
I'll never fall for you... Never [Who Am I?]



Him again... you stared at him. His hair and clothes were disheveled, it looked like he just rode the fastened highest roller coaster in the world. 

"Lee Changsub ibnmida, sorry in late, I'm a transfer student and got lost"
Oh saeng's sharp eyes lessened.... Not the old lady act. Everyone began to rolled their eyes. 
Note #23: The witch acts insanely nice to transfer students only to eat them alive a week later. 
"Poor guy" the chatters started to rise. 
"SHUT UP" Oh saeng banged her notebook on the podium, then turned to Changsub "Please sit down hun" 
Wow this two faced witch... you eyed Changsub move toward the desk front and center next to the class genius Jung Daehyun.
"Now everyone take good care of him araseo?" Another sweet old lady act. 
"Now you are dismissed. Kim Anni, Lim Juhee, Lee Changsub, meet me in the teachers office after class." 
Your heart stopped.
The class moved on to first period, while you three students called out walked towards the office. Anni caught up to Changsub and put her arms around him as if they knew each other since forever ago. He tried to slide out but her grip was impressive. This, of course, is nothing new. Anni is known for being the biggest flirt in the school, talking about boys 24/7 and toying with their hearts. You on the other hand was not interested in guys and has never fallen in love. But your friends will never stop ranting about their crushes and boyfriends so you learned to go along and listen. If your job in the future fails then you could always just become a marriage counselor because that's all you deals with. 
"Sooo Changsub where ya from? What's school?" Anni starts interrogating him as her d-cup chest presses into him. You can tell that he's uncomfortable but there's no escape. All of Anni's victims cannot run from her spell whether they what to or not.
"I'm from close to this area, around the bus stop. I used to go to a private school but it became too expensive so i transferred here. 
"Bus stop area? That's where Juhee lives right?" Anni exclaimed! Most students that attend the school must come by train due to the awkward river and limited housing. The funny thing is all the families that live around you have children that are Jumin's age, where as all of your classmates live past the station. 
"So are you Juhee's neighbor? Did you know her ahead of time? Can I come over?" The questions pilled up and Changsub started feeling awkward. 
"We better hurry, I wonder what that nice teacher wants?"
You stopped suddenly and choked ...Haaaaaaaaaa nice? Oh Changsub you're too funny. Wow he'd actually falling for the fake act? This kid... She wanted to start laughing but managed to contain herself ...He's new here you can't blame him...
You guys arrive at the office. You can see all the teachers rushing to gather their lesson plans for first period. 
"Speaking of which, what's your first period guys?" Anni looks at Changsub and Juhee with hopeful eyes.
"I think I have Bio next" Changsub said uneasily. You could tell he was hoping to not have any classes with Anni.
"I have Bio too" you replied, Changsub's eyes lit up.
"OHHHH EMMMM GEEEEE I HAVE BIO TOO! THIS IS SO AWESONE WE ARE GONNA SEE EACH OTHER EVERY MORNING YAY" she started jumping up an down and suddenly grabbed both of their hands, "LETS GO TOGETHER!!!"
"Hold up we need to find out what Oh saeng wants." you approache her desk. 
"Oh you! Where's the paper your parents needed to sign regarding your regents from last year. It's not like you did bad," your neck stiffens ...but it was bad... she thought my parents it is... You did worse than her cousin and was not looking forward to the lecture. "Oh sorry! I'll bring it tomorrow" You totally forgot to forge the signature. "I already called your parents about this..."
"Oh...." You sighed and ambled out. 
"BY THE WAY. Are you some communist demonstrator? What was that all about... Balling up ur fist when I called you name...." Oh saeng shouted across the room. 
Your face turned a bright pink, the kind of pink on VIXX's debut album.
"I'm sorry!" And she you out. 
"YAH KIM ANNI, wearing heels again? You want me to break those and make you use then as chopsticks. Change into your gym shoes THIS INSTANT"
Anni rolled her eyes and walked out. 
"Now, Lee Changsub sweetie. Welcome to our school. If you ever need any help don't hesitate to ask for help. Araseo?" 
"Now go to wouldn't want to be late.... AGAIN"
Oh saeng's laser sharp eyes meet up with Changsub's signaling him to leave immediately.


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Chapter 16: Please update??
deulightful #2
Chapter 11: I totally ship Juhee and Changsub <33
deulightful #3
Oooooh me like *ㅁ*