
I'm worried...

"Oh!" he said looking around the room startled. "There's a lot of you." he chuckled as he walked to his desk. He sat down and looked up pausing to stare at everyone's faces.

"Why do you all look like you're at a funeral? ...I'm sorry if i worried you when i called, It's nothing bad i assure you." he said smiling. 

Everyone looked at each other confused.

He opened a folder on his desk and flipped through some papers. 

"Your blood work came back and everything looks fine." he said reading over the papers in front of him. 

He looked up at you.

"Mrs. Kim, ....the reason that you've been getting so sick, and feeling so sleepy...is that, you're pregnant!"


Shock hit you. The room was silent for a minute as everyone processed this information.


"Wah!" Daehyun hooted and clapped his hands together. The others breathed sighs of relief, then started patting Himchan on the back and laughing.

"I'm sorry," you started, "What?"

He chuckled. "You are going to have a baby!"

Himchan leaned over in his chair, putting his face in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees.

Oh god, is he upset?

 The boys continued to celebrate laughing and clapping.

"I'm pregnant?" you asked again, still not sure that you heard correctly.

"Yes."  the doctor replied smiling.

You looked over at Himchan who was still bent over.

Suddenly he sat upright, tears streaming down his face, wearing the biggest smile you'd ever seen as he reached over and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug.

He cupped your face and kissed you hard. "I love you so much."  he cried.

He bent down and kissed your stomach. "And i love you too!" he said laughing now.

He stood up and the guys all gave him hugs.

You continued to sit there, dazed. You felt stupid , it should've been so obvious.


"C'mon" the doctor said, seeing the look on your face. Everyone followed him into the hall. He opened another door and led everyone into an exam room.

"It'll be a tight squeeze, but we can make it work." he laughed.

He pointed to the exam table and you lay down on it. Himchan stood on your left side, holding and kissing your hand, still wearing a huge grin. The rest of the boys stood near your feet as the doctor pulled a small cart next to the table. 

He lifted your shirt slightly and squirted some gel on your abdomen, then picked up a funny looking stick and rolled it across the area he had just put the gel on. Suddenly on the monitor there was a weird image, it was fuzzy and you couldn't make anything out. After a minute he stopped moving and tilted the screen more in your direction. He pointed to the screen. 

"You see that movement there, the tiny flicker? That's the baby's heart."

All the boys crowded closer. 

"And here," he said pointing again,"is the baby's head....the spine, arms...and legs." he continued, as he pointed to different spots on the screen.

"Judging by the babys size..i'd say you're about 9-10 weeks pregnant."

You were still staring at the screen, and it finally sunk in. 

You weren't sick, you were pregnant, You and Himchan were going to have a baby!

Tears began to roll down your cheeks as you reached out toward Himchan and he embraced you.  The boys moved closer to the monitor to see better and the doctor again pointed out the different body parts.

Himchan kissed your head, then your lips, before wiping the tears from your eyes. You looked at eachother and both laughed. All the stress and worry and wondering was gone now. 

He placed his forehead against yours, his hands cupping your face. "I love you, so much." he said again. "And i am so happy."

"I love you too." you responded smiling.

"Can you tell if it's a boy or girl yet?" Youngjae asked.

The doctor shook his head. "It's too early to tell yet, but in another 5 weeks or so we'll do another ultrasound and we should be able to tell by then if you decide you want to know the babys gender."

The doctor took a "picture" of the baby and printed it out for you. 

After wiping off the goop you sat up.

The doctor turned to you. "I want you to start taking prenatal vitamins ok? Now, usually the morning sickness wears off after about week 12 or so, so hopefully you should be nearing the end of yours. I want to see you back here in 5 weeks okay?" 

You nodded and smiled as you stood up, and all 6 boys surrounded you giving you hugs and congratulating both you and Himchan.



Back at the house, the boys were full of excitement and you all stayed up late chatting.

Eventually you began yawning and Himchan looked at the time.

"Ready for bed?" he asked.

You nodded.

You both said goodnite to everyone and headed to your room.

You lay down on your back on the bed exhausted. 

Himchan lay on his side next to you, facing you.

"How are you?" he asked, now that it was finally just the two of you.

"I'm good." you replied. "Drained, but happy, relieved that nothing is wrong, still having a hard time believing that we are going to be parents. You?"

He smiled. "Same."

He placed his hand on your abdomen and it with his thumb, then leaned over to kiss you, long and hard, his tounge slipping past your lips. You kissed him back, causing him to moan.

He pulled back and ran his thumb over your lips, before your cheek, and finally kissing your forehead.

He leaned his head against your shoulder, taking your hand in his. 

"I'm so glad i found you." he said softly. " I can't imagine my life without you. I know i've said it a lot today, but, i love you, so much."

You ran your fingers through his hair.  "I feel the same way." you said." And I love you too."  


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sulminnie #1
Chapter 19: i love the story..really...imagining how sweet himchan would be in his wife in the future... thanks for making this one... such a nice story.. :))
firstzyx #2
Chapter 19: omgggg this is cheesey but not to much cheese
kimchinmyfridge #3
Chapter 19: tsk tsk tsk sooooo ing sweet omg ;;
kimchinmyfridge #4
Chapter 9: soooo sweet
Chapter 19: This was a really cute story. Himchan and his very own family it was so sweet :D Thank you for writing this author nim
Chapter 19: Aww..sweet family.I love this story! <3
Chapter 19: wow, Daebak.. it is totally daebak story that i had read.. author-nim, your story is jjang!! i love it.. pls do more story about himchan.. ^0^"
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 19: Awwww....great sequel anyways hehe :) ^^ looove it