Cupid begins

I'll never fall for you... Never [Who Am I?]



"I CALL JUHEE, ANNI, RIYOUNG, DAEHYUN....and hmmm CHANGSUB!" Sumi shot up her hand.

"Calm down Sumi, we pick groups tomorrow. You should discuss with your peers before volentolding them to join your group."
"Araseo Saeng, I'll talk to them at Lunch"
After 4 long periods the lunch bell rang.
Finallyyyyyy. Everyone ran to Jung Daehyun on hopes of recruiting him
"Join my group JEBALLLLL"
"I'll love you forever" Yoo Youngjae exclaimed. (cough he already does)
"I'll give you my lunch tickets for a week!"
"No my group is better!"
But surprisingly he turned down all the offers. "I'm aready in Juhee and Sumi's group. Mianhae"
Sumi couldn't help but overhear Daehyun's proclamation of officially joining their group. "JINJJA DAEHYUN? YOUR'RE JOINING OUR GROUP?"
"Yupp" he started to blush.
You caught his blush. ...Now I'm positive he likes Sumi. It's so obviously now. Hmmm what can Cupid do now...
"What about you Changsub, want to join our group too?" Sumi look at him with sparkling eyes.
"Pleaseeee join Changsub I don't wanna be the only guy" Daehyun pleaded. 
"Araseo, I'll join your group."
...Oh great Changsub again. This kid is only trouble...
"Where do we meet up?" Riyoung pops up out of nowhere, scaring Sumi to death.  
"I vote Changsub's or Juhee's house! We can get to there by bus!"
"Ehh whatttttt" both candidates waved their arms in an x motion.
"How about we all exchange numbers and discuss meeting later." you suggested ...This way Sumi will have Daehyun's number! Muahahahaha Cupid at her finest... you sneaked sly grin at Sumi who immediately caught on. 
"GOOD IDEA" she concurred.
You all passed each other phones, punching in numbers. You held Changsub's phone in you hands and couldn't help but motive notice the puppies on his wallpaper. 
...Those dogs look familiar Hmmmmm...
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Chapter 16: Please update??
deulightful #2
Chapter 11: I totally ship Juhee and Changsub <33
deulightful #3
Oooooh me like *ㅁ*