should start going on a diet. But his face, I never realized how handsome he was before. His foreign features really stand out. He really is good looking. 
-Hansol POV- 
"You looked hilarious!" Seungkwan playfully punches my arm. 
"Your face was so red and shocked. Please Hansol, control your feelings. I never knew you liked her that much!" 
"I don't even know if I like her or not."
"Stop lying. Mingyu Hyung told me."
"He did?!"
"Well yeah! He had to! He needs a spy to make sure you're not lying to him."
"Ugh I can't trust Hyung with anything," I facepalm. 
"Hansol, you probably were gonna tell me anyways. So it's good that I know now."
"I bet she doesn't even like me back."
"Good. You're manning up and admitting your feelings," he pats my back. 
"No! That's not what I mean!" I shake my head. 
"Then what do you mean?"
"Aish! I don't know anymore!!" I ruffle my hair. 
-3rd Person POV-
School was over and everyone was going home. Hansol noticed Angelica exiting the school and ran up to catch up to her. 
"Angelica!!" He called.
She turned around and waited for him. 
"Who are you walking with?" He asked. 
"Huh? Oh. Uh no one. How about you?" She asked. 
"Same. Mind if I walk you home?"
"Um, if you want to."
They two continue walking together in utter silence.
"Should I say something?" Hansol thought," No, I shouldn't. She seems very into her music. Maybe I interrupted her alone time. Maybe I shouldn't have walked with her in the first place."
"So uhh, how was your uhm day?" Angelica says shakily. 
"Oh, uhhm. It was pretty good. Nothing much really. How about you?"
"Ehhh, same. Could've been better. Could've been worse." 
Silence returns between the two. They both were still a bit flustered by what happend to them during lunch. Angelica's face grew warmer as she kept thinking about it, and Hansol kept rubbing the back of his neck replaying the scene in his head. The two of them had no clue what to say after that. They felt embarassed for themselves. Especially since they held eye contact in that position for quite some time. Plus they weren't sure what to say. What if the other was still touchy about the situation? Which they obviously both were. 
The two did end up saying a few more words to each other but it was all just small talk. Soon enough, they reached the front of Angelica's house. 
"Well, thanks for walking me home Hansol," Angelica shyly smiles. 
"Heh, no problem. I'll see you tomorrow then," Hansol looks up only making eye contact for the first time since they were walking. 
She goes and gives him a quick hug before walking into her house. 
 Angelica closes the door behind her and slide down to the floor. 
"Ugh I'm so embarassing," she mumbles to herself as she hugs her knees.

Author's Note


So hello there! Here's a new update. I hope you guys are enjoying the story even though it's pretty bland...Sorry for that guys. I'm still a newbie. Well I don't have school tomorrow! Yay! I hate mondays. But then on Tuesday, we start swimming for a month! I don't even know how to swim! Aigoo ottoke! Omo! Maybe I should make a chapter surrounding that... my writting senses are tingling. Kekeke. Who knows maybe so. Well happy reading! Comment and subscribe! Have a great day wherever you guys are! :)

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Chapter 13: Whow~....
What is it?!?!?!??!?!?!
vipsoneblackjackbaby #2
Chapter 13: WOOO!!!! GOOD UPDATE AUTHOR-NIM! and welcome back :)
Chapter 11: It's okay author-nim..... sometimes you just have to know that 'after slicing a bunch of onions comes yummy food next' (I made that up like 2 minutes ago because I thought having my own motto in life makes me sound cool....but I ended up thinking about food) at times you just have to be strong and if you get pinned down get back up again......but you won't get pinned down forever because there will be a time you will know the 'point' of your life (see what I did there 'point'-'pin'... Okay no?)....... I always cry everyday other problems....... let's be honest– I always thought of committing suicide back then– but now I just think that one day I will be so successful that all of this crap will get paid off

(I tried to sound as professional as possible)(am I waisting your time??... If yes I'm so sorry, if no-sorry for waisting your time)(are you a filipino? 'cause I'm a filipino)
vipsoneblackjackbaby #4
Chapter 11: oh god, what happened? where du u live? imma personally fly a plane, catch a bus, hail a taxi, drive a car, sail a boat or walk myself if completely necessary to your location and give you a HUG! just remember, i don't personally know you but NOBODY IS PERFECT! NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF, EVEN THE CAT CAN CATCH A MOUSE IF IT TRIES! *figure of speech*
Chapter 11: Sorry or the spelling mistakes I at typing on phones !
Chapter 11: It's okay !!! You do t have to appologise for anything , who is born perfect and who said we have to be?? Your fine as you are!! I do t know much about you but I can tell your probably going through a ruff time and we all have but I promise that what ever happenes is for the best. Just know if u ever feel like talking to me ( even thought barely know me ) I'm glad to listen, lend a shoulder to cry on ( ritually) and to help you through :) I've been through a time like this and the thing I was missing was someone like me now, like someone to just listen . So if you ever need to chat I'm online all da time :)
sujun17 #7
Lol, my name is Shantel XD
Chapter 10: There are so many things to worry about Angelica!
Chapter 10: Done author-nim ^_^