Thank you

Redo My Life!

Hyuna threw her keys on the kitchentable, she was exhausted from work so she went straight to the bed. She layed on her back, having one of her arms rest on her forhead, She just looked at the roof, without her face changing, and even if she was tired, she still didn't want to sleep. flashbacks kept on popping up in this girls head, It always happened. She's a girl who is stuck in her own past, But she doesn't intend to let go of it either.

5 years ago.


-Hyuna! hurry up, Hyunseung is waiting for you outside!

-Ok, ok! no need to shout mum!

Hyuna threw her backpack over her shoulder and went for a last check in the mirror, while fixing her bangs alittle she didn't notice that someone covered her eyes with their hands.

-Guess who! The person said excitedly. Hyuna grabbed the hands and turned around. - Ofcourse I knew it was you, stupid Hyunseung. Hyuna said and stuck her tounge out. Hyunseung pouted,Fast as she was Hyuna took the chance to grab his lips with her hands. -uch hhuna skopp!! (ouch, hyuna stop!!) was coming out of Hyunseungs mouth.  - What, I don't understand you? You want me to let go? Hyuna said between her chuckles. Hyunseung angrily nodded his head, and Hyuna finally let go. -Why did you do that, Hyuna? It really hurt. Said Hyunseung while having one of his hands to cover his mouth. Hyuna felt guilty, and pressed her lips togheter. - If I kiss the pain away, are we even then? She shyly said. Hyunseung widened his eyes. - N-no need to be surprised, we always kissed the pain away when we were younger, didn't we!? Hyuna said with a bit louder voice. Hyunseung was now laughing, hyuna became embarresed and stood there awkwardly, What was so funny with that? she toughed and pouted, giving small glaces at the boy who was laughing his off. Hyunseung stopped laughing and dried of the tears of his eyes. He gave Hyuna a smile and held out one of his hands. - Now, now Hyuna, we're 17 now, Don't you think giving a kiss on the lips will seem.. I don't know. a bit weird? Hyunseung said and pulled Hyuna closer for a hug. Hyuna just gave him a confused look, which made Hyunseung lauch even more

. - W-what's so funny? She said and tried to pull away from Hyunseung embrace. - A girl like you whom have never been in love, act like a tomboy, nither seen guys as a boyfriend material, will probably not know. Said hyunseung while smiling at her. Hmmp! it's not my fault that I haven't found the one! Hyuna said annoyed and turned her head to the opposite side. Hyunseung chuckled and grabbed Hyunas chin. We'll since you said you would kiss this pain away, I'll accept your offer. Hyunseung said, and before Hyuna could resist, she felt the warmth of his lips pressing agains her own. Hyunseung slowly let go of the kiss and laughed, Hyuna was standing there looking at him like a questionmark. - Hey you two! if you have time for that kind of thing, hurry up to school instead! Hyunseung and Hyuna both looked at the door surprised, Hyunas mum had seen everything and was everything but happy. Both looked at eachother and quickly picked up their bags, They ran past her mum before getting scolded any further. Don't do anything more than that ever again!! was heard behind them. When they got outside they breathed for air, they looked at eachother. and started to laugh really loud. Hyuna held out her hand and Hyunseung took it. Even if they wasn't dating, even if Hyuna didn't have those kind of feelings for Hyunseung, they still went to school holding hands, that's something they've always done, and will always do.

Or.. That's what Hyuna toughed.

End of Flashback


Hyuna rolled to her side on the bed and threw a pillow at the ceiling, She let out a big sight and closed her eyes. I miss him so much. I want to be with him, I want to feel his warmth all these kind of thoughts was being played in her head. after having her eyes closed for a while, she finally fell asleep.

The next morning started the same as usual, Waking up, getting a shower, breakfast and then off to work. She went to the café and prepeared everything before it opens for costumers, Hyuna is the owner so she always came a bit earlier than her co-workers. After some minutes the other workers had come and helper Hyuna with the last preparation. a couple of hours had went and it was soon time for her lunchbreak, Usually your break is around 30 minutes, But Hyuna always quickly ate her lunch and returned to work, if she stayed there for too long, her flashbacks would pop up and then she would be stuck in them for hours. She putted her black appron on and made her way to the cashier. Hyuna! was heard from the front door. Hyuna looked at the door, and gasped. A tear fell and rolled down on her peach colored cheeks. She ran towards the person hand hugged him tightly. All the workers were surprised, who was this person who made Hyuna act like that?

Hyuna excused herself to her co-workers and asked if it was ok that she had her break a bit longer. Happy to see her act a bit more brighten up they agreed to it. You got great workers there. the person warmly said. Hyuna nodded and pulled her scarf closer to her nose. They were making their ways to the bench. The boy, Woohyun who worked at the clothing store spotted her, he also saw the guy beside her. His smile disapeard and had a disapointed look on his face. Oh so she already had a man, Not that I care, it's not like we're close or anything.. no.. He clenched his fist togheter and hitted it at the ceiling. This is what happens if you're a coward. he told himself.

Hyuna was now sitting on the bench, with this person, Who is it? you might wonder. hyuna glaced at him a few times, She couldn't belive he was here. one person who haven't been there for 5 years now, someone she used to be with almost everyday in school, that same person who moved to America, and never came to visit, nor telling her how he was, where he've been. The person suddenly grabbed Hyunas hand. Hyuna I've recently heard about what happened after I moved.. I'm so sorry that I haven't been here for you, it must have been hard? He said and tightened his grip on her hand. Hyuna looked him in his eyes, and felt warm liquid roll down her cheeks, for 4 years she haven't cried, She felt as if she cried she would admit that it had happened, and accept that this is how it went, this is how it is now. She cried like there was no tomorrow, resting her head on his shoulder. He held on of his hands on her back and patted her, whispering It's ok now, I'm here for you, let it all out.  After a while Hyuna stopped to cry and was now slightly sobbing. She dried her tears and gave him a smile, My break is over, I have to go now. she said and got up from the bench Wait! he shouted and grabbed her hand. This is my current adress- and phone number, call me ok? Hyuna smiled and bowed to him before leaving, she gave him a warm smile and said.



Thank you Junhyung oppa.


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Chapter 8: TT^TT this is so beautiful. Sniff*
rinimae #2
Chapter 8: so he was alive afterall?!?!?

yah JANG HYUNSEUNG!!! how dare you let our baby play outside?! xD

so yeah, I'm Hyunseung wife *bow*

hahahaha!! i love your story!! <3

Chapter 8: I actually liked the ending, i was glad that everyone was alive and happy. I didnt see any of that coming. I thought it was going to be super sad and tragic. Good job author!
Chapter 9: Yeah! But it wil be awesome if 2Hyun will be together again!!
WannaLoveSunggyu #5
Chapter 8: Nice ending!
Chapter 8: ....... TT_TT
Chapter 7: it's so sad!
WannaLoveSunggyu #8
Chapter 7: Wae? Why must Hyuna suffer. So sad! Destiny would never change even if how hard we try!
Chapter 6: woah! it's really interesting!!! \^o^/
really curious with what will happend next,, is Hyuna can change it & save Hyunseung?? ><
please update soon~~
WannaLoveSunggyu #10
Chapter 6: Woah! It is updated!