
I'm worried...

You lay in the hospital bed, IV in your arm, and squirmed. 

"I hate being back in a hospital bed." you whined. 

Himchan squeezed your hand. "I know baby, and i'm sorry." he said kissing your hand. " I don't like it either."

It brought back the memories of having the crud beat out of you by some stupid anti-fans at BAP's old dorm, which had landed you in the hospital for 2 weeks.

The doctor had looked you over, and aside from being dehydrated and slightly malnourished, couldn't find anything physically wrong with you.

He'd ordered some blood tests, and then requested that you stay for a couple hours to get some fluids into your system...hence the IV. 

A couple hours later, you were feeling slightly better, and headed home. The doctor said your test results should be back in a couple days, and that they would call when they came in.

Nothing to do now but wait.

On the way home, you both stopped at the market, and Himchan picked up some things to make seaweed soup.

When you got home, Himchan and Dae went to the kitchen to make the soup and you lay down on the couch, exhausted.

Jongup brought you a pillow, and as you dozed Zelo covered you with a blanket.

30 minutes later, Himchan kissed your head in an attempt to wake you up.

"Sorry to wake you." he said softly, "but i wanted you to have your soup while it's still warm." 

You smiled and sat up as he handed you a bowl. 

It took you an hour, but you managed to down half the bowl before you were full, and handed it back to Himchan who placed it on the coffee table in front of you.

"Sorry i couldn't finish." you said.

He smiled. "It's ok, i'd rather you have half than none at all."

You lay down with your head in his lap as he your hair, and eventually you fell back to sleep.



4 days passed before you heard back from the doctor. 

So far, you'd been able to handle the seaweed soup just fine, and even though it was light, it was nice to have something in your stomach again.

You were playing video games on the couch with Zelo and Dae when the phone rang. 

You stopped paying attention to the game you were playing when the phone rang. Bang answered it, and seeing that you were watching he gave you a wink and a smile. After talking a minute, he got off the phone he went looking for Himchan.

He found him in the kitchen, making another bowl of seaweed soup.

"Himchannie, the doctors office just called, they said they have the test results back and they want the two of you to come to the hospital later to go over them."

Himchan stopped what he was doing and looked at Bang.

He'd been more worried than he let on since finding out how sick she'd been in their absence. Of course he'd told Bang how worried he was, seeing how skinny she'd gotten and how hard it was for her to eat.

"Well that can't be good." he sighed.

Bang patted his shoulder. "No point in worrying, it doesn't change anything, and it definitely wont help her." he said motioning with his head in your direction. "It doesn't mean anything, don't panic."

Himchan nodded.

He brought the soup to you on the couch and sat down next to you.

"The doctors office just called." he said." They have the test results back and want us to come in this afternoon."

You stopped playing and looked at him. 

He smiled, "Don't worry, just eat, and we'll get ready ok?" 



Once you were ready, you both headed to the door, and were met by the other members.

"We'd like to go with you, if that's okay." Bang said. 

Himchan looked at you and you nodded.

"It'd be nice to have you guys there." you said. 

So you all headed to the hospital together. 


After arriving, you sat in the waiting room, Himchan on one side of you, Daehyun on the other. 

What could it be that they couldn't just tell us over the phone. You wondered. 

Himchan placed his hand on your knee to still you, you hadn't realized it until just then you'd been bouncing your legs like crazy while worrying what was wrong.

He leaned close to your ear.

"It's okay baby, whatever it is, it's going to be okay. And no matter what, i will be by your side. You will never have to tackle anything alone. I love you." 

He kissed your ear, and you couldn't help but smile.

"I love you." you whispered back nuzzling against his neck making him smile.


Finally, the nurse called you in, and the boys all followed.

She took you down a long hall and led you into the doctors office. You sat down in a chair, and Himchan took a seat next to you.

"I'll bring some more chairs." the nurse said.
"No, no, it's okay." Bang said. "We don't mind standing." 

"The doctor will be in shortly." she said before bowing and leaving. 

Your legs were bouncing again as the boys crowded around the both of you. Daehyun placed his hands on your shoulders giving you a squeeze. 

Bang cleared his throat. 

"We're here for you guys, we love you both, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

The other boys nodded in agreement.

Everyone turned as the door opened and the doctor entered.





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sulminnie #1
Chapter 19: i love the story..really...imagining how sweet himchan would be in his wife in the future... thanks for making this one... such a nice story.. :))
firstzyx #2
Chapter 19: omgggg this is cheesey but not to much cheese
kimchinmyfridge #3
Chapter 19: tsk tsk tsk sooooo ing sweet omg ;;
kimchinmyfridge #4
Chapter 9: soooo sweet
Chapter 19: This was a really cute story. Himchan and his very own family it was so sweet :D Thank you for writing this author nim
Chapter 19: Aww..sweet family.I love this story! <3
Chapter 19: wow, Daebak.. it is totally daebak story that i had read.. author-nim, your story is jjang!! i love it.. pls do more story about himchan.. ^0^"
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 19: Awwww....great sequel anyways hehe :) ^^ looove it