Time to Realize

Us? Dating? (I Wish)

 -Hansol POV-


Practice was finally called over. Time to go home! 
There's no response. That's strange. All of the sudden, I feel heavy breathing on my chest. Awww, she's sleeping on me. That's so cute. She looks so peaceful. Like an Angel. 
"Seokmin Hyung!" I whisper shout. 
"Why are you whispering Hansol?!" He loudly asks. 
"Hmmmm," Angelica mumbles. 
I point to Angelica to signal Seokmin Hyung that her sister fell asleep. 
Just wait a bit. Sit there and the members and I will clean up." 
I felt Angie fidgetting a bit which got me worried. What if she's cranky when she wakes up. Ugh what do I do? I think I woke her up. What if she gets mad at me? 
-Angelica POV- 
Hmmm? What's happening? Where am I? What is this place? What year? What century? I finally open my eyes and I see that the guys are cleaning up the practice room. I look up and I see Hansol. Oh god, I fell asleep on him. He must think I'm a freak or something. 
"Hansol?" I mumble. 
He looks down at me,"Hello. I see you've woken up now." 
He smiles at me brightly which woke me up completely. Gosh that brought me back to reality as I sit up.
"Omo I am so sorry that I slept on you. I swear, I had no clue. I just like knocked out all of a sudden. I'm sorry," I plead. 
He's just chuckling at me. 
"What's so funny?" I ask. 
"It's just adorable how you're so worried about me when all you did was sleep on me."
"Well yeah! I slept on you! That's so embarassing!" 
"It's fine. It's cute how you slept. You obviously had alot of fun playing with the guys. And I wouldn't want to disturb you because you seemed tired." 
-Seokmin POV- 
Angelica has seem to woken up now. Her and Hansol are laughing and smiling together. Those lovebirds. I don't understand how these two don't have feelings for each other if they're like this. Oh well, time to ruin their moment~ 
"Oh Angelicaa~" I sing. 
"Hi Seokmin Oppa," she waves. 
"Ready to go?" 
"Oh is everything's cleaned up already?" 
"Yeah, we're leaving now." 
"Oh arrasseo," she gets off Hansol's lap to say goodbye to everyone. 
"Hansol," I whisper,"come here." 
"Did I do something wrong Hyung? I wasn't the one who put itching powder in your boxers! I swear! Jihoon Hyung dared me to! Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry." 
"That wasn't what I was going to talk to you about. But you did WHAT?!" 
"Ehehe, nothing Hyung." 
I glare at him for a moment. 
"So you were saying Hyung?" 
"Oh yes! You like Angelica don't you?" 
"What? No. C'mon Hyung, even you? Really?" 
"Well keep up what you're doing right now with her and I bet you will." 
"We're just being friends." 
"Oh okaaay. Sure. Friends. For now. But if you ever think about Angie more just friends, I'll accept you," I rub his head and walk away. 
-Angelica POV- 
We run up to each other and hug. 
"Gosh! We haven't hung out in forever!" I say. 
"I know right! I've missed you!!" She says. 
We settle in her room with snacks and catch up on everything and do girl stuff like always. 
-Seokmin POV- 
The parents are out of town for two weeks, and Angelica is sleeping over at Shantel's so I invited my yeobo over for a movie marathon and some cuddling time. Hah. Yes, guys like to cuddle too. 
"Yes Ye Bin yeobo?" 
"How do you think I did today?"
"Your performance was great. I'm sure you'll do amazing at the showcase." 
"Awws thanks babe. And how do you think I did with Angelica?" 
"Well I did check her reaction a few times while you and Hansol were dancing and she did seem a bit-"
"Mad? Annoyed?"
"Jealous. And a bit annoyed." 
"Do you think she'll realize what she really feels for him soon?" 
"As her Oppa, I can tell that she's unsure. She needed a kick into reality for her to find out how she truly feels. Thank you Yeobo for helping me with this," I pull her closer to me and kiss her forehead.


Author's Note


Annyeong! So this update seems a bit short... I wanted to update yesterday but I had a writer's block a bit. So bad news, I might not be able to update like I have been these days because I'm starting school on Wednesday! Ugh. High school. I'm nervous, especially since it's my first year! Well I'll try to update tomorrow or Tuesday. If not, then I have no clue. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the short update. Sorry if there's errors. Comment and subscribe! Thanks everyone!


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Chapter 13: Whow~....
What is it?!?!?!??!?!?!
vipsoneblackjackbaby #2
Chapter 13: WOOO!!!! GOOD UPDATE AUTHOR-NIM! and welcome back :)
Chapter 11: It's okay author-nim..... sometimes you just have to know that 'after slicing a bunch of onions comes yummy food next' (I made that up like 2 minutes ago because I thought having my own motto in life makes me sound cool....but I ended up thinking about food) at times you just have to be strong and if you get pinned down get back up again......but you won't get pinned down forever because there will be a time you will know the 'point' of your life (see what I did there 'point'-'pin'... Okay no?)....... I always cry everyday other problems....... let's be honest– I always thought of committing suicide back then– but now I just think that one day I will be so successful that all of this crap will get paid off

(I tried to sound as professional as possible)(am I waisting your time??... If yes I'm so sorry, if no-sorry for waisting your time)(are you a filipino? 'cause I'm a filipino)
vipsoneblackjackbaby #4
Chapter 11: oh god, what happened? where du u live? imma personally fly a plane, catch a bus, hail a taxi, drive a car, sail a boat or walk myself if completely necessary to your location and give you a HUG! just remember, i don't personally know you but NOBODY IS PERFECT! NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF, EVEN THE CAT CAN CATCH A MOUSE IF IT TRIES! *figure of speech*
Chapter 11: Sorry or the spelling mistakes I at typing on phones !
Chapter 11: It's okay !!! You do t have to appologise for anything , who is born perfect and who said we have to be?? Your fine as you are!! I do t know much about you but I can tell your probably going through a ruff time and we all have but I promise that what ever happenes is for the best. Just know if u ever feel like talking to me ( even thought barely know me ) I'm glad to listen, lend a shoulder to cry on ( ritually) and to help you through :) I've been through a time like this and the thing I was missing was someone like me now, like someone to just listen . So if you ever need to chat I'm online all da time :)
sujun17 #7
Lol, my name is Shantel XD
Chapter 10: There are so many things to worry about Angelica!
Chapter 10: Done author-nim ^_^