Will you be there for me?

I'm sorry guys, i really am. I am feeling horrible now. I wanted to give you guys a double update today and i already finished writing the story. it was just a few step to uploading but my laptop shutdown. Now everything is gone and i'm sure even if i write again, it wouldn't even be half like the old one. I was really satisfied with that chapter i even cried at the last part but now... I'm not sure how will it be if i rewrite but i really feel so traumatized now i don't know when will i be able to write again. It feels terrible when finally after months, i felt satisfied with what i write and it just... I literally broke down when that happen. maybe some of you guys might think i'm exaggerating but trust me i really felt that bad. The emotions in that chapter totally pulled me in and now its gone i really felt terrible. I'll try to come back with it soon but no promise. And i am sure i won't be as satisfied as that. I'm sorry if i am disappointing. Really very sorry. 

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Kazaria #1
Chapter 10: You've left me hangin on this cliff forever... ;(

Update soon I really REEAALLYYY Like this story I~~~~~ wanna read mo~ore
Chapter 11: Cliffhanger T^T
And that's okay Author-nim. I write some fictions too for my friends and I know how it feels to loose the chap. you liked .-.
We will wait. Fighting ^-^
Chapter 11: OMO they really need to talk and it's okay we can wait!
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Chapter 11: Anyway, it's okay author-nim... We'll wait~
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh you are cruel cutting it like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Omo author-nim! I know how you feel, there isn't so many ChunJoe lately =/ But don't give up okay? ChunJoe will always be ChunJoe! Fighting! [And I really love the update btw =)]
Chapter 9: AWWW poor ljoe!!! Ahhhh chunji find out the truth ljoe just tell him!!!
Bambi10 #8
Chapter 9: U should double updates often lol and awwww poor l.joe he soo sweet and everything...chunji dont take revenge and break his heart he is looking for u
Chapter 9: yeeey double update \(^o^)/ uuuggh i don't know what to say, with all the misunderstand and oh my god, chunji still planning to revenge eventhough he know he feels this something for l.joe>,< ckckck~
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Chapter 9: Ahhhh double update. DaeHyun trying to hit on Channie~~ Lol! And Channie pecked Byun even though it's out of revenge, it still got both of them in heaven... I hope Byung found ChanHee soon so they could be together.