Second Encounter?

Will you be there for me?

Sorry for taking so long! I was held up with school stuff and hadn't had much time to write! :/

<Byunghun, Chanhee, Ricky, C.A.P, Changjo>

*Few days later*

"Ya L.Joe hyung! For how long do you want to rot in your house? Get your to work now C.A.P hyung is fuming!" Ricky barge into Byunghun's apartment to find him curling into a ball on the couch. Byunghun groan. "Get up! Get ready for work now!" "Ughh just leave me alone!" "Hyung! No use rotting away! He won't come back! Pick yourself up and get him back!" "How am i suppose to get him back? I don't even know how he looks like! I really miss him. I have no idea how the did i develop feelings for someone i've never even held a conversation with before but i just...." Byunghun started to break down. He has been holding back all tears and feelings after he left the hospital and locked himself at home after that, skipping work and all other stuff. Ricky gave L.Joe a comforting hug. "You will find him. Have faith in yourself ok? Now get up for work." Byunghyn groaned once more before getting up. "Ok ok just give me 15 minutes." 

Byunghun is working at a cafe with Ricky, Youngjae, Daehyun and Changjo the new recruit. The manager of the cafe is Niel but the actual decision maker and the one managing the cafe is C.A.P. 

"At the cafe*

*Byunghun's POV*

Well Ricky is right, i should pick myself up and try my best to look for Chanhee. I walk into the office to look for C.A.P. hyung. "Hyung sorry for the act the past few days." "L.Joe! You're finally showing up huh! I'll talk to you about that later. I'm sort of busy at the moment. Help me to interview the guy out in the lobby first." "Ne hyung." I walk out to the lobby and but wasn't quite sure who C.A.P hyung was talking about so i went over to the counter. "Changjo-ah, where's the guy that came for interview?" "Ah hyung he's over there, the guy wearing the white shirt back facing us." Changjo said while pointing towards the guy. Well he had a nice back view. Wait what am i thiinking? Suddenly he turned to look over and i gulped. He was the guy i bumped into at the hospital. We were staring into each other's eyes, not moving. "L.Joe hyung! Go interview him. Why do you keep staring at him?" Changjo shook me out of my daze and i awkwardly chuckled before moving up to the guy.

"Hi you're here for the interview right? I'm your interviewer, you can address me as L.Joe." I smiled at him the best i could. Something about this guy seem to intrigue me. It's like the way Chanhee intrigue my interest and it all felt too familiar. He continued staring at me, as if he was deep in thoughts. "Hello? Are you ok?" I asked, waving my hand before his face and he finally 'came back to earth'. "Hi my name is Cha- i mean Chunji. Lee Chunji. And yes i'm here for the interview, L.Joe-ssi." His voice is so angelic, just like his features and his name. After the interview ended, i went straight to C.A.P's office. I tried staying as professional as i could while interviewing him despite being too caught up staring at him a few times but on the overall this guy is definitely a pass. 

"Chanhee's POV*

"Changjo-ah, where's the guy that came for interview?"

That voice? Isn't that Byunghun's voice? He can't possibly be here right? I turn around to meet the eyes of a handsome guy standing in front of the counter. That's not Byunghun right? He is so cute and hot and i don't know how to describe his perfectness anymore. If this is Byunghun i wouldn't know what to do. I'm dreaming aren't I? We continue staring at each other for god knows how long till the guy at the counter shook him out of his thoughts, pushing him to interview me and hell he just let out a chuckle and it was most adorable. I'm practically losing all self-control and it took me everything to not drool right in front of him. I'm not exactly sure if he is Byunghun but some part in me wishes he is because then i would finally know how he looks like. He walked to me and spoke. 

"Hi you're here for the interview right? I'm your interviewer, you can address me as L.Joe."

. I can't believe my ears. He is Byunghun. Lee Byunghun. The voice that i could never forget nor mistake for someone else's. The man that took my heart and broke it is standing right before my eyes. I instantly grew a love-hate feeling for this god. I wanted to ask him there and then why did he dump me but decided against it. I have to find a way to figure that out in future but that's not all. I am going to return all pain to him. I will make him fall in love with me and dump him. Well who knows i might fail in this but the most important thing is to secure my job here before i even get the chance to act out my plan. 

"Hello? Are you ok?"

He waved his hands before my face, breaking me from my thoughts. "Hi my name is Cha- i mean Chunji. Lee Chunji. And yes i'm here for the interview, L.Joe-ssi."  i almost blow my cover. He can't know i am Chanhee, that would ruin my plan. I put on my best smile and let him interview me. I knew i did well but he was busy staring at me most of the time to focus on the interview so i'm quite sure i'll be getting this job either ways. Despite how much i wish to take revenge, the way he is staring at me just make my heart thump wildly and i have no control at all. Will i really be able to successfully get my revenge? 

*Byunghun's POV* 

"Hyung that guy is an all pass. When do you want him to start work?" "Tell him to start work in 3 days time."Now back to you. We need a talk." "Ne hyung. I'm sorry for the past few days. I just..." "I understand. I heard from Ricky and don't worry i'm not going to hold it against you. I hope that by coming to work, you're feeling better already." "Yeah hyung i'm better now. Thanks for being so understanding and not hold it against me." "No problem, you guys are all my precious dongsaengs i don't wish to see any of you having a hard time." "Thanks again hyung. You're the best hyung ever. Now to repay you, I'll get back to work and work extra hard!" i grin at hyung. "That would be the best." C.A.P hyung said while smiling at me and i left the office. I sent a text to Chunji informing him to report to work. Well i really can't wait to get to know him better but then, looking for Chanhee is my top priority. "Chanhee, where are you? Just how am i going to get you back?"




Once again, sorry if its cliche! And sorry for being a bad author by dragging on for so long! Now i have no idea what to say i just wanna hide! Well at least i let ChunJoe meet again so don't hate me alright? Don't forget to comment on your views so i can work on it better! And also, subscribe! Lastly, Cheers! 

*runs off to hide*

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Kazaria #1
Chapter 10: You've left me hangin on this cliff forever... ;(

Update soon I really REEAALLYYY Like this story I~~~~~ wanna read mo~ore
Chapter 11: Cliffhanger T^T
And that's okay Author-nim. I write some fictions too for my friends and I know how it feels to loose the chap. you liked .-.
We will wait. Fighting ^-^
Chapter 11: OMO they really need to talk and it's okay we can wait!
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Chapter 11: Anyway, it's okay author-nim... We'll wait~
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh you are cruel cutting it like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Omo author-nim! I know how you feel, there isn't so many ChunJoe lately =/ But don't give up okay? ChunJoe will always be ChunJoe! Fighting! [And I really love the update btw =)]
Chapter 9: AWWW poor ljoe!!! Ahhhh chunji find out the truth ljoe just tell him!!!
Bambi10 #8
Chapter 9: U should double updates often lol and awwww poor l.joe he soo sweet and everything...chunji dont take revenge and break his heart he is looking for u
Chapter 9: yeeey double update \(^o^)/ uuuggh i don't know what to say, with all the misunderstand and oh my god, chunji still planning to revenge eventhough he know he feels this something for l.joe>,< ckckck~
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Chapter 9: Ahhhh double update. DaeHyun trying to hit on Channie~~ Lol! And Channie pecked Byun even though it's out of revenge, it still got both of them in heaven... I hope Byung found ChanHee soon so they could be together.