Phone time

I'm worried...

The first two weeks of B.A.P's time in Japan had passed.  Himchan had kept his word and called you everyday. Some days he didn't have more than a couple minutes to talk, other times he talked till he fell asleep, snoring on the phone. You'd video chatted with him a couple times too. It was nice to be able to see him and he was happy that he could see you and Zoey in that way at least. 

"Zoey, wake up baby girl, it's almost time for Daddy to call." you said nudging her gently in her crib. 

It had taken a couple days, but you had adjusted  to taking care of Zoey on your own.  

You set up the computer, then started getting Zoey dressed. She was such a good baby, she'd fallen into a schedule of eating and sleeping at nearly the same time each day, so it was easy to work around, knowing how long you had until she would wake or be hungry, allowing you to get some rest, or shower inbetween feedings.

"There we go." you said as you finished putting a bow in her hair. She didn't have a lot of hair, but it was enough to put a bow in at least. You'd changed her and put one of Himchan's favorite outfits on her. "Such a pretty baby." you said nuzzling her. "You definitely take after your Daddy." 

You cradled Zoey in your arms as you sat down at the computer, lost in thought waiting for Himchan to call. 

Within a couple minutes, your video chat connected, and Himchan was there on the screen.

He smiled his biggest smile after seeing the two of you. 

"There's my beautiful girls. How are you doing baby?" he asked.

"Alright." you answered. "How was your day?" 

"Busy, we had a couple interviews and a photoshoot today. Traveling to a different city tomorrow, and we'll be there for about a week. Oh, is that the outfit i bought Zoey?" he asked noticing the clothes Zoey was wearing.

"Mmm." you said smiling.

He looked tired. Once the make-up came off, it was easy to see the dark circles under his eyes.

"You're not sleeping." you said.

"I'm sleeping enough baby, don't worry."

"Did you eat today?"

"Mmm." he said with a smile.

Zoey turned her head to look at the screen after hearing Himchans voice.  You never let her miss a video chat with Himchan. You knew he needed to see her and it always made him happy seeing that she recognized his voice.

"How is she doing? Is she keeping you up at night?" he asked.

"She only wakes up twice at night, usually midnight and 4 am, so it's not bad. I'm getting more sleep than you i'm sure."

He chuckled. 

As you talked to him, you could see him move his laptop over on top of his bed. Lying down, he propped himself up on a pillow as he talked to you.

Zoey made a noise and Himchan stopped mid-sentence and started babbling to her.

After a moment, Bangs head popped up by Himchans on screen.

"Ah, sorry, i wasn't sure if he was losing it, or talking to Zoey, so i had to check." he said with a chuckle. "How are you doing noona?'

You smiled. "I'm good Bang. How is Himchan really?" you asked.

"Ah, he's mopey and sulking, won't sleep, mumbles your name in his sleep everynight. Keeps trying to cuddle up with me when i'm sleeping...kinda creeps me out."

"Yah!" Himchan hollered shoving him off the bed. You could hear Bang laughing in the background.

"He's only kidding." Himchan chuckled.

"Mmmhmm." you said with a smirk.

"Have i told you today that you're gorgeous?" he said.

"Kim Himchan quit trying to change the subject." you scolded.

He chuckled.  "I'm really fine baby."

He yawned as he shifted on his pillow.

"Besides, i'd rather talk to you than sleep anyhow." he said smiling, his eyes half open.

You laughed and shook your head. "Pabo."

"Mmm." he said smiling.

Zoey yawned, her eyes slowly closing.

Himchan smiled seeing her yawn. 

"Go to sleep with Daddy baby Zoey." he said softly.

He put his head down on his pillow, shifting the laptop again so he could see better, and began singing.

It was one of the songs he used to sing to Zoey when you were still pregnant. 

As he sang, he paused occasionally to yawn, his eyes eventually closing.

"I love you baby." he said to you. "I love you both so much. I'm sorry i'm not there to tuck you in myself."

"Shut up you idiot, you're only making it worse." you said half laughing as a tear slid down your cheek.

He smiled, his eyes still closed. "I love you. I'll call you again tomorrow, i promise."

"I love you too, so much." you said softly.

He smiled again, then continued singing his song, where he'd left off. 

Within another 5 minutes, both he and Zoey were fast asleep. 

You smiled, staring at his sleeping face on the screen, a smile still on his lips.

"Goodnight you silly pabo." you said.

Bang appeared on the screen again. "Goodnight Noona. Don't worry, he's doing fine, really. We're keeping busy, so he's tired, and of course he misses you. Talks about both of you all day long." he whispered, giving you a wink. "Should be able to sleep in tomorrow."

"Alright, thank you Bang. Goodnight."

Bang waved and the chat disconnected.

You sighed and looked down at Zoey, sleeping peacefully in your arms and smiled. No, it wasn't easy being apart from him, but you also knew how lucky you were to have them both.

You carefully got up and walked to the nursery, putting Zoey to bed, and walked back to your room.  

You pulled on one of Himchans sweaters and crawled into bed staring at the wall, trying to get to sleep. 

You wished you could see Himchan. Too bad they didn't have a break in the middle of their Japan tour so....

Suddenly you sat up and grabbed your phone. 

Hey, it's me, can you give me a call tomorrow when no one else is around? You entered in a text message on your phone and sent it to Bang.

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sulminnie #1
Chapter 19: i love the story..really...imagining how sweet himchan would be in his wife in the future... thanks for making this one... such a nice story.. :))
firstzyx #2
Chapter 19: omgggg this is cheesey but not to much cheese
kimchinmyfridge #3
Chapter 19: tsk tsk tsk sooooo ing sweet omg ;;
kimchinmyfridge #4
Chapter 9: soooo sweet
Chapter 19: This was a really cute story. Himchan and his very own family it was so sweet :D Thank you for writing this author nim
Chapter 19: Aww..sweet family.I love this story! <3
Chapter 19: wow, Daebak.. it is totally daebak story that i had read.. author-nim, your story is jjang!! i love it.. pls do more story about himchan.. ^0^"
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 19: Awwww....great sequel anyways hehe :) ^^ looove it