A.. Goodbye?

Redo My Life!


                                                                                                                                              FLASHBACK 5 Years ago:-

The next day Hyuna and Junhyung had told their friends the news, they were standing in Hyunas classroom surrounded by their classmates asking them questions and teasing them. Junhyung was scratching the back of his head, when he glaced at Hyuna. The girl was searching for something..or someone there. Hyuna what are you looking for? Junhyung asked and grabbed her shoulder. Hyuna looked at Junhyung surprised and shook her head. Oh,sorry I was just thinking why Hyunseung isn't here yet.. Maybe he's waiting for me at my house?.. since I didn't tell him i was going with you. Said Hyuna and took quick glaces at every corner in the classroom. Junhyung sighted and took her hand. Hyuna, He's already 17, He'll find his way to school on his own, ok?  Hyuna gave Junhyung a look before she let her eyes fall down on the ground. B-but.. before she could say anything Junhyung interupted No buts! If he comes late for class I'll apologize to him, ok? Hyuna nodded and gave Junhyung a small smile.

Class was about to start and Junhyung had already made his way towards his class, It was only 5 minutes before their mean math teacher would enter, She was worried what was wrong with Hyunseung, He's never late. And if he was absent he would call her, or text. What if something happened on the way here? What if there was an accident? What if he was kidnapped? Lost in the worst toughts Hyuna didn't realise class had started long ago. Her angry teachers voice was the one who made her snap out of it. HYUNA!?  ah..! Here! Her teacher snorted and continued Hyunseung?... That's unnusual, Guess he's absent. Hyori? - Here!

 Hyuna looked at the empty seat beside hers, She pressed her lips togheter and closed her eyes, What if something really happened? something bad. She stood up and rushed out fast before the teacher could scold her, She will deal with that later after she finds Hyunseung. She ran, ran as fast as she could, Her sweat was rinning down her cheeks and her long brown hair was swaying with the wind. She was running on their school way, If there was an accident it must have been on his way to school, she was prepared for the worst and each time there was a corner she had to turn, her heart was skipping an extra beat if she would end up seeing something horrible. She reached his house, Luckily she didn't see any accidents which means he should be at home, right? She went by the door and softly pressed the door bell. Wait a moment~ was faintly heard from the inside. a beautiful women opened the door and gave Hyuna a confused look. Ara, Hyuna why are you here Don't you have school? Asked Hyunseungs mum.

 I-Is Hyunseung here!? He wasn't at school, and and He d-didn't call or text me, s-so I- Hyuna worried asked. Y-your covered in sweat, Did you perhaps run here? Come inside, I'll give you a drink, Hyunseung is fine, He's at home with a cold, He was outside til' late at night yesterday, and only wore his school uniform, I didn't think my son would be that irresponsible. Said his mum and gave Hyuna lemon juice. Hyuna drank it fast, and placed the glasscup on the table. Umm.. Is it ok if I go and say hi to Hyunseung? Hyuna Shyly asked. His mum giggled and said Of course it's ok, You almost live here, feel free to do whatever you want, I have to leave for work now, Make sure he takes his medicine ok? See you Hyuna.
Hyuna was walking slowly to Hyunseungs room upstairs, she was holding a glass of water in one of her hands and the medicine in the other. She knocked the door before entering it. Hyunseung I got your medicine. She said almost whispering. Hyunseung was sleeping in his bed, His was was all red and he was moving around, It looked like he had a nightmare. Hyuna placed the water and medicine on the nighttable beside his bed and slowly leaned towards Hyunseung, She let her forhead touch his and felt his warmth, She kissed him on his head and said Pain, pain go away! She straightened her back, and looked at Hyunseung worridly, Why were you outside without a jacket Hyunseung? She could hear him mumble something, curiouse she went closer.
 Hyuna.. Hyuna.. was what she heard. She grabbed his hand What is it Hyunseung, I'm right here, Does it hurt somewhere? Before she realised Hyunseung had pulled her in for a hug, The girl tried to get away, but he was holding her too tightly. I..Love.. you, Hyuna.  was heard from the boys mouth. Hyuna covered with her hands and blushed like crazy. D-don't say stuff like that. she said while pressing her head on his chest. After a while Hyunseung lightened up his grip and Hyuna was able to get away, She stood up and walked towards the door, She made a stop before going out and glaced at Hyunseung. Pabo. She whispered and left the room. Hyunseung was awake all this time, But he was scared how Hyuna would react if she knew it, Yesterday he heard about Hyuna and Junhyung going out, it shocked him so much that he didn't want to return home. He couldn't hold his feeling inside anymore, But his bestfriend and crush was now dating, He couldn't bare with having Hyuna act all awkward if he actually confessed. He ate his medicine and went back to sleep. He wanted to be in well health tomorrow so he could see her.

The next day was weird, Hyunseung acted like nothing ever happened, Maybe Hyuna had imagined him saying those words to her, or maybe he didn't mean it like that, you know.. Like lovers kind of love. Hyuna felt a tap on her shoulder, Hyunseung asked if she had a moment and they went to the roof to talk. I heard you started to date Junhyung, Congratulations, You know what that means right? Hyunseung said with a smile. Hyuna shook her head and watched every movement the boy infront her her made. It means, We can't hold hands anymore, kiss, nor go to each others houses, or go to school togheter, since it'll worry your boyfriend and other people will misunderstand. Said hyunseung and turned his back to Hyuna. Hyuna stood there quiet trying to progress what is happening. Why can't it still be like it used to? The girl who is dating someone for the first time just didn't understand this. Hyunseung turned around and chuckled, He patted her head  Let's return to class. He said and went ahead of her. Hyuna nodded and followed him without saying a word.

She was spacing out in class, she held her hand by her head where he touched her. It always feels good when he pats my head.

But this time it didn't. It felt like.. a goodbye.

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Chapter 8: TT^TT this is so beautiful. Sniff*
rinimae #2
Chapter 8: so he was alive afterall?!?!?

yah JANG HYUNSEUNG!!! how dare you let our baby play outside?! xD

so yeah, I'm Hyunseung wife *bow*

hahahaha!! i love your story!! <3

Chapter 8: I actually liked the ending, i was glad that everyone was alive and happy. I didnt see any of that coming. I thought it was going to be super sad and tragic. Good job author!
Chapter 9: Yeah! But it wil be awesome if 2Hyun will be together again!!
WannaLoveSunggyu #5
Chapter 8: Nice ending!
Chapter 8: ....... TT_TT
Chapter 7: it's so sad!
WannaLoveSunggyu #8
Chapter 7: Wae? Why must Hyuna suffer. So sad! Destiny would never change even if how hard we try!
Chapter 6: woah! it's really interesting!!! \^o^/
really curious with what will happend next,, is Hyuna can change it & save Hyunseung?? ><
please update soon~~
WannaLoveSunggyu #10
Chapter 6: Woah! It is updated!