Before the Last

Us? Dating? (I Wish)

-Angelica's POV-

The morning started off with us at the mall. Every store I loved had a sale and I spent around 2 hours in every one of them. We were definitely stuck there for quite a while. Thankfully Hansol didn't seem to mind and was patient with me. He even helped me decide and helped me pick out what I needed the most. When it came for time to pay, Hansol paid instead! I insisted for him not to, but he wouldn't budge. He said it was part of his birthday gift for me and that I shouldn't interfere. I gave up trying change his mind since it seemed impossible. We finished up at the mall around 4 and he took us to the park. I set down my shopping bags on the park bench and he left saying he'd be right back. I'll admit, I was parched. I hadn't eaten anything ever since Hansol picked me up from home. 
"Angelica!" I hear someone say in the distance. 
I look towards the voice and it was Hansol carrying two ice creams in his hand. 
"Green tea for you, and chocolate for me," he smiles and hands me the cone. 
"Awh you still remember my favorite. Than-," I hesitantly grabbed the cone from him," Wait. You're not going to do what you did when we were little right?" I reply. 
He stayed silent for and silently chuckled," I wasn't planning on it...but now that I think about it, I should've."
"Yah! Hansol!" I playfully slapped his arm.
He continued laughing as he sat down next to me and ate his ice cream. 
~9 years ago~
"Thanks for getting my favorite, Hansol," a six year old Angelica said with a mouthful of ice cream. 
"You're welcome Angie," Hansol smiled back. 
The two ate in silence. They both were hungrily devouring their treats. Hansol looked at Angelica with a playful smirk. Angelica looks back at him and suddenly stops eating.
"Is there something wrong Hansol?" She asks.
"No. It's just that you have ice cream all over your face," he replies. 
"Really?! Where?!" She grabs her napkin ready to wipe off the sticky mess. 
"Right here!!" Hansol grabs a small handful of his ice cream from his cup and slaps it onto Angelica's nose and other parts of her face.
"Yah! Hansol!!" Angelica pouts,"That's not funny!"
6 year old Hansol couldn't control his laughter. 
"You think it's funny huh?" She says with him not hearing her. 
"Fine. Revenge." She smiles and smacks some of her ice cream on his left cheek. 
Hansol stops laughing and realizes what his friend has done. He looks at the laughing Angelica expressionless. 
"Why did you do that?!" He whines.
"That's what you did to me! Now we're even! Mehrong," she sticks her tongue out at him. 
"This isn't over Angie!" Hansol exclaims as he smothers ice cream on her right cheek.
She looked at him in disbelief and yelled,"You better run Hansol!! It's on!!" 
The two kids chased each other around the park smacking ice cream on one another. 
"Hansol! Angelica!" Mrs. Lee shouts. 
Both of them halted their activity and looked at Angelica's mother. 
"Annyeong Omma," Angelica smiles. 
"Omo, babies! What did you two do?" She asks worriedly. 
"He/She started it!" The two say in unison as they point at one another. 
"Ani." Hansol says. 
"Yes you did!" Angelica pouts.
"Ani." Hansol giggles.
"Waah. Gojitmal. Omma, he started it!" She whines.
"I'm sure he did Angie," Mrs. Lee sighs,"let's go get you two out of this sticky situation that you're in." 
*End Flashback* 
Both of us resume laughing at our childish acts back then. 
"Good times," we said in unison.
"And we did that every time we had ice cream together," Hansol said while shaking his head.
"I still can't believe you lied to my Omma the first time. You started it," I pout.
"You still pout cutely like you did when we were six." He tried to pinch my cheek, but I swiped his hand away. 
"Yah! Hajima," I felt my face begin to turn pink at his compliment. Thankfully he didn't notice since the sky was getting darker. 
-Hansol POV-
It's starting to get late and I haven't given Angelica the main surprise. I'm excited to how she'll receive it. I just hope it won't be too late.
"It's getting dark. We should head back to your place Angie," I say.
We get up and hail a cab to back to her home.
In fifteen minutes we arrived back at her house. She unlocks the door and invites me in.
"Hmmm, Seokmin Oppa isn't home yet," she says as she drags her feet around the house. She gives up on the search and plops onto the couch sits her bags down next to her.
"Thanks for today Hansol, I had a lot of fun today," she says tiredly but manages to smile beautifully.
"Today isn't over yet. I just wanted you to drop off your shopping bags. Unless you want to call it a day. It would be a shame though for this last one to go to waste." I tell her.
"Another one?! What is it?!" She sits up properly on the couch and sounds more excited. 
"Are you sure you're up for it? You seemed pretty tired a while ago Angelica." 
"Ani! I'm still full of energy!! I'm ready for whatever it is!" She gets up and jumps on the couch to show off how much energy she has left. 
She's so cute. She didn't even have to do that. I move closer and stand right next to where she sat down. 
"Okay, here. Close your eyes and hold out your hands."
She did as told.  I place the contents of the surprise in her hands. She has to love this one, if she doesn't, it's all over. I move my face closer until it's an inch away from hers. 
"You can open your eyes now," I quietly whisper. 
I slightly move away from her before she opens her eyes. She looked down at her hands; her eyes bugged and she screeches so loud she could've broken glass. 
"Supriseeee.." I say quietly. Is this reaction good or bad?

Author's Note


 Hi! I'm back! Missed me huh? Probably not.. We'll I'm sorry for the longest delay ever. I had so much happening and then I had writter's block! I wrote this all tonight, so sorry if it's not the best. I was gonna reveal everything in this one chapter, but it seemed too long and I wouldn't want to bore you guys out. So I kept it short and hopefully exciting! Thanks readers for everything you have helped me with. I have no idea how I can express how thankful I am towards you guys! Maybe a chance for your guys's thoughts on what should come up in future chapters? Hmm, we'll see. Maybe. I'll try and update more often, I promise. Happy reading. :D

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Chapter 13: Whow~....
What is it?!?!?!??!?!?!
vipsoneblackjackbaby #2
Chapter 13: WOOO!!!! GOOD UPDATE AUTHOR-NIM! and welcome back :)
Chapter 11: It's okay author-nim..... sometimes you just have to know that 'after slicing a bunch of onions comes yummy food next' (I made that up like 2 minutes ago because I thought having my own motto in life makes me sound cool....but I ended up thinking about food) at times you just have to be strong and if you get pinned down get back up again......but you won't get pinned down forever because there will be a time you will know the 'point' of your life (see what I did there 'point'-'pin'... Okay no?)....... I always cry everyday other problems....... let's be honest– I always thought of committing suicide back then– but now I just think that one day I will be so successful that all of this crap will get paid off

(I tried to sound as professional as possible)(am I waisting your time??... If yes I'm so sorry, if no-sorry for waisting your time)(are you a filipino? 'cause I'm a filipino)
vipsoneblackjackbaby #4
Chapter 11: oh god, what happened? where du u live? imma personally fly a plane, catch a bus, hail a taxi, drive a car, sail a boat or walk myself if completely necessary to your location and give you a HUG! just remember, i don't personally know you but NOBODY IS PERFECT! NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF, EVEN THE CAT CAN CATCH A MOUSE IF IT TRIES! *figure of speech*
Chapter 11: Sorry or the spelling mistakes I at typing on phones !
Chapter 11: It's okay !!! You do t have to appologise for anything , who is born perfect and who said we have to be?? Your fine as you are!! I do t know much about you but I can tell your probably going through a ruff time and we all have but I promise that what ever happenes is for the best. Just know if u ever feel like talking to me ( even thought barely know me ) I'm glad to listen, lend a shoulder to cry on ( ritually) and to help you through :) I've been through a time like this and the thing I was missing was someone like me now, like someone to just listen . So if you ever need to chat I'm online all da time :)
sujun17 #7
Lol, my name is Shantel XD
Chapter 10: There are so many things to worry about Angelica!
Chapter 10: Done author-nim ^_^