
Operation Panda
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[CONTENTID1]Chapter 3[/CONTENTID1][CONTENTID2]Sleepover[/CONTENTID2][CONTENTID3]"I call one of the bathrooms!" Luhan exclaimed, throwing his shoes aside. He ran into his room and grabbed a tee shirt and sweats before running back to the bathroom.

"I call the other," Kris shouted, running to claim it before anyone else could.

"Yah!" Xiumin yelled, failing to beat Luhan to it.

Mei Li and Anne laughed as they walked over to the couch to sit down. "Let's pack up while they hog the bathrooms," Lay suggested, grabbing blankets from his room.

"I'll be in charge of bringing food!" Xiumin volunteered, dashing over to the kitchen.

"Tao, where do you guys keep your extra blankets?" Mei Li asked him.

"Oh, we just washed a few. They're in the laundry room," he replied, "I'll go get them."

"Thanks," Mei Li answered. "I'll fold up Luhan's blanket. Xiumin oppa, do you want me to get yours too?"

"Yes please!" he shouted from the kitchen. "Might as well get Kris's too."

"Okay!" she yelled back before opening the door to their room.

Anne looked around, wondering what she should do.

"Anne," someone whispered.

She turned in that direction and saw Tao gesturing for her to follow him. She smiled and trailed behind him as he went to the laundry room.




When Mei Li walked into Luhan's room that he shared with Kris and Xiumin, the first thing he noticed was a trash can filled with several empty chip bags and soda cans. And, most of the blankets weren’t even on the bed. They were on the floor.

Mei Li laughed quietly, and smiled in amusement.  Boys.

She picked up the blankets and folded them. As she moved over to Kris’s bed, she noticed a picture frame of him and Jessica on his bedside table. Awww, how cute! She took a picture of it with her phone and made a mental note to show Jessica later.

After she finished tidying things up and gathering all the blankets, she walked over to her boyfriend’s bed. She smiled when she saw a picture frame on his table as well.

It was a photo of he and Mei Li that they had taken about a month ago. She picked it up and brushed her thumb over it, treating it as if it were the most delicate thing in the world. After a few minutes, she set it back down and grabbed the blankets, heading back to the living room.

"Xiumin oppa, I'll put it on the couch here, okay?" she shouted to him.

"Yea!" He replied back.




"How long is your mom letting you stay again?" Tao asked.

"Well I'm just leaving whenever Jessica unnie has to leave," Anne replied. "That's pretty late already, so I'm surprised she's letting me stay until then."

"Can't you convince her otherwise?" he asked as he grabbed a few blankets from the shelves.

"I doubt it, I still haven't done my homework," Anne laughed.

He sighed. "Then can't we just hang out tonight? Just the two of us?"

"Don't you want to celebrate your first win with the rest of the members and Mei Li and Jessica unnie?" Anne asked, surprised.

"I do," he replied, looking down. "But it's going to be hard to talk to you without them getting suspicious."

"Plus with Sehun there, I doubt I'll even get a chance," he added, scoffing.

Anne was about to speak, but a voice interrupted them.

"Anne?" Mei Li called, wondering where her sister went.

Tao sighed again and groaned. "See, we can barely talk to each other even now."

"That's not how you would react to Mei Li's voice before," Anne smiled slyly.

"Well, I'd rather hear your voice now..." he mumbled, embarrassed.

Anne knew she was blushing, so she let out a fake cough. "We better grab the blankets and go before they suspect anything else.”

She grabbed a few blankets from the shelves and headed over to the door, Tao following her from behind.

They walked back into the living room and Mei Li took the blankets from Anne, setting them down on the couch for now. "There you are!"

Suddenly, Kris came running into the living room, shirtless. Anne’s eyes widened and she felt her cheeks heat up.

"Hyung!" Tao exclaimed, "What the heck are you doing? There are girls here!”

"Yah!" another voice yelled.

Then came Luhan, chasing after Kris, shirtless as well. "Aish," he grumbled, trying to cover himself up.

Kris held up the shirt he was holding, taunting Luhan. "What? You said you wanted to show Mei Li how much you've been working out lately," he smirked.

Luhan blushed and glared at Kris. "Just give me my shirt."

Since he was too busy looking at Kris, he didn't notice Lay sneak up behind him. Lay quickly pulled Luhan's arms away, exposing his upper body.

Whoa, he has abs! I approve! Anne grinned.

Luhan reacted fast and covered himself up again. "Yah!" he punched Lay's arm.

Anne glanced at her sister and saw her blushing, her eyes avoiding her shirtless boyfriend.

"Well, my job's done," Kris shrugged, throwing Luhan's shirt back to him.

Kris oppa's body is not too bad either. Anne mused. She didn't even realize she was staring at the two until Tao cut in. "Aish, will both of you put your shirts on already!"

"Relax," Kris rolled his eyes. "I just forgot to grab clothes before I ran to the bathroom."

He was wearing the shorts that he had worn at Music Bank. "I'll go change now," he walked into his room.

Luhan slipped on his shirt and walked over to Mei Li, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Did you get a blanket for yourself yet?" he asked, embarrassed.

Mei Li nodded, still flustered. "I got you yours as well." She pointed to the blankets on the couch.

Anne turned back to Tao and saw him frowning, still annoyed at his two hyungs. However, as she looked around, she noticed something else. Lay, Chen, and Xiumin were nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, the door to one of the bedrooms opened, and out came Xiumin. Chen was holding the bathroom door open for him, and it looked like the two had agreed to shower together. He tiptoed over, occasionally glancing at Tao.

Anne stifled a laugh and re

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Chapter 11: Amazing and lovely story! Wish you all the best for your future stories! <3333
Clp469 #2
Chapter 11: oohh so beautiful!! I love jiyeon-joongki couple XD
Chapter 11: ... did junho forgive anne and did jiyeon and joongki start dating?
Chapter 10: *fangirling over jiyeon and joongki :DD*
anne better be okay! good thing luhan and she came in that moment, horrible thought what would've happened if they didn't
shineexo_luver #5
Chapter 10: Omo i hope anne is okay. I hate those girls. So much. I wonder if jiyeon and joongki are gunna get together soon...
amanda_low98 #6
Chapter 9: Great update! I'm sure it'll lead up in to something more interesting. Keep up the great work!
Chapter 9: Awww how sweet! And what Joongki did! D'AAWWWW²
Loving this >.<
Chapter 9: That was sweet! :3 I'm so dumb. I can't understand why Junho is THAT mad. Is he inlove with Anne or something? XD