I loved you.

Redo My Life!

The operation was over. But they didn't let anyone inside. Hyuna had been sitting on the chair for 3h without moving. Hyunseung mum came up to the girl and gently patted her shoulder. Hyuna, are you hungry? you want me to get some food for you? Hyuna gave her a small smile. Thank you, but I don't really feel like eating right now. Hyunseung mum nodded and patted her back, If you get hungry just call me over okay Hyuna? she gently said. Hyuna smiled and nodded. How can Hyunseung mum be so kind to her when it was her fault all this happened, just because she wanted coffee, just because destiny had to choose this. The head nurse came out of Hyunseung room and said something to Hyunseungs mum, Her eyes widened, at the same time she looked happy she seemed so sad. Hyuna, Hyunseung is awake.. Do you want to talk with him? she asked Hyuna with a sad smile plastered on her face. Hyuna quickly stood up H-He's awake!? She went as fast as she could into the room, what her eyes saw was something no one would like to see their loved ones go through. Hyunseung was laying on his bed with bandages all over him, he had broken many bones on his body and hitted his head pretty bad. Hyuna went beside is bed and slowly picked up his bruised hand, she held it close to her face as she was kneeling down beside him. Hyunseung tiredly opened his eyes and looked at Hyuna warmly. Hey.. he said with a horse tone. Hey. She replied to him warmly. I'm so happy I can see you Hyuna. Hyuna stod up. Hyunseung, I'm so sorry, If I didn't ask for that coffee none of this would have happened! Hyunseung gave her a weak smile It's not your fault Hyuna, I'm just happy it wasn't you who lost that game. He said while looking into the lamp. Hyuna..I feel weird.. I feel so cold..And the light im looking into right now is slowly fading.. What is wrong with me.. Hyuna grabbed his arm Hyunseung, Hyunseung what's wrong? The boy was still staring straight into the lamp without any reaction. Hyuna.. ah.. all my memories are flashing infront of my eyes.. Is this what people mean when they talk about you seeing flashbacks before you die?.. Hyunseung said with a tired voice. Hyunseung, stop! stop mentioning death! You're ok! you'll be ok! listen to me hyunseung! Don't leave me, you'll be better! Hyuna desperatly said. Hyunseung slowly closed his eyes with a smile. Hyuna I'm happy I got to spend my 17 years with you. I was h-happy.. I-I L-Lov---PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H-Hyunseung..? Hyunseung what's wrong?.. Hey Hyunseung.. Hyuna was shaking his body Hey..Hyunseung answer me..HYunseung!! Nononono Hyunseung please. no..

She fell on her knees beside his bed and everything became black.

Hyuna could hear alot of mumbling everywhere, She slowly opened her eyes and saw someone stand beside her. DOCTOR!! DOCTOR!! SHE'S AWAKE!! The familiar figure held her hand tightly. Hyuna it'll be ok now. Hyuna felt how tears were running down her cheeks, She wanted to ask were Hyunseung was but words didn't come out, she cried and cried. Hyuna does it hurt somewhere, Is it painful? Hyuna whatś wrong? Yes it hurted. The nurses rushed by her side and checked on her, when she had calmed down she noticed it was Junhyung who was standing there, But something was different about him. He looked like his 22 year oldself. Hyuna held her fingers infront of her eyes and saw they looked a bit skinnier than before. Miss Hyuna. I'm glad to see you've awokened, You've been in a coma for 4 weeks now after you hit your head while slipping on the ice. It's good that nothing serious happened to you. Said the doctor before he left Hyuna alone with Junhyung. Hyuna stared into space this was to much. It was only a dream that she met Hyunseung once again, It was only a dream..? Junhyung sat down at the edge of her bed and took her hand into his. Hyuna.. I know this is alot to take in, you've been through alot. But I just want you to know, I'm here for you, and I always will. don't forget that ok? Hyuna nodded and started to sob. Oh you big cry baby come here. Said Junhyung and hugged her tightly. What happened to Hyunseung? where is he now? what is the truth? She returned Junhyungs hug and cried her heart out. So much have happened, so much pain. And all just because she loved someone. Why did it have to happen to him? Why was his destiny drawed like this. Why someone who haven't done anything bad for anyone, someone who everyone loved was destinied to be treated like that.

It's been a year now. A year since she got out from the hospital. She's engaged. to whom you might wonder? well It was a man who was always by her side, She still feel that she doesn't deserve happiness. She was afriad to ask what really happened to Hyunseung. Junhyung told her everything from what he had heard from Hyunseung mum while meeting her in a cafe in New York. After the swing incidence Hyunseung had gotten a amnesia. They felt like they needed to move invoirement so they moved abroad to America. He didn't remember anyone, not even his parents. It was hard for the family at first for him they felt like starngers acting like his parents. Ofcourse he forgot Hyuna too. But what made Hyuna happy was that somewhere in this world Hyunseung is alive. I really hope for his happiness she kept saying to herself when she went through photoalbums. There was a rumor going around about Hyunseung moving back to Korea, But no one really knew if it was true. The girl with once a broken heart and soul was walking down the street with her grocery bags. She saw a football flew against her and dropped one of the bags. Ahh I'm so sorry miss, My son Always play football so recklessly. while hlping Hyuna collect all that fell out. She giggled. It's ok, It's good to see an energic boy like that. She met eyecontact with the person infront of her, and dropped her other bag. H-Hyunseung? Her feet felt weak. Miss are you ok!? He grabbed her by her wrist and helped her stand straight. Y-yes. Hyunseung inspected her face. Do I know you? he asked her with a confused voice. Hyunas eyes widened, but she calmed down and smiled sweetly. Um.. Yes we used to go to school together. She answered to him. She got all her stuff together and bowed thankyou. Hyunseung had a sad expression on his face . I'm sorry I was in a accident when I was 17 and I can't really remember. What's your name again? Hyuna smiled. Hyuna, KIm Hyuna. she said before she bowed goodbye and left. Hyunseung was left looking after her. Dad, Dad!! who was that pretty lady? Hyunseung kneeled down infront of his son and patted him on his head. I think it was someone who was really important to your dad during his childhood. He said and lifted up his son for a piggyback ride Let's run home to mummy before she gets mad!  shouted Hyunseung excitedly. AH HOY!! dad run fast fast! Hyuna reached her home, she placed the grocerys on the kitchen table and felt arms around her waist. Hello, beautiful did something good happen? Junhyung said while giving small peaks on her neck. SHe chuckled and turned around to hug him. Yes. I met my happiness today and got it returned. Junhyung was a bit confused but he lifted his soon-to-be wife up in the air and spined her around before giving her a warm loving kiss.

Maybe me and Hyunseung was never destinied to be together. Our love for each other were so strong that we wanted it to be fate. I guess the god of destiny wanted to seperate us so much that all of these things happened. But when it's raining there will always be a rainbow in the end. I really pray for his happiness, And It makes me overjoyed to have seen him today. With his new family, being all healthy and happy. I guess this journey of painful memories did get a happy ending, Me with my prince charming. and He with his son and wife.

Thank you, Hyunseung. I loved you.


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Chapter 8: TT^TT this is so beautiful. Sniff*
rinimae #2
Chapter 8: so he was alive afterall?!?!?

yah JANG HYUNSEUNG!!! how dare you let our baby play outside?! xD

so yeah, I'm Hyunseung wife *bow*

hahahaha!! i love your story!! <3

Chapter 8: I actually liked the ending, i was glad that everyone was alive and happy. I didnt see any of that coming. I thought it was going to be super sad and tragic. Good job author!
Chapter 9: Yeah! But it wil be awesome if 2Hyun will be together again!!
WannaLoveSunggyu #5
Chapter 8: Nice ending!
Chapter 8: ....... TT_TT
Chapter 7: it's so sad!
WannaLoveSunggyu #8
Chapter 7: Wae? Why must Hyuna suffer. So sad! Destiny would never change even if how hard we try!
Chapter 6: woah! it's really interesting!!! \^o^/
really curious with what will happend next,, is Hyuna can change it & save Hyunseung?? ><
please update soon~~
WannaLoveSunggyu #10
Chapter 6: Woah! It is updated!