~i am a good boy~

My brother is Super Junior and my boyfriend is EXO

Oh my god! GD is standing in front of me….wait…why is he here?

“ err GD seongsaegnim? If you don’t mind me asking but why are you here?” he turns and looks at me

“Ahh sorry I did just kinda show up without texting you first” he rubbed the back of his neck

“I’m your first schedule” he says with a big goofy smile

*WHAT I’m working with GD for my first task?! Omo aish 

 “d-d-de?! Negaeyo?! But um….i…” I fumbled with my words..not knowing what to say or how to even say anything. I was so nervous I’ve never worked with one of my seniors before…

”Jiyong would you like to come in?” Tablo oppa ask him after giving him some weird secret handshake.

“ anni WE have to get going…some other time hyung” he waves me over.

“Mei-ah lets go. I’ll explain on our way”.

We are sitting in the van stuck in traffic of course, he is on his phone browsing threw his social media and here I am sitting here all awkward and stuff. Not knowing what to do I also bring out my phone and log into my twitter account (I have full control over my social media) I look over to make sure he isn’t looking and I quickly take a selca

“ aishhh im so nervous right now >//<”

I post it up on my twitter and seconds later my phone blows up * ahhh a destraction~ * I slowly take my time to go through everything even responding to some of my followers.

“ why are you nervous?” gd whisperted in my ear. I basically jumped out of my sseat

“ BWOH!...oh sorry you scared me I didn’t mean to yell” I quickly apolozie and bow to him.

“ahah its ok I didn’t mean to startle you…you posted on your twitter that you were nervous…” I literally sat there mouth wide open looking at him…*omg does…how…is he following me on TWITTER?! *

“eh?.....EHHHH!” I pretty much scream in his face. He quickly leans away from me and gives me a creepy little grin smirk thing

“ I follow you on twitter….miahn” he then gets out of the van and heads toward the building

*woah when did we even get here?*I get out and follow him. I recognize this place…its where super junior oppas always practiced and where EXO would practice too..its also the first place I met Kri- well…I rather not bring up sucj memories.

“whats wrong with your face?” GD pokes my scrunched forehead trying to relax the wrinkles that have sudden formed after a rather disterbing thought.

“anni…just a lot of memories are here for me some good..and some I rather not remember..” I responded quitely as I try to fix my bag on my shoulder. GD looks at me and bends down to my level

“we can go somewhere else if you would like..” I look him in the eyes and suddenly get butterflies *bwhoyah this…feeling….Kris…* the feeling I got when he looked at me is the exact feeling I had when Kris would look at me…..touch me….laugh …sing….

“anni its totally fine….lets get going..” we enter the building and the secretaries immeditatly sand up and bow to us as we make our way to the elevator. I go straight to the floor controls and press 12 the floor EXO and Super Junior use.

“ umm Mei-shii…that’s the wrong floor…” he presses 5 and cancels the 12.

“oh im sorrry I was totally on autopilot for a second.” He laugh it off.

“okay so your first schedual is now a start. Me and Taeyang just finished our new song called Good Boy but we don’t have choero for it yet. That’s where you come in. I need the choero for this song by Friday cause we will be performing this on inkigaeyo . can you do it?” Friday that’s in 3 days…should be plenty of time. I nod to him and start setting up

“ okay the way I come up with new choero is that I listen to the song for about an hour to memorize the beats then I come up with the steps. 2 day it should be done ill use the last day to perfect it”

I say as I put on my sneakers and tie up my hair. Im wearing sweatpants and a sports bra my usual dance outfit.

“ great. You can use this room..i have another appotnitment to attend to so if you have any questions call me”

he pats my shoulder and leaves. I sit there and listen to the song..its catchy but a lot of beats…this could be alittle troublesome but whatever. Lets begin.




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Its Nice :DD
uh... awesome!!!
Chapter 26: .... uh like MyStarryNight listen to music that's what I do for my stories :)
Chapter 26: Listen to music?? Go out and rake a walk. Im not sure but for me inspriation comes at random times
Chapter 25: T_T update soon
Chapter 25: oh gosh... TT^TT
Chapter 24: please update soon i already re read this many times
haesicarocks #8
Chapter 24: wow great update !!
KpopAddict28 #9
Chapter 24: Hahahahahahaha Busted XD
Chapter 23: OMG don't they recognize her? She must been in a bad situation.