The videos

My brother is Super Junior and my boyfriend is EXO

"anni....ANDWAE OPPA DONT CALL THEM PLEASE!!" ive never been so scared before....i felt that if he called everyone it would just destroy everything that ive new life....would just burn. I grabbed his arm and took his phone "YAH KEI WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!  GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK NOW!" I ran as fast as i could out of the practice room, Heechul and EXO both hot on my tail.

i headed for the staris in hopes of tiring them out. Going up the staris starting at the fisrt level we began our ascend......there are 45 floors in this building. " o-oh my god..." by the 27 floor i was out of breath and exhausted. i look behind me and i dont see the boys but i could sure hear them complaining. " they have to be at least a few floors down.....eettoke" i looked around and decided to enter the floor i was on....the 27th floor.

I closed the door quietly behind me * they shouldnt find me here* i said to myself. i walked down the hall, it was quite almost as if noone was here. i went into everyroo, to find it empty * thats creepy* i ended up going into a random room whiched seemed like a practice room and sat down taking a breather. I took out heechuls phone and was greeted with the lock screen and a picture.....a picture of me and chullie oppa posing together. *after all this time....* i wipped the tears from my eyes and began trying to unlock his phone....the first code i punched in was the correct birthday. i checked his ccall history and text to make sure he didnt call or tell anyone * nothing* i sighed *thats good* then i got cerious .....should i see if he has anypictures with the boys.. i wouldnt mind seeing how they look now....i went to the gallery but accidently pushed the videos there were 12 videos....eached labeled with each of the guys from super juniors names* what are these?* i clicked on the first one..

Heechul's video: " todays date is 6/20 its been about 3 months since Kei disapeared....they given up on searching for her...they told us to accepted the fact that she is gone....but how do they axpect us to accept the fact that our little sister is d-dead...thats sick " rubs eyes and chuckles " i think that she is out there still...waiting for us to find her but everyone gave up to easily.... Kei-ah if your out there...jebal(please) come back home...we miss you and we are very worried about you..." starts crying "im not giving up on you i promise" -end of video-

that video....he made a video diary about my disappering. i sat there hands shaking *should i watch the others?* my hand hesitently went to the next video......*click

Leetuek's video: " its been 3 months 2 weeks 3 days since she disapperead we havent heard from her....everyone thinks she has been kidnapped and killed.....but not me i know my little girl is out there somewhere...where? i dont know " grabs a pink scarg from his lap" this was her favorite...she wore it all the time even when it was hot " starts laughing at the memorie" where did she go?....KeiKei....come home " looks into the camera before it ends - end of video

i didnt even hesitate to play the next video

Yesung's video: " .........she isnt dead.....she cant be dead.....WHY DID EVERYONE STOP LOOKING FOR HER!? SHE IS STILL OUT THERE DAMNIT" -end of video- 

i stared at the screen....ive never seen Yesung oppa lose it before..... he seemed to have lost his mind. i wiped the tears from my face and contuined down 

Kangin's video: "no sigh of her....not even a strand of her hair... its almost like when she disappered every single trace of her disapered as well everyone went mental...Heechul had to be put in the hospital for alittle...he went totally insane that his little princess went missing...Eunhyuk...well..he hasnt left his room since she disappered. i...well...went to jail for a DUI...." rubs bacck of neck and looks directly into the camera " but i understand why everyone went crazy.....our little sister.....dead? kidnapped? murdered? r-?! just thinking about that makes me want to go insane...." -end of video- 

Shindong's video: "Kei....just saying her name...makes my heart she really gone?...forever? " tears run down his face as he gets up and leaves - end of video- 

Sungmin's video: his face pale...eyes sunken and dark "who ever....took our Kei....i will kill you" looks into the camera with deadly eyes and smiles "your a dead man" -end of video

Eunhyuk's video: shows a door....with crying and screaming coming from it " thats Eunhyuk....its been like that everyday....weve gotten used to his screams " -end of video-

by this point i was in hyteria i was crying so much i couldnt see anything my hands couldnt hold the phone anymore and my breathing hitched...i never relised how much pain i caused everyone when i left....




its been a really long time....omo i DDX 

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Its Nice :DD
uh... awesome!!!
Chapter 26: .... uh like MyStarryNight listen to music that's what I do for my stories :)
Chapter 26: Listen to music?? Go out and rake a walk. Im not sure but for me inspriation comes at random times
Chapter 25: T_T update soon
Chapter 25: oh gosh... TT^TT
Chapter 24: please update soon i already re read this many times
haesicarocks #8
Chapter 24: wow great update !!
KpopAddict28 #9
Chapter 24: Hahahahahahaha Busted XD
Chapter 23: OMG don't they recognize her? She must been in a bad situation.