
I'm worried...

You walked into B.A.P's dorm, dropping your backpack off in the study, and made your way to the kitchen. You grabbed a glass of water and you were debating making yourself a sandwhich, but decided against it. You made your way to the living room and sat down on the couch with your glass of water.  Minah heard you and came running down the hall toward you, jumping onto the couch and climbing into your lap.  You smiled as you patted her head, then turned to gaze out the window.  

It had been just over two months since the wedding, and the boys had been gone on tour for the last 7 weeks. They still had one more week to go. You missed all the boys, but were missing Himchan something terrible. You talked to them all on the phone almost everyday. They had been busy and were all exhausted. You watched their interviews and press confrences online, but it only made you miss Himchan that much more.  

You had stayed behind because you had to finish your semester at college. Today was your last day and you were relieved it was over, but at the same time you realized the next week was going to drag horribly because there was no school work to keep your mind occupied. 

You'd  been sick too, but you hadn't told Himchan. You didn't want him to worry. You figured it was just stress, between Himchan being gone and trying to finish up all your end of the semester projects and studying for finals, you were wiped out. The last two weeks it had been hard to keep any food down, you'd lost weight because of it, and you were sleepy all the time too. But now that finals were over, and with Himchan returning in a week, things should be getting back to normal.

Your cell rang. It was Himchan.

"Himchannie!"  you said excitedly when you answered.

"Hey baby, how are you doing?" he asked in a soft tone.

"Mmm, ok, finished up all my projects and i took the last of my finals today, so i'm glad that's all over with." 

You pulled your knees up against your chest, resting your chin on your knees as you talked to him.

"Minah keeping you company?"

She chuckled.

"Yeah, she's in my lap right now sleeping."

"I miss you baby, i don't have much time because we have a meeting in a minute, but i wanted to call and tell you i love you."

"Mmmm, i love you to. When are you getting back?"

"We'll be back in a week." he replied. She heard Daehyun's laughter in the background.

"How is everyone else?"

"Good, ...tired, ...but good. We can't wait to get home."

"I miss you." You told him, your voice beginning to shake.

"Don't cry baby, i miss you too, we'll be home before you know it, i promise."

He hung up and you flopped backwards on the couch, staring at the ceiling.  Minah crawled up on your chest and your nose. 

Suddenly your stomach began churning. You sat upright and took deep breaths, trying to ward off what you knew was coming. 

No luck.

You bolted to the bathroom, losing what very little you'd eaten that day.

You sighed and rinsed your mouth in the sink, then washed your face.

"The sooner he gets home, the sooner i can stop being sick." you said outloud.

You returned to the couch and the tv. 

You watched the same dvd you'd been watching over the past couple days. It had some of their performances that'd you'd recorded off of tv, and their press conference interviews. You had smiled when you saw Himchan wearing his wedding ring. Of course he had switched it to a different finger so as not to attract any attention, but he was still wearing it. 


Apparently you had dozed off, because the next thing you knew, Minah had jumped down off the couch and began barking at the front door, startling you awake.  You sat up looking at the clock. It was late, too late for it to be the mailman or anyone else. Minah's barking at the door made you uneasy. After what had happened in B.A.P's last dorm when you were there alone, who could blame you.  

You stood up and walked closer to the door, the handle was moving now, and Minahs barks continued.

The door opened and you gasped.

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sulminnie #1
Chapter 19: i love the story..really...imagining how sweet himchan would be in his wife in the future... thanks for making this one... such a nice story.. :))
firstzyx #2
Chapter 19: omgggg this is cheesey but not to much cheese
kimchinmyfridge #3
Chapter 19: tsk tsk tsk sooooo ing sweet omg ;;
kimchinmyfridge #4
Chapter 9: soooo sweet
Chapter 19: This was a really cute story. Himchan and his very own family it was so sweet :D Thank you for writing this author nim
Chapter 19: Aww..sweet family.I love this story! <3
Chapter 19: wow, Daebak.. it is totally daebak story that i had read.. author-nim, your story is jjang!! i love it.. pls do more story about himchan.. ^0^"
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 19: Awwww....great sequel anyways hehe :) ^^ looove it