Chapter Eleven

The Master And His Pet

Sungyeol sighed as he snuggled into Sunggyu's chest. Though he had just spent an hour having , the only thing that had been on his mind was his pet. He was confused. Just a couple weeks ago, Myungsoo hated him and would always disobey. Have you lost your mind? Aish.. I like disobedient Myungsoo more..

"I should be the only one you kiss.."

"I want to be more to you Master.."

"I love you Master.."

Sungyeol groaned in annoyance. 

"What's the matter?" Sunggyu asked whilst kissing his forehead. 

"Nothing. I'm tired." Sungyeol lied. He didn't dare to tell Sunggyu about the things Myungsoo had said and did to him. Yes, Myungsoo is just a pet. But if Sunggyu were to find out about what Myungsoo did, and how Sungyeol reacted, he would be furious. Sunggyu is already abusive, and the fact that he's the jealous type only makes things worse.

Sunggyu chuckled. "Was I too rough on you?" 

Sungyeol shook his head and smiled at his lover. 

"You know I love you, right?"

When Sungyeol didn't reply, Sunggyu sighed. "I'm gonna go check on Woohyun."



"Myungie, are you going to eat?"

Myungsoo shook his head. "I'm not that hungry." 

Woohyun pouted. "Not even a bite? I have to eat it all by myself?'

Myungsoo couldn't resist Woohyun's cuteness, and gave in. 

"Fine, I'll have some~" He chuckled.


Woohyun, his mouth full with noodles, turned around to see his master walking towards them. "Master!"

Sunggyu chuckled and ruffled his pet's hair. "Did Myungsoo make you ramyun?"

"Mhmm!" Woohyun nodded. "Master, when are we leaving?"

"We're staying for the weekend, remember?"

Myungsoo ignored their conversation and continued to eat.

"But I always sleep with Sungjongie!"

"It's only two nights. Can't you just sleep by yourself?"

Woohyun whined. "But I don't like being alone! It's scary!"

"Can't you just sleep with Myungsoo?"

Myungsoo looked up when he heard his name. Sunggyu turned to Myungsoo, "He can sleep with you, right?"

"No! I only sleep with two people! That's Sungjongie and you, Master!" Woohyun cried.



Sunggyu sighed and cupped Woohyun's face in his hands. "Okay, okay. Don't cry. We'll go home later tonight. Okay?"

Woohyun sniffled and nodded. "Can I sleep with you tonight, Master?"

Sunggyu stayed quiet. He wanted to say no, but didn't want to make Woohyun upset again. But he was too late. Woohyun had already ran off, and was crying again. Myungsoo stared at Sunggyu and shook his head before chasing after Woohyun.



Myungsoo had followed Woohyun back outside to the garden. Woohyun had been sitting underneath a cherry blossom tree, and was hugging his knees as he cried. Myungsoo sighed and sat beside him. 

"I hate Master.." Woohyun sobbed. "He never wants to play with me, and he never lets me sleep with him.."

Myungsoo put his hand on Woohyun's back, caressing it softly.

"It's like Master doesn't love me anymore.. Master replaced me with Master Sungyeol.." 

"Why doesn't Master love me anymore? Myungie, why?"

Myungsoo couldn't answer. He didn't know what to say.


Woohyun looked up when he heard his master calling him, but shook his head and turned around so that he was facing the tree.

"Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you.." 


"Go away! I hate you!" Woohyun sobbed, leaving Sunggyu in shock.

"Woohyun, don't say that.. i-I'll take you home, okay? And you can sleep with me tonight. Just.. Just don't say that, okay?"

Woohyun sniffled and wiped his tears. "You're lying.. You always lie.."

"What's- Woohyun-ah, what's wrong?" 

Sunggyu turned around and looked at his lover with an apologetic face. "Yeol, I'm sorry, but Woohyun is really upset so we're gonna go home."

Sungyeol nodded and smiled. "Don't worry, it's fine. Woohyun-ah, come here~"

Woohyun finally turned around then ran to Sungyeol, who had his arms out, and hugged him tightly. "Don't be sad, okay?" Sungyeol chuckled while ruffling Woohyun's hair. Woohyun nodded and wiped his tears away. 

"Yeol, I'm really-"

"Yah, stop apologizing~ I told you, it's fine." Sungyeol giggled and kissed his lover on the cheek. Sunggyu smiled and wrapped his arms around Sungyeol's waist. 

Myungsoo, who was still sitting, happened to be watching his master and he did not like it when Sunggyu touched him. He didn't like it at all.



Myungsoo watched his master tiredly walk upstairs to his room. Sunggyu and Woohyun had already left, and now Myungsoo could finally talk to his master without Sunggyu bothering him.

He followed after his master, and almost got hit in the face by the door.

"Myungsoo? I didn't know you were behind me." Sungyeol yawned.

"Master, can I come in?"

Sungyeol didn't say anything, but walked away leaving the door still open. Myungsoo took that as a yes and closed the door before hugging his master from behind. 

"Yah, Myung-"

"Do you love Master Sunggyu?"

Sungyeol was quiet for a few seconds, then finally answered. "Yes. I love him."

"Why'd you hesitate?"

"Look, Myungsoo. I already told you-"

"Why not? Why don't you love me the way I love you?"

Sungyeol pushed himself away from Myungsoo, but Myungsoo hugged him again.

"Master.." Myungsoo buried his face in Sungyeol's chest, and hugged him tighter. 




"What is it, Woohyun?"

Woohyun stared at his hands, wondering if he should ask the question he was about to ask or not.

"Woohyun-ah, what's the matter?"

"Master.. Why don't you love me anymore?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Sunggyu frowned. "What are you talking about?" 

"You replaced me with Master Sungyeol.. Because you don't love me anymore.."

Sunggyu sighed and pulled over on the side of the road.

"Woohyun, I never replaced you. Why would you-"

"Because you don't even let me sleep with you anymore! And you never play with me! You don't even say 'Goodnight'.." Woohyun cried while staring out the window, not wanting to look his master in the eyes.

"I don't know why you bring me to Master Sungyeol's.. You don't even talk to me at home.."

"I bring you because I don't want you to be alone!" 

"I'm always alone anyway.."

Sunggyu sighed and gently turned Woohyun's face so that he was facing him.

"I still love you, Woohyun-ah. Don't you ever say that I replaced you. Okay?" 

Woohyun stared at Sunggyu, with tears flowing from his eyes. "Aish.." Sunggyu leaned closer and kissed Woohyun's lips softly. 

"m-Master, what-"

"Don't cry anymore. I'm sorry." Sunggyu wiped Woohyun's tears away and kissed his forehead.

"Let's go home now."





A/N : That gif helped me write.



I'm gonna have this gif in every A/N.



Cynthia <3










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Sorry, I'm a little late.. I was really busy today, and only got time to do two updates. I'll be able to post tomorrow though. ^^


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nana0415 #1
Chapter 18: I hope you can update this story soon..I really like your story..Fighting!^^
Chapter 17: hahahaha...hakyeon soooo cuteeeeeee !!! XDD
Chapter 18: I hope you get better I went through depression too and I was only in 8th grade . I hope everything gets better. Good luck
hakushinigami0 #4
Chapter 18: It's okay :33 fighting all the way~~
Black_Raven #5
Chapter 17: i'm gonna crazy by your story author-nim. it just. from the first chapter, i have been like this 0///////0 . it was. i don't know what to say. i'm in daze.
i like your story and i'll wait for an update. fighting~~
Yasamin #6
Chapter 17: I love your storys
mastermind #7
Chapter 11: OMG!!! From what movie is that ???? Btw I love your story!! I love sungyeol being the TOP! I think since destiny he become manlier!
Nayama #8
Chapter 17: oh my God Yeolli said it! what happened in the past?? who is the one he love and hurt? i am so excited >.<
Chapter 17: He. Finally. Said. It!!!!!! I was waiting for that! *throws hearts everywhere like Woohyun*
Woohyun why r u so adorable?!? >.<