He's a player?

Will you be there for me?

For those that are still confused as to why Byunghun does not know how Chanhee looks like, it's because he'd only seen Chanhee with the tubes and machines all over his face Byunghun can't make out how he looks like exactly. I know it sounds a little ridiculous but please be lenient on me? I'm not familiar with hospital stuff. :/


<Byunghun, Chanhee, Nurse Kim>

*Byunghun’s POV*

I have totally no idea how and where to start searching for Chanhee because I never had the chance to get to know him but I figured I should show up before him in top form if I ever found him so I have to stop wallowing in sorrow. “Chanhee ah just wait. I will find you and make you fall in love for me one day.”

*Chanhee’s POV*

“Chunji?” “Oh hi By- L.Joe ssi.” “Hi. What are you doing here?” Because you told me you’re living in this area so I came to check out if its true. “Oh nothing just came to visit a friend of mine. How about you?” “My apartment is just in front. Do you want to come over and take a look?” I just stared at him. Did he just invite me to go to his house? “Oh sorry I forgot we just knew each other today so it’s a bit early to invite you to my house. I guess I just felt too familiar around you I that I forgot about it.” I see so you say this to everyone that you just knew huh. Telling them you get this familiar feeling around them so its easier to get to them isn’t it? So you’re really a player.

“Chunji ssi? Did I scare you? Pardon me for being so random and weird I have no idea why am I like that too.” Oh great your lines never change. Now I’m certain that you are just a damn player. “It’s ok I guess I’ll get going then?” “Yeah sure. I’m really sorry for being all weird and stuff. Goodbye.” He bid farewell and smiled warmly before leaving. Damn that smile of his is too bright I temporarily forget he was a player. Oh right a warm smile or a killer smirk is a must of a player.

“Hey don’t forget to report to work on Thursday!” Byunghun turned and shouted to me before he smirked and continue walking down. He smirked. A ing killer smirk. And what did I just say about a player? A warm smile and a killer smirk is a must for a player and he have it all. Idiot Lee Byunghun why did you prove me right?

*The next day*

*Byunghun’s POV*

Here I am at the hospital again. Since this is where I met Chanhee, my search for Chanhee will start here. To be honest, I have nowhere to go too so I can only start from here. “L.Joe ssi? Why are you here?” “Hi Chunji we met again. I am here to find someone. What about you? Are you feeling unwell?” “Erm nope I came to visit a friend of mine. I’m leaving now. Bye.” Chunji said and left as if he was in a hurry. Why is it that I’m always bumping into Chunji? Oh well search for Chanhee is more important.  

“Hi Nurse Kim did Chanhee came back?” “Ah Byunghun ssi! You missed him again. He left 10 minutes ago.” “Oh damn! I’ll be going! Thanks and bye Miss Kim!” “Good luck!” Ugh! Why do I miss him everytime? Now where am I suppose to find him? I ran out of the hospital and search for any sign of Chanhee, provided I’m able to recognize him but I just don’t see anyone that looks like him. I guess I started feeling desperate and start asking random young men if they are Chanhee and they just look at me like I am some crazy guy but I can’t be bothered. All I want now is to find Chanhee. “Lee Chanhee where did you go again?” I shouted a little too loud but got no response.

*Chanhee’s POV*

“L.Joe ssi? Why are you here?” Why is he back here again? Any chance that it’s because of me? “Hi Chunji we met again. I am here to find someone. What about you? Are you feeling unwell?” He sounded a little too concern when he ask if I’m feeling unwell it warmed my heart but i remembered he’s a player so I shouldn’t get too carried away. He’s here to find someone else to prey on not you Lee Chanhee stop dreaming. “Erm nope I came to visit a friend of mine. I’m leaving now. Bye.” I quickly make my way out and escaped, not wanting to know more about Byunghun finding someone else to flirt with. Once I made my way out, tears start to flow uncontrollably again. “Damn it Lee Chanhee you are so weak. Stop crying and forget about that player. What about your plan to get that player to fall for you before dumping him? How can you do it when you are so weak?” I decided to just let myself cry for this last time and become stronger.



Oh god i'm so sorry it ended up like that! I have a feeling i'm gonna get killed soon! I know its y but i tried. Sorry i'm really busy with school work and haven't been updating regularly i didn't mean for it to happen too but it just did. Please don't leave and continue to support me and our dear chunjoe alright? I need your motivation so please comment and subscribe!! Cheers! ^^

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Kazaria #1
Chapter 10: You've left me hangin on this cliff forever... ;(

Update soon I really REEAALLYYY Like this story I~~~~~ wanna read mo~ore
Chapter 11: Cliffhanger T^T
And that's okay Author-nim. I write some fictions too for my friends and I know how it feels to loose the chap. you liked .-.
We will wait. Fighting ^-^
Chapter 11: OMO they really need to talk and it's okay we can wait!
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Chapter 11: Anyway, it's okay author-nim... We'll wait~
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh you are cruel cutting it like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Omo author-nim! I know how you feel, there isn't so many ChunJoe lately =/ But don't give up okay? ChunJoe will always be ChunJoe! Fighting! [And I really love the update btw =)]
Chapter 9: AWWW poor ljoe!!! Ahhhh chunji find out the truth ljoe just tell him!!!
Bambi10 #8
Chapter 9: U should double updates often lol and awwww poor l.joe he soo sweet and everything...chunji dont take revenge and break his heart he is looking for u
Chapter 9: yeeey double update \(^o^)/ uuuggh i don't know what to say, with all the misunderstand and oh my god, chunji still planning to revenge eventhough he know he feels this something for l.joe>,< ckckck~
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Chapter 9: Ahhhh double update. DaeHyun trying to hit on Channie~~ Lol! And Channie pecked Byun even though it's out of revenge, it still got both of them in heaven... I hope Byung found ChanHee soon so they could be together.