Jealousy Leads to Confusion: Part 1

Us? Dating? (I Wish)
-Angelica POV-
Well I’m going to 17’s practice studio today because Seokmin Oppa told me there was a surprise. Maybe it was my chance to finally meet Aron Oppa! I would finally be able to speak English with someone other than Hansol, Jisoo Oppa and Samuel and not Engrish with Seokmin Oppa or the other members when he tells them that I was born in the States. (Long story short: My parents were suppose to be on vacation in NY. They  had a bit too much fun. Mom got preggers with me in the U.S. and gave birth to me there since traveling wasn’t advised for her pregnancy. I lived there for around 2 years or so and the English language stayed with me since while I live in Korea.) Or maybe a chance to meet Lizzy Unnie? Omomo! Kyaaaaaah~ Well whatever it is, I’m excited for it. I loosely curled my hair and wore
 y Strapless Ruffle Embellished Boat Neck Lace Mini Dress For Women       300.JPG
“Yah! Are you ready yet Angelica?” Seokmin Oppa asks.
“No! I’m still curling my hair!” I say.
“Why are you so dressed up?”
“You said there’s a surprise, so I want to look at least put some effort in my appearance.”
“Ummmm okay then. But bali.”
“Kay, just this last piece of hair aaaaaaaand I’m done! How do I look Oppa?”
“You look fine. Now let’s go. Your boyfriend and the guys are waiting for me.”
“What boyfriend?”
“Who else?’
“Yah!!” I hit the back of his head.
“Dang, you both are so defensive about your relationship,” he says while rubbing the back of his head.
“We’re not dating!!” I yell.
“You have a boyfriend Angelica?”
“No,” I say sternly.
“Yes,” Seokmin Oppa replies.
“Oh really now. Who’s the lucky boy?”
“Hansol,” Oppa grins.
He nods,” Hmmm. Nice choice. Hansol’s a good boy. It makes sense why you’re dressed up to go to the practice room today Angel.”
“No Appa, he’s not-”
“Well, look at the time. Angie and I have got to gooo! Bye Appa!” Seokmin pushes us out of the front door.
“Bye kids!” Appa waves to us happily.
We arrived at the practice room and all the members were present.
“Mian guys,” Seokmin Oppa raises his hand, “Angelica took forever to get ready.”
“Wow, really gonna blame me now?” I say in disbelief.
All the guys were staring at me which made me feel uncomfortable. A few of them even had their jaws lowered.
“Ummmm Oppa, what’s wrong with them?” I whisper.
“Yah! Don’t look at my Dongsaeng like that!!” Seokmin Oppa quickly tried to block the view of the others.
Ming Ming manages to sneak through Seokmin Oppa and walks up to me.
“You look pretty today Meimei,” he shyly says.
“Awwwww thanks Ming Ming Gege,” I smile and give him a hug.
“Wow Noona. You look hot today,” Chan says as he rotates around me.
“Ummm thanks Chan,” I awkwardly smile at him.
I love Chan but that’s just, that’s just ummmm strange. Yeah that’s the word. Strange.
-Hansol POV-
When Seokmin Hyung came late, I was a bit mad. We planned to practice Bad Girl today and he wasn’t showing up on time. But then Angelica followed behind him and my anger just disappeared. She looks so beautiful. Well she always does, but wait what am I saying? I look over to see the expressions of the guys and they look totally shocked. It’s not like it’s the first time Angie wore a dress. Maybe it is in front of the other guys, but they look as if they’ve never seen a girl in their lives. 
I wonder why she’s wearing a dress though. Maybe she’s going on a date with someone later. But who? Seungkwan? Nahhh, that guy has his own world. And he would’ve told me if he was. Jaebeom? He is good friends with Angie. But nahhh, he’s the player type. Angie doesn’t like those types. Maybe it’s that new guy from Canada, Kris? Him and Angie have been getting along pretty well. I heard that they have a lot of classes together and she helps him adjust a lot. Well let’s see, he’s normal, he’s not a player even though all the girls are all over him, he’s pretty chill I heard, he has the manly looking features that she likes. And oh god, she is going on a date. With Kris. Why? What would she see in him? I’m so better than him.
“What are you talking about Hansol?” Doyoon asks.
“You’re mumbling all these weird things.”
“I was? Jinja?”
“We’re you sending your love telepathy thoughts to Angie?”
“Hyuuuuuuung! I’m not like that!”
“Okay okay fine. Gosh. Relax. But why can you not take your eyes off her then?”
“Because she’s beautiful…”
“Wait, what’d I say Hyung?’
“Nothiiiiiing!” He runs off.
What did he even say? More importantly, what did I say? I was zoned off for a moment while looking at Angelica. He seems pretty surprised though by what I told him so it must’ve been important. Whatever. Hold on. Why is the corner of my mouth wet? Oh god, am I drooling? Ewww, grody, I am. Way to go hot stuff.
Girl~ I need a girl. Mwol haedo ippeun. Mommaedo ippeun. Girl~ I need a-
“Yobosaeyo?” Angelica answers her handphone.
You are?
They let you?
You’re serious?
Hahah. You’re funny.
Oh you’re outside right now?
Ah- Arasseo, Itaba.
Annyeong,” Angelica says.
She goes over to Seokmin Hyung and he’s nodding and then she walks out the door. She really is going on a date! And with Kris! What do I do? Well let’s be real here, what can I do? It’s not my life, it’s hers. She can date whoever she wants.
“Hansol! Let’s practice!” Seokmin Hyung calls.
I start rapping but I can’t seem to get the lyrics right. And other times, my timing is off. Sometimes it’s both. Why am I like this? It’s probably because I know Angie’s having fun with some other guy that isn’t me. It’s none of my business, yet it’s all I’m thinking about.
“YAH! Hansol-ah! What’s wrong with you today?”
“Miane Hyung. I can’t think straight.’
“You’re never like this. What’s troubling you? C’mon, tell Hyung.”
“Oh it’s nothing. Just Sofia had a sleepover at the house last night and I couldn’t sleep,” I lied. No way was I going to tell Hyung that I’m mad Angelica is out on a date. Especially since he seems so chill about it.
He pats my back, ”Oh that! I know how that feels! Trust me. Ara. For sure. Whenever Angie has friends over, it’s like a concert. Nonstop fangirling.”
The door suddenly opens and Angelica walks in. What kind of date was that? She was just gone for 15 minutes. Unless Kris bailed on her or something. Good. They don’t need to go out. They see each other too often at school. Uhh, I mean, aw darn. Angie can’t go on her date anymore. Bummer…
“Where’d you go?” I ask.
“To the store down the corner to buy some candy. “ she says, ”Want some?” 
I grab a Twix bar from her hand,” So let me get this straight, you didn’t go on a date?”
“Bwahahah!! No! Are you kidding me?! Of course not Hansol! I wouldn’t even be here if some guy asked me out on a date.”
“Then why are you so dressed up?”
“Because Seokmin Oppa told me that he has a surprise for me here.”
“Ohhhhh….then who were you on the phone with earlier? You said that you’ll see them later.”
“Shantel. We’re having a sleeepover tonight.”
I just nod. Boy, am I stupid. Way to go Han V.C.
“Gosh Hansol, you’re so overprotective. Sofia will definitely have a hard time getting a boyfriend if you act this way with her.”
“They’re here!” Chan announces.
“You’re surprise is here Angelica!” Seokmin Hyung  pushes her.
“Omo. Jinja? Hansol! How do I look?” Angelica asks excitedly.
I examine her up and down as if I already haven't, “Hmmm. Hansol definitely likes what he sees,” I smirk and chuckle.
She slaps my arm,"Hansol. Be serious here."
"Ouch! Kay, seriously speaking here, you look gorgeous."
“Thanks. You know, you’re a good friend,” She pats my shoulder and goes along with the other members to see her surprise.
“Friend”. I don’t know why but that word hurt me a bit coming from Angie. We are friends anyways. Geez Hansol. Get your thoughts put together.

Author's Note


Woo! So this originally was just going to be one really long chapter but, I wanted to update really badly and so I decided to put this chapter into two parts. I will update the second part as soon as I'm done writting it. Comment please your thoughts! I really like reading comments. They keep me motivated and they make my day.


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Chapter 13: Whow~....
What is it?!?!?!??!?!?!
vipsoneblackjackbaby #2
Chapter 13: WOOO!!!! GOOD UPDATE AUTHOR-NIM! and welcome back :)
Chapter 11: It's okay author-nim..... sometimes you just have to know that 'after slicing a bunch of onions comes yummy food next' (I made that up like 2 minutes ago because I thought having my own motto in life makes me sound cool....but I ended up thinking about food) at times you just have to be strong and if you get pinned down get back up again......but you won't get pinned down forever because there will be a time you will know the 'point' of your life (see what I did there 'point'-'pin'... Okay no?)....... I always cry everyday other problems....... let's be honest– I always thought of committing suicide back then– but now I just think that one day I will be so successful that all of this crap will get paid off

(I tried to sound as professional as possible)(am I waisting your time??... If yes I'm so sorry, if no-sorry for waisting your time)(are you a filipino? 'cause I'm a filipino)
vipsoneblackjackbaby #4
Chapter 11: oh god, what happened? where du u live? imma personally fly a plane, catch a bus, hail a taxi, drive a car, sail a boat or walk myself if completely necessary to your location and give you a HUG! just remember, i don't personally know you but NOBODY IS PERFECT! NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF, EVEN THE CAT CAN CATCH A MOUSE IF IT TRIES! *figure of speech*
Chapter 11: Sorry or the spelling mistakes I at typing on phones !
Chapter 11: It's okay !!! You do t have to appologise for anything , who is born perfect and who said we have to be?? Your fine as you are!! I do t know much about you but I can tell your probably going through a ruff time and we all have but I promise that what ever happenes is for the best. Just know if u ever feel like talking to me ( even thought barely know me ) I'm glad to listen, lend a shoulder to cry on ( ritually) and to help you through :) I've been through a time like this and the thing I was missing was someone like me now, like someone to just listen . So if you ever need to chat I'm online all da time :)
sujun17 #7
Lol, my name is Shantel XD
Chapter 10: There are so many things to worry about Angelica!
Chapter 10: Done author-nim ^_^