Past part 1

Redo My Life!



Something was bugging her, Something was itching inside of her. Even though she should be happy that she's dating one of the most popular guys in school she stil didn't feel well. It didn't feel good at all. Junhyung was as nice as ever, But she still didn't feel that ''sparkle'' every girl in love is talking about, She felt like she always do when she's with him, A friend. Lately Hyunseungs been skipping class, He also recently got himself a girlfriend, Her name was Yoona something, Hyuna doesn't really want seem interested so she never asked anyone who the girl was. But since Hyunseung choose her, she have to be nice right? why can't it be me? aarrghh! Hyuna ruffled her hair and left her seat. She was walking down the hallway with heavy steps. I'll just go to the roof. She said to herself and walked on the hallway that seemed much longer than before. She heard some giggles around the corner, It seemed to come from under the stairs to the rooftop. Hyuna tried to act normal, Not awkward at all, lately there's been a rumor about a girl ghost who wanders around school and is always giggling to try to get your attention. Hyuna gulped and walked quietly towards the stairs, She saw something move and jumped by surprise and let out a shriek. She was crawled togheter on the ground with tears in her eyes. She heard steps getting closer to her, Her whole body was shaking and she covered her ears. I don't wanna die yet. please spear me! she screamed. Hyuna?.. What are you doing here? she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around. Hyunseung.. She was about to jump in his arms when she saw a girl tugged his shirt and pouted when she saw Hyuna. I guess that is Yoona. Hyuna let out a chuckle and looked around awkwardly her eyes wandered around the space and she noticed that Hyunseungs shirt buttons were undone, Yoonas dress was also a bit messy. She blushed I-I have to go now. she said, she took some quick steps when she felt someone hold her wrist. Hyuna, are you ok? Hyunseung asked her with a concerned expression. hyunas face softened and she wanted to hug him, tell him how scared she was, She glaced at Yoona who stod at the back, She was glaring at Hyuna, Her eyes told her everything. She hated Hyuna, She wanted her gone.

Hyuna shook her head and tugged her hair behind her ear. N-no I-I'm ok Just a-abit startled, I n-need to go, Bye! Her eyes started to get warmer and liquid was now running down her cheeks. What's wrong? HYunseung asked and cupped her cheeks. Hyuna softly pushed him away and ran. Hyuna wait! Hyunseung was about to run after her when Yoona screamed If you go after her It's over, you have to choose! Hyunseung clenched his fits togheter and went closer to the girl. Don't make me take such an easy decision. He said and ran of, Yoona fell n the floor crying Idiot! Was I the only one who took this serious!? She said to herself. Hyuna was running towards the schools gate, her left hand was grabbing her shirt by the heart, It hurted. Now was finaly the time when she realised Hyunseung did not belong to her anymore, He never did. Hyuna wait! Hyuna looked back and saw Hyunseung running after her, She increaced her speed. Stop following me! she cried out. It must've looked stupid, like those typical love dramas you always see on televison, Hyuna was now running so fast that her legs felt like they would come of anytime, she triped on her own foot and fell onto the ground. She bruised her knee and hands while landing on them, she leaned on one of her knees and hugged the other leg. Hyunseung stopped right beside her and kneeled down. Hyuna, are you ok? Hyuna ignored him, She was sobbing. Hyunseung reached out his hand to brush her hair away from her face Hyu- Hyuna slapped his hand away and looked at him with red swollen eyes. Leave me alone! She screamed and tried to stand up. Hyunseung grabbed her by her shoulders. Hyuna, I can't leave you alone when your hurt. He said and tried to put her weight on him so he could support her. It hurts even more when you're here! She said and broke down in tears. Hyunseung clenched his teeth togheter and stayed quiet. I-I don't want us to be like this, I want us to be like before! She said and slapped him on his chest. I-I think I love you!! she finally confessed and cried louder. Hyunseungs eyes widened and he hugged her tightly. You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say those words for me. Surprised by what he said Hyuna didn't know how to react. B-but what a-about Yoona? She said between her sobs. idiot, I didn't know how to get over you, and she told me she would help me to forget you, But it didn't work, I couldn't get you out of my mind.  Hyuna smiled and let out a chuckle. We're both idiots. She said and returned the hug. Hyuna! Hyuna looked up and saw Junhyung stand there, he was breathing heavily, It looked like he had ran there. Junhyung.. um you kno-

I toughed something was up with you, ever since Hyunseung started to date Yoona you've been weird.. Why did you date me if you liked Hyunseung, was it out of pity? said Junhyung and clenched his fists. N-no Junhyung, Listen I-I'm sorry I recently found out m-myself that I r-really lik- Junhyung glared at both of them before he turned around. I don't want to hear any excuses, do whatever you want! With those words he left of. J-Junhyung! Hyuna fell on her knees. Hyunseung had a sad expression on his face and dragged her up. C'mon let's go.  He said and led her towards the park. Do you remember those? He asked and pointed towards the swings. Hyuna let her eyes follow where he pointed and gave him a weak smile. Of course i do, It was there where we first became friends. She said and made her way towards them. Hey.. Wanna play with the swings like we used to? Said Hyuna. You'll probably end up getting dizzy won't you? Said Hyunseung First one who gets to them wins! he said and ran towards the swing and sat down on one of them. Wait, you cheater!  she screamed after him. I won! He yelled happily like a child. You started before me and were closer! she said and pouted. Sore loser. He said with a smirk on his face. Hyuna blushed and sat down on the swing beside him. Hyunseung was always good with the swings he would have the highes speed of everyone in the park, every kid was envious of him. Her eyes were following his every move as he was increasin his speed on the swing making him swing higher and higher.

Hey, Let's have another game, The one who flies further wins, and the loser have to do anything! said Hyuna excitedly. Anything? He asked her with a smile. Y-yeah.. She answered him awkwardly and blushed. Why am I blushing? stupid! I won't go easy on you! he said as he was swinging back and forth, I'll show you that I can fly across those metalbars over there. He said with a tone of confident. Oh cmon that's like 10m No one can jump that far. Hyuna said and sighted. I'll show you. he said and smirked. It almost seemed like he was flying, Hyunseung reached a high speed on the swings and jumped, He flew, He really was flying, he was flying far, far. to far. Hyunseungs feets hitted the metal bar fence which made him lose his balance he hitted his head first on the ground. Hyunseung?...HYUNSEUNG!? Hyuna rushed by his side and fell on her knees beside him, He was laying with his head on the ground and wasn't responding, Hyuna turned him around and jumped back when she saw that his face was full of red liquid running down from his head. AAH! AHH! No! NO ! NO! Hyunseung wake up! Hyunseung, Someone HELP! please Hyunseung you can't leave me! HYUNSEUNG! I don't want to be alone! An old couple who were walking by saw what happened and called the ambulace. Hyuna was like a body without a soul, she was led into the ambulase car and was now all of a sudden sitting in the hallway of the hospital. Her hands were shaking, the only things she heard was echos, she only saw blurry. Hyunseungs mum rushed towards Hyuna. Hyuna, Hyuna! what happened how's Hyunseung!? She asked while shaking Hyuna, The girl didn't respond and just stared lifelessly through Hyunseung mother like she was invisible. Are you mr. Yangs relative? A doctor who came out of Hyunseungs room asked. Y-yes I'm his mother, How is my son!? His mother asked the doctor desperatly The doctor took of his glasses and sighted heavily. Unfurtunally- Hyunseung mum fell on her knees and started to cry NOO! Hyunseung! NOO! Hyuna stood up and looked with big eyes on the scene infront of her. N-N-Noway. She said and rushed out of the hospital. NONO THIS IS JUST A BAD DREAM, YES a very very bad dream, everything is going to be ok when I wake up, everything. She suddenly stopped and started to laugh. Hyunseung can't be dead? right? because I can still feel his warmth.. He can't be..


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Chapter 8: TT^TT this is so beautiful. Sniff*
rinimae #2
Chapter 8: so he was alive afterall?!?!?

yah JANG HYUNSEUNG!!! how dare you let our baby play outside?! xD

so yeah, I'm Hyunseung wife *bow*

hahahaha!! i love your story!! <3

Chapter 8: I actually liked the ending, i was glad that everyone was alive and happy. I didnt see any of that coming. I thought it was going to be super sad and tragic. Good job author!
Chapter 9: Yeah! But it wil be awesome if 2Hyun will be together again!!
WannaLoveSunggyu #5
Chapter 8: Nice ending!
Chapter 8: ....... TT_TT
Chapter 7: it's so sad!
WannaLoveSunggyu #8
Chapter 7: Wae? Why must Hyuna suffer. So sad! Destiny would never change even if how hard we try!
Chapter 6: woah! it's really interesting!!! \^o^/
really curious with what will happend next,, is Hyuna can change it & save Hyunseung?? ><
please update soon~~
WannaLoveSunggyu #10
Chapter 6: Woah! It is updated!