Suprising Daddy

I'm worried...

You got off the plane, Zoey snuggled up against your chest in her baby sling. You looked around and found the manager who was waiting for you. He found you and waved you over. You went together to get your things and headed toward the car that would take you to Nagoya.

You had talked to Bang on the phone 2 weeks ago and told him you wanted to come out and suprise Himchan. You had worked together to set it up with the managers. The boys had a concert tonight and you and Zoey were going to meet the boys backstage afterward, and you were going to stay in the hotel with Himchan for the next 2 days before heading back. 

You were stopping at the hotel to drop your things off and Bang was going to meet you to give you the tickets for the show.

Once you arrived at the hotel, the manager parked in the back so no one would see you.  He took your things and put them near the door. You text Bang and within 5 minutes he showed up outside. 

He greeted you with a smile, giving you a hug and kissing the top of Zoeys head. 

"Everything go okay? You didn't have any trouble."

You nodded and smiled. "No trouble."

"Perfect timing, Himchan is getting his hair done right now. Here are the tickets for the show, i put you in the balcony so it's not too loud for Zoey, but you can still see well." 

"Perfect Bang, thank you." 

He nodded. 

"When it's over, meet me by the left side of the stage, there's a door there that leads backstage, i'll come get you and bring you back."

You nodded and thanked him again.

"I'm glad to see you," he said, "and i know Himchan will be too."

He bent down to pick up your bags. "I'll put these in our room under the bed so he doesn't see them. Do you need anything?"

You shook your head. "No, i'm good, Thank you so much for your help Bang." 

He winked at you before heading back in, and you got back in the van.


You spent the hours before the concert roaming Nagoya, walking around the shops and taking a stroll through a park.

The time finally arrived for the concert and you shuffled your way inside with the rest of the fans when the doors finally opened.

You'd been to many of their concerts of course, but this is the first time you'd been to one with a baby. You'd put ear plugs in her ears so the sound wouldn't hurt them.

You'd worn a hat today, and bought a new outfit. You'd hoped Himchan wouldn't recognize you in the audience, you really wanted to suprise him backstage afterward. You took your seat in the balcony, Zoey still strapped to your chest. You covered her with her baby blanket and patted her back gently. You'd gotten a couple funny looks, people probably wondering why on earth you'd bring a baby to a concert, and you didn't blame them. Others cooed at her and smiled at you.

The lights dimmed finally, and the screaming started. It wasn't until the intro started that Zoey startled awake and began to cry, but she couldn't be heard over the audio and the screams. You took a bottle from the diaper bag and gave it to her, and she settled quickly.

Finally the boys came out, and your heart leaped upon seeing Himchan. It had been a month since he'd left, for Japan, and you couldn't wait to wrap your arms around him. 

You smiled, watching him silently as they went through their song set. As often as you'd seen them rehearse and perform, you never got tired of it. You loved watching them. And you'd never tire of Himchans voice.


When it was over, you waited in your seat for a minute for the concert hall to clear out a bit before trying to make your way to your meeting spot with Bang. 

You finally made it over, just as Bang peeked his head out the side door to see if you'd arrived yet. 

He looked behind you to see if anyone was watching, then waved you forward.

"There's no one in the dressing room right now but the staffs that already know you." 

You nodded as he led you along a long hallway.

Your heart began pounding with excitement.

Bang stopped outside a door, turned to you pulling your hat off and gave you a wink before opening the door.

It was noisy inside, the boys all busy pulling off their different jewelry and putting away their last stage outfits. Himchan was at the back of the room, his back to you, wearing his black tank top. 

Youngjae, who was standing closest to you, caught sight of you and smiled.

"Himchan hyung!" he hollered to catch his attention.

"Huh?" Himchan asked turning around.

He saw you, and stood frozen a moment, as it seemed to take a  minute to register in his head.

He dropped what was in his hands as the largest smile you'd ever seen broke out across his face.

He jumped over chairs and backpacks as he made his way to you, cupping your face in his hands a moment, as if to make sure you were real, before wrapping you in his arms, being careful not to smash Zoey as he hugged you.

"Gimme that baby." Bang said coming over to take Zoey.

Once Bang had Zoey, Himchan pulled you hard against him, squeezing you so tight it was hard to breathe.

You didn't care, you hugged him tight, breathing in his scent.

He started to pull away. "Ah, i'm still sweaty." he said.

You hugged tighter. "I don't care." you said not letting him pull away.

He kissed the top of your head. "god i've missed you." he whispered sniffing, a tear on his cheek already.

He held you for a long time. Your hands clutched his shirt, your face buried in his chest.

He pulled back and you lifted your head to look him in the face as he cupped your face with his hands and smiled at you.

"You're so good to me." he said.

You laughed and shook your head. "I needed to see you too."

"When did you get here, did you get here?"

"We got here on a plane this morning, with Bangs help. We've been planning this for 2 weeks."

Himchan turned to look at Bang.

"Yeah, so you can squeeze her to death at night instead of me." he said laughing. He had Zoey in his arms and was rocking her back and forth as he fed her a bottle.

Himchan leaned in, placing a kiss on your lips. "I love you."

You smiled. "I know, i love you too."

He looked over at Bang.

"Don't EVEN think of kissing me." Bang said playfully.

Himchan kissed your forehead before walking over to Bang. "Zoey!" he said excitedly taking her into his arms. He kissed her chubby little cheeks, holding her close against his chest. "You've been eating good haven't you baby, look at those cheeks." he said nuzzling her. He held her as he moved about the room talking to her, showing her off to the make-up girls and other staff.

She stared up into his face as he talked to her.

The manager brought his camera out and snapped a shot of Himchan holding Zoey.

"Me too!" Dae said coming over to take Zoey.

"Yah, hurry up, that's my baby." Himchan scolded.

The boys all chuckled, and she was passed around, each member having their picture taken with her.

Himchan walked over to you, wrapping you in his arms again. You rest your head against his chest as he your cheek with his thumb. 

"I have a confession to make." he whispered.

"What?" you asked.

"I bought the shampoo you use and i've been using it, just so i could smell the scent of your hair everyday." he chuckled as he buried his nose in your hair.

You laughed. 

"I have a confession to make too."


"I've slept in your clothes every night."

He smiled. "I'd like to see that."

He leaned in and kissed you hard, his hands framing your face.

"Yah, get a room!" Bang yelled as he laughed.

"They have a room hyung.." Dae said. "the same one as you." he started laughing.

You smiled as Himchan pulled away. "When do you have to go back?"

"In 2 days." you said.

"Where are you staying?"

"With you." you said smiling.

"Good." he said hugging you again.


That night you cuddled up to Himchan in his hotel bed. Bang had opted to sleep in Zelo and Jongup's room, so you had the room to yourselves. 

Zoey was sleeping soundly in Bangs bed.

Himchan curled up against you, his head resting on your shoulder, kissing your neck. You ran your fingers through his hair, kissing his the top of his head repeatedly.

"I'm so glad you came." he said softly. "You made me so happy, and it will be so much easier to get through the next month. Thank you baby. You really are too good to me."

You laughed. "I can't say that it was completely self-less. Like i said, i needed to see you too."

"I know, but it couldn't have been easy to do all this with a baby."

"Totally worth it." you said kissing him again.

You both drifted off to sleep, his arms holding you tight and close, snoring softly on your shoulder.


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sulminnie #1
Chapter 19: i love the story..really...imagining how sweet himchan would be in his wife in the future... thanks for making this one... such a nice story.. :))
firstzyx #2
Chapter 19: omgggg this is cheesey but not to much cheese
kimchinmyfridge #3
Chapter 19: tsk tsk tsk sooooo ing sweet omg ;;
kimchinmyfridge #4
Chapter 9: soooo sweet
Chapter 19: This was a really cute story. Himchan and his very own family it was so sweet :D Thank you for writing this author nim
Chapter 19: Aww..sweet family.I love this story! <3
Chapter 19: wow, Daebak.. it is totally daebak story that i had read.. author-nim, your story is jjang!! i love it.. pls do more story about himchan.. ^0^"
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 19: Awwww....great sequel anyways hehe :) ^^ looove it