A Day at the Office 1

Who's my Daddy? [On temporary hiatus]

Just as promised, Wooyoung would be taking Lauren for two days. Two days! AT THE OFFICE! With people who would gawk at him and whisper weird things behind his back. It was already bad enough that a couple of colleagues were bullying him at work since he started in this company. Having Lauren won't really change the situation though. At least she was old enough to understand what he said.


"Lauren ah...promise me you won't shout or say anything." He ordered her, and she simply stared back at him with her large adorable eyes. Wooyoung couldn't bring himself to scold her.  Look at her! She was so full of wonder. He just hoped no one would touch her.


Before he could even begin his day, someone he didn't wish to meet suddenly popped out in front his desk and sneered at him mockingly. "So you brought a baby this time. Is that a method to get a promotion?"


A friend of his passed by and they gave each other a high-five. Wooyoung kept his down, thinking how much lamer can these bozos be. But instead he said, "As if sleeping around with the boss' daughter would even get you anywhere." He knew the consequences of his words but he didn't care. He was tired of all this bull he had to face at work. No one at home knew what was going on in his office. He left the house with a smile and came home with a smile, so everyone assumed he was fine. But behind closed doors, he would bawl his eyes out until some sort of relief finally sets in. Then only would he truly be fine.


The bully froze in his spot and scanned around to see if anyone was listening. He was furious right then, couldn't believe Wooyoung had just mentioned something he demanded the younger man to keep. "Don't you dare with me, Jang Wooyoung." He warned in a low voice, danger emitting from his aura. "Or else you'll be wishing you were never alive."


Wooyoung should have nodded his head and quietly agreed to that warning. But a large part of him was angry that this guy dared to threaten him in front of Lauren with words he didn't want his daughter to hear. He glanced at her to see if she was listening but all she did was stare at him with those same large eyes Nichkhun has. They were large, bright and curious.


"Hey Jang, were you listening to me? I said don't you dare ---"


"You should shove your back to your cubicle or else I'm telling the boss on you." Wooyoung hissed back. And the guy stared at him in surprise. "If you ever say bad words in front of my daughter again, I swear to god, I will mutilate you myself."


"We're not done yet, Jang. I hope you know you've just dig your own grave." The other said before moving back to his own cubicle.


The rest of Wooyoung's day was filled with countless phone calls and paperwork. Lauren was given a toy and she happily played it within his cubicle area. Wooyoung didn't want her to disappear elsewhere because the place was so huge. Some of his colleagues who were okay with him showered her with praises like 'oh-you're-so-cute' and 'do-you-want-to-play-with-noona?'.  And even 'let-me-pinch-your-chubby-cheeks'. Lauren didn't mind. She enjoyed the attention. Some of the bosses dropped by later in the day, having heard about her, and cooed her to play with them for a second. She became quite an entertainers and Wooyoung was happy to have brought his daughter along.


But work and personal life should never overlap. The bosses soon asked if he was done with the paperwork they gave him. "All arranged in this stack, boss. Do you need anything else?" Since Wooyoung did his job fast and precise, they allowed him a slight freedom after he was done with the workload they gave him.


"Have lunch with your daughter first. I'll ask my secretary to send you the next stack later."


"Yes, boss." He said, with no questions.


Lunch consisted of packed lunch for Wooyoung and fruits for Lauren. She loves them: watermelons especially. And while she ate, her eyes would roam about, following a busy man rushing past, or glancing over at the noona in the next cubicle, and even laughing along to a joke Wooyoung cracked without knowing why.


"Aigoo...she's so cute." One of the noonas said, reaching a hand over to Wooyoung's cubicle to pinch her cheeks. Lauren smiled back at her. "Wooyoung ah, I'm so jealous. Your wife is so lucky."


"Thank you." Wooyoung didn't tell anyone about his private life. There was no reason to say anything. He wasn't that close with anyone anyway. "Lauren ah, open your mouth. Eat some papaya." He scooped the small piece of papaya into and she chewed on it happily.


After she was done, she said, "Appa, chanana." beaming with excitement. Wooyoung took out the banana he packed in her bag.


Banana. She loves banana as much as Chansung. He didn't want it to get to him. Food obsession isn't really a factor to determine the real parent. But Lauren had done nothing that reminded him of himself so far. "Ne, baby...open your mouth." He chewed on her banana a little first because it was slightly harder than the other fruits. And then he slowly fed her piece by piece. Lauren kept asking for more.


Lunch ended a little later than he hoped, but with Lauren there, it was no surprise. The secretary sent over the next stack of work and Wooyoung got down to it. Lauren continued playing with her toys but soon got tired of them. She tugged on his pants and reached out her arms: a sign that said she wanted to be carried.


"What's wrong, Lauren?"


"Sleep..." She whined tiredly. "Appa, carry."


He smiled softly at her and gently carried her up to his lap. "Do you want appa to sing you a song?"


She nodded a little, eyes already half-shut. As he continued reading the contracts in front of him, he quietly sang out Poporo's song to her. She eventually drifted off to sleep in his lap, dreaming about her mummy who would be returning soon.




Yay!v I updated again. The subscribers have reached 49 for this story. So happy!! And for those who have subscribed, don't be shy to comment. I won't eat you guys.


Unless I'm really hungry then NYUM! Hahahaha. Just kidding. This update is a little short. Mainly cause I'm staying at a friend's house today and he needs to use his lappy.


Opinions anyone?


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Chapter 16: Laures's wander trip :D
Chapter 14: it's too cute ^^.. taking her to work
Chapter 10: poor Khunnie T^T
Chapter 9: if somebody would se me now, would think i'm bipolar: one minute laughing like an idiot and the next crying my eyes out.. what a story ;)
Chapter 7: LMFAO!!! i'm having so much fun reading this story.. i can't stop laughing imagining those 10 idiots trying to teach Lauren a new word :D
Chapter 6: phuahahahhahaa!!!! Lauren, you smart girl!!!.. i can hear her saying so cutley: ^^ ..

ahem.. i wonder if the other guys will still want to eat in that kitchen after TaecKay "used" it :3
Chapter 5: phweeeeeeuuuu.... thank God ^^
Chapter 4: T^T........
Chapter 2: phuahhaahaha!! "my mommy has been rather... busy with my daddies... " .. wth??!!!.. LOOOL the troll daddy <3