Winter cold

Redo My Life!

-Hyuna, bring this to table nr. 3! 

- Roger!

-Good work today Hyuna, I will see you tomorrow.

- See you.

Hyuna POV

This is pretty much how my day look like; Waking up, Shower, Work, Get home, Sleep, and repeat the same routine day after day. My life right now is flat, nothing exciting is happening. I'm now a 22 year old girl who doesn't look forward in life, Now I sound like a gloomy person, right? Well, maybe I am. But let me stand for myself, I got friends I'm not some loner, no. I'm just slightly different, Not interested in same stuff as girls my age, like makeup and beauty. Well I used to be, But people changes as time goes by, the same as your memories does, people forget, and keeps on living, But not me, I just can't let go of the past time memories. Not because I'm starting to feel old and want to return to my perfect youth times, no. But the only time I really felt alive was when I went to high school, and he was there, My bestfriend, Hyunseung.

3rd pers. POV

Hyuna locked the café door and placed her keys inside her jeans pocket, The winter cold was tapping on her cheeks and made her shiver, She pulled her jackets zipper to the very top, preventing the cold from entering. Making her way home she went and boughed some coffee and ramen at a convinience store close by the café she was working at. Hyuna opened the can and started to drink of the warm drink, she let out a big sight with warm air and the cold weather made small clouds as she breathed. She spotted a trashcan and quickly finished the coffee, She placed her bare hands in her pockets and looked up at the star filled sky as she was walking. She had a small smile placed on her face, and chuckled from time to time, What is she thinking about? what is so funny? was probably in the passerbys minds. The girl who never smiled at her costumers, But weirdly enough the girl who worked at the famous cube café, was always smiling when she was walking home, while looking up to the sky.

The boy named Woohyun who worked at a clothing store on the same street would always see this girl, giving of a mysterious feeling, His eyes was always stuck after her, The warm smile she had, at the same time felt lonely, her sweet chuckles, also seemed empty, If he, Woohyun had a chance, He would like to talk to her, befriend with her, ask her why she is smiling, But no he keeps telling himself ''I'll do it tomorrow'' and keep regreting why he never do it, But still makes these excuses.

Hyuna spotted an very old bench, Even tho it's old and broken in many ways Hyuna still loves it. It has alot of memories, This bench have always been there, since she was born, and way back, alot of peoples memories are probably stuck with it, Sad ones, and happy ones, She let her weight fall on the bench and continued to look up at the sky. She suddenly closed her eyes, while humming on a song. A song which used to be popular in her high school days, She can't remember the lyrics or name, But the melody is stuck with her, He used to sing it all the time, So much that she got annoyed at him, Remembering how she used to scold him she let out a chuckle again, still having her eyes closed, still humming that song over and over again. Hyuna sat there for probably one hour, It started to get really late, So she stod up, she stretched her arms high in the air, She cupped her own cheeks, Exaclty like he used to do it, It just felt weird since it was herself who did it, but like this she feels closer to the past, going to the same places as her memories, Having them living inside her head over and over again. She continued her stroll home.

Lately she have noticed, She's starting to forget. Those precious memories of hers are starting to disapear. It's been five years already. It's a wonder she still remembers them so well, Other people have forgotten, But not Hyuna, She tries her best to remember them, If it's forgotten, It's over. If it's forgotten, It'll be like he's gone. She let out a shiver once again. She was just outside her front door when she made her last turn to look at the sky, She let out a painful smile before she went inside and said.


-I want to see you.






So yeah, this is the 1st chapter, I feel pretty bad since I wrote about winter when it's summer now haha.

How do you like this style of writing? is it confusing to understand, Tell me your opinion!  I will write easier to ''understand'' later on the other chapters, I just felt like this first needed to have a heavy kind of feeling into it. so the storyline haven't really started at the first chapter, But I hope you got some kind of ''view'' on how Hyuna is feeling here? :)

Anyways thank you everyone who takes your time to read this! ^^




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Chapter 8: TT^TT this is so beautiful. Sniff*
rinimae #2
Chapter 8: so he was alive afterall?!?!?

yah JANG HYUNSEUNG!!! how dare you let our baby play outside?! xD

so yeah, I'm Hyunseung wife *bow*

hahahaha!! i love your story!! <3

Chapter 8: I actually liked the ending, i was glad that everyone was alive and happy. I didnt see any of that coming. I thought it was going to be super sad and tragic. Good job author!
Chapter 9: Yeah! But it wil be awesome if 2Hyun will be together again!!
WannaLoveSunggyu #5
Chapter 8: Nice ending!
Chapter 8: ....... TT_TT
Chapter 7: it's so sad!
WannaLoveSunggyu #8
Chapter 7: Wae? Why must Hyuna suffer. So sad! Destiny would never change even if how hard we try!
Chapter 6: woah! it's really interesting!!! \^o^/
really curious with what will happend next,, is Hyuna can change it & save Hyunseung?? ><
please update soon~~
WannaLoveSunggyu #10
Chapter 6: Woah! It is updated!